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In Breland's Name: The Xen'Drik Expedition (rekick this mule)

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
NarlethDrider said:
we have room :D
I was wanting to play a fighter-type, but it looks like that spot is well covered. Maybe I'll wait around and see what else comes around. :heh:


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I'm also following the recruiting thread over and am interested to post a character...

Though there seems to be a fair gap since the last post? Please let me know if I should follow up.


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Argent Silvermage

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I would like to play. I'm thinking of an elfin Cleric of the Undying Court.

He has lost his memory and to an elf that is a massive amount of thing to loose. He has heard tales of a shrine located deep within the Xen'Drik region that was used long ago to heal the mind. He would dearly like to remember who he is and why he can't remember anything save what his ancestors tell him (If indeed the spirits he communes with ARE his ancestors.)

Basic stat out is 4th level cleric (Deathless and Good domains)
His skills are going to be rather weak and spread out with Knowledge religion being his only fully ranked skill.

Let me know if your interested. I'll leave all of the rest of his background to you. I don't want to know any secrets you may come up with. :heh:


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Sod opti., I have had an idea bouncing around in my head for quite some time now, and It's time it was put to good use. I will play a.....*drumroll* 20th level thri-kreen psion on a 60 pt buy! Hang on, what's that about rules? Bah, 3.5 has too many of those, back in my days... but no body wants to hear that, so I'll just play a warforged warlock. It's a combo that needs a bit of justification. Fortunately, I haveone, read on...(WARNING: internet access will be sporadic for the next week-ish. I will have time after that though, in large amounts, I suspect)

Clad in Soulsteel, forged in the flames of Khyber,what you see here is the life of a living war machine, zeril'thin.

I was born among the flames of war, blades of steel, screams of the dying. A shard of khyber is my heart, a demon my soul. Torn from the foul depths of Khyber, within it is a demon's soul, without it, I cannot live. I was forged as an engine of war, an instrument of death. No life, no meaning, created only to fight. Many have died before my foul, bloodstained hands. the demon guides my hands, I can do nothing. Those that shield me from it are uncaring, they wish me to be nothing but a tool, a weapon as any other. But I must obey the demon within, for without it, I cannot live. What, than, can be done?

Flames on the horizon, the clang of swords, the blasts from spells, all cease. Above it all is the roar of the flames, the dark force coming over the horizon, it's roaring drowning even the silent screams of its victims. Even the final embrace of death shall not greet them, as their tortured souls lie there for an eternity, their bodies never decay, but olie forever on the barren, dead land, for this is the mourning. Yet amid all this, I stand, unharmed.....why? Why have I lived, when all others have died? Why, when this war of nations, millions of good souls, and so many innocents have been slaughtered in one sweep, have I survived, shaltering this abomination within me? Yet none can answer me. I stand alone, alone with the mist.

It has been ten years. The war has been ended at last, but the price, the mourning, was too high. Yet was there anything I can do? No, there was nothing any man or god, if indeed any exist on this forsaken world, could do on that day. Yet as I stand here, I cannot help but think:Why? Why did the mourning have to happen that day? Why have I survived? Why did such a war ever need to happen and, worst of all, was it me? In the pit of my soul, I know with terrible certainty the answer to one great question, and no other. I tell you this, there is no fate more terrible than to know that you have no purpose.

Okay, first of all, soulsteel is thinaun. Zeril'thin was made from the stuff and has a large khyber shard embedded in his chest, which has a demon trapped in it. He was originally made as a sort of infinite demon-powered artillery, and was considerably effective.(Baleful utterance does quite a bit, plus your average conscript does not survive an EB). The demon had near complete control over him, but was kept in line by those who made him. He hates it and himself for what he is. After the war, he established some measure of control over the demon, and came to a sort of understanding with it.He can't survive without it, and it can't escape. The result being that they granted each other 12 hour possesion per day each of the body, plus they both get the other's powers. He is a bit lost now, as he knows for a fact that he is quite pointless, not to mention bad for the world at large. The demon acts evil, but will not actually do something hacked out, such as randomly zap people, so you needn't worry. Over all, a rather sad character, but he will change quite a bit with time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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