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In the Valus - The Heroes of Marchford (Chapter 14 Continues - 12/24/08)


Bard! Bard! Where art thou Bard!

Magnus note to self: Hire bard to make self look good in this story hour.
Hey its 9pm and no update....

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TheYeti1775 said:
Magnus note to self: Hire bard to make self look good in this story hour.
Hey its 9pm and no update....

1130 and STILL no update, c'mon man!! ;)

BTW i dug the scene with the goddess. Excellent work that!


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Ok...ok its 8:30 am now...and still no update (but I don't have internet access at home right now). But I'm at work...and its the day before thanksgiving...so I'm sure you guys will see one today. I shouldn't be working anyway, right? At least one update today.


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Chapter 5 Concluded

Me break a promise? Never. I'm a paladin now, remember. hee hee.
So here's the rest of chapter 5. I'm beginning work on the next chapter now, work can wait until Monday I guess....


Motega glanced to his rear left and a gigantic smile split his face. But his grin faded as another of the dwem archers broke free from the writhing mass of vines and quickly took the place of the fallen durven. With the combined skill of Motega and Tobias, the dwem crossbowman did not last long at all.

Climbing to his feet, Magnus paused and gave himself a pat on the back.

“Why thank you Magnus, oh…you’re welcome. Not a problem. Glad I could help.” The mage spoke to his self while surveying the battle. It seemed Calyx had fallen as well, but that cleric was well within reach to heal her. Not much to do, he concluded and turned his attention back to the ensnared durven.

The largest one and the closest to Magnus, was screaming what sounded like obscenities. I will have to learn whatever that language is, Magnus silently noted while observing the scene. Magnus checked once more, Funeris and Motega had their backs toward him. Check. Calyx was unconscious or dead. Check. And Fitz was distracted with the hand-to-hand combat with that other durven. Check.

“Well, that means you’re mine.” A smile stretched across his face and then the vines released their grip. His smile quickly turned to hard determination as rays of color crackled from his hands, directly hitting the durven leader and the other remaining dwarf square in the eyes.

Motega and Funeris whirled around, having dropped the last durven archer, to the sight of Magnus slaughtering the two remaining dwem with his tiny daggers. The dwem were definitely unconscious. Fitz had removed the threat of his durven, healed Calyx at least to consciousness and returned to the other side of the battle.

Everyone shared looks, mentally deciding what to do next. Finally, Motega said, “Camp.” And it was so.


Motega and Tobias grabbed the durven bodies, dragging them toward the campsite while Fitz gave Calyx her routine battle check-up. Magnus had already started plundering the bodies, a sheet of parchment and a quill in one hand, his other hand rummaging. Occasionally his chuckling filled the air as he catalogued every item the enemies had held.

After a quiet dinner, Magnus went over his list with the rest of the group. The items that could be carried were divided up and Motega hid the rest in the wilderness. Then, shifts for watch were divided up and the majority of the party rested.


Tobias had been stuck with the graveyard shift again. The woods were comfortably silent and he found his thoughts drawn back to Reddel.

It wasn’t unheard of to be chosen by an angel. He thought the chosen were called Paladins. But it often led to a life of persecution. The Risen Gods weren’t the most friendly toward the perfectly designed angels and their chosen. And that was not saying anything about the Gods’ even more imperfect followers on Ostia Prim.

But his thoughts drifted and ebbed as his eyes started to close. Tobias’ head bobbed; sleep slowly rapped its exhaustive tendrils around Tobias. And whether from the exertion of the day or just the lateness of the night, he slept.


“Shhhh....Shut up, will you,” the cloaked mage whispered hoarsely. “We need our hearing! You can’t see in the dark, can you?!” The mage stalked slowly ahead of his two remaining companions. Already, they had lost too many companions this foul night.

Now, they were forced to trudge through this d@mn forest, just to escape….whatever the hell those things were. And Galum, the mage, wasn’t happy at all about it. Especially with his two remaining noisy companions.

“We need to hear in case they’re following,” he hissed to emphasize his point. As he said that, he stopped abruptly causing his companions to bump into him. His hand shot up in the gesture for stop although he doubted they knew what that meant. So, instantly he changed the gesture to one meaning look.

His companions stepped nearly silently from behind and peered at the young man sleeping against the tree.


A harsh snap of twigs and metal clanging together roused Motega. He nocked an arrow, while on the ground then kicked Magnus to wake him. The mage’s eyes flickered open as well and before he could utter a sound, Motega motioned for silence then pointed toward Funeris’ general location. Magnus nodded and rolled over to tap Fitz.

Motega stood up, the fire had died long ago and what few embers remained did nothing to alleviate the darkness. With the skill he was practically born with, Motega stalked over to an old, huge tree that provided enough cover. His eyes, slowly adjusting to the dark night made out three shapes standing above Funeris. One of them was reaching for Funeris’ great sword.

Suddenly a clank from the camp caused the bandit to snap his head up. No time like the present, thought Motega. He loosed the arrow, which hit the bandit in the shoulder. Galum, stepped backward toward the entrance of the forest, avoiding the arrow fire.

The other bandit stepped in toward the still sleeping paladin, removing a huge sword from its scabbard. He swung at the sleeping boy with all of his might. The sword landed maybe an inch above Tobias’ head. The reverberation of the tree woke the sleeping paladin, his hand instinctively grabbing the sword.

Magnus, Fitz and Calyx ran onto the scene as Tobias stood returning the sword blow. Galum unleashed a ball of energy onto Tobias, which pushed him back but didn’t nearly drop the man-child.

Within mere seconds, with the mage making his self known, the battle was ended as abruptly as it began. The bandit with the sword lied dead at Tobias feet, Galum’s body not far off in the wood and the younger bandit cowering at Fitz’s feet, begging for mercy from the cleric.

“I haven’t had a good hek.” Fitz stated plainly. “You’re lucky I’m a holy man. Bind him.”


Waiting for more

Well I emailed him an atta boy for that one,
and some more notes for the next chapter. At least all that I remember.

Now I just sent him and email about where is the next installment (1330), according to him he always gets one out here after I bug him. So we'll see.


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Chapter 6: Return to Castle Llyndofare

When Tobias awoke the next morning, the interrogation was almost complete. Not much information was to be gained from the bandit that had survived the attack. He had been a member of a group of bandits from Andorric’s Steps. They had fled southward to Llyndofare and met resistance from a creature, a scorpiot. Many of their group had died leaving only the three that had foolishly attacked the Heroes the prior night.

The noisy bandit, Torren, had apologized for the attack. Blaming the mage, Galum, for the hostility, he swore he would do anything if not put out of his misery. So, for the moment, the Heroes just bound his hands and headed for Llyndofare.

The remaining journey was quiet and uneventful. Time passed quickly and before they were aware, the edge of the forest dashed toward them leading them into the shadow of the plateau Castle Llyndofare crouched upon.

Motega stopped to check tracks but aside from the minor marks left from the three remaining bandits, none were to be found. He shook his head and the party began strategy discussion.

“We could just barge in through the front again,” Magnus suggested. “It worked the first time. Why not make it habit?” He grinned at the last word, daring the gods to act against the Heroes of Marchford.

“No. Back door,” was all Motega grunted.

Funeris picked up the slack in conversation, “While I like the idea of barging through the front door, if they’re waiting for us and are aware of our route last time, Mo’ might be right. Perhaps its time to use the back door.”

“It was trapped.” Magnus reminded.

“I can handle it,” Motega reassured the party. “Simple trap. No problems.”

“Fine,” conceded Magnus. “Let’s go then.” As the party left the mouth of the forest, Magnus glanced backward to see Fitz talking to the bandit.

“Are you coming, priest?”

“I’m sure you’ll be alright. I’m going to convert….I mean talk to our new friend, Toren.” Fitz’s eyes were alight with happiness.

“Suit yourself, priest.” Magnus turned and caught up with the remainder of the group.


Motega had scouted ahead, per the norm. He stopped at the back door, which was no longer trapped. As he peered under the heavy wood door, he could make out what appeared to be a human in leather armor. Another bandit he assumed and waved the rest of the Heroes forward.

The group quietly entered the rear courtyard of Castle Llyndofare. This was the place where Nimrodel, the barbaric elf, had nearly fallen. As they noted details, a door that had previously been closed and secured had since been opened.

They headed toward the door, listening intently for sounds of life on the other side. Not a peep was heard, nor a stir of the breeze. Motega stealthily shut the door.

“Upstairs. We’ll use the catwalks to look----“ as he was finishing the statement, the doors slammed open, knocking him across the courtyard. He landed splayed out but was only down for a half second. As he leapt back onto his feet, drawing his bow, he searched out the cause of his embarrassment.

Standing in the doorway for the unknown courtyard, was another of the monstrous scorpiots. Its mandibles clicked and clacked as its dark eyes measured up its new dinner.
Slowly, its arachnid tail snapped back and forth, preparing for a strike.

Tobias loosed an arrow as Motega charged with his sword drawn. Calyx also rushed in for melee. But neither Motega nor Calyx could pierce the thick hide of the beast. Tobias’ arrows bounced harmlessly off of its exoskeleton as well.

The scorpiot ducked a blow from Motega and came up after an attack from its tail, delivering two devastating claw attacks as well as a bite on Motega. The Rorn fell back a few paces, fighting a quick poison that flowed within his veins, sapping his strength.

Calyx stepped in to cut the creature off as Magnus rushed into battle, daggers drawn. Tobias, still from a safe distance, loosed several more arrows. One arrow dug slightly into the beast, several others all deflected.

But the beast was not phased by Tobias’ arrow. Its clickety clacking increased in rapidity, and it dove in for the kill on Calyx. She narrowly avoided the poisonous tail but was hit hard by the claws and bite.

Magnus uttered, “Ceria, where is your priest?” He stepped forward to distract the beast from Calyx, who was now on the ground.

Tobias, have faith in me. Have faith in yourself. A voice sounded in Tobias’ head and the compulsion led him to drop the bow and draw his sword. Strike true, my paladin.

As Tobias reached the battle, Motega was again on his feet, taking more swings at the primitive humanoid. The beast vacillated on which it wanted to kill first, Magnus or Motega. It struck Motega again with the poison and landed a serrated claw attack on Magnus.

Tobias stepped up and brought the great sword down hard across the beast’s exoskeleton. It stumbled back and responded with the same attack that had forced Motega back. The burning in Tobias’ veins didn’t take hold. And the young paladin screamed in rage. His great sword came down again and again, smiting the beast.

The scorpiot gurgled black bile as its carapace hit the ground. Motega took his sword and cut the poisonous stinger off of the tail. Then strung it onto a chain that he wore around his throat. Standing, Motega and Tobias looked around at the damage.

Magnus whimpered, “Cleric…”


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Don't worry we all know Magnus comes into his own...
that's right...this is a bump disguised as a response...
hopefully to get more readers and more comments...
anyone out there?? [listens intently...hears crickets...shakes head]


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