[IC1] Pool of Radiance


First Post
[smallcaps]Setting Sail[/smallcaps]

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[smallcaps]Prologue of the Pool of Radiance campaign[/smallcaps]


1348 DR, Day 1 of Mirtul (spring)

“I was ten. I still remember the day, as if it was the day before. It was brutal...”

The old merchant pauses for a moment to make sure everyone is listening. Leaning back on the railing his eyes looking far into the past, as he continues with his tale.

“Mighty proud I was. My father, he was a member of the city watch, had given me a short sword, a real sword, for my birthday. I was running through the streets and alleys, fighting against shadows, pretending they were dangerous monsters. Nothing could defeat me on that day. I was invincible. And then, the dragons came...”

Once more, Baran pauses, this time however, he is sure that everyone is paying attention. A knowing smile plays around his lips, but the sadness in his eyes betrays him.

“The sky darkened from their mighty wings as they were gliding over the city. Fascinated by their terrifying grace, I stood there, rooted to the spot, but when the fire and acid started to rain down, I dropped my new sword and ran as fast as I could. My mother was crying, I can still see her face sometimes. And my father was donning his leather armor. The battle was lost long before it had even begun, but as they say, hope dies last.”

“He sent us away, away from Phlan. To flee with other citizens before it was too late. He should have come with us, but he was a brave man, and this is how I will always remember him. He gave his life, so we could flee... so we could live.”

“Nobody had expected the brutality with which the horde would descend upon the city. Of course they knew, that they were coming, when fewer and fewer merchants arrived, and later, when the fugitives came to seek shelter behind Phlan's strong walls. Little did they help them. The rulers were unable to deal with the situation. They sent more and more guards on the walls, but they couldn't prepare against the might of the dragons. The guards were no match for the advancing hordes. The battle didn't last long. Everyone who hadn't fled by then was slain. And this day, Phlan died as well.”

“All that was half a century ago. Things have changed. The dragons have left and what they left behind was a place full of desolation and despair, and ruins, which once have been the greatest of all trade cities on the Moonsea. These days they are still inhabited by the creatures they had brought with them, or their descendants.”

“But Man isn't stopped this easily. It wasn't the first time, Phlan had been destroyed, and it wasn't the last time when it had blossomed. Wealthy merchants, heirs to the ones that had ruled over the city back then, have struck an alliance and are now rebuilding it stone by stone. A small portion of the city, around the old harbor, has already been liberated and reinforced. Civilized Phlan they call it.”

“They have founded a new city council to bring order into the region, some of its members are the children of the former rulers or of the wealthier noble houses, who want to honor all the good men and women who died defending the walls, despite the desperate situation. And others have joined them in their ambitions. This is why I am here as well. I want to help, do whatever lies within my power to help rebuild Phlan. And who knows, maybe I can even spend my retirement within my old home.”

After taking a mouthful of water from his skin, the adventuresome merchant looks around those that have gathered to hear his tale. He is an old man of sixty years or more. His grey-white hair is balding and a well-trimmed beard covers his cheeks and chin. Baran is not one to show off his wealth, dressed in simple and practical clothing of green linen, no golden thread or gemstones, but the wagonloads of goods he has brought with him surely must be worth a small fortune, at least they take up a good portion of the cargo space in the ship.

His eyes look over his audience, when he speaks again.

“And what about you? Why do you travel to Phlan?”


[IC1] Prologue - Setting Sail
[IC1] First Chapter - Valhingen Graveyard
[IC1] Second Chapter - Missing Brother (Kuto's Well)
[IC1] Third Chapter - Reconquest of Sokol Keep
[IC1] Fourth Chapter - Temple of Bane
[IC1] Fifth Chapter - The Rescue of Amber (Podol Plaza)
[IC1] Sixth Chapter - Mantor's Library
[IC2] Sixth Chapter - Mantor's Library (continued)
[IC2] Seventh Chapter - Barren River


[COMBAT] Combat Declarations
[INFO] Campaign Information
OOC: Out of Character
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Oog, Goblin Warlock/Rogue
The creature, standing right before Baran, was dressed in a cloak that touched the ground. He was approximately the size of a human child. He had a noticeable paunch, with fleshy skin. He had on a slight beard, and his feet were certainly healthily hairy. It was hard to get a good look at the cowled being, who always moved away strategically, as if looking mournfully at the city of the ship, when anyone tried to take a closer look.

The cowled 'halfling' raised his voice. "I am Elmus Dartrip. I go to seek fortune, fame, and the remnants of recipes! I hear Phlan bread was excellent, as was their gopher stew soup! What use is liberation if one does not enjoy the rewards, and what is more rewarding than a good meal uh?" He taps his fingers on his paunch.


Kylest Dwarven Fighter/Scout

A young dwarf leans against the railing, facing outwards but still listening to the old man's tale. His dark beard and hair whip in the winds as he stares forward. Although tall and slender for a dwarf, he is still broadly built and stands with the solid poise of a warrior. He is dressed simply, warding against the weather.

He smiles as he listens to the merchant's tale and seems to swell a little, taking a deep breath, when the story reaches the merchant's father. He turns around to face the others when the story ends and cool, blue eyes stare out from under thick brows. His smile fades into a more somber expression as he considers the question.

"I come seeking my past. . . My father too met his end in the fall of the city. And today I come to honor him by retaking what was lost."

He shrugs and crosses his arms across his broad chest in a relaxed pose as he waits for others to step forward and tell their reasons.


Eldwyn Billbuckle Strongheart Halfling

Listening attentively; a tall wiry Halfling in his early 30's stands near the old merchant. He has dark eyes and black hair cut short in front and worn in a neat que tied with a black ribbon in back. His head is currently bare, but he holds a low broad brimmed hat of reddish brown relieved by a darker hatband with a sand colored geometric pattern in his hands at his waist. His skin is pale for a Halfling and he seems unusually somber even for a Strongheart. Indeed, he stands as if listening to a sermon or eulogy rather than an exciting tale. A silver chain holds a medallion with a dog's head image that must be a holy symbol of some sort around the fellow's neck. He is dressed in a russet and dark brown jacket in a herringbone pattern with a short waist and tails over buff colored shirt and breaches. A weapons belt laden with two flails, pouches and a whip surrounds his waist. A long spear leans nearby. Some sort of chain armor is also worn along wooden shield who's device is a charcoal colored hound on a light gray background. A similar large muscular brindle striped hound with cropped ears and a docked tail sits next to the Halfling. The dog's shoulders are as high as the Halfling’s. Slung at the Halfling’s shoulder where another might wear a quiver is a lute in protective case. A somewhat battered and dog-eared book protrudes from a jacket pocket.

When the Halfling finally speaks his voice is deeper than one might expect from the small form and with the smooth powerful delivery of one used to speaking to crowds. “It is a pleasure to meet you Baran, a most stirring tale. I must say I am deeply moved. My name is Eldwyn Billbuckle. I travel to Phlan on church business, but also, I must admit, because of the opportunities it presents. If half of the tales are to be believed an enterprising fellow can make his fortune there.” Turning to the Dwarf he adds, “Your quest is most noble and I bid you the blessings of Urogalan.”


Kordunn Asteroth

A solid looking white-haired dwarf steps forward. Dressed in fine travelling clothes an amulet with a stylized hand symbol hangs from his neck and he wears a spiked gauntlet on one hand. A rune covered hooked polearm leans on the mast behind him. He seems like a coiled spring, relaxed but ready to unleash in an instant. His gaze is firm and confident as he takes in those around him.

"Well met. I am Kordunn Asteroth and hail from the Great Rift. I have power" at this he unconsciously strokes his pure white full mustache "and practice the Art. I tread the path of the Spellord. I heard of the evil that overran Phlan and the call for those who would stand against the horde. I come to answer that call."
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Mista Collins

First Post
An adult who is obviously used to the woods sits leaning up against the railing listening to the tale. By the size of him he probably stands around 6'4" tall and weighs in a little over 200 lbs. His head is topped with a natty brown hair that is obviously uncared for. With a face covered in mostly stubble, including the thick mustache that outlines his mouth and almost makes it down to his chin, he is a man who could use a shave. He sits slightly hunched over, almost appearing as if he would rather be walking on all fours like the wolf who lays next to him. His teeth are stained a pale yellow color and he has an earthly smell about him that mixes oddly with the smell of the water. He wears clothing that is made out of skins and furs of various animals; which almost hides a beautifully crafted chain shirt. A club, sickle, shortbow and quiver of arrows can be propped up next to his backpack.

"My name is Selvaggio and this is Intrepido," the man says with a deep voice that sounds close to a growl as he pets the wolf next to him. "Why do I travel to Phlan? Because heroes are needed and justice served. Plus I want to make a new for myself." The man remains silent and rests his head back against the railing and closes his eyes.


Kylest bows deeply towards Eldwyn.

"I thank you for the blessings of your god."

Then he turns once more facing outwards.

"How long do you think it shall be now?"


hafrogman said:
Then he turns once more facing outwards.

"How long do you think it shall be now?"

"Too long. Mind flayers, beholders, driders, these are things a dwarf can face without flinching, but sea travel is a horror I had not conceived the likes of before. It will be good to have solid stone beneath my feet again."

Asteroth stays near the mast in the center of the boat. Despite his words, looking at him one would not think him uneasy of mind.


First Post
In addition to half-a-dozen of the sailors, two more have gathered around the old merchant, to listen to his fascinating tale. A tall human, who is clad in reinforced leather, that has seen some use over the years, is standing in the rear of the small crowd. His very short blond hair, the strong hands and the worn battleaxe and short sword on his belt mark him as a warrior, and his steel blue eyes seem always watchful. The backpack to his feet is well-filled, he seems to be prepared for anything that might lie ahead. He doesn't answer Baran's question, however, and continues to listen silently instead.

The other is an elf, or at least half-elf, it's hard to tell the difference, and the thought is quickly pushed aside thanks to her attractive appearance, which is underlined by her heritage; the pointed ears clearly mark her as elven, as do her fine features and graceful moves. She is dressed in a form-flattering garb of green color, strategically revealing portions of her soft skin around the neckline, midriff and along her slender legs, but in a tasteful fashion. The color matches that of her pretty eyes and she has long, silky black hair which falls openly over her shoulders. Around her delicate neck she wears a silver necklace with a pendant showing the face of a beautiful, red-haired woman, the holy symbol of Sune. She speaks with a certain determination, which doesn't befit her appearance, when she says: “A great tale, indeed. Me? I come to Phlan to bring back my brother. My name is Jade.”


Elmus rocks back and forth, eager to begin the trip. He won't mind being next to the water...One thing about being a halfling, most folks didn't want to get too close.
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