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Immortals Handbook Epic Bestiary (now available)

Hey Eversius mate! :)

Eversius said:
Quick question, UK, about one of the Balseraph?

Is Abaddon the true, serpent form of Asmodeus that lurks in the Serpent's Coil below Nessus?

In short, yes. The Asmodeus (Archduke of Hell, 49 HD Lesser God) would be an Aspect of Abaddon...which means Abaddon could have 199 Hit Dice...I do so love my numerology. :D

Incidently I have a similar table for the First Ones, which, even though anyone with the Bestiary already knows who they are, also includes the names of any any potential Avatars and Aspects the First Ones have. ;)

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Hey GQuail mate! :)

Another day in the Elemental Plane of Fire here in the UK. :D

GQuail said:
Well, I'm dissapointed we're waiting longer still, especially with no clear end in sight: but at least we've got an assurance that our next deadline will be our last deadline. :)

Well I haven't exactly decided when that next release date will be of course, but it won't be too long, and I'll decide within 24 hours anyway.

GQuail said:
Whilst I know nothing about the many reasons that could have delayed this book, U_K, I do think that in general it's a better idea for self-publishers like you to sometimes just let the book go at release time rather than continue trying to make sure it's "done right". It's an oft mentioned fact that many books, films and the like are often released "unfinished": every author always thinks one more edit or one more reshot effect would make the whole thing better.

With regards Ascension, its not a matter of having a completed text document in front of me that I am constantly reworking. Its more like having a partially finished document that I am constantly trying to finish while constantly reworking the parts I already have finished. :eek:

GQuail said:
Without the yoke of an evll boss or marketing department to tell you that, whether you've got the spell DCs perfect or not, the previews said September and that means it goes to print Friday or not at all, however, you get to make your product "perfect": but some of us would prefer "at all". ;-)

...you might have the September release confused with the Print Version of the Bestiary. Which is coming out in September.


All hail the Krusty...Lord of all that is Epic...Master of the mighty Seraphim...Creator of all the Omniverse. Let us praise his majesty and drink from the well of Eternity.


LOL :)


First Post

UK, when you set down the original release dates for your projects, is that when you sit down at the computer and start typing? It's what it seems like. I'm not trying to be offensive, but most of the 'work' in writing a document is the text, which can't take too much review before it's suitable for release. This leads me to believe that the mechanics are the source of the friction, a point which futher leads me to believe that the system hasn't been a working whole for very long. This creates concern about the work as a whole.
Wasn't there a playtest held on this system? Are the results from that playtest affecting the work as a whole? I understand you have MGP work to do, but does it really take more than a month or two to write up just over a dozen builds?


Getting lost in fantasy maps
Pssthpok said:
I'm not trying to be offensive, but most of the 'work' in writing a document is the text, which can't take too much review before it's suitable for release.
How certain of this are you? I have worked in the book publishing industry, and I have written four adventures. In my experience, the writing text isn't always most of the work in publishing.

Frankly, while I worked at the book publisher it was stunning at how many authors held the conceited perception that the only "work" involved with publishing their writing was... writing. I am no longer stunned.


First Post
Eric Anondson said:
How certain of this are you? I have worked in the book publishing industry, and I have written four adventures. In my experience, the writing text isn't always most of the work in publishing.

Frankly, while I worked at the book publisher it was stunning at how many authors held the conceited perception that the only "work" involved with publishing their writing was... writing. I am no longer stunned.

What I'm saying is that, given the delays, it appears to me that the system itself is either unfinished or unrefined or that the playtest revealed problems complicated enough to delay the release now for almost an additional month, and that's not taking into account the weeks the document was already in development.
Now, I understand the complexity of putting in headings, handling aesthetics like fonts and layouts, but these issues don't seem large enough to create such prolonged delays. This isn't a print, it's a print to PDF thing, so all the nuances of making a physical book are pretty much out the window here. What I see when I look at this (continuing) trend of missed deadlines is a project that doesn't have all the math figured out yet, or something that is being translated from proto-Indo-European.
I'm hoping to hear from UK on the issue specifically, but to clarify: I'm not making any accusations and I'm not expressing any impatience. I'm just starting to wonder what could possibly take so long - art, MGP work and aesthetics aside (complications I can understand) - if it's not a problem with the system itself.


First Post
Normally companies have a finished product before they take money. There are legalities and rules protecting consumer from fake products.

Really, any schmo can slate he has a product and put it up for sale, take your money, and not provide anything.....or drag you along once said money has been received. As a company, i'd hope you check over all legalities for promising a product and all liabilities you will have to face for not producing.

This is the 2nd miss deadline that has bene posted after payments have been received.

You have a lawsuit on your hands if anyone of us gamers had the money to do so, instead of spending money on unseen promised products.

As a man of honour, I hope you intend on correcting the situation. Whether it's refunding money and not taking anymore until your product is finished and ready for sale, or some type of equivilent bonus.

Any other product and most of you would be at your local Wal-marts looking for refunds. The only reason people seem complacent with getting ripped off is from the boost of hope and faith that has been instilled within them for 5 years. 5 YEARS. At least give us the beneift of receiving a final product when we pay for it when you say it's ready. Otherwise I don't see how anyone else isn't taking this as an insullt to their patience or loyalty.

If you plan on continuing business in that fashion with your products, get yourself a lawyer.


I disagree...he will get it done. It isn't so much a matter of faith as it is a reality. Krusty has been true to his word for years. And he stated previously in this thread that no "DEADLINE" is truly set. So his guestimations are just that...guesses. Mere shots in the dark aimed at giving consumers a rough...VERY rough estimate for a release date. Not once have I ever seen Krusty post an absolute on any deadline. In fact...he keeps posting terms like..."I hope", ect. So chill out...take a pill and relax. Sheesh...Im an :):):):):):):):) and even I dont go as far as you just went. Threats of lawyerism and such are not only unwelcome from people that post here....they are unnecessary and childish. Consider yourself reported.


First Post
If krusty has been true to his word then why do we receive any type of product week or months after he promises them.

As for no actual deadline and him saying that he's bad with dealines. False, check the page with teh book advertised. It specifically states a dealine of Friday July 21st, 2006.

Oh here it is.....List Price: $13.95
Pre-Order Price: $12.50
You Save: $1.45
Average Rating: Not rated
Release Date: Fri, July 21, 2006
Page Count: 208
Download Size: None
Crunch: 7

That's the 2nd ADVERTISED dealine. Can't take that money without suppling the product.

If he hopes to reach his dealine, he shoudl keep quiet and not set one.

And how you could report me is unseen to me. In neither of these post have I broken any of the rules of conduct. All I did was switch from a UK supporter to a UK diabeliever. This thread is to discuss the book and works therein. I have not been rude nor crude, bringing up the obvioulsy negative is hardly being mean either.
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