• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Iconics Adventure


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After hearing Kazak's question echoeing over the set Tordek whistles a tad to merrily while swinging his axe over his shoulder and marching up the mountain.

Haha! Smack time! Here I come ye greenish creatures! Prepare yerselves for mi axe s commin' to grind ye little bones to bloody pulp!

And with it he charges to mountain only to be caught up with by the party huffin' and puffun' a few hundred yards up the mountain regaining his breath in that.

Cursed fullplate, but it'll won't be the end of me yet!

And the party continues over the mountain and Jozan's prepared assault plan which is supposed to be the end of the little breen buggers whose B-hinds are supposed to get kicked real soon...

OOC: You just missed that I switched your script! Haha! And Tordek might have expressed himself.. a tad vague concerning those matters.:rolleyes: Or he might just have had somethin' else on his mind . :D

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Kazak said:

"Bah, all women make 'War Cries' at Kazak's greatness."

The dwarf blinks, and rechecks his script.

"Alright, who gave me Redgar's copy?"

OOC: Hot goblinoid action? Their little green B-hinds are mine? Is Tordek not tellin' is somethin'?

*groan* Rolls her eyes at Kazak."You too Kazak? Great. Lovely. It isn't bad enough that I get stuck on a promotional tour with Redgar and then he brags about a few, ahem, incidents. Now I have you reading his scripts. They don't pay me enough for this. Let's just move on to destroy the pesky green men."


As you wander up the path, the feeling that something is watching you creeps over the entire group. It grows, and after only a few moments, the feeling is overwhelming...


Alhandra - as you walk along, the sources of evil around you are closing in rapidly.


Suddenly, roughly a dozen of the spider-things appear, clamboring over rocks and snow, and are rushing towards you. They don't appear to be friendly...


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"Ye know, it'd be nice if we could go somewhere we didn't get attacked by spiders..." Kazak sighs and manifests biocurrent on the nearest two spider-beasties.

Jozan of Pelor

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"I hope their handlers remember how allergic Mialee is to spider bites."

Jozan unslings his mace and begins to chant.

"Oh Mighty Pelor, who Burns Eternally so that we may receive His Light,
Oh Great Fire, that Shines over all Creatures no matter where they dwell,
Oh Big Guy, who showers such Great Stuff upon His own Chosen Iconic,
Bless these, your humble-if-well-paid Iconics, in their battle against Icky Bugs.
Inspire them with Your Pure Light, Your Flaming Visage, Your Rays of Life.

"And if you can throw in a bit of smiting of their enemies, especially that Evil Mastermind out there whom I am sure deserves it, that would be nice, too."

[Bless spell, everyone gets +1 to attack. Gnome--if they are far enough away that they won't close to melee by the next round, Joz will pull out his crossbow instead of his mace.]
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Stepping a step forward as the spiders approach, Alhandra bellows out -
If ye be under Evil control, we can work together to free you!
But if ye be but Evil, than my companions and I will work together to free you from your lives!"

Alhandra adopts a holy fighting stance, her holy blade unsheathed and pointed at the unholy threat.
She will use the holy blessings of Divine Might to power her holy swings, and try to get in holy position to perhaps Cleave an opponent most holily. ;)


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Krusk, who has dozed off leaning on his greataxe, suddenly wakes back up...


"Hurr, uh?"

"Oh... Right."

Krusk raises his greataxe high and Charges the the nearest spider...



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Naull raises her hand in a cheesy, used car salesman kinda way, index finger out, thumb up, "Magic Missle, coming on line. Provided the threat is evil of course."

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