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[IC] Valusia PbP


Citizen of Val Hor
Lellard scowls. "Listen, little one - the only thing ye've got to worry about is pesterin' me too much." The soldier rolls to one side and props his head on an elbow. "I surprised ye haven't fallen behind. 'Course, I'm surprised the dwarf hasn't sunk like a stone - him and that scale mail o' his."

Lellard squints as he surveys the horizon. "Maybe one o' you ought to be out a ways, keepin' watch and what-not. Yes, yes? You, there," he nods a chin to Geron. "Get yer arse a'moving. We'll save some meat for ye." Lellard grins, and you can tell he's lying.

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First Post
Gareth winks at Geron and slides some bread towards him. "My mom made it herself, it's nutbread." he whispers. Then glancing at Lellard he continues cooking.


jakobi unslings his pack and quits his glowering silence. he sidles up to geron as the shorter man grumblingly heads away from the impromptu encampment. "i'll keep ya company, mouse. i'd like to hear more of the trouble your mate clydass got his silly ass into, anyways." and under his breath he mutters, "and have less of this ass lellard and his orders at any rate."


Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

"Don't worry Geron. I'll save some of my own share of food for you if need be. Just be careful out there and don't venture off too far" says Thom, "May I have a bit of your mother's bread Gareth?"


First Post
Gareth grins at Thom. "Sorry Thom, I just gave the last of it to Geron. I was planning on going home yesterday, but I lost track of time." He shrugs. "Ma and Pa are used to it though, they won't mind if I come back a week from now. They know I know this here swamp like the back of my own hand. Spent all my life in here, well except the time I spent causing trouble in the village."

Gareth apologetically looks at Hrynnar. "Sorry about that fire I caused last year Hrynnar, I tripped. Wasn't my fault, honest, it was little Billy. Him and some others was chasing me, calling me names and such. Just cause I like the swamp doesn't mean I'm stupid. But I reckon some people will never learn."

Gareth's teeth flash as he smirks. "But by Mystra's flaming eyes he sure screamed like a hog when he fell into that fire." Chuckling, Gareth brings some meat over to Lellard.
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jakobi shakes his head and gives a bitter laugh. "we're among child simpletons and hapless fishermen, geron. 'twould truly be a wonder if we all don't soon adorn the end of a rhelmsman's pike. yes, yes?" he finishes mockingly. he lets his eyes linger over the stands of reeds and fetid pools [spot +0].

[OCC]destan, do you want us to go ahead and save you time by posting skill bonuses like i have whenever we make use of a skill, or is that unnecessary?[/OCC]
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Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

"No trouble Gareth. I'm sure I'll have a chance to try your mom's nutbread when this war is over" says Thom, "I'll take next watch if that's ok with you Lellard. I could use the experience." Thom pulls his knees up, wraps his arms around them and studies his surroundings.
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Dahlmut clucks his tongue as he wanders over to a semi-dry pack and drops most of his gear. He scratches idly for a moment at a spot on his armor before he realizes that it's just another rust spot. Dahlmut's mind seems to be still lingering in Argos, but slowly it comes back to the camp and absorbs the ragged band.

"Well, I'm both a simpleton and a fisherman," he says, winking at Jackobi, "but I don't think that I want to add skewered to the list."

He turns to Lellard and throws a loose salute, "Well, General, what orders for the rest of us, eh? Seems to me that there's enough men to put two on a watch. I could watch with you, Thom. Your eyes are probably better than mine anyway, and I can't hear a damned thing in that helm. 'Sides, it wouldn't be fair to the swamp rats. How could they keep their dignity when their families find out that you bested them by yourself?" He finishes with a smile that seems to be both mocking and encouraging.

Then Dahlmut sets to arranging his pack and looking for some food. All the while he idly wonders how long Lellard is going to recline like a king on that nest of maggots. The thought brings a wry grin to his face.


First Post
On their trek off into the Fens, Geron sticks to the back of the troop with Thom (and presumably Hrynnar), making do with his own struggle with so much pack and equipment.

Geron nods in understanding as Thom reflects on his mother's remiss and concern, knowing he had just undergone a similar experience.

He shakes his head at the sorry sight of Lellard, wondering what kind of mess their getting into and thinking he's going to get them all killed.

Geron returns Gareth's wink with a grin, graciously accepting the nutbread and replies with a simple but genuine "Thanks Gareth" in reply before turning to head off aways from their makeshift encampment, somewhat relieved at the opportunity.

Appreciative of Thom's offer of sharing some of his food, Geron says, "Thanks Thom." adding, "I won't get lost."

He then turns toward jakobi, Geron breaks off a piece of Gareth's nutbread and hands it off to the half-elf, "Here have a piece", before heading out and replying to him, "If ye wants to accompany me, call me 'Geron' jakobi or do friends call ya 'jak'?"

Geron imparts a solemn grin before continuing, "As for Clydaas, hehe ..." as he chuckles a bit, "ya, I bet that oaf wished he didn't pull that last caper when he did. I'll tells ya all about it as we go, I ov'heard that cellar under the Cypress is a might uncomfortable, especially for one the likes as big as he."

darkbard said:
jakobi shakes his head and gives a bitter laugh. "we're among child simpletons and hapless fishermen, geron. 'twould truly be a wonder if we all don't soon adorn the end of a rhelmsman's pike. yes, yes?" he finishes mockingly. he lets his eyes linger over the stands of reeds and fetid pools [spot +0].
Geron responds with a solemn nod, "Aye, a motley lot we are. But the one ta watchout fer is that Lellard 'cus mark my words, that fool's gonna git himself killed at best, and that's before we sight any Rhelmsman. At worst, he's gonna get us ALL killed."

As Geron speaks, he keeps a lookout around the area noting dry patches here and there among the reeds and murky water. [spot +4]



Dragon Lord
Thom Joffson...

"It'd be a pleasure to watch with you Dahlmut. I've never done a watch before, and I wouldn't know what to look for unless it was as obvious as my nose. So having your experience out there will help a great deal."

* * * * *

"Gareth, you mind if I have a bit of meat?"
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