[icons] Unconventional Heroes. [OOC]

Relique du Madde

You could make your best guess, but if you don't like 50/50 odds, then an Intellect (modified by electronics) is probably the safest way to go since you are almost guaranteed an automatic success AND could discover something unexpected (and very beneficial) in the process.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Xokzatle in 3e! Now his rocky altar kicks ass!

[sblock=Abilities]( 24 pp)
Strength: 0
Agility 0
Dexterity: 0
Stamina: 0
Fighting 0
Intellect: 6
Awareness: 6
Precence: 0 [/sblock]
[sblock=Combat ]
Xokzatle's Curse Attack for DC: 22 (Perception)
Xokzatle's thrall Attack for DC: 16 (Perception)
Rocky stomp + 6 Attack for DC: 25 Reach 10ft

Initiative: 0
[sblock=Defences] ( 17 pp)
Dodge: 8
Parry: 8
Toughness: 8
Fortitude: 8
Will: 7

[sblock=Skills ] ( 3 pp)
0 ( 0 ) Acrobatics
0 ( 0 ) Deception
0 ( 0 ) Athletics
8 ( 2 ) Expertise( Magic)
8 ( 2 ) Insight
6 ( 0 ) Treatment
0 ( 0 ) Persuacion
6 ( 0 ) Technology
0 ( 0 ) Close Combat1
6 ( 0 ) Control
0 ( 0 ) Close Combat3
0 ( 0 ) Vehicles
0 ( 0 ) Sleight of Hand
0 ( 0 ) Ranged Combat1
0 ( 0 ) Ranged Combat2
0 ( 0 ) Ranged Combat3
8 ( 2 ) Perception
0 ( 0 ) Intimidation
6 ( 0 ) Investigation
0 ( 0 ) Stealth [/sblock]

[sblock=Advantages] ( 2 pp)

Improved grab
Instant up
Move by action

[sblock=Powers] (Rank) [Cost] ( 83 pp)
Walking Altar device [ 34 ]
Glass Jar (Visual senses concealment) ( 4 )
Rocky stomp (Damage, reach 2, accurate 3) ( 10 )
Four legged altar (Extra limbs, Im. Grab, Instant up, Move by action) ( 2 )
Hard as a rock (Imp. Protection) ( 8 )

It's a Brain in a Jar! ( 8 )[ 8 ]
"Immunity: Sleep, Starvation, Suff.)"

Mind control ( 6 )[ 30 ]
AP: Mind Blast ( 7 )
AP Remote sensing ( 10 )
"Visual senses, simultaneous, 4 miles"
2 Aps ( 2 )[ 2 ]


Relique du Madde

So, we will conclude this adventure with ICONS rules and change to M&M3 for the next adventure?

Yes, since it makes more sense that if Bold or Stupid wasn't going to continue in the game past the M&M 3e change, that the change happens after the fight and its fall out rather then before.
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First Post
Relique, thanks for the clarification.

Though my lack of reply wasn't as much due to confusion as just that it's been a terrible day for posting. :)

That said, I -am- easily confused, so the effort is appreciated. Moreover, you've inspired me to try to squeak out this question.

What roll would be used to jury rig a polarity reversal, using whatever tools and equipment are on hand, including the Goldsmith suit itself?

Relique du Madde

I would say anything skill dealing with electronics, mechanics , technology or advanced theoretical science/pseudo science. So pretty much and intellect roll with some sort of science/technology based skill. Hell, if there was a mystic character even occult knowledge and magic would work. :D

Hey Bold or Stupid! Good to see you're still around.
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