If/how to impliment OOC points


I forked the voting conversation. It's a massive part of what we do and I think it should be addressed separately and very very rigorously. (my first post in the thread sucks though... kept getting stun locked by the hanging and loosing it).

I also think we should just have one vote at a time per issue.
Otherwise it becomes very intiimidating to the casual voter.

They need to read and remember 5 or six different threads, and then process everything and then come to a decision and then painstakingly go back through the threads and vote correctly?


So I'm still of the opinion that we do one thread, similar to the one I proposed, that has xteen or so questions on theory.

Then try to figure out how to handle it.

A second details poll will let people who are against something have a pure no vote and then get input on the final decision. Better for consensus to my mind.

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I made a poll using our current voting system.
Tried to incorporate all of covaithe's specific suggestions in the body of the text.

I'm gonna be glad to have this one behind us.
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The man with the probe
Couple thoughts:

1) Change the level limit/caps on XP from 8 to 10. That's a natural breaking point between the 1st and second teir of levels. (I might suggest a similar change for time XP if you offer that).

2) Don't make points dependant on combats. I often find combats to be less interesting than RP and plot, and rewarding for combats individualy is unfair to those that push a game forward but without combat (or the party avoided the combat).

3) Be wary of offering GM/Writer only perks. The idea is to reward quality and work of people who want to, not force people who don't want to to do something they don't want to do.

4) Points shouldn't be too easy to earn, nor should they be too effective. It takes 20 points to raise a character up 1 level simply on points, which means that rarely will anyone have enough to do that (Running a game(s) for a combined year and 8 months). We actualy voted against earning points by writing material for the game, but added a bonus point for writing a summary of an adventure (which the GM got first crack at).

5) Points are awarded by the monitoring judge of the adventure. This means that if a GM took a long time to push a 3 month game forward, the Judge can, at his discression, award only 2 points. If you are worried about games lingering to take advantage of the system (I've not seen a GM take advantage of it in that way, since you're talking holding something off an average of 30 days just to gain 800 XP), then simply making the judges aware of this should be an acceptable solution.


I have no idea where 8/10 came from in the conversation. realistically.. are we ever going to have an 8th level character?
This being PbP we'll probably have a 5th edition before anyone breaks heroic tier...

I agree with the effectiveness point, though stonegod's said he only uses them to top up a character. We need to decide what we think DMing is worth. Is 6th months worth a level? a Year? 3 months?

Increasing pressure on judges by forcing them to "step in" is a design flaw in my mind. I'd rather have the judges reward an extra point for a really good encounter than force them to constantly monitor and judge the pace of each game.


I have no idea where 8/10 came from in the conversation.

I think he's referring to LEW (and LEB?) DM points, which are worth 50 xp per level up to level 8, and are worth a flat 400xp thereafter.

realistically.. are we ever going to have an 8th level character?
This being PbP we'll probably have a 5th edition before anyone breaks heroic tier...

I don't see why not. LEW has been going, what, four years? Five? It has a bunch of characters in the 8th-11th level range. (Though, to be fair, a lot of those players have used DM points from time to time.) Translating to 4e, that's well into paragon tier. I've been playing LEW for not quite two years, and I have a character near 5th. PbP games are slow, certainly, but that's not why they so rarely get anywhere. It's because people disappear, and the game dies. One of the great things about living worlds is that there are safeguards built in that prevent games from completely dying, and rescue players when their DM disappears.


I'm not opposed to time for xp.
Heck I liked it enough to try to include 2 different versions of it.

But people didn't vote for it... so.... I dunno what to say....

It got 5 votes (if you add the two together) which is 50%.
Of course, if you add the judging points and the approving character points together you get 5 votes for giving judges points too.

Do we take the two concepts that got 50% and poll them again?
(I don't think we can do one and not the other....)
see post below

I have two polls coming
1. on economy...
2. on DM rewards....
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Urg. The judging should be 4 (cause I can't count myself twice).

In that context I think we can draw a bright line between 4 and 5. I'll work in something about time for xp into the rewarding poll.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm not opposed to time for xp.
Heck I liked it enough to try to include 2 different versions of it.

But people didn't vote for it... so.... I dunno what to say....
And, I'll state here (as I did in the other thread) that the design of poll was flawed (and I believe that was mentioned by others before and during voting). OCC/DM points and time XP are different things.

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