
the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu drops his belongings on a table that was moved aside, then picks up a simple wooden training stick. He gives it a few swings to get a feel for its weight and reach, and moves towards the middle of the room. Being used to the ever-present looks of servants back home, the prince has no trouble ignoring their stares now.

Without speaking, the dragonborn looks at Harfik and Kethra while assuming a fighting stance, his stick raised in both hands, his clawed feet set firmly on the ground.

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Harfik Human Monk

Looking at the servant directly in the eye as a sign of respect. "I appreciate your honesty. I am a slave where I come from and understand servitude... You are to do what ever we ask, and give us what we want yes?" Harfik chooses a simple straight stick that could easily be mistaken for a broom handle to fight with while waiting for the servant to answer his question. In a whisper, "After this we eat, you as well, you work hard and deserve to be treated right. Does he treat you right?"

After speaking with the servant Harfik moves to the training area and takes up a defensive stance with his "staff" held horizontally in one hand with one end tight to the chain wrapping around his body his other hand out in front of him with a vertical open palm before him in a ceremonial salute to those he is about to fight.
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Lyllie pours over the texts, nearly oblivious to the world around her.

OOC: Learning new spells takes time and money, neither of which are in abundant supply at the moment. What Lyllie is looking for most is anything that might give her an advantage on any situation that might come up later involving any topics of her investigation: 1D20+11 = [11]+11 = 22


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Two snakes, or three snakes?" Aanzu asks, referring to the option of having all three practise together.

Without waiting for an answer, the dragonborn starts at Harfik, who stood ready before Kethra did. He starts gently and slowly, flowing through motions that, if he was putting his strength into it, could disarm a common soldier.

OOC: Just practising, so I imagine no rolls need to be made?


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik moves swiftly and defensively, hesitant to strike a noble. He doesn't fight in the back and forth of many duelists, moving more from side to side creating odd angles for his opponent to strike at.

Using his staff he deflects Aanzu's "weapon" high, ducks and spins inside moving under his arm and tapping him on the ribs with the back of his hand on the way through. Anzu's counter strike lands and Harfik takes the strike to the side of the head, spinning in the air and landing on his stomach and rolling away before returning to his feet with grace. Aanzu is positive that he didn't hit him that hard.

Charwoman Gene

Kethra takes advantage of Aanzu's attack on Harfik to maneuver into position on Aanzu. She strikes deftly at a weak point in his defenses and laughs as she connects.


Harfik Human Monk

Shifting his grip to the end of his staff Harfik twists, spinning his entire body around in a circle as he launches himself into the air building momentum. On the way down the staff hits the two other training weapons as they crack together and forces them down out of good blocking position.

His body still spinning one foot comes up in a vicious looking kick, Aanzu ducks just in time to have the foot go over his head and catch Kethra instead, shes surprised at the unexpected strike and the loud slapping noise it makes as it hits her but barely felt a thing.

Seems as though this one is going out of his way to put on a show.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Stepping back for a moment, Aanzu softly speaks, "Well done."

It lasts only a second, however, before he gets back into the fray, swinging his stick across in broad strokes, ignoring minor hits upon him in order to land what would be huge blows if he hadn't stopped the weapon before impact.


First Post
A little disappointed at the results of the research, Icosa nevertheless notes the potentially useful information and replaces the books. From there, he decides to see if the others are still eating, and leaves the library to find them.

Presently he finds them, sparring in an improvised arena while nervous servants looked on.


Icosa finds a place to stand and unobtrusively watch, noting their strengths and weaknesses.

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