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D&D 5E [IC] Uller's Out of the Abyss

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Erevan, Glabbagool, Orsik and Derendil go into the water.

Surana can see a third wave coming up. Erevan's boat is without a pilot. Sarith moves to take control of it. Topsy tosses a rope toward Orsik and Erevan. The bottom of the tunnel is rocky. Sometimes you can get a foothold to boost yourself up, sometimes it's a void and it take all you have to not go down.

Shuushar tosses a line to Derendil as well.

Each character in the water can make a DC 10 athletics check to grab the line and avoid going under. Make a second athletics (also DC 10) to avoid taking bludgeoning damage from the rocks. Characters wearing armor that gives a disadvantage to stealth make swim checks at disadvantage too.

Derendil grab the rope [roll0]
Derendil avoid damage [roll1]

Orsik grab the rope [roll2]
disadv [roll3]
Orsik avoid damage [roll4]
disadv [roll5]



Orsik and Derendil are both able to grab hold of the rope before going under and manage bounce off the rocks without injury.

Sarith will make a piloting check to try to keep the keelboat on course:

piloting [roll0]

Erevan can make a check to try to grab the line or to try to grab Glabagool. Glabagool can't grab the rope but can make a check to try to grab any other character.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Erevan struggles in the water, but he easily catches the rope that is thrown within easy reach. After a second, the elf looks around in panic.


He breathes a sigh of relief when his cat familiar grabs the sleeve of his tunic, and the sigh turns to a grimace as the feline uses its sharp claws to climb onto the elfs head, trying to stay out of the water.

OOC: Erevan: [roll0]
Glabbacat: [roll1]
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Surana sees the next giant wave slam into her boat and she loses control. It smashes hard on a large boulder below the surface, scraping its hull.

[roll0] bludgeoning damage. Everyone one on it pitches hard but no one falls off.

Ezraen and Sarith each manage to keep their boats on course to avoid damage or pitching but there is no time for those in the water to get safely in the boat before it hits.

Characters in the water make a DC 10 athletics check to avoid damage.

Orsik [roll1]
disadv [roll2]

Derendil [roll3]

Erevan can choose to toss Glabbacat back in the boat but then his check is at disadv. Or he can let Glabbacat try to hang on in which case, kitty must make a check or fall back into the water.



Orsik takes [roll0] bludgeoning damage.

Remind me...Which boat was the damaged one at the start? I thought it was boat 3 but SunGold mentioned a few posts back that hers is the damaged one. Through this rapid, Boat 1 took 8 damage and boat 3 took 11.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Erevan notices the tumultuous waters and decides to try and get his familiar to safety first. The water makes it difficult but eventually the elf gets a hold of the cat and he throws it towards the nearest boat. Another wave takes away his line of sight and Erevan can't tell if Glabbagool has reached the desired landing.

Tossing Glabbacat. I assume a Dex check? [roll0]
Disadv: [roll1]


No. Tossing Glabbacat is easy but you can't defend yourself as well. You take [roll0] bludgeoning as your knees crash into unseen rocks.


Within a moment or two the current calms down and the boats glide across still water. You are able to fish your comrades out of the water and you continue on. Shuushar says "The rapids are stronger than usual. There will be more tests, I think".

Voidrunner's Codex

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