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[IC] Valusia PbP


Citizen of Val Hor
11th Mirtul, 1367 DR

You are rudely awakened by the sounds of baying hounds. The cacophony seems to easily pass through every crack and crevice in your hovel, incessantly pounding upon your forehead like unwelcome morning visitors. With a sigh of longing for your pallet, you sit up, stretch, and push your way through the reed curtains into the blinding sunlight.

The fetid smell of the Dead Fens, as always, greets your nostrils. Outsiders often hold kerchiefs to their noses when wandering about Argos, but you find the scent oddly pleasant. It’s smells of stability, of routine, of home.

Yet, this morning, nothing seems to be normal.

A handful of bearded men prance about the muddy streets of Argos on horses bred for war. Their mail is covered with rust and grime, their faces of dirt that bespeaks of hard days and nights spent on the road. Though none have weapons in hand, you see their hands never stray far from sword hilt or axe shaft.

One of their number, a man somewhat darker of color and slighter of build than his fellows, raises a hand. On cue, a horseman beside him raises an ugly trumpet to his lips and issues a long, mournful call. A moment passes wherein the blower regains his breath, and again he lets loose with a second clarion.

Around you, your fellow townsfolk of Argos exit their own hovels. You see confusion and distrust plainly on their faces. You imagine the same emotion is reflected on your own countenance.

One of the bearded men eyes you all with a sneer. “Hurry, hurry ye little swamp rats! Your Empire calls! Out of your little dens! Out with you all!” He accentuates his order by pounding the butt of a spear on a shuttered window of the Sighing Cypress. More townsfolk gather, shuffling forward, wiping sleep from their eyes.

To the east the sun barely peers across the rising mists of the swamplands.

An eternity filled with unpleasant sounds and barking dogs ensues until – finally – Lord Crayke issues forth from beneath the wooden ramparts surrounding his keep. Beside him is a young boy holding a forlorn banner, looking for all the world as if he would rather be anywhere but where he is. Upon the banner is Crayke’s sigil – a red crayfish. You realize with mild surprise you have never seen it before.

The dark-colored newcomer nods impassively. “Lord Crayke.”

“Aye, sir,” Crayke answers, his voice hoarse. It appears as if your lord of Argos spent a long night drinking. The man rubs red-rimmed eyes. “And you are?”

“Sir Rys, White Knight of Val Hor.”

Crayke’s eyes widen. “But…but you do not wear the armor befitting your station-”

“Of course not.” The man frowns. “There is war afoot. And I am on an errand that requires circumspection.”

You have a feeling Crayke has no idea what the man implies, but your lord nods dutifully. “Argos is at your command.”

Ryn looks about like a man studying a midden heap. “How many men do you have?”

“Men?” Crayke blinks as he surveys you and the other townsfolk.


“Five, sir.”

“Five companies?”

“Five men.”

Rys removes a leather riding glove and rubs his eyes. “Beyond those swamps,” the man gestures after a moment, “is…what?”

Crayke chews his lip in thought. “The Coldwind Meadows?”

“I’ll ask the questions, Lord.” Rys dismounts and begins to walk around the central square. His eyes, as they pass over you, show nothing but disdain. “And beyond the Meadows – what?”


“Aye,” Rys answers, stopping his pacing. “Rhelm. Our enemies. They have seen fit to declare war upon us.”

“On Argos?”

“On Valudia, you old fool.” Rys loses his composure momentarily. “Stand up, speak like a man. You are Lord here, not I.”

Crayke attempts to straighten, but fails. “Aye, sir.”

“You will soon have Rhelmsmen at your gates, such as they are.” Rys walks toward the wooden walls surrounding Crayke’s keep and eyes them pointedly. “By order of the Three Popas, you must hold this town as long as possible.”

“But…there is nothing here.” Crayke spreads his hands apologetically. “We have nothing for the taking – but fish. Plenty of fish.”

Rys shrugs, apparently unconcerned. “You have your heads. The Rhelmsmen will take them sooner than your foodstuffs.” Rys’ men erupt into laughter around him. “Send those not able to hold spear or sword south down the Fletchway. They should make for the North Twins. They may wait there until directed otherwise.”

Crayke’s normally-ruddy complexion is pale. “And…the others?”

“They stay here. With you. You will lead them in a defense of this place.” Rys pulls his glove onto his hand, walks to his mount, and gains his saddle with a fluid motion. The White Knight stares hard at the lord of Argos. “I remember you, Lord. I remember you when you passed through Haroburg some time ago. You complained of your lot. You wanted something better. Now is your chance to have it. Serve the Three Throne well, and perhaps you may be given new lands and titles.”

Crayke’s shoulders slump. “But how am I to defend this place? We have no-”

Rys waves a hand in your direction. “You have hunters, yes? Fishermen, yes? Use them. I would suggest you improve your wooden walls forthwith. Gather these fish you seem to love. Stockpile, stockpile, stockpile. Send out scouts, watch the coast, even watch the swamps. An army could not move through those quagmires, but a raiding party might.”

“How long, sir?”

“As long as need be.” Rys guides his mount with his knees, deftly avoiding the hounds beneath his hooves. “A tenday past, Hammer fell to the Rhelmsmen. You have seen that fortress? Good. Then you know – if it can fall, certainly this town can. Best prepare yourself and your lands.”

Crayke suddenly seems to gain a sliver of courage. “But why?”


“Why would Rhelm wage war upon us?”

“We are men, are we not?” Rys says no more.

With nary a glance, the mailed riders trot from the town at a brisk canter. Through it all, the hounds never stopped baying. In the silence that now blankets your village, you can hear the beasts for long, long time.
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Citizen of Val Hor
Crayke - overweight, sodden, and incompetent though he is - seems to get a burst of energy shortly after Sir Rys and his men depart. The fear of the death, you suppose, will do that to a man. Your lord of Argos gathers his warriors - all five of them - and he and they begin to separate the lot of you into groups. Soon, you find yourself standing with a handful of other young men. You know them all - you know everyone in Argos - and you wonder if they feel the way you now do: confused, hungry, and more than a little nervous.

After an hour of pure mayhem, one of Crayke's men approaches your group. You recognize him as Lellard. You've not seen much of Lellard in the two years he's been in Argos; he's a notorious drunk, known for sleeping away the sunlit hours. Yet, he seems hale and hearty enough now - as if the promise of war has invigorated him.

Lellard is a thin man of medium-build. He's got a lazy eye and a weak chin. He currently is wearing a chain shirt and has a sword at his hip. He greets you with a smile. "So, friends, the duty of the swamps has fallen to us. You've all been in 'em, you know 'em better than I or anyone." His words falter as he appears a bit unsure of himself. "Tell me - can a man ride a horse in there?"

"No," most of you answer as one.

"Ah, well," he shrugs, "then I'll be on foot wit the lot o' you. Go now, grab yer things. Don't ye worry about food and what-not; I gots that and more. And we can hunt if we need more meat, yes? Good, good. So, ah, grab your things I says. Go, now!"

And, with that, you head back to your dwelling and gather what few items you possess. There's a part of you thankful you've drawn swamp duty. You don't know much of warfare, but you find it hard to believe Rhelmsmen would trudge though that muck. No, chances are the fight will be here, at Argos.

Which, of course, makes you think about your friends and families. Some are heading south of the Fletchway - supposedly to safety - but others, you know, have been designated as Argos' standing force. You look about as men with too many years and too many pounds gather their picks, shovels, and old spears.

OOC: Feel free to post a short description of your character - just what one would see if they glanced at him. Then, please, feel free to 'introduce' yourself in an IC manner. For ease of play, let's assume you all know one another, but you don't know one another that well. At the outset, at least, you neither particulary like or dislike your fellows. Some of you have similar character concepts (which was purposefully planned), so you may gravitate to like-minded companions. Or not. It's entirely up to you. I'll give you guys the reigns for a little bit, as your characters travel eastward with Lellard into the swamps, then I'll grab them again and set up the next step. Cool? Uncool? Lemme know.


jakobi [JACKobee] duskraven strides forward and rejoins the group assembled around lellard for swamp duty. jakobi is a young man of average height and build with unruly black hair spiked upwards and a neat, trimmed beard that frames his face and accentuates his somewhat hollow cheeks. his only distinguishing features, if thus they can be termed, are his bright blue almond eyes and slightly pointed ears that bespeak some elvish ancestry. he is outfitted with a worn leather jack that is riveted with rusted iron studs, and a short sword hangs rakishly from a scabbard at his side. a crossbow and pack are slung across his back.

he clears his throat and spits out a weighty glob of phlegm in the direction of the booted feet of the others. probably closer to their feet than is necessary.

"aye, i know the faces if the not the names of all of you. but in case i am not known to you, i am called jakobi, sometimes duskraven. like you, i call this stinking fen home. whether or not it is worth defending, i cannot tell. but it is all we have. for now. so let's be about our business." his glare meets the eye of each in turn, as if daring any to deny his place among them.

OOC: for those interested, here's a link to an image i have in mind for this character. it is courtesy of a new zealand artist named jeremy leach who has galleries at both elfwood and epilogue. http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/e/jerry/bodyguard.jpeg.html
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Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

Thom Joffson rubs his eyes clear of tears as he comes striding up. He is carrying an old leather pack, a long fishing spear, and a dagger in a short leather sheathe. His gangly frame can barely support the weight of the meager equipment. His dirty dark brown hair is unkempt and his clothes (brown breeches, a wool shirt, and water stained high leather boots) are about as clean as can be expected.

Everyone knows Thom is the son of Joff Joffson, a common fisherman. He comes from a large family with two older brothers, Joff and Matt, two older sisters, Niri and Kris, and one baby sister, Sama. The Joffson's are fairly well-known in Argos as they have lived there their entire life and have kin elsewhere in the village.

You all know Thom as a strange reclusive young man with a friendly nature whose tough as nails. He's been picked on by many of the village boys because he's weak, too weak to be an able fisherman which means he often ends up doing women's work. Men in this village don't take kindly to a boy who can't do a man's job, so he's had to stand up for himself more than a few times to prove that he "ain't no woman".

"Just said bye to my mom and sisters. There making for the Fletchway with my other female kin", Thom says hoping you'll excuse his tears, "Well, I guess we're off to war. A bunch of fisherman's sons and poor village folk doing our duty. I know they don't expect much of us, but we're going to show them that the folk of Argos have more mettle in us than they expected. Aren't we?"

Thom smiles at Jakobi, "I'm Thom. I've seen you around town, though I don't think we've ever talked."

OOC: I've posted my description and what another person in the village might know of Thom's family and history considering we all seem to come from Argos. Let me know if I've posted too much Destan. And we're off, this should be fun.
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Dahlmut blinks and then gives a slight shake of the head.

"Yes, Jackobi," he replies, scrubbing a hand through his slighly matted, black hair, "I know you. How is that boil of yours, anyway? I told you that sheep--" Dahlmut stops mid-glib as he catches sight of something just over Lellard's shoulder and his face falls. "Oh, by the ill coin of Tymora, not now..."

"DAHLMUT CREEDSON!" comes a shriek from the other side of the crowd. "Where are you...you...lazy, smelly, overbearing..." Dahlmut almost drops his spear as he hastily makes his way across the street to the bellowing woman. Quite a few men chuckle at the old fisherman as he tries to quiet the banshee. From this distance, it's hard to determine exactly what they are saying, but terse words, and a few coins, change hands before the woman...Bella? Yes, Bella...turns and marches back down the street. She never looks back.

Dahlmut tromps back across the sqaure and wearily rests his bulk on one of his spears. After a moment, he seems to feel the stare of Jackobi boring into his skull. "Ah, well...yes," he mubles as he scratches the underside of his bulbous nose, "Sorry, lad. Perhaps we'll all be better off if we keep our ego's in our pants, eh?" He looks again towards Bella's retreating back.

The morning just got even more unusual. Dahlmut Creedson never apologizes.

OOC: D'oh! I was worried about the posts getting a little out of sequence. I'll try to reply a bit faster next time. Also, I thought I'd qualify the statement "old fisherman" a bit. Dahlmut's really only 30something, so still young by D&D (and modern) standards. I tend to view his caricature as old due to his frazzled appearance.
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OOC: though i didn't mention it in my initial post, jakobi is known as the only child of the village drunk, a pathetic dark-haired woman named vera. the surname "duskraven" is often appended by villagers since she usually sleeps all day, emerging from her ramshackle hovel in a haze only as the sun sets. rumor has it that a quick dalliance with a passing elven tradesman begot jakobi.

jakobi has a reputation as a ruffian and trouble-maker, a gambler and brawler and quick to anger.


First Post
Geron [Jer-Run] nonchalantly steps up next to Thom and folds his arms as he sets himself onto a large boulder, returning jakobi's glare. After Dahlmut's comment, a wry grin came easy followed by a knowing nod.

He steals a quick glance at Thom, asking him, "Hey Thom, you alright, right?" But before Thom had a chance to reply, Geron announces to the assembled group, "You all know of Theobold Ren the boatwright, well I'm his boy Geron."

As if to answer Thom Joffson's question, "Aye, we sure are ... or we'll die tryin', not that we'll have much say in the matter." Geron's gaze returns to Lellard.

A bit later, Geron says to Thom while overlooking the assembly, "Yeah, said g'byes to Mom and Britt... and Dad and Logan too. Guess everythin's a changin' and, well, guess our growin-up days are over ... we've never meant fer no war ... I've a bad feeling 'bout all this..."

Everyone in the village knows Theobold Ren, who builds and repairs most of Argos' fishing boats that ply Raiders Bay, as well as his wife Erren, an excellent seamstress. Geron has an older brother, Logan, and a younger sister, Britten or "Britt".

It's fairly well known, Geron used to hang around with Clydaas who's always been up to no good, well, until Clydaas' arrest last night for the high crime of larceny (for Argos anyway). He broke into the old potterer's home and is now the clinker, locked-up down in the cellar of the Sighing Cypress until the village figures out what to do with him (since Lord Crayke's usually much too busy whetting his whistle). Clydaas' reputation had a way of rubbing off on Geron, there are those in Argos that saw little difference between the two even though Clydaas looked like a giant when he's next to Geron.

Relatively small in stature (5'5") and lightly framed, Geron's outstanding features are his deep brown eyes and sandy colored hair. Geron wears well worn dark leather gloves and doe-skin breeches, wool shirt, soft-boots and a hooded cloak. A leather pack and a bow is casually slung over one shoulder and a quiver strapped to his right leg.

OOC: First, a well met to one and all and to those who are about to join, welcome! Second, Destan, I notice the parallels already (both in and out of game).:)
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It was on the night he completed his greataxe, amid shouts of "Godsh damn you, sshtump! Get the hell outa mah fffhorge!" from upstairs, that his friends came to see him, conveniently availing themselves of the unlocked back entry. They had a job for him. ...

Unfortunately, when morning came, Hrynnar awoke to a racket not unlike the one he made in the forge that last night, and brought his gear to the square to see what was the matter.

Hrynnar was fairly tall for a dwarf, standing four and a half feet high, and not particularly well-groomed OR well-liked, but his reputation was such around Argos that the people who generally went out to the Fens, now mustered for swamp duty, would expect to see him among them. Hrynnar couldn't be trusted to get along with merchants looking for an easy score from the treasure rumored to be out in the swamp, but he could damn well swing his new axe and take the fight to a few Rhelmsmen. Better that, than stay back to defend a town he couldn't give a tinker's damn about.

Thus, it was swamp duty for him, and, eager to get out of town a few days, and only a bit disappointed that the "job" wasn't going to materialize, Hrynnar donned his scale mail right there in front of the tavern, put the unadorned steel cap atop his red head, hoisted his pack and went off to join the others.

As he meandered over to his assembled group, he caught sight of a few people he knew, some of whom had been out on the Fens with him, pulling fat merchants out of the mud. He tipped his cap to them, and by way of greeting, muttered their names.

"Lellard. Jakobi. Creedson. Joffson. Geron. What the hells'd we do now? And where in hell's the troll?"
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