If the HIVE had a Heroes Power, what would it be?

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I'm not a huge comic reader; the last one I read was The Death of Superman. So really, comics can't spoil comic-book movie adaptations for me.

Only in the case of Elektra did it ruin it for me. daredevil was good but what they did was try to do the comic but sometimes images from the comicbooks don't translate well. Daredevil was one of these. I still liked it but I recognize what it was attempting to do.

I would have loved to see a redo of Superman II with todays CGI it would surpass Matrix III for combat scenes

Relique du Madde

I'm not a huge comic reader; the last one I read was The Death of Superman. So really, comics can't spoil comic-book movie adaptations for me.

The Death of Superman event was what killed off my love of DC... Just the whole drawn out which one of these Supermen is superman element of the Reign of Supermen and having it turn out that Superman was the real superman because he "got better" from death just ticked me off. I mean if you're going to kill off a character at least do the Marvel thing and either have them stay dead a year and not just for three months* or replace them with an alternate clone for the next three years before you do the reveal..

*At least the Captain America is still dead even after being replaced by Bucky and having the Captain America Skrull and a brainwashed Captain America clone appear one year after.
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Going through last weeks mail and found something good and something not so good...

Wife spent 400+ dollars on the credit card I am trying to clear for X-mas.... :rant:

Carnage on the Mts scheldule is here! Vermont's premeire DnD con.


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