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I'm one of those troubled teens now.

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For Warlord's Parents

It's not a phase he's going through. Right now he needs someone he can depend on. Depend on to provide support when he needs it, and depend on to keep him on track when he gets side-tracked. Let him know you appreciate having him around. And that you expect him to do his best. Chide when he needs chiding, and praise when he deserves praise. "Thank you" goes a long way when dealing with teens.

Warlord's Dad? Tell him a few stories of your teenage years. It does a boy good to know his dad was as big a twerp in the day as he is now.

And if nothing else looks like it's working, no child is too old for a hug.

Sincerely Yours,
Alan Kellogg


Iron Fist of Pelor
Moderator's Notes:

Spatha. Lord Ravinous. You will NOT post again in this thread, do you understand me? Your behavior here is appalling. You both need to reread the rules for posting on these boards. Email me or report this post if you have any questions; meanwhile, if you don't have constructive advice in other threads, take advantage of your ability (and obligation) not to post at all.

Everyone else: when you see someone behaving badly, do not respond in kind. Instead, report their posts, so that we can do our jobs.
[/moderator's notes]



First Post
Hay Warlord,

Fighting depression is really hard and only people that have done it can understand. Trained professionals have a fair chance of having a clue about it.

The teen years are hard, tough, and very stressful, get the help you need now because later its a lot harder to beat that depression (more crap to muddle through).

Trust me that you can beat it, that it doesn't feel like it sometimes, but you can.

BTDT- I ante that tough, and I made it. :cool:

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Torm said:
Warlord -

One of the things that helped me get through those dark times in my teenage years was this paraphase from Douglas Adams:

"Some people can make you wish you had never been born - or (if you are a clearer minded thinker) that they had never been born."

Or, put another way, the problem isn't you, it's "them". And, even if it IS you, you have to live with you, so you may as well assume it's "them", anyway. :)

And remember, every time you burn yourself, the terrorists win. ;)

You sound like my other friend's experiences with his parents.... scary.... :uhoh: Same name, similar circumstances with parents hating you.... I don't understand why... ::confuzzled::

But to keep on with this thread, if you (Warlord) can turn to your 'rents for support, do so. I hope you can turn to them in this, your time of need. If not, then seek out support groups and professionals who can help you get over this. And remember, you're not alone for feeling so lost in such troublesome years of your life. We all go thru the same kind of "teen angst". And you'll come out of it just fine.


I am the mysterious professor.

I've been there but didn't do that. I was a troubled teen. You name it, it would happen to me. I never hurt myself but thought of it alot. Honestly still do even at 30. I didn't hurt myself but I hurt others and trashed stuff. I worked out my anger issues but not the depression. It's not easy. If you want someone along with the experts to talk to I'm here for you. My email is in my profile feel free to email and chat. A message board is not really the place as you can see from some of the posts.

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Aeson said:

I've been there but didn't do that. I was a troubled teen. You name it, it would happen to me. I never hurt myself but thought of it alot. Honestly still do even at 30. I didn't hurt myself but I hurt others and trashed stuff. I worked out my anger issues but not the depression. It's not easy. If you want someone along with the experts to talk to I'm here for you. My email is in my profile feel free to email and chat. A message board is not really the place as you can see from some of the posts.

Glad you hung in there! :D

And some of those need to return to nothingland where acting like an ass is the norm. :\


First Post
warlord said:
Thanks for all the advice guys it really helps to know that I can count on you guys for support.
Please heed the warnings posted above. Do not consider us a substitute for qualified professional health or friends whose names you actually know.
And as of now i've stopped burning and just snap a rubbberband against my wrist. Also I'm getting in to see a psycologist soon. So hopefully everything'll star getting better soon. But I have to ask do support groups exist for stuff like this?
Yes but I've never tried to find them myself. Google and Yahoo! should be able to point you to a much more appropriate forum than this one. I don't know forums that deal specifically with your problem but there are some generalized counselling forums on www.loveshack.org that could be a better starting point than here.


First Post
RangerWickett said:
telling a guy who's inflicting wounds on himself to "get over it," and "stop it," comes off as ignorant,
Well... yeah, of course it's ignorant. Dude, this is an internet messageboard about [/i]gaming[/i]. What do you expect?

There is a reason why we see, time and time again, people noting on such threads that we're not qualified health professionals. 'Cause we're not.

Chainsaw Mage said:
Wow. OTOH, I suppose it's to be expected from the kind of person who would actually put a Winnipeg Jets logo as his avatar.
Give me a break.


Here's a second, more specialized warning:

Let's drop the reactions/repercussions to Spatha/Ravinous' posts. This isn't the proper thread for it.

Thanks everyone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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