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Ideas for 9th level ability for prestige class.


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Cursed Centurion
The horned fiend rose to its full height and let out an unearthly roar. As it did, most of the would-be hunters fled from the creature. However one silent figure, clad in worn battle armor and with flail set over one shoulder, stood unimpressed.
"Oh? You're not going to flee as well?" the fiend teased.
The man smiled. "Why would I leave when the fun's just starting?" he said before taking up his flail in both hands and charging at the monster, laughing all the way.

Tales have often told of mysterious warriors who always seem to survive in times of strife; battlefields littered with dead, whole towns ravaged by horrible monsters and disease, once holy sites tainted by demonic evil. These sites are the birthplaces of those who struggle to live, yet carry misfortune wherever they go.
The Cursed Centurion is one who fights a personal war, whether for money, revenge or any number of reasons. What sets these men and women apart is a malicious ill will that seems to carry them through battle against countless foes. Though they sometimes join forces with other adventurers in a common goal, the countless evil creatures that they seem to draw eventually cut such alliances short. Thus, the Cursed Centurion walks a lonely path, leaving corpses in his wake.

Hit Dice

Level	BAB	Fort/Ref/Will	Special				Spells per Day/Spells Known
1st	+1	+2/+0/+0	Mark of the Cursed,		-
				Burning Heart		
2nd	+2	+3/+0/+0	Aura of Fear			+1 level of Hexblade
3rd	+3	+3/+1/+1	Armored Mage			+1 level of Hexblade
4th	+4	+4/+1/+1					+1 level of Hexblade
5th	+5	+4/+1/+1	Warrior Spirit			+1 level of Hexblade
6th	+6	+5/+2/+2					-
7th	+7	+5/+2/+2	Sweeping Blow(2 foes)		+1 level of Hexblade
8th	+8	+6/+2/+2	
9th	+9	+6/+3/+3	Last Stand			+1 level of Hexblade
10th	+10	+7/+3/+3	Sweeping Blow(3 foes)		+1 level of Hexblade


Any non-good, non-evil.

Base Attack Bonus: +8

Skills: Intimidate 11 ranks, Concentration 11 ranks.

Feats: Battle Caster, Weapon Focus(any two-handed weapon)

Spells: Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells, able to cast magic weapon or greater magic weapon.

Special: Hexblade's Curse Ability.

Special: In single combat, you must defeat an enemy of at least one size larger than you, or a group of at least 4 enemies, with a CR equal to your character level. You are allowed to use any and all weapons, spells, and special abilities in your possession in such a combat.

Class Skills:

The Dark Centurion's class skills (and the key ability for each skill): Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge[arcana] (Int), Ride (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features:
All the following are the class features of the Dark Centurion.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark Centurions are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), but not with shields.

Spells per Day: Except for 1st and 6th level, when a Cursed Centurion level is gained, the character gains new spells per day and spells known as though he had gained a level in the Hexblade class. If he has no hexblade class levels, he may cast spells as a hexblade of a level equal to his Cursed Centurion class level.

Mark of the Cursed (Su): Upon taking first level in this class the Cursed Centurion is forever marked by sinister powers as a challenge to any who can sense it. While there is no physical mark, a Cursed Centurion detects as both good and evil as though he was a cleric with an aura strength equal to his class level plus the levels of the class which granted him his Hexblade's Curse ability. Also, you take a penalty to all Diplomacy checks equal to (class level / 2) which you make with any character who can detect your aura.

Burning Heart (Su): After surviving various trials in combat, a Cursed Centurion's will to survive is nearly unstoppable. As a result, a Cursed Centurion adds his Charisma bonus to his hit point total at 1st level.

Aura of Fear (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a Cursed Centurion exudes an almost palpable aura of menace and evil. Each enemy within 10 feet suffers a -4 morale penalty on saving throws against fear effects. The Cursed Centurion himself is deadened to the emotion of fear, and is immune to all fear effects. This ability functions while the Cursed Centurion is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead. A Cursed Centurion can suppress or activate this aura as a free action.

Armored Mage (Ex): Upon achiving 3rd level in this class, the Cursed Centurion may ignore the arcane spell failure chance for wearing heavy armor when he casts spells as a hexblade. This ability does not extend to shields, nor does it apply to spells gained from a different arcane spellcasting class.

Warrior Spirit (Su): The intense passion and force of will that drives a Cursed Centurion causes him to strike with tremendous force when weilding his weapon of choice. Starting at 5th level, the Cursed Centurion may add his charisma modifier to his damage rolls when using a two handed weapon with which the character has weapon focus.

Sweeping Blow (Ex): At 7th level, the Cursed Centurion may attack two separate enemies with a broad sweeping attack. As a standard action, you may make two melee attacks, each against a different foe that you threaten, as long as they are adjacent to one another. Resolve each attack separately. At 10th level, you may attack three foes with this ability, though they must all be adjacent as normal.

Last Stand (Ex): At 9th level, through a combination of endurance and sheer will, the Cursed Centurion may shrug off an attack that would otherwise kill him. Once per day, if an effect that causes damage (such as an attack or spell) would reduce the Cursed Centurion to less than 0 hit points, he may roll a fortitude save (DC = damage dealt). If he succeeds, he only takes half damage from the effect. However, this ability only applies to effects that actually deal hit point damage; spells or effects that kill their target without doing damage, (such as the finger of death spell) are not affected by this ability. On special note, if the Cursed Centurion has the mettle ability from some other class, it does not apply to a successful save using Last Stand.
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First Post
Horrifying Slaughter (Ex): Also at first level, whenever the Cursed Centurion drops an enemy with a melee attack, all opponents within 30 feet must make a will save (10 + class level + Cha modifier) or become shaken. This is a visaul, mind affecting, fear effect.
At 6th level, opponents within 30 feet become frightened, not shaken.
and at 9th level paniced

i'd increase the range like i put up there and make it also visaul


Xulin said:
Mark of the Cursed (Su): Upon taking first level in this class the Cursed Centurion is forever marked by sinister powers as a challenge to any who can sense it. While there is no physical mark, a Cursed Centurion can be detected by detect evil/good spells as a member of the opposite alignment as though he was a cleric with an aura strength equal to his class level plus the levels of the class which granted him his Hexblade's Curse ability.

How about simplifying this: the character detects as both Good and Evil with an aura strength...

Horrifying Slaughter (Ex): Also at first level, whenever the Cursed Centurion drops an enemy with a melee attack, all opponents within 10 feet must make a will save (10 + class level + Cha modifier) or become shaken.

This is a bit powerful, isn't it? DC 20+ Cha mod (say Cha 32 for +11 at 20th level so DC 31) is going to be difficult even for other 20th level characters. Half class level is usual, isn't it? And I'd suggest that there be some restriction on the activation, both in times per day and in qualifying targets, otherwise the character could just takeout a mouse and bite its head off to activate the effect.

In addition, the Cursed Centurion may ignore the arcane spell failure chance for wearing heavy armor as long as he is mounted.

Whoa there! That's hugely powerful.

Aura of Fear (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a Cursed Centurion exudes an almost palpable aura of menace and evil. Each enemy within 10 feet suffers a -4 morale penalty on saving throws against fear effects. The Cursed Centurion himself is deadened to the emotion of fear, and is immune to all fear effects. This ability functions while the Cursed Centurion is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead. A Cursed Centurion can suppress or activate this aura as a free action.

Split this up. And -4 is a huge penalty. Grant immunity to fear first, then gradually add the aura powers.

Can anyone think of a good 9th level ability for this class? I was thinking of some way to attack multiple opponents like Sweeping Strike from the War Mind prestige class, but perhaps that is a bit cheap?

The aura of fear from 3rd level would seem appropriate. Also, can I suggest that you change the spellcasting progression to not progressing at levels 1 and 6. This wil prevent the class from becoming a dip class.


First Post
Well, I made a few changes:

The aura has been clarified upon request.

The Horrifying Slaughter ability only affects enemies of roughly the same level of strength as the one who was killed - if you happen to kill a character two levels higher than you, well, the other opponents should be afraid. Also i think that dc increase of one per level is pretty standard for prestige classes.

I also changed the level gain and wording for mage's gait. This applies only to Hexblade spells, which aren't that expansive to begin with. Plus, on top of requisite concentration checks for casting while mounted, I don't think this is too unbalanced. Remember that a Duskblade with Battle Caster, could cast freely in heavy armor under any circumstance (not just mounted).

The Aura of Fear ability is pretty much a rip off of the same ability from the anti-paladins from Dragon #312 - and they get it as a third level ability. You don't get this until at least 11th level, so I think it's fair enough.

This prestige class is sort of my way to try to fix the hexblade a bit. (Cause they're just so cool!)

Winding Road

First Post
This looks nice! I like the concept of the hexblade, and agree they could use a power-up.

Xulin said:

Any non-good, non-evil.

Base Attack Bonus: +8

Skills: Intimidate 11 ranks, Concentration 11 ranks.

Feats: Battle Caster, Weapon Focus(any two-handed weapon)

Spells: Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells, able to cast magic weapon or greater magic weapon.

Special: Hexblade's Curse Ability.

Special: In single combat, you must defeat an enemy of at least one size larger than you, or a group of at least 4 enemies, with a CR equal to your character level. You are allowed to use any and all weapons, spells, and special abilities in your possession in such a combat.

The requirements seem fair enough. My only problem is the requirement of the curse ability, since the class doesn't improve it at all. I'd at least let levels in Cursed Centurion stack with hexblade for uses per day.

Xulin said:
Class Skills:

The Dark Centurion's class skills (and the key ability for each skill): Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha) and Ride (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

No Knowledge (arcane) or Spellcraft for a casting class?

Xulin said:
Class Features:
All the following are the class features of the Dark Centurion.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark Centurions are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all armor, but not with shields.

Spells per Day: Except for 1st and 6th level, when a Cursed Centurion level is gained, the character gains new spells per day and spells known as though he had gained a level in the Hexblade class. If he has no hexblade class levels, he may cast spells as a hexblade of a level equal to his Cursed Centurion class level.

Mark of the Cursed (Su): Upon taking first level in this class the Cursed Centurion is forever marked by sinister powers as a challenge to any who can sense it. While there is no physical mark, a Cursed Centurion detects as both good and evil as though he was a cleric with an aura strength equal to his class level plus the levels of the class which granted him his Hexblade's Curse ability. Also, you take a penalty to all Diplomacy checks equal to (class level / 2) which you make with any character who can detect your aura.

Burning Heart (Su): After surviving various trials in combat, a Cursed Centurion's will to survive is nearly unstoppable. As a result, a Cursed Centurion adds his Charisma bonus to his hit point total at 1st level.

Aura of Fear (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a Cursed Centurion exudes an almost palpable aura of menace and evil. Each enemy within 10 feet suffers a -4 morale penalty on saving throws against fear effects. The Cursed Centurion himself is deadened to the emotion of fear, and is immune to all fear effects. This ability functions while the Cursed Centurion is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead. A Cursed Centurion can suppress or activate this aura as a free action.

Armored Mage (Ex): Upon achiving 3rd level in this class, the Cursed Centurion may ignore the arcane spell failure chance for wearing heavy armor when he casts spells as a hexblade. This ability does not extend to shields, nor does it apply to spells gained from a different arcane spellcasting class.

He's non-proficient with heavy armor, though. This ability doesn't even come into play until at least ECL 11, and by then, a character who wants full plate is going to shell out the money to make it mithril and medium, rather than pick up Armor Proficiency (heavy). I think this ability should be swapped out.

Xulin said:
Warrior Spirit (Su): The intense passion and force of will that drives a Cursed Centurion causes him to strike with tremendous force when weilding his weapon of choice. Starting at 5th level, the Cursed Centurion may add his charisma modifier to his damage rolls when using a two handed weapon with which the character has weapon focus.

Sweeping Blow (Ex): At 7th level, the Cursed Centurion may attack two separate enemies with a broad sweeping attack. As a standard action, you may make two melee attacks, each against a different foe that you threaten, as long as they are adjacent to one another. Resolve each attack separately. At 10th level, you may attack three foes with this ability, though they must all be adjacent as normal.

Last Stand (Ex): At 9th level, through a combination of endurance and sheer will, the Cursed Centurion may shrug off an attack that would otherwise kill him. Once per day, if an effect that causes damage (such as an attack or spell) would reduce the Cursed Centurion to less than 0 hit points, he may roll a fortitude save (DC = damage dealt). If he succeeds, he only takes half damage from the effect. However, this ability only applies to effects that actually deal hit point damage; spells or effects that kill their target without doing damage, (such as the finger of death spell) are not affected by this ability.

I'd make a note that Last Stand doesn't stack with Mettle, which a Cursed Centurion almost certainly has.

All in all, it seems fairly balanced to me, but maybe a little weaker than it could be.


First Post
The requirements seem fair enough. My only problem is the requirement of the curse ability, since the class doesn't improve it at all. I'd at least let levels in Cursed Centurion stack with hexblade for uses per day.

This class is more defensive in nature and gives you some paladin-like abilities; I thought that advancing the hex would be too powerful for this class, though I might be wrong on that.

No Knowledge (arcane) or Spellcraft for a casting class?

Ooops. I'll add those.

He's non-proficient with heavy armor, though. This ability doesn't even come into play until at least ECL 11, and by then, a character who wants full plate is going to shell out the money to make it mithril and medium, rather than pick up Armor Proficiency (heavy). I think this ability should be swapped out.

This class gives you heavy armor proficiency though... I'll clarify the armor description.

I'd make a note that Last Stand doesn't stack with Mettle, which a Cursed Centurion almost certainly has.

Well, mettle only works on effects that normally allow you a fortitude save, so this ability would not benefit from mettle. I suppose I should clarify this though.

Thanks for the reply. I think Hexblade is awesome, but you don't need to change the base class, just give it something that most other classes already have - class specific prestige classes. Even the warlock has some, for crying out loud!
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