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Ideas, Advice?


hmmm...do the other players seem bored with game or annoyed with the half-dragon character? Because a lot of what you do depends on that.

Having said that, you could create a powerful dragon who is offended by half-dragons to the point of wanting to destroy all of them - they are abominations and a weakening of its proud race. The dragon travels in disguise, perhaps changing his appearance often, and never reveals its true form. It's been watching the half-dragon and believes him to be a threat that must be rubbed out. Perhaps it uses dominated humans and other creatures armed with weapons attuned to this character's dragon type. Perhaps these weapons are temporary (such as an oil or an arrow that might break) or the dragon is immune to them for some reason. Regardless, none of them know their master is a dragon and being dominated, would not think to hurt it. It sends wave after wave of minions after him, all of them seeking to kill the half-dragon to the point of ignoring the rest of the party. Perhaps they have an insane look to them and scream "abomination!" when they see the half-dragon. Eventually, the dragon will realize that if it wants something done properly, it will have to do it itself.

Do I think this is a great idea? Not really. Unless done well, I think it would be obvious that the intent is to kill this character. It's probably better to go with what the other posters said and just confront the player.

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How are people handling it? If nobody cares, let them have their fun until the game ramps up a bit more.

One of the creulest things I've done was rule that area affect spells such as fireball affect everything in the area unless protected by a container. Thus, when the party got hit by a fireball, the player not only needed to make a save but so did their armor, their weapons, their backpack, etc. I originally did it because they were casting multiple fireballs and killing all opponents and just picking up the treasure. After that, they actually went to melee and only resorted to area effect spells when they were really needed because they didn't want to risk losing the treasure. Villains did the same. Still, one or two fireballs in such a manner has a way of weeding equipment out that they can usually replace fairly quickly at that level. It caused my players lots of trouble but they seemed to enjoy the challenge.


First Post
Kyo003 said:
I foolishly allowed a half dragon fighter into my game with enough magical weapons / armour to give him an average of 40+ to hit, 30+ to damage, multiple strikes, 16-20 crit range.
What level is this character? You only mention offensive stats, what are the defensive stats like? The character must have some weakness(es)?

Do those stats completely overshadow the other PCs? What I normally find most important is that PCs are balanced against one another.

If the only solution is to nerf the character, I'd do so politely and out of game.


Of course the best way to deal with it is A) Talk to him.
There is the unsatisfying B) come up with an obvious and unfair way to nerf the PC.
So if you are unwilling to do A) then I choose C) Other.

Figure out how to max out the other PCs in a similar way and just start playing from a higher adjusted CR. Got a rogue? Have him be the first one to touch an ancient artifact that enfuses him with the powers of an ancient outsider. Got a Wizard/Sorcerer/Other Arcane Caster? Uberitem X that can only be used by that specific class and bonds with its wielder until their death. Got a Cleric/Paladin/Ranger/Druid/Other Divine Caster? Their diety (or someone elses) thinks that they should become a half-celestial. Whatever. Basically it comes down to the fact that once you allow something in a game its really hard to take it away. An unbalanced game can't be rebalanced "down" in power in game, it can only be rebalanced by increasign the power level of those who are lacking.

It largely depends on what the other players think. Are you the only one having a problem with it? If so why?


First Post
Disenchanters and Rust monsters and living spells (combo detect magic/antimagic field) any baddie with those gauntlets of rusting or whatever. I had a great time slaying a few pc's with the mod Rappan Athuk where they encounter a Ghost of Storm Giant Kor armed with a mattock of the titans (15d6 damage i believe each attack, 2 attacks) plus they only get 50percent chance to strike an incorporeal creature without a ghost touch weapon, plus incorporeal are immune to crits.
kill pc's
have fun


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How about a powerful curse? Turn the character into a weak, pale shadow of his former self in one fell swoop.

Later, when the other PCs are highly powerful, let the curse be removed somehow, at long last.

Tony M


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Well, the best way is to talk to him (insert broken record remark here). There are many storyline ways you can do it, heck you're the DM you can create ways. A powerful dispel, an unstoppable magic eating monster, a god whose pissed off at him, great curse, polymorph. Its up to you. But you should talk to him about it first, else he'll think you are playing him vs. you. He'll also remain bitter about your actions if he knows they were personal attacks against him.

Now after your talk (when yo utell him youll need to level out his character) maybe come up with some way that is mutually beneficial. For instance a future nemisis shows up, and battles the party, even outmatching the god like half-dragon. He focus's a good portion of his power on him destroying his armor and draining his magic. Then he disappears, maybe leaves some cryptic message


Be honest with the player. The PC is overpowered in X, Y and Z ways. Ask if the player could retool the character or retire the character. Point out that you are trying to keep the game fun and challenging for everyone at the table and you are having a difficult time doing that with the current character. Either the character needs to be toned down, replaced, or all the other characters need to be bumped up.

If the player can't see that this is in the best interest of the game or the group, you have other issues at hand anyway.

Lord Ipplepop

First Post
(Yet another statement agree with the "TALK" method)

A few other suggestions:

1) Mundane monsters (as has been suggested)- rust monsters, etheral filcher (have it steal from another character, and then make a return trip for the 1/2 dragon), etc.

2)a mage/thief casts a sleep spell on the guards at night, and steals from everyone in the party... even the 1/2 dragon because he has the coolest stuff. (this was done to our party because we were plowing through the DM's adventures with no challenges).

3) As theya re traveling throughout the countryside, they are surrounded by (# of party members) x (level of party) monsters of equal CR. They are captured, and relieved of all of their equipment and taken to the monster's leader. As they are "on-trial" the camp is attacked by (name one) and the characters escape, however they do not have time to find their gear and still escape alive. Now, not only do the have to get out of "indian country", but now they have to do it with weapons stolen off of the dead captors they pass on the way out of town.

You'll notice that all of these scenarios are based upon playng fair with the characters (and players). Most players would be willing to lose most of their over=powering items as long as you play fair, and it is done in a devious and interesting way that gives them a chance to overcome the odds based on their character's abilities and not the +15 Vorporal Holy Avenger.

And if these don't work... there's always the Terrasque.


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Wild Gazebo said:
Suck it up and tell the player you made a mistake. It will save you time and add to both of your enjoyment.

Along those lines, in addition to telling the player you made a mistake, offer to do something cool with his old character (marry him off to a princess or duchess ;) ) and be generous about his next PC (within reason of course).

If, after admitting your mistake, your request for amicable solultion is denied by the player, repeat the request with a warning that you will deal with the problem more harshly if necessary. If he still balks, feel free to use whatever means are necessary to correct the problem.

It would be nice if such means were somehow tied to the half-dragon condition: dragon dad comes looking for son to carry off somewhere out of game, dragon slayer cult kills him, dragon slaying sword does him in, etc.

If I were a player in your game, I would support your efforts to correct the issue. I'd expect it, actually. These things happen but when they are grossly distorting like this one seems to be it means greater risk for my PC (a normal PC is more likely to die when you are trying to whack the powerful one) and simply is just frustrating while the uber-PC hogs all the glory.

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