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Impromptu Stream with Ed Greenwood, Tim Kask, & TSR CCO

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Dire Bare

I was going to post, at least we now know that Michael is real, but . . . . he's just a disembodied voice throughout the video (at least as far as I could tell, as I skipped around a lot). I'm still not sure he's real . . . .

Keefe the Thief

There are people out there who are eating this up, I'm pretty sure. Gamergaters, comicsgaters, you name it - there is an internet of self-described victims who lash out at all those who disagree with them. It is easy to find them - they have YouTube channels, Facebook-pages and blogs. And when "TSR" played victim, their armies were ready.

It`s these people that redefined "woke" as a derogatory term. That use "social justice warrior" as an insult. Well, I like being called one. If one thing is worth being fought for it is social justice.

Sad but expected that they utilize prominent members like Greenwood for their cause. I have seen the same in many communities. Good message boards and groups of the oldschool cRPG community were turned into cesspits of righteous hate against people who are "woke" or "virtue signalling".

Let`s stand together. Let that not happen here. There are too many examples where bigotry has won in the past.

There are people out there who are eating this up, I'm pretty sure.
That pretty much has to be the point. I don't care how insular (or convinced that your positions are within a stone's throw of some silent majority) you are, no one at TSR version 3.whatever could have imagined that this would have helped make inroads with the mainstream gaming community. It's just tripling down on the same positions that got them excoriated in the past. That leads me to believe that we're not really the intended audience. The video (and TSR-Hobbies posting here) is a performative act, meant to re-solidify their position as taking a stand against 'wokeness' (and receiving 'persecution' because of it) amongst the people who already agree with their positions.

But audience for what? What's the product?

At this point, TSR(cubed) is like GRRM's next book. I'm not going to pay attention to any news of a forthcoming product until I see the PAGES.
The video. This is something to galvanize support. Support for what, I don't know either. Perhaps just Youtube views and Patreon pledges. Perhaps future product. It all depends on whether Ernie's outburst (which I'm still assuming was seen as a mistake, but even that might not be true) was met internally with 'oh no, what are we going to do?,' or with, 'I can work with this...' If it's the former, then it's plausible they are just whipping up fervor to get some fast Youtube/Patreon cash to keep the lights on while they figure out next steps. If the later, to keep eyes on them when they release Against the Woke Mob: Up Yours, Woke People (Have We Mentioned How We Think You Are Woke and We Assume Everyone Sees That As an Insult?).

At three hours in length, like @Morrus, I'll wait for the CliffsNotes. Is there a timestamp in particular you'd like to point out?

Knowing the stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion on ENworld (which at this point, from your conversations, I know you are aware of), using a link to a channel that mentions both "the woke mob" and Comicsgate is not a great way to advertise your company here, not without better framing.

A huge part of promotion is managing expectations and catching people's interest. Now, if you are speaking up and saying oh, I don't know, something like "trans lives matter" in that interview, I think it would help to have said something about that in your original post. Not only would it manage our expectations of the video, it appeals directly to the issues people here care about.

If you still have questions or concerns after seeing what I said there please ask, I will be happy to answer what I can. It's kind of raw on my part, I was not expecting to be invited, but I hope I made things more clear.

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