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If Gene Splicing Became Legal And Was Available Today, Would You Get Spliced?

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Well, you'd never need to buy milk again :D.



First Post
you could always get spliced with a Douglas Fir tree.

The up side is that you would live for close to a thousand years and be 100 feet tall.

The down side is that hippies would live in your "foliage" and you would hear "How's the weather up there?" for a thousand years.

To use it as the researchers are looking to I would want my dibeaties removed.

As folks here are refering.... flight okay but molting would be a pill and what people that splice with cats for agility and sight- can't be too careful.

The sun :)

except for vampires, everyone likes the warmth, life giving energy and brightness of the sun. I would become popular! (except the people that hang out with me too long and die of skin cancer :-S)

Ranger REG

you could always get spliced with a Douglas Fir tree.

The up side is that you would live for close to a thousand years and be 100 feet tall.

The down side is that hippies would live in your "foliage" and you would hear "How's the weather up there?" for a thousand years.
Nah. Don't want them hirsute hippies hanging on my wood. ;)

What about a sequoia?


Staff member
I'd want to be spliced with Bill Gates's bank accounts.

Beyond that, nah, not so much. I'm not perfect, but I wouldn't want to mess with the good stuff that I do have, and I have a healthy respect for the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Or, as implied by Jeff Goldblum's Jurassic Park character:
Dr Ian Malcom

That's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming

Sure, it would be nice if I could metabolize my extra fat at will...but what would that do to the rest of me?

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