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Iconics Adventure


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Vermin... ugh. Good riddins if u ask me.

Tordek takes a very good look around him if there might be more crawling or sneaking around in the rocks around the adventurers.

I don't trust this for one bit lads and lasses, those rocks are crying for ambush. I suggest we keep movin'.

With those words Tordek puts his bow back again and grabs his axe and shield.

Nice shot Naull, fine magic ya got there! I hope we'll see some more of that soon.

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Gives Tordek and Krusk acknowledging glances "Vermin, yes very nasty. I understand that critters are necessary and a part of nature, but sometimes I have trouble with that. I am sure Ehlonna forgives me. I do agree with Krusk, that was too easy."

"Nice shot by the way, Tordek."

Turning to Alhandra "Can you still feel evil in the area?"

Jozan of Pelor

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As the brave and daring Iconics congratulate themselves over the big, scary, mean, and not the least bit harmless spider they just squashed, a sound reaches their ears. Could it be...bells?

Jingle bells?

The sound comes clearly now through the cold air, and soon in the distance a moving shape catches their eye. It's heading their way, following the path they made through the snow from the bridge.

Yes, the sound is the ringing of jingle bells, and the shape appears to be a dog sled. The driver is waving cheerily at them.

The sled is almost upon them now. Eight large white dogs pull it, each wearing a gold harness festooned with bells. Upon each dog's chest is a golden disk carved with the image of the god Pelor.

The sled swooshes to a halt, pelting the Iconics with ice crystals. The driver claps white furred mittens together and grins.

"By Pelor's Blazing Warmth, it is a good thing dwarves move so slowly through snow!" Jozan pulls back his hood, revealing a broad smile that is almost blinding in the sunlight. "Sorry I'm late. That message you sent to the Temple got mislaid somehow, I'm sure. Of course you wouldn't think of facing down evil and nastiness without Pelor's Own Iconic at your side. Would you?"

He reaches into his furs and pulls out a scrap of parchment. "Oh, and somebody dropped this back at the shack." It's a bit of the map...just enough of it to lead Jozan here. "You really should remember to clean up after yourselves." He sniffs the air and blinks at Krusk. "Especially you, my dear barbarian. The map really became unnecessary one I realized you were strewing the trail with your...leftovers."

The Cleric removes his mittens, then rubs his hands together and walks toward the recent kill. "Now, what have we here, Hmm?"


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"What the-Jingle Bells? Eight shiny Dogs? I read a similar story somewhere and I am sure that it was reindeer. No matter, I am pleased to have you along, I wouldn't dream of adventuring without Pelor's strength along side of us. Welcome!"


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"Bah, we've damn near had to tunnel through some of those snowdrifts." Kazak grumbles. "Ye feel up to helpin' us dig?

"No idea what that thing was, but Ally said it was evil, so..."


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We layed some Dwarven SMACK on that thing allright.


But glad to see ya Jozan, glad that you could join us indeed! And curse that snow btw... and Kazak there's nothin' wrong with tunneling last time me looked.


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"I don't know what that critter was either Kazak, but I do agree with Tordek, we are in a spot good for ambush. I am sure that there are more nasties out there waiting for us."

Jozan of Pelor

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Jozan winks at Naull and nods at the two dwarves. "The Mighty Pelor is always pleased to support the Iconics. Through me, of course." He flashes a grin, then fingers one of the dead spider's hairy legs.

"Evil, you say? Ahem. While it does seem rather largish, I'm not sure it quite has that, 'Oh, I'm sooo evil' look about it." He wiggles the leg. "Unnatural, to be sure." Glanging up at Alhandra, he asks, "Just what was it doing before you, ahh, slaughtered it so efficiently, my dear?"


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Tordek said:
and Kazak there's nothin' wrong with tunneling last time me looked.

"Tunnelin' good honest rock, I'd agree with ye, but this snow is just too damn wet."

The dwarf keeps his eyes open, all to aware for the possibilities of ambush in terrain such as this.

Voidrunner's Codex

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