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In Space They Can Hear You Scream! Roster

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First Post
Mike Samson - Strong Hero 3/Helix Warrior 1
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Occupation: Gladiator (permanent class skill: Tumble; bonus feat: Combat Martial Arts)
Hit Dice: 3d8+1d10+16 (50 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Defense: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 class), touch 15, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+8
Attack: Unarmed strike +8 melee (1d4+6).
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None.
Special Qualities: Haul, improved melee smash, light sleeper, melee smash, survivor.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3.
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 12.
Skills: Climb +11, Jump +11, Knowledge (tactics) +9, Swim +11, Tumble +9.
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light) [1st-level human bonus feat], Combat Martial Arts [bonus feat], Personal Firearms Proficiency [1st-level feat], Power Attack [Strong Hero bonus feat], Simple Weapons Proficiency [Strong Hero starting feat], Starship Gunnery [3rd-level feat].
Languages: English, Russian.
Action Points: 8.

Equipment: ?.
Encumbrance: ? lb./200 lb. (light load)

Personal Information
Age 24
Height 6'1"
Weight 182 lb.
Hair Brown
Eyes Green
Skin Caucassian

XP: 6,000/10,000.


Mike Samson is a tall and muscular man. He has quite a few scars all over his body, arms and face which clearly show that he's used to quick and dirty close combat. He's imposing and there's a strangeness about him that makes him stand out from the other gladiator heavy hitters.

Background Story

I'll post the rest of the sheet later. This is just to get you an idea of where I'm going with this.

Haul (Ex): Mike's Strength score is considered to be 4 points higher for carrying capacity purposes. Already figured into his light load capacity.
Light Sleeper (Ex): Mike can make Listen checks while asleep without the usual -10 penalty.
Survivor (Ex): When Mike spends an action point to modify a saving throw, he may roll an additional 1d6 and take the best result.
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First Post
Joshua Jacobs - Fast Hero 3/Dogfighter 1
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Occupation: Colonist (permanent class skills: Repaid, Navigate; bonus feat: Planetary Adaptation - Low G)
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (40 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Defense: 20 (+5 Dex, +5 class), touch 20, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: Unarmed strike +2 melee (1d4+2).
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +3.

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12.

Computer Use + 9/+11 ( 6 )
Craft (Electronic) + 5 ( 2 )
Craft (Mechanical) + 5 ( 2 )
Drive + 11 ( 6 )
Hide + 8 ( 3 )
Knowledge (Popular Culture) + 7 ( 4 )
Move Silently + 8 ( 3 )
Navigate + 12 ( 7 ) (+2 from Spacer)
Pilot + 14 ( 7 ) (+2 from Spacer)
Repair + 10 ( 7 )
Ride + 6 ( 1 )
Tumble + 10 ( 5 )

Planetary Adaptation - Low G (Colonist Bonus Feat)
+2 Dex, +6" height
Starship Operation (Ultralight) (Level 1)
Combat Martial Arts (Level 1)
Simple Weapon Prof (Fast Level 1)
Personal Firearms Proficiency (Fast level 2)
Spacer (Level 3)
+2 on pilot, Computer Use (for shipboard tasks) and navigate
Starship Dodge (Dogfighter Level 1)

Uncanny Dodge 1

Language 1
Language 2
Language 3

Action Points: 8.

Equipment: ?.
Encumbrance: ?

Personal Information
Age 28
Height 6'7"
Weight 185 lb.
Hair Blonde
Eyes Watery Blue
Skin Medium Brown

XP: 6,000/10,000.


Like all the colonists from Teren'sha, Joshua is very tall and thin. The low gravity of that world posed challenges to the health of the early colonists which were met with a combination of genetic engineering and old-fashioned natural selection.

His wispy blond hair and watery eyes give him a somewhat unfocused appearance, but those
who meet his gaze soon recognize a careful, calculating intellect.

Background Story

Joshua grew up on the long-established colony world of Teren'sha. That world was settled
in the days before gravitic technologies and wholesale terraforming. The early colonists
were united in their deep mystical/philosophical beliefs and an utter disgust with the
sectarian conflict on Earth. They established what they hoped would be a utopia on this
marginally-habitable world. They were partially successful in that Teren'sha has been
without serious internal conflicts in its two centuries of existence. Unfortunately, its
vast reserves of <something> made it a target during the <long ago conflict> and resulted
in the planet being occupied by <alien forces> for decades. During this time, the
physical and martial training that made up a part of the philosophical hodgepodge on
Teren'sha went underground and a resistance movement grew up around it. Once the war
ended, the martial schools went public, and Teren'sha gained control of its resources.
For these reasons, the planet is known for both its wealth and the quality of its martial

None of this meant much to Joshua growing up. The Spartan lifestyle of quiet meditation
common to Teren'sha left him cold. He had a knack for gadgets and wandered into a job at
the spaceport doing maintenance on the freighters and other ships moving through. He
dreamed of one day piloting one of the mighty ships thorugh the galaxy, to see strange
sights and really experience life. When he was old enough, he joined the military to get
the training he'd need, and did just that. For the last several years he's been working
as a pilot for hire, and is saving the money he needs to perhaps get a ship of his own.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Arathon Galanodel

Race: Elf (Medium Humanoid)
Class/ Level: Smart Hero [3], Techno–Mage [1]
Experience Points:
Sex: Male
Age: 114
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 131 lbs.
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue

Strength: 12 + 1 [12 Base]
Dexterity: 18 + 4 [16 Base +2 Racial]
Constitution: 12 + 2 [13 Base -2 Racial + 1 Level]
Intelligence: 20 + 5 [18 Base +2 Bonus]
Wisdom: 14 + 2 [14 Base]
Charisma: 14 + 2 [14 Base]

Hit Dice: 4d6+4
Hit Points: 28
Defense: 16 (+4 Dex, +1 Smart, +1 Techno-Mage) Touch: 16/ Flat-Footed: 12
ACP: +0
Initiative – + 4 (+4 Dex)
Base Speed – 30 Ft.

Action Points: 8
Reputation: +2 [+1 Bohemian, +1 Smart]
Wealth Bonus: 2d4 +1 + 2nd Lvl + 3rd Lvl + 4th Lvl

Fortitude +2 [+1 Stat, +1 Smart, +0 Techno]
Reflex +6 [+4 Stat, +1 Smart, +1 Techno]
Willpower +4 [+2 Stat, +2 Smart, +0 Techno]

Base Attack: +1 [+1 Smart, +0 Techno-Mage]
Melee Attack: +2 [+1 Str, +1 Base]
Ranged Attack: +5 [+4 Dex, +1 Base]

Climb* + 5 [2 Ranks +1 Stat +2 Bonus]
Computer Use + 13 [6 Ranks +5 Stat +2 Bonus]
Concentration + 3 [2 Ranks +1 Stat]
Craft – Chemical + 6 [1 Ranks +5 Stat]
Craft – Electronic + 11 [6 Ranks +5 Stat]
Craft – Mechanical + 12 [6 Ranks +5 Stat +1 Bonus]
Decipher Script + 6 [1 Ranks +5 Stat]
Demolition + 9 [4 Ranks +5 Stat]
Diplomacy* + 5 [3 Ranks +2 Stat]
Disable Device + 11 [6 Ranks +5 Stat]
Jump* + 5 [4 Ranks +1 Stat]
Know – Arcane Lore +11 [6 Ranks + 5 Stat]
Know – Pop Culture +6 [1 Ranks + 5 Stat]
Know – Technology +11 [6 Ranks + 5 Stat]
Listen* + 7 [3 Ranks +2 Stat +2 Bonus]
Navigate + 8 [3 Ranks +5 Stat]
Profession +8 [6 Ranks +2 Stat]
Repair + 16 [6 Ranks +5 Stat +5 Bonus]
Research + 11 [6 Ranks +5 Stat]
Search + 11 [4 Ranks +5 Stat +2 Bonus]
Spellcraft + 7 [2 Ranks +5 Stat]
Spot* + 7 [3 Ranks +2 Stat +2 Bonus]
Swim* + 5 [2 Ranks +1 Stat +2 Bonus]

Read/Write Language – Terran
Speak Language – Terran
Read/Write Language – Elven
Speak Language – Elven
Read/Write Language – ?
Speak Language – ?

Past Occupations:
Tribal[Listen, Spot, Swim]/ Bohemian [Climb, Craft (Mechanical), Diplomacy, Jump]

Feats/Special Abilities
Elven Blood
Low-Light Vision
Immunity – Sleep Effects
+2 vs. Enchantment Effects
Skill Bonuses –
[+2] Listen, Search, Spot
Secret Door Detection
Elf Bonus Feat: Archaic Weapons Proficiency
Tribal Bonus Feat: Athletic
Talents – 1st Lvl [Smart] Savant [Repair], 3rd Lvl [Smart] Linguist
Smart Bonus Feat: Simple Weapons Proficiency
1st - Moonlighter
1st – Personal Firearms Proficiency
2nd – Smart Bonus Feat – Gearhead
3rd – Point Blank Shot
4th – Arcane Magic/ Skills

Spells Per/Day
DC (15 + Spell Lvl)
0 Lvl – 3, 1st Lvl – 3

Spells Memorized
0 – Lvl
Detect Magic Aura
Detect Magic Aura

1st – Lvl
Feather Fall
Power Device

Spells Known
0 Lvl – Daze, Detect Magic Aura, Haywire, Light, Mage Hand, Magic ID, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance
1st Lvl – Clean, Comprehend Language, Degauss, Feather Fall, Instant Identify, Magic Missile, Power Device, Shield


Wearing or carrying at hand

Money Pouch

In or on containers

Total weight carried – lbs, Load.



Arathon is somewhat taller that average for his people, standing at 5'7" and weighs about 120 lbs. His build is probably best described as wiry like someone who runs constantly. Many consider him above average in looks, his features sharp and well proportioned. His blonde hair is long, flowing, and smooth, though aboard ship he normally keeps it in a ponytail. And his eyes are a quite rare for his people, being the deepest of blues.

He normally wears a casual outfit, consisting of a shirt, vest, pants, and boots. The outfit is loose but not baggy, to maximize comfort without affecting his movement. The shirt, vest, and pants are normally made from a natural fiber. While his boots are made of black Guar (lizard) hide known for its waterproof qualities. His preferred colors are black and dark blue (his lucky colors). On board ship he normally wears just the standard work jumpsuit for ease of maintenance.

If there were one word to describe Arathon it would have to be carefree. He is gregarious, fun loving, and quite the adventurer. He has a passion to learn about any and everything he is able. But for all his positive traits he does have a end to his fuse and like most of his people Arathon has a very long memory. He can be friendly and the best of companions but crossed he is not one to forget or forgive easily.

The Riga system is populated by an ancient and powerful race of Elves, native to that corner of known space. Though friendly they are known for their highly insular and tribal-based society. Their technology is slightly behind that of Galactic Standard (approximate PL 6), though they seem to use it as assistance and not a societal base, like many planets within the core systems. Their predominant area of interest lies in the use and application of “Magic” in a variety of forms. For the Elves of Riga it is the ability to shape and control matter and energy, from the ability to summon flame with no combustibles or even influencing a person’s reaction. (See case notes #4758-959746-2 Subject: Magic) According to their Council of Elders it is part of their life blood, and as such approximately 90% of the Riga Elves are capable of at least minor magic’ effects. The elves of Arinar welcomed (though hesitantly) the Terran Federation (?) to settle a small corner of their world, with promises from the Terran’s to expand no further. The elves knew that it was easier to acquiesce and have them as a defense mechanism from what may come later then to fight.

Born on the planet Arinar in the Riga system, Arathon Galanodel is 114 years old by Human standards. He is the only child of Dargath Galanodel [Mage and Councilor] and his wife Sela [Artificer], now both deceased. From an early age Arathon showed an exceptional aptitude for both technology and magic, and for much of his childhood he thought of nothing else than to follow in their footsteps. He began his training when he was barely big enough to hold the book from which he learned. But unlike most of his people his talents followed a different path.

Though not a common gift of his people, Arathon learned from his foster parents that he was a Techno-Mage, a type of mage that combined the magical gifts of the elves with an almost intuitive understanding of machinery. At the age of 76, having finished the first stage of his training, he petitioned the council elders to help him find a teacher among the Techno-Mages (his parents had died in a freak laboratory accident many years earlier). Succeeding, he would spend the next few decades learning all they could teach. But his thirst for knowledge was not quenched, and he began looking for still others to teach him. At the same time he became fascinated with the technology the Terran peoples took for granted. Arathon began spending much of his free time at the spaceport, and thru that he would find his new path.

While conversing with some technicians he was offered a berth aboard a freighter heading towards the core planets. The Captain/Engineer, a Gedarus Tannabar, saw in the young elf a want of the open road. And having nothing to hold him, Arathon gathered his belongings and those left by his parents, and left to find his place among the stars. Over the last two years he has worked almost extensively for Bormann Zane, a merchant of rare and exotic items (including magical). But still seeking to learn more and expand his abilities, Arathon became restless, deciding to strike out for the next mystery.

Contacts -
Bormann Zane - Dwarf - Purveyor of Rare and Exotic Items (Magic Item Dealer) - Talon V
Gedarus Tannabar - Human - Captain of Lady Luck (Freighter) - Based Talon V
Alana Sianomir - Female Elf - Owner of Cloud Nine (Inn/Tavern) - Talon V
Keirana Dran - Female Human - Owner of Saravan's (Inn/Tavern) - Lackesis IV
Modrin Grim'lc - T'sa - Owner of Mo' Speed (Repair Facility) - Quala Space Station Forbus System
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Voidrunner's Codex

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