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If I were a grognard....


dmccoy1693 wrote:
Don't speak to loud or Peter Jackson will hear you. Oh, wait, he has the soul of a hobbit. Nevermind.

but the beard of a dwarf.

Got to agree with what most of the posters are saying: lots of game systems out there. Play the ones you want, don't play the ones you don't want. It's no big.

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Victoria Rules
I haven't really skipped an edition completely yet. I plundered 2e for all I could (settings and adventures, mostly), to augment my 1e game, but I did not play it. The reverse for 3e - I played it, but found less to plunder for my own game than I did with 2e. So far, it looks like I'll probably be approaching 4e the way I did 2e - I can already see plunderables on the horizon, but I've no real intention of playing or DMing it as a complete system.

In all honesty, while you may find it easy enough to not play 4e, you'll find it nigh-impossible to ignore it completely; if only because all the support (WotC, Dragon, Dungeon, etc. now, various outside publishers later) will go over to 4e and if you want anything new you'll have to get it in 4e form and convert. That's what I've found with 2e and 3e, anyway. :)



First Post
Lanefan said:
In all honesty, while you may find it easy enough to not play 4e, you'll find it nigh-impossible to ignore it completely; if only because all the support (WotC, Dragon, Dungeon, etc. now, various outside publishers later) will go over to 4e and if you want anything new you'll have to get it in 4e form and convert.
Nope. Especially not the part I bolded there.

There is ongoing support for 3e, d20 fantasy (and other genres) as well as various OGL systems. And this will not suddenly cease for 4e's sake. Nuh-uh. :cool:

Oh, and then there is the huge amount of 3e, d20 and OGL products in existence right now. So much, a person could not possibly use anything close to even a majority of it, let alone all. Ever.


My biggest issue with any new version of D&D is the amount of time it takes to learn it versus the amount of time I have to play it, compounded with finding more players in their 30s other othan my roommate. I simply don't have the time, energy, or money these days to learn a whole new system.

That said, 4e is likely not the game for me, and I can only tweak 3.x so much before it's all been done before. I feel stuck in my own hobby.


First Post
My two D&D groups skipped 3.5. No big deal, I can use 3.5E stuff easily. I'll see how 4E is, and how the groups see it. In Shadowrun, we didn't switch to 4E for some time, made the switch last year.

Generally we house rule stuff anyway.


Aus_Snow said:
Oh, and then there is the huge amount of 3e, d20 and OGL products in existence right now. So much, a person could not possibly use anything close to even a majority of it, let alone all. Ever.

When I rediscovered B/X D&D, I started looking for the out-of-print stuff on my Half-Price Books trips & started hitting eBay. In probably less than six months, I had just about all the stuff I really wanted. (And in total probably spent less than some single, new hardback RPG books.)

Plus, when you really like a system—especially one as simple mechanically as D&D1981—it’s really easy to wing stats. So, you can pick up stuff written for just about any system & just ignore the stats.

(Even if I didn’t find it easy, between the OOP stuff, the HackMaster stuff, the C&C stuff, Rob Kuntz’s stuff, the OSRIC stuff, the Labyrinth Lord stuff... There’s plenty of stuff that works OK with virtually no conversion.)

Yeah, I probably have enough RPG material on my shelves already to last me a lifetime. Yet, somehow, I think I’ll continue making the occasional purchase. Still, it’s not like I need any kind of official support.

For many people, though, making up your own additional stuff—whether rules, worlds, or adventures—is what the game is all about. So there’s zero need for continuing support.


Pbartender said:
If I were a grognard,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum!


All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I played OD&D(1974).

Weird, that's exactly what I was thinking! :uhoh:

To the OP: skipping editions is no biggie. Like many others in this thread, I skipped the whole dang game for the better part of a decade. And right now it's looking like I may do so again for a while.

-The Gneech :cool:

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