• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

in alphabetical order...(need more! see babombs post at end)


Inventor of Super-Toast

In the first few months of an adventuring party's career, kobolds are everywhere. You can't walk ten paces without stubbing your toe on one of the little bastards. But after they destroyed that kobold fortress and got their first magic weapons (+1 daggers, baby!).

Now, the party has moved on to bigger and better things. Drow. Derro. Duergar. And all of those kobolds seem to have disappeared, except for the occasional cryptic symbol on those drow, derro and duergar weapons. Until each of the party members is haunted by eerie, prophetic dreams. Each dream features, as a central character, a kobold figure who is very upset at the party. He gives the party members an offer they can't refuse, giving them assignments with powerful threats attached should they ignore him. When these threats start to materialize (family members kidnapped, property destroyed, etc.), how long will it take the party top realize that it's been interfering in the kobold arms trade for the past five years? And how are they going to deal with Don Kojark?

Demiurge out.
Next is kraken

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David Argall

First Post

The note on a large bottle says "Tired of being a low level party? Throw this over the side of your ship."

The bottle disloves quickly in large quantities of salt water, releasing one very angry kraken...
Fortunately it will be a round or 2 before it returns to normal gargantuan size, so they will have time to prepare, or at least try to escape...


Inventor of Super-Toast
A population explosion of krenshar has swept the countryside, and the feral beasts hold the populace in terror. They have developed the strategy of frightening the elderly with their peel-away faces, dragging them away when their weak hearts fail them. All of the kingdom's wisest hermits, long the source of random-seeming quests and cryptic prophecies, are dying of krenshar-induced heart attacks. Can the party put a stop to this?

Next is kuo-toa.
Demiurge out.

David Argall

First Post

Some noble with more gold than brains decides that shields that can grab the enemy weapons is a neat idea and wants to buy some, so of course he shows some sensce and hires the party instead of going himself.

The bargaining goes poorly, particularly after somebody lets slip that the glue dries out on the surface. Somebody also lets slip to the party about the big feast they are going to hold shortly, and the special main dish....

Party must now flee the city before they become far too close to the Kuo-toa. Or they can try to find something else to trade...


First Post

The pc's come to a city where a powerful noble is being attacked by an ancient disease. All the diviners could determine was Lamia's may hold the answers but would require the party to travel and find these evil creatures.
The party travels to the desert where they are ambushed with illusions and are overcome and taken prisoner. The group asks to fight a duel with the camps champion to the death in exchange for the infomation about the disease.

Next up Lammasu


That's Latin for "cool"
An introductory adventure.

A Lammasu is dying. He has protected your villiage since before you were born. But now his time is fading from this world. He can barely move, but he can command his powers and people of the villiage still come to him for advice about day-to-day affairs. But now danger strikes on the edges of the vililage. No foe of strength will test the Lammasu, but very hungry kobolds will risk it.

The Lammasu begs you, the eldest children of your generation, to fight the kobolds. He will cast improved invisibility as often as he can to help out with scouting and attacks, but his age has reduced him to 5' and he can no longer fly.

If the party wins the day before three days are up, the Lammasu will pass into the next world content, knowing that his legacy will live on and the villiage will prosper in the hands of the new guardians. (+100 exp).


That's Latin for "cool"

Long ago a Lillend made a promise that it would give up an immortal life in exchange to let a paladin who had fallen continue on. Now it comes time for the Lillend to die, but the full curse that it made to live is only becoming to be real.

The Lillend must fight a true battle to reach true death or else the paladin's soul (which has long since left her body) will go to Hades. The Lillend would prefer to meet its end at the hand of a just and true sword than a corrupt one and thus does challenge the party.

Note: the outsider will give the party three days to prepare,but will insist on meeting on equal groud -- or else it won't be a real sacrifice will it?

If the party succeeds on just and honerable terms, they will gain one free question from the paladin as if they had cast Contact other Plane


First Post
Lizard Folk

Lizardfolk boaters are fleeing the swamp. The chief of the local tribe sends an emissary to a nearby human village, asking for safe passage through the the village's waterways. The village rector is reluctant, fearing prejudice on both sides and the nearly definite possibility for violence. The Lizardfolk are near frantic in their fear, desparate to escape a dark, nebulous evil from deeper within the swamp. The rector forbids them passage, but the lizardfolk feel they have no other choice and press on. Tempers flare, skirmishes occur, and warriors on both sides die. The evil from deep within the swamp grows stronger with each confrontation between the humans and lizardfolk.

Enter the PCs. Can they convince the Lizardfolk and humans to cooperate? Can they soothe old prejudices and fears? Do they aid either or both sides? Can they find the source of the evil driving the lizardfolk from their homes, which is sure to come after the human village next?


Next: Locathah


First Post

A clan of locathah co-exists peacefully with nearby small coastal villiage. The locathah have a number of oyster beds, and supply traders and gem-sellers in the villiage with a steady source of cultured pearls. In return, the villiagers trade small game and metal tools.

Within the last month, the color of the pearls has inexplicably changed. Once white and pink pearls are now deep purple or black. Additionally, these pearls now carry strong auras of negative energy, far stronger than would be expected of pearls of similar size. The local wizard is beside himself with glee, as now all his necromancy spells and experiments are working with unprecedented success.

Coinciding with the color change, the Locathah clan has become more and more hostile. Negotiations with pearl traders turn in to shouting matches. The locathah demand higher and higher prices for their pearls. Just last week, there was an "unsanctioned raid" on a villiager's sheep herd. The locathah come across as suspicous, paranoid, angry, and belligerent. There are rumors that the locathah shaman has gone stark raving bonkers.

Enter the PCs! What caused the pearls to change color? Is it connected with the apparent change in the Locathah clan's attitude towards the village? Who or what is behind the changes? Is the villiage wizard involved? Has the Locathah shaman truly gone insane? Where'd those missing sheep go?


Next: Magmin

Voidrunner's Codex

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