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D&D General If you could be any D&D species in real life…

…what would you be, and why?

Me? I’d be a halfling. I like their approach to family and community, their appreciation of creature comforts and sharing them, their nimbleness physically and mentally, and their rather peaceful outlook. Maybe it’s the Southerner in me, but it just resonates with me unlike any other D&D species or culture. Though I tend to play martial characters (fighters, barbarians, or rogues), in my real life, I’m a guy who tries to avoid conflict and make peace with people (see the history of my online handle). Halflings don’t seek conflict, but are resolute when it comes. They don’t build empires, either.

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Yeah, 21st century Earth. If it helps, think of it like a Shadowrun Great Ghost Dance awakening type thing, except your core personality determines what species you become.
Oh, so it’s not me picking from the list, it’s something granted to me based on my personality traits?

Hmm. Probably bugbear. Bigger than most, fairly lazy, likes naps.

To the OP, some basic questions: are you the only non-human in this world, or is it common? Did it happen suddenly or has it always been the case? Does everyone know the abilities of the other species? And so on.

Any of the ones where you can forgo food, drink, air, or sleep (emphasis on could, I like my food and naps), would be nice.

Anything like Changeling or things with telepathy/influence ability would probably be at least as much trouble as benefit. I'd like to think that I would never use said abilities for criminal or unethical actions, but both choosing not to and proving/building trust that you haven't sound like burdens without benefit.
Or an elf. I'd like to live a long time.
This is a tricky one. There's no specific event I want to live to see (humanity reaching the stars, etc.), so the actual number of years isn't the goal. What I would like is the sensation of a long, fruitful life. D&D almost always implies that elves and other long-lived races have time-perceptions and perspectives just as long-term (if not more) than their lifespans. From their perspectives, they live a life just like ours*. I think the best situation would be something like a half-elf raised among humans -- both socially and mentally you view things from a human lens and have a roughly human life**, but you get to live just that little extra bit more. Likewise the worst has to be something like a simmic hybrid -- you are a <some other race>, complete with that race's time sense and perspective on lifespan but with X% of yours taken off.
*perhaps with a lot of extra non-elf friends who die along the way, and a society that has changed a lot more since their childhood, etc.
**maybe having to deal with a slightly slower maturing during childhood: being the last kid in the cohort to switch from toys, get secondary sexual characteristics, discover dating, etc.


Morkus from Orkus
I've always had an affinity for elves..................................and Star Wars. So I'd go with Leshay, because immortal elf with built in light sabers!!!

Voidrunner's Codex

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