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Improving your Rhino Hide

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Rules Monkey
Ki Ryn said:
If you have Rhino Hide armor (+2 Hide armor that doubles damage on a charge for a measly 5,165 gp) and you want to improve it (like to +3), what would it cost (assuming the DM allows such a thing)?

I'm confused about how you determine the price of weapons and armor that are not built using the "Plus system". If they had just made "Armor of Charging: Market Price: +3 bonus.", then it would be fine. But +2 armor with a powerful extra ability for 5,165gp? That don't make no sense.

+2 Hide Armor costs:

15 gp (base armor
150 gp (masterwork cost)
4,000 gp (+2 enhancement)

4,165 gp

The Charging ability only add's +1,000 gp to the price.

Going by that, it looks like you could add it to any set of armor for +1,000 gp. Rhinohide armor's main drawback is that it's the worst type of base armor in the game. It's a medium armor that's worse than Studded leather.

Personally I think that Rhinohide armor is underpriced, and would increase the cost significantly if the ability is added to any type of armor other than Hide or Scale Mail.


Re: Re: Improving your Rhino Hide

Caliban said:

+2 Hide Armor costs:

15 gp (base armor
150 gp (masterwork cost)
4,000 gp (+2 enhancement)

4,165 gp

The Charging ability only add's +1,000 gp to the price.

Going by that, it looks like you could add it to any set of armor for +1,000 gp. Rhinohide armor's main drawback is that it's the worst type of base armor in the game. It's a medium armor that's worse than Studded leather.

Personally I think that Rhinohide armor is underpriced, and would increase the cost significantly if the ability is added to any type of armor other than Hide or Scale Mail.

That's exactly how I see it. IMC, to upgrade rhinohide armor to +3, you have to pay the same as for upgrading any +2 armor to +3. Also, the charging ability that rhinohide armor gets cannot be used on other armor types, so there is no mithril plate armor with the same benefit.


I've always just used Rhino as an armor ability that can be added to any Light or Medium, non-hide armour as a +1 ability.
Why Non-hide? B/c if it IS hide, it's actually made from the Hide of a Rhino and thus costs less.
Why only Light or Medium armour? B/c It's made for running and charging, and Heavy armour doesn't allow that to happen unhindered, it makes you "lumber" which just doesn't make for good charging.

Make sense to anyone else?

I also like the Idea of 'Rhino Hide Barding' for a Destrier when you're wielding a H. Lance.


+1 chain shirt is better than +2 hide ANYWAY you look at it. Whether you include the Rhino ability or not doesn't matter. It's just b/c of the nature of Chain shirt as a superior armour... better ac bonus, same max dex, better ACP, light armour instead of Medium...
It has nothing to do with the "Rhino" ability at all, just the fact that (As I stated above) Chain shirt is superior in ALL aspects except it costs 85 GP more at the Base price.. but once you get to magic that ceases to matter. Lets do a little comparison:
+1 chain shirt is:
1,250 GP, AC: +5, Max dex +4, ACP -1, Light Armour, 25 LBs
+2 Hide armour is:
2,165 GP, AC: +5, Max dex +4, ACP -2, Medium Armour, 25 Lbs.

Hmm.. BETTER price, SAME AC, SAME max dex, BETTER ACP, LIGHTER armour, SAME Weight.

So again I ask you... Does the "Rhino" part actually matter in this case? nope.
Hide just plain sucks..


Starship Cartographer
Jemal, the theory is that Rhino Hide is cheap because it is Hide armor, which sucks. If you apply the Rhino Hide special ability to another type of armor (one that doesn't suck), then it should no longer be so cheap.

In other words, if you allow the Rhino Hide ability to be applied to a chain shirt for the cost of a +1 bonus, you will create an unbalanced item. The benefit will be worth far more than the cost.


Sci-Fi Newshound
Ki Ryn said:
Jemal, the theory is that Rhino Hide is cheap because it is Hide armor, which sucks. If you apply the Rhino Hide special ability to another type of armor (one that doesn't suck), then it should no longer be so cheap.

So what would you charge for a "Charging" special ability? +2 market? +3 market?

Remember that a power lunging half-orc barbarian hyped up on bull's strength and righteous might could well be getting more than 100 bonus damage from this one ability. Now imagine that barb with power critical.


Starship Cartographer
Me? I wouldn't allow Rhino Hide to be on anything other than hide armor. I might allow it on dragon hide were I in a generous mood; and I'd probably let folks improve their Rhino Hide. But it would still be Hide Armor underneath it all. I'm not a big fan of damage multipliers.

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