Pathfinder 1E Idea for a "natural attacker" kobold


Start with a kobold (natch) and modify to get the bite attack (sadly losing the natural armour). Probably going to trade away the darkvision and light sensitivity too (low light vision is . . . ok).

Unchained Rogue class to start with, and one of the talents will be the one that makes sneak attacks cause bleed damage.

Feats: Draconic Aspect (1), Draconic Breath (3), Noxious Bite (5).

Now take two levels of ranger, going for the natural attack route:

Feats: Aspect of the Beast (claws) (Ranger bonus feat at 7), Flensing Strike (7).

Then take one level of Witch (White Haired Witch archtype). Then back to unchained Rogue unless I can think of something better.

Feats: Eldritch Claws (9), Tail Terror (11).

At this point I have 4 primary natural attacks (bite/claw/claw/hair) and one secondary natural attack (tail). All with sneak attack and a chance of a nauseating bite.

After that I am not sure if I can get any more natural attacks or make them beat more types of DR. Maybe I should take Draconic Wings and Draconic Paragon at 13 and 15 to get a natural fly speed. There is also a kobold feat that gives an extra 1d6 to sneak attacks to opponents that are nauseated, among other conditions.

I am presuming a very resource-poor campaign with little "down time" so I cannot depend on either making or finding magic weapons (a kobold tail attachment would be nice . . .).

Anyhow, what are your thoughts?

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