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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Infiltrators)

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The Diamond Staff spoke to Terrus telepathically: "You have rescued me from his terrible grip, and I thank you! But it may not be for long. I can help you to make a connection with the Earth Node, if you wish, but I am not terribly useful in battle - it is not my purpose. At any rate, I do not recommend standing against Dretroyaster! A retreat would be prudent."

OOC: I looked into it. She can do Detect Magic at-will and a bunch of other Divinations, including Legend Lore, but I couldn't find anything that would be very useful here. She's a +3 Implement, which I would allow Terrus to use as a Psychic focus, if that helps at all. Still, probably best to just throw her to someone else while they jump into the circle.

Prickly Pear

SnorLoska's feral instincts kicked in as soon as he saw Dretchroyaster raising his head to speak. So close, he thought, feeling the fury building inside him, but the dragon will NOT have the last word!
SnorLoska quickly moved to Terrus and grabbed the staff, shouting; Quick. Let go of the staff. SnorLoska snatched the staff from Terrus unresistant hands and rushed back to the teleportation circle and stepped into it. With a swirl and whirl he ended up in front of Imani, slightly disorientated.

OOC: Bonus action: Rage (last one, in case of any poison damage from the mound.)
Movement: 40 feet, should be enough to get there and back.


OOC: Okay, I'd just like to know if Mord beats the 20 Init then I'll get this round going. [MENTION=6865745]gargoyleking[/MENTION] you got a moment?


SnorLoska & Lorenn

SnorLoska rushed forward and grabbed the Diamond Staff from Terrus. Terrus heard her call to him in her mind, "Goodbye and good luck!" and she left him an impression of how to potentially access the power of the Earth Node, should he wish to try.

Then, SnorLoska jumped into the teleportation circle, and was gone. He arrived on the neighbouring mountainside, in Imani's hidden camp. The old wizard smiled and clapped him on the back saying, "Well done, my friend! Well done! I hope the others are right behind you?"

Lorenn sent his mage hand into the treasure pile as the Dracolich rose in fury. "AArgh! Thieves! You will pay dearly for this affront!" the Dracolich roared as Lorenn scooped a brass horn from under the creature's bones and floated them over to himself. He spun on his heels and danced his way into the teleportation circle.

He quickly found himself on the mountainside behind SnorLoska. His friend Corrah ran over to him and said, "Whatchya got there, Lorry?"

Her eyes widened in appreciation as valuable gems and coins fell from the horn as Lorenn shook it off to have a look at it.

OOC: It's a Brass Horn of Valhalla, (Lorenn will discover when he has time) and it was packed with 1265 gp worth of coins and gems (most of the value in gems).

Dretchroyaster's Lair

In the lair, everyone made to go. The very act of the Dracolich rising to its feel caused the room to tremble, such was the creature's power and its connection to the earth node.

"You will not leave this place. I will devour you and use your bones to create a minion that will hunt down the others." Dretchroyaster declared, and a wall of stone thrust out of the ground bisecting the room and throwing Sesto and Auraia off of their feet.

GM: Sesto and Auraia will take 18 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone (dc15 Dex Save for half and keep your feet. Also, if you make the save, you can pick which side you wind up on.) The wall is 10 feet high and 60 feet long. It's not hard to climb, but it will take a check.
Damage Taken:
(PCs) Sesto & Auraia 18 (9?)
Lair Action Wall vs Sesto & Auraia
Attack: 4D8 = [8, 2, 6, 2] = 18

OOC: I'm going to keep this going in small groups. Udit, Aquaria and Auraia can take their turns. Here's a map. If Sesto fails the save, he'll be thrown to the other side of the wall from where he looks now.


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