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Idea For A Villiage/Town. Is it evil?


med stud said:
An armed society is a dangerous society, the wrong people are the ones using the guns 99 % of the time, if noone has guns, noone has to defend against them, if ordinary people defend themselves with guns, the criminals will arm themselves; you can run from a guy with a knife but you cant outrun a bullet; you cant kill dozens of people with a knife if you are tired at life and tired at other people's lives; you cant rob a bank with a knife, etc, etc...

For polite society: Nothing proves this. If history has shown anything, it is almost the other way around. The amount of weapons in a society is a measurement of how bad the government can control the criminals in the society.

Euro Trash Propoganda from disarmed socialists.
More guns and just laws equals more peace and freedom.

<BREATHES DEEP> Apologizes to Moderators for this response, considers deleting it. Decides not to.

Let me suggest you come and visit the real America med stud. The only places with much gun violence are places with tight gun laws and/or heavy drug use.
Don't believe anything you read or see in your media about American gun violence.
It is all distortions of the facts

OK Back to D&D So what did you think of the Monster Manula eh ;)
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Kamikaze Midget said:
If an armed society is a polite society, how do you explain the rap NYC got before Sept. 11? I mean, hey, it's legal to own firearms in the US....just curious, of course. :)

New York City has very strict gun laws. It requires a very hard to get permit to even own a gun. Forget carrying one.

If you want polite visit small town America especially further out West or down South

med stud

First Post
Sorry to the moderators for being political. Sorry Limper for being a hypocrit.

Ace, calling me Euro Trash and Disarmed Socialist was totally unnecessary. I think names calling is far below any adult person, even though this is internet and all.

Just because we have firearms, doesn't mean we go psycho. You have tons of guys in New Hampshire with stickers on their trucks that say, "Live Free or Die", with shotguns in the back of their trucks, and they don't go postal.

It ain't the mere availability of guns that causes all this violent behavior. It's culture that plays a role in that. But hey, it doesn't matter. You wanna have "one-free kill" village? Go for it. It makes no sense, but you could have a psycho wizard controlling people's minds. That's the only way I can see such a community being viable.

Black Omega

First Post
Please to both sides. Agree or disagree with gun control, it has -nothing- to do with this thread. All this will do it get the thread closed fast. Thanks.

To be honest, I'mjust not sure about the town. Fear would indeed make people polite. Certainly peasants were very polite to Samurai. In my Rolugan game peasants are -very-polite. They have otgher ways of revenge if they need it.;) But the group's been good about not abusing this. I suspect in a village where you could kill someone that easily and knew you could be killed in return people would be polite. I'm not so sure about smiling and happy, though. And children just don't have enough of a grasp of what that law would really mean to totally rein in bad behavior, I expect.


First Post
>An armed society is a polite society.

A phrase. No more deep or inherently correct than 'Might makes right' or 'Kill them all, God shall know his own.'

In the US, Texas is the strongest proponent of an armed society and the right to bear arms, to the fairly absurd level of having one town where it is technically illegal for an adult to be unarmed outside of their own home. (I have no idea if this law is enforced, what do they do to someone who leaves their gun at home? Shoot them?)

Texas is also the state required to execute the most violent offenders, having the largest incidence of murder per capita (actually Louisiana tends to swap this statistic with them, I'm not sure if Texas is winning the body count race this year...).

Certainly an armed society MIGHT be a polite society. But apparently not in this country.

Given that an unarmed person is motivated to avoid violence, where an armed person is secure in the knowledge that he can kill anyone in a split second, I would presume that the reverse would be true. But that also would just be an assumption.

Armed people are no nicer than unarmed people. They can just kill faster, and apparently that is important to them, which means any sane person would stay the hell away from them.


First Post
Doh! Guess I should have expanded on the idea a bit. The law was created by the local religion, of which every townsperson is a member. The town carries a dark history of bloody feuds and a long period of lawlessness. No one would obey laws that couldn't be enforced. Local religious leaders met with the town government (or what little of it existed) and concocted the "ultimate solution."

Someone rob from you? Let the sheriff or clerics know about it. They approach the individual, explain why they're being killed and who ordered it, and then ask whether or not they would like to use their free kill before they die. For every free kill, two people would die.

The people who didn't like it left a long time ago. That alone helped establish law and order. Those who live in town presently choose to do so out of their own free will. Some would ask; Why wouldn't you want to rob somebody? They won't dare use their free kill.

It's the same reason why the U.S. and the Soviet Union never openly fought each other in war. Sure, you could use a nuke, but so could the other guy.


Fascinating idea - almost "Twilight Zonish" in its implementation.

A bunch of unruly PC's come into the town, and immediately get singled out for the Kill. It would make a really strange way of dealing with the issue of PC's respecting townspeople. :)

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