• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

In need of one player to join an amazing 4E FR campaign


Some basic info about the game:

1) The campaign started about two years ago, and will last at least another year.

2) We play via Maptool, and speak over skype.

3) Though there have been countless story arcs, there is a grand meta-arc running through the whole campaign, which is centered in part on a legendary artifact: the Nether Scrolls.

4) We strive for an even mix of RP and tactical combat. In all cases, the story is paramount.

5) The party is nearing the end of the paragon tier (they are at levels 17-18). We are most in need of a defender... and there is a pre-made defender that will be with the party for a short while, so you could get your feet wet with him until you make your own.

6) At this point, we have generated a great deal of campaign lore-- various plots and subplots, people, places, items, etc. At first glance, the story may appear extremely complicated. It isn't really, and knowledge of past events is not really necessary at this point since your character would not have it.

7) Campaign website [containing just about every item, person, place, as well as a log of all of our adventures and a ton of (optional) in character chat that took place in between sessions]: Nether Scrolls III

8) We are somewhat hardcore about record-keeping and electronic game aids-- here you will find a complete inventory, rituals and spell components, consumable items, experience points, a campaign calendar, among other things: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub...a1FFQVNxQ0xSME5JTXpYdWdMMnc&hl=en&output=html

9) We haven't finalized our schedule this semester (I am a doctoral student so my schedule changes each semester), but we will either play Monday or Thursday, from 3:30-8:30 pacific time (6:30-11:30 eastern).

**Please let me know if you are interested, either via messaging me here or by emailing me at pstrait --AT-- gmail.com

PS Just to get a taste of the current plot, here is the last thing that has happened -- ignore the references to miscellaneous sub-plot issues, and look at the bigger picture of what has happened (we don't usually do this in written form-- my computer broke so we had to cancel a session, and we made up for it this way):

Your attempts to parlay with Aldlas stop suddenly, as you each find yourselves paralyzed, unable to move or speak. Upon hearing of your service to Karsus, Aldlas's eyes flash with anger. "You did what? Fools! If you hastened these historical events, you may have jeopardized all of my plans. What in the nine hells were you thinking?? This is why I never trust the living..." After a moment of silence, during which Aldlas seems to be in deep thought, he continues.

"It is no matter -- you may have gathered some trivial components, but Karsus still must obtain the pituitary gland of the Tarrasque, a task far beyond your skills. And Andzrel, your god has no power over me -- indeed, it was I who betrayed him to Lolth, for reasons you cannot possibly comprehend. In any event, the suggestion that you pitiful mortals might be of some utility to me is not merely offensive, but blasphemous. I should smite you all right here, though to those who confess their sins, I am clement, merciful, faithful, and just."

One of the undead courtiers approaches Aldlas and whispers into his ear. After thinking for a moment, Aldlas continues.

"Ah, yes, fantastic idea! The living are certainly good for one thing-- sport. And I do have a task for you all that will certainly serve my amusement. This castle is built upon an ancient dwarven mine, long abandoned by the living. This was once the abode of your ancestors, Dir'radd, and so it is only fitting if it also serves as your crypt. It is a sacred site, having been blessed throughout the years by a litany of righteous deeds -- trolls breeding human babies for meals, the sacrifice of living people to powerful demons known as tanar'ri, the unspeakable horrors inflicted upon the hapless captives of sadistic demons, kidnapped paladins forced to torture rape and murder their also captive family members [with this Aldlas flashes Kaiten a smile], and the list of exalted deeds goes on and on-- the evil lingering on long after the deeds themselves have been forgotten."

"One of my subordinates, a lich by the name of Cassius, took one of my holy artifacts and absconded into the mine. Amusingly, Cassius now intends to challenge my supremacy. Bring him to me, or slay him, and I shall let you escape with your lives. It would be deliciously ironic if living creatures were present at my ascension, and should you succeed in this task, you will be my guests of honor at my historic triumph over the totality of Being. A word of caution: be careful not to defile these hallowed grounds, or my strong sense of justice will demand swift vengeance." As he utters this statement, he stares at Dir'radd.

Aldlas looks over your group, his gaze fixing for a moment on Eru, Adis, the druid, and the ranger. [I'm assuming that the dwarves and orcs are not here, but if they are, he looks at them as well].

"I see you have stolen some of my playthings. Sacrilege! But, I will allow them to accompany you for now. I wouldn't want you to face your doom too quickly, for what fun would that be? Nevertheless, there is more than one way the living may amuse me... Adis-- you have imprisoned the soul of another to serve you without relief or rest. Far be it for me to criticize such a beautiful and holy sacrament, but I believe it is now time to make things interesting..."

A wooden cross attached to a puppet by several strings appears in his hand, and as Aldlas begins to manipulate it, Adis awkwardly walks toward the throne, his movements clearly paralleling those of the puppet. Aldlas removes his crown, and forces Adis to reach out and touch one of the magnificently sparkling embedded astral diamonds. As he does so, Adis disappears, along with all of his possessions, and the gem begins to glow softly, as if a tiny fire burned from within.

"Andzrel, certainly an arcanist as proficient as you knows of the Magic Jar ritual. Don't be alarmed -- Adis's soul will remain unharmed so long as you continue amusing me and my court. Be on the lookout for Zetharmas, as I imagine he will be none too thrilled when he meets his former captors in the flesh."

Aldlas then casts his gaze upon Kaiten. His eyes become solid black orbs, and his head spins around a full 360 degrees. Two zombie courtiers then lead him to the left wall. The corpses making up this section of the wall step into the room, making space for Kaiten to walk into the wall, after which the corpses reform the wall behind him.

"Don't worry-- the paladin is safe, for now. I am loaning you all your lives, each of which is rightfully mine to extinguish, and you may think of Kaiten as collateral on this loan. Should you find a way to escape, you should think carefully about how much loyalty you feel toward him. I don't think I need to explain to you all of the delightful torments that await him should you fail to bring my insubordinate lieutenant to justice." Aldlas chuckles for a moment, and then his court begins laughing, though Aldlas quickly cuts them off with a loud "Silence!"

Aldlas continues: "At this point, as the horror of your current situation begins to sink in, you may be wondering how it is that things have gone so horribly wrong in your pitiful lives that you now find yourselves before me. Without realizing it, you did me a great service by bringing me the Nether Scrolls-- did you notice that upon leaving my library, the scrolls remained on my shelves? I figured you wouldn't mind, as their power is far beyond your ability to even understand, let alone harness. Andzrel, after freeing me from that Elvish prison, you took the scrolls I conveniently left for you. Those scrolls came with a curse that has lead you to other scrolls before leading you to me. I am close to completing the set, after which the entire weave shall be mine-- no one in this crystal sphere shall use any sort of magic without my permission! Muhahahahahahaha!"

"Finally, in order that these events we are now experiencing are able to occur, I must send Eru on a quest. Eru, your mind is now blank. Come, take this hourglass, and do my bidding." Aldlas conjures the Hourglass of Fate, and his seneschal brings it to Eru. Upon grasping the hourglass, Eru dissapears. Shortly thereafter, you begin to regain some control over your bodies, although you are each filled with a terror unlike any you have ever experienced before.

"In the eastern wing of this castle, you will now find an opening in the floor through which you may descend. Alternatively, I will let you walk out of the castle right now with my blessing if you are willing to betray your former companions Kaiten and Adis. The betrayal of a paladin who has defended you time and again from danger is an extreme act of devotion, an act that almost assuredly guarantees your salvation in the life of the world to come. So, what say you, friends? What will it be? You have, as I see it, three options. You could certainly do worse than achieving glorious victory on the battlefield as officers in my undead army-- and if you select this option now, I will immediately restore Kaiten to your side. Alternatively, you may achieve sanctification by allowing the martyrdom of Kaiten-- and for the rest of your lives, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your former ally suffered as much as a living being is capable of suffering. Some of my fondest memories are of my own personal acts of betrayal throughout my long life, so I know first hand how much joy such an act of supreme betrayal can bring. Finally, you may accept the challenge of bringing Cassius Iscariot to justice, and in so doing provide me an amusing diversion."

Aldlas stops for a moment, removes his crown, and admires the gem in which Adis's soul presumably is imprisoned.

"No matter what happens, the soul of your old friend Adis shall serve as my pet until the end of time. I know full well that he has irritated you all with his brash incompetence, so no matter what happens, you should at least be able to find comfort in the knowledge of his current state of being. How long do you think he will last before being driven to madness? Of course, his madness will not be an escape-- indeed, it shall be only the beginning of his suffering."

At this point, you feel the paralysis that has held you motionless for what feels like an eternity leave your body. As this is happening, Aldlas brings the conversation to a close.

"The choice is yours, but you must choose now. Friends, what say you? Will it be supreme betrayal, undead glory, or certain doom in the mines below?"

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