• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Immortals Handbook Epic Bestiary (now available)


Aye, agreed...I keep forgetting about that. For some reason I keep thinking it's done.

On another note, saw Hordes of the Abyss...no offense to wizards of the coast or anything, but...I gotta say...when I saw the stats for grazzt...all that kept running through my mind was one simple statement....

"Under 30 HD? His left nut maybe !!!"

I just was horrified to see a creature, who controls an entire layer of the abyss, so statistically emaciated. Christ, I was hoping they would actually deify him. After all, he does rule an entire layer of the abyss (or more in some books) which is the equivalent of a universe. For it's dimensions are infinite in scale. I mean, how do they figure a mere speck of bibble like him could ever hope to shove around a mighty balor. Have they forgotten that balors are practically gods!!??

Ill get the book...but Im using those stats for aspects...not for the real deal. They are vastly underpowered when one thinks of the chaotic and violent abyss in any realistic way. The abyss is about power, it always has been. Jeez, some drow are more dangerous than grazzt. Id hate to see how there gonna mangle gehenna (which they largely ignore) and hell (which they focus on a bit much). And dont get me started on the picture of baphomet. Hes supposed to be goat headed. I dont know why they keep trying to mesh him with minotaurs.
I would love to see someone finally make the fiends properly. And I have a feeling our beloved krusty will show them the way.


One more thing, I know this might not be how the amidah was intended to be used. But in all my campaigns...there are a small handfull of paragons for each species. And for each species there are two amidah. One male amidah and one female amidah. The amidah dont all know one another though, but the male and female amidah of each species instinctively seek each other out. They can feel each others. Although with this variant...the amidah template is species based. Thus...there could be billions of universes and the number of amidah would not increase. For example...drow are in at least three universes...but there would still only be 2 amidah...one male...one female. And they would not necessarily be in the same universe. Also, using this variant, one is born an amidah and cannot somehow acquire the status. Its just left up to fate. This also means that amidah status cannot be stolen or given away. If ur born the amidah...its just your blessing, or curse if you want to be normal. I figured this way would make sense considering that amidah originate from primarily from paragons. Plus, this way there would be balance still. The amidah could form societies, have little paragonlings and destroy one another. But in the end, there would always be 2 amidah for each species. When an amidah dies in one world, another amidah for that species is born elsewhere. This would also work well as an explanation for animal lords.
Animal lords could just simply be the amidah of their species. Of course, there would be no amidah for subspecies, just the species as a whole. Human Amidah, Gorilla Amidah, Feline Amidah. Its a wonderful way to get more use out of such a fascinating template. Just food for thought, but its how we use them. It works out well. Of course, we do follow strict guidelines when using wish. Since in our campaign a wish is basically asking a god for a favor, it tends to come with a hefty price if the "Wishing for more" option is used. If the amidah is itself divine, it either must have a way of granting the wish, or it must ask a more powerful deity for help. Basically like saying..."Daddy...buy me that planet." Of course even divinelings must ultimately pay the price for whining to their betters. So in essence the wish is limited to simple things like...mimicking spells and whatnot. We also use a psionic variant on the amidah theme. because in our campaigns psionics and magic are different. Of course for that we use reality revision...which also has it's own fatal flaws. Well...off to play my Amidah Woodsy Lord.

But before I go...one fundamental question...does an increase in virtual size increase your hit dice due to the extreme density? Or are hit dice unaffected. What would 6 virtual size categories look like without the creature? Would it be like the legendary animal templates?
The ones that mimic the dire animal templates?
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Hey, U_K, I can't get through to your website. The problem may be on my end, but just in case I thought I'd let you know.

Oh, and CR_UNLIMITED, I think Mortiverse would like a word with you.


A present for everyone who love Colossus from X-Men

“Creating an Orichalcum Warrior”

“Orichalcum Warrior” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature that is not a construct, elemental, or undead (hereafter referred to as the base creature).

An orichalcum warrior uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as note here.

Size and Type: The creature's type remains the same, but it gains the augmented subtype and the orichalcum subtype.

Speed: An orichalcum warrior gains a burrow speed equal to one-half the base creature's highest speed. The base creature loses it's fly ability, if any.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by the value dictated by it's acquisition of virtual size categories.

Special Attacks: An orichalcum warrior retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the orichalcum strike attack.

Orichalcum Strike (Ex): Once per day, the orichalcum warrior can make an exceptionally vicious attack against any foe that stands on orichalcum, equally dense, or denser materials. The orichalcum warrior adds its constitution bonus to it's attack roll and deals 2d10 extra points of damage per racial Hit Die.

Special Qualities: An orichalcum warrior has all the special attacks of the base creature, plus the following.

Darkvision (Ex): An orichalcum warrior has darkvision out to 60 ft. or the base creature's darkvision, whichever is better.

Damage Reduction (Ex): An orichalcum warrior has a natural hardness of 100.

Fast Healing (Ex): The immense gravitational energy of the orichalcum warrior binds it together allowing it to naturally heal 100 hit points per round.

Immunities (Ex):poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Immune to any effect that requires a fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Not at risk of death from massive damage. Does not age. Has no need to eat, sleep, or breath.

Lowlight Vision (Ex): The orichalcum warrior possesses low-light vision.

Supernova (Ex): The death throes of the orichalcum warrior result in a spectacular show of energy much akin to an atomic explosion. The blast effect should be treated as bludgeoning damage.

Radius Disintegration Fireball Blast Radiation*
1300 feet Fort DC 10+1/2HD+C 1d6/HD 1d8/HD 1/10HD
2300 feet - 1d6/HD 1d8/HD 1/10HD
1.75 miles - - 1d8/HD 1/10HD
2.75 miles - - 1d8/10HD 1/100HD
3.75 miles - - 1d8/100HD -

*Ability damage to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution.

Unearthly Form (Ex): These cosmic creatures use d100s for Hit Dice. Orichalcum warriors also have maximum hit points per Hit Die.

Virtual Size Categories (Ex): Orichalcum warrior possess 15 virtual size categories and it's statistics are adjusted accordingly. Ability score adjustments are noted below.

Abilities: +225 Strength, -30 Dexterity, +60 Constitution, -2 Intelligence (minimum 1), -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma

Environment: Any.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +20.

Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +20.
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The EN World kitten
Hey U_K, this is rather overdue, but I've updated my original review of the IH Epic Bestiary. That review was based on version 1.2 or so, and it didn't seem fair to keep having people view that the work was only 4/5 stars, based on errors that were no longer there. Sorry that took so long!

Hey dante mate! :)

dante58701 said:
Could you maybe give it a run over statistically and give it the final seal of approval so to speak? I want it to be official...and since ur officially the official regarding such things, and the only existing official there is, it would be absolutely splendid if you could. I would bow down and worship you forever. Ok...a bit dramatic. It's probably just sufficient to say it would be very appreciated and highly commended. I''ll fix the hit dice first, then you can give me the corrections.

I'm sorry, but I just don't have time for that.

dante58701 said:
There...statistically altered. Are the level and the DC correct for the Summon Dryads ability ? I was kinda winging it when I did that. The physical ability scores are essentially base + green warden. The mental ability scores I configured as noted above. I figured, sure, they aren't massive and overwhelming against an odium. But they have brains to make up for the lack of brawn. But, like the odium, they are very territorial. An essential flaw in any creature that desires to survive. Large numbers mean harder to eliminate. Solitary creatures are easier to pick off. But being intellectuals, they make up for not being able to decimate their enemies with brute force. Ive always had a thing for brainy monsters, must be my inner geek.

All the basics are covered in the Abomination portion of the Epic Bestiary. Hit Dice, stats, Ac etc.

Pick a type of godly portfolio (preferably one that hasn't been used before) then try to create an original look, and if possible 2-3 original abilities. Then hey presto, you have your abomination.

Servitor of Wrath said:
Hey, U_K, I can't get through to your website. The problem may be on my end, but just in case I thought I'd let you know.

I just checked, I think its the webspace provider themselves, who have switched me off because I failed to pay the latest invoice. However, technically it was totally their fault because they didn't actually invoice me (and with the added confusion that they were giving me some free time due to their server crash last October/November I never thought to check of my own volition).

Its only now after checking their website I see I owe them $29.70.

I am also not sure if they accept paypal, so I may need to ask a favour of someone here with a credit card and paypal (they pay the bill, I send them the money via paypal).

Usually I pay via cheque (since I have no credit card) but they are meant to give me 2 weeks notice, and there is no way I can go 10+ days without having the website switched on - especially not at the moment.

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