D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]


- Blackthorn Academy

The headmaster raps on Aedon's door and gently pushes it open without waiting for an invitation. "I understand you have some concerns about your journey, Aedon?" he asks.

"Nissa will be fine. She's a confused girl now, who is growing into her own woman. This will be good for her, and for you. I have faith that the two of you, with J'hanna's help, will be able to find the answers that we seek. And if it is as you suspect, imagine the good that could come from it!"

The headmaster chuckles, but somehow doesn't seem surprised by the question. "We've booked passage for you on a cargo ship heading back to Silverport. No, you'll not be able to take a horse with you, though you may procure a mount once in Silverport. Take your coin, there may be time to explore the bazaar once your job is complete.
A carriage waits in the cobbled drive of Blackthorn. The halfling porter is fussing over the proper loading your belongings into a separate cart. The headmaster is also there, and even Lady Jenieva has recovered from her fit and shown up to see you off. A group of young mages exit the building from a side door, walking in a respectful formation next to the unadorned casket floating on a magical disc between them. Once things are secured on the wagon, the halfling opens the carriage door and stands by quietly.

"The crew on Weeping Mary will keep him safe until Silverport, so that you may send him off as your customs dictate. It is because of his efforts here that New Lunarial may yet be saved. He will be missed."

The halfling coughs, waiting patiently by the carriage door.


- Weeping Mary

The shadowy figure steps forward out of the fog. An elf. Garrison had seen his share in Silverport, but Kingsport was mostly a human city. There were still plenty of elves about, for certain, but this one didn't look like a city elf.

"I would like to go to Silverport," she said. "On your ship."

"Everyone wants aboard Weeping Mary today!" the captain shouted. "Lass, this is a cargo ship, we don't tend to take passengers without a very rare exception. Unfortunate for you, that exception has already been made this trip. Now if you'll forgive me, we've a lot of work to do and now only a very short time to do it in.

At the mention of work, Garrison turns his attention back toward the many crates yet to be loaded and secured.


- Somewhere in the sea

"JUSTICE!" The screams faded into the dry, salty air. At least on the island there was an occasional tree or cliff face to bounce the sound off of, but here there was only nothing. Except this blasted stingray. The sun eased away the night chill hours ago, and now it's heat began to bake down on you. The stingray darts off once more. You find yourself reaching out to slap at it again and a thought occurs. Perhaps it was madness setting in from the dehydration; or the sun had just baked his mind beyond comprehension. Have I been following this thing? Has it been leading me?"

You look up at the cloudless horizon and, almost as if in answer, you see the grey silhouette of a ship sneak over the line.

[sblock=OOC for Everyone]In case it didn't click right away for everyone, our timelines are a bit different. In Kingsport it is barely dawn, and the PCs have yet to get on the boat (except for Garrison). At sea, it's daylight, and Justice can see a ship sailing in the horizon. Please understand that this is intentional, and hopefully I can pull it together in the end so it'll make sense. If now, well, you'll still get to kill stuff eventually, so it'll be ok. :) [/sblock]

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Nissa had her belongings packed and sitting on the ground next to her as she sat and watched the procession carrying the body. As with nearly everything about her stay here at Blackthorn, she was confused. Was she supposed to be riding in the wagon? Was she supposed to find her own way to the boat? No one had bothered to tell her. Just like no one had bothered to tell her that she wasn't actually enrolled in any classes when she arrived. Just like no one had bothered to tell her that she was supposed to be working in the library and thus she'd missed her entire first day.

The gaggle of bullies led by Estaria, who seemed to have everything - wealth, magical talent, and friends to spare - was right about one thing...Nissa didn't belong here. Mingled with the disappointment and anger was a sense of relief that she was leaving. I'll never come back to this wretched school of lies, she thought to herself.


First Post
Maighan tilted her head, taken aback. "But...you just said the ship was having passengers," she said. "I heard you. I was just over there. I am going to Silverport and there aren't any other ships going there right now. Is it money? I have some money. Or if your men need healing, I am very skilled. Just tell me what I must do."


First Post
Seeing Nissa waiting and watching the procession Aedon decides its best to leave her be for now. If she needed company he would be there and the ship would be plenty cramped.

Wishing he knew any spells useful for the seas Aedon hoped they would get back to land quickly.

His discovery required this adventure and his visions were never wrong. How could leaving the academy allow him to further his studies? There must be some experience that just couldn't be taught. He was so close to mastering so many things!

Time wasn't on his side. Looking at the funeral procession was a clear reminder of just that.

His scroll notes and other possessions with him Aedon stood ready as he could be for the trip.

Where was J'hanna? Perhaps Aedon needed to better learn about his soon to be companion. He would need all the help he could get.

Time waits for no man. Aedon waited for when he could board and be off.

He thanks the headmaster and lady Jenieva waving to them nervously.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
When he hears the captain's words emerging behind him in the fog, Garrison lifts his chin in greeting, and tile his head to the side, as if to say follow me. Back along the cold wet planks he walks, and pulls himself aboard. He's about to continue pushing the crates along, but remembering others might not be so adept at sea, he lets down a rope ladder that offers two steps to facilitating boarding the ship.

He then continues to secure the produce. He contemplates pocketing an apple for later but decides against it.


First Post
J'hanna walks along behind the casket on it's floating disc, her head down. Despite the fact the were planning on taking a ship, she wore her armor- it was much easier than carrying it. Her sword and shield are slung across her back, over a heavy pack, and a smaller bag is in her hands- the old man's few belongings.

[sblock= OOC] If the casket is to be loaded on the cart, she will board the carriage- but would prefer to be the last one aboard. If the mages are going to walk the casket down to the ship, she will walk as well. [/sblock]


- Weeping Mary
"Indeed I did, lass, indeed I did. But I was referring to passengers of a particular sort." The captain puts his hand to his forehead and rubs it hard. "I'll tell you what," he says suddenly. "You need to get to Silverport, and I need to get out of port here quickly. See that half-breed over there wrestling with the produce crates? You give him a hand, get that stuff loaded and secured and help along the way, and you can consider your fare paid in full. Garrison! Show the elf what to do!"

- Blackthorn Academy
The cart gets loaded with minimum supplies, and the coffin is positioned respectfully within. J'janna, Aedon, and Nissa board the carriage, and the two teams head off toward the docks at an not-too-slow pace.

- Weeping Mary
[sblock=Shayuri]I'm assuming you're going to take the captain up on the offer, and will therefor bump the story ahead a few minutes so we can get on with it. If I am wrong, I'll be happy to retcon.[/sblock]
The crew works tirelessly loading and shifting the freight, but all come to a stop in unison as the two teams of horses break through the fog. One team is pulling an ornately carved carriage, while the other is pulling a crate of a few supplies and a... is that a coffin!?


Nissa sits quietly, uncertain what to do in such a solemn situation. Not to mention dead people scare her more than a little. She had no idea where she was going, but it didn't seem to matter at the moment.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Garrison hears the wagon pulling up at the end of the wharf and has disembarked before he can clearly make out the shapes. The fog is thickening, and he has a job to do. he helps carry aboard any cargo, of whatever size or shape, that is indicated to him.


First Post
Aedon stands on the deck keeping his distance from everybody else and watches to see what the ruckus is.

OOC: this is different from the headmaster right?

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