In the Valus - The Heroes of Marchford (Chapter 14 Continues - 12/24/08)


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Just so everyone is aware of the situation....the Yeti bugs me 10 times a day already...easily. And that's when he has work to do....when he's bored at work...that usually means i have a full mailbox of complaints :D

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I hadn't bugged him for a few days.
But I think I've sent him a couple of emails today about it.

Been busy at work.

Hopefully we will see one today, since his woman want to try to pop out the kids sometime soon. He better remember it's now an excuse for missing a game session. haha Just kidding Cat.


Great story so far! Your writing style seems to really fit this format.

Thanks for all the work!

Oh.. and post more already! Is three in one day the best you can do? ;)


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Thanks Miln for the praise that quickly turned into a challenge. :D I could possibly do more than 3 a day....if I were in the mood. However, I think three was quite awesome that day since I was supposed to be "working". Eh.

I'll see if I can finish off chapter 8 for you guys today. How's that sound?


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Chapter 8: Into the Deep Continued

Ok...well here's the first half of the conclusion. I wanted to get it posted so I at least have something posted today. I will continue to work on the second half of the conclusion while working. Hopefully I'll get that posted for you guys & gals too. :D

P.S. Sorry it seems short.


“Thank you! Oh, thank you!” The old slave was crying profusely, half from joy, half from the sting of the midday sun. His arms were outstretched and he embraced the warm earth. A wide smile spread across Tobias’ exhausted face.

The war drums had started again not so long after they had fled. At first it seemed the war drums were pursuing, but perhaps it had been a trick of the caverns. After an hour, the war drums did not seem to be edging closer. The timbre and tempo of the drums sounded more of a funeral procession than of a call to arms anyway.

The return climb had been more difficult with the added weight of the man. He had been starved and had not the energy or skill to make the climb on his own. The Heroes had strung him up cautiously and carefully, distributing the slight weight evenly. Motega had supervised the tying, had actually named it the “Rorn hog-tie”. They had modified it, of course, for comfort and so the burden was shared.

And once the ascension was complete, what little energy the foursome had went to re-sealing the well with the half-ton wooden door. Now, they stood or lay collecting the preciously warming rays of the summer sun. For fear of the old man losing his sight, they rose again. And dragged him into the nearby room which had been used as a Scorpiot burial chamber. Here, the light was more dim and would not burn quite so harshly.

“Now, if you don’t mind,” Magnus began, “could you tell us how you came to be a slave?”

The man’s head dipped a little before he began to speak. “I, well I should begin with my name. I am Buric Godrinson. I don’t know how long I was done there,” his voice stammered and dropped. “I know it was at least a decade. I lost count long ago.

“I was a farmer outside of the town of Andorric’s Steps. My father owned the farm and his age was starting to wear on his health. So, I, his oldest son only in my early twenties had taken the responsibility of running his farm.

“It was a day like any other, I had risen early to tend the cattle. The cattle were out grazing in the fields and I had turned to my other responsibilities.” The old man paused to scratch his beard, attempting to stimulate the now nearly lost memories. “I’m not sure what happened. I must’ve fallen asleep or been knocked out. The next time I opened my eyes, it was in that dark barren hell. And I’ve been made to suffer since. They beat for pleasure and out of anger.

“I thought once that they meant to actually kill me. Lucky for me, I managed to figure out that grunting they call speaking. If I hadn’t…they…they.” Tears again flooded down his face and his head dropped onto his shoulders. Tobias’ hand patted him comfortingly on his shoulder.

“Well, Buric, you’ll be safe now.” Magnus proclaimed. “After all, you are in the car of the Heroes of Marchford.” His youthful smile nearly split his head in half. “We should decide our next steps fellas.” They provided the man with food and turned to exit.

“Could you take me home?” His eyes pleaded.

“To Andorric’s Steps?” A cloud of emotion crossed Tobias’ face and his voice became colder. “We’ll discuss it.”


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Just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your story hour, Funeris. It highlights my day. By the way, Yeti, he will be making every game session after this one. So you can't yell at him for making excuses. So :p . Everyone have a good day. ( I know you were just kidding) Hee Hee. :lol:


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Chapter 8: Into the Deep Concluded

“We need to go to Andorric’s Steps, however, I think we take Buric to Dun Moor.” Tobias face was still shadowed with pain. “I know I haven’t told you of all of the details of my past. Its time I shed a little light on the subject.

“I ran away from Andorric’s Steps when I was only nine. I’ve been running for six long years now. And, quite honestly, I’m afraid to return. My father was executed for treason on the day I left.” Tobias’ visage reddens in hue as he breathes slowly.

“My father was a Captain of the guard and quite the devoted worshipper of Morduk. Six years ago he was in charge of the soldiers and engineers building the new keep. I was so young at the time that I don’t remember much. He used to talk about work on occasion at home and I know the keep was to have secret exits.

“These passageways ran underneath the castle, deep under the earth and out a safe distance from the town. My father was accused of leaking the designs.” Tears began to leak from Tobias’ eyes. His face was fully flushed by this point, and he seemed to not want to continue. “I didn’t believe it. Couldn’t. My father was the most honorable man I have ever known. He lived and would have died for the King. I guess in a way he did.

“So, I ran. I was just a child. And I fled. I was scared that the same might have happened to me. So I left. And I vowed to earn back the honor of my family. Even if that means returning to prove my father’s innocence. And dying, if need be.

“Buric disappeared from Andorric’s Steps years and years ago. Taken as a slave. This makes me think that perhaps the two events are connected somehow. Maybe I’m grasping at straws. Probably. But, we will have to go to Andorric’s Steps sometime.

“That being said, I say we take him to Dun Moor. We can give him some money so he can live out the rest of his life in safety. Then we need to finish what we’ve started here. And from there, maybe we go to Andorric’s Steps.”

The rest of the Heroes had maintained a respectful silence during Tobias’ recounting. Magnus shifted uneasily and walked over to the warrior, a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sure we’ll make it there soon. Let’s go to Dun Moor tomorrow. We have some contacts there to equip and sell whatever we’ve come across. Then we’ll decide our next steps.” A quick nod from the rest of the party sealed the plans.

“Ok then,” Magnus said, “Let’s decide on watch for the night.” After watches were chosen, the party disbanded to their own personal routines. But before Tobias could get away, Motega grabbed him by the shoulder.

“You’re honorable. I like you. We don’t fault you for you past.” Tobias nodded accepting the praise graciously. “Is there anything else you want to tell us?” Motega’s demeanor had changed with the question, a pointed look on his face.

Tobias shirked back slightly, in awe of the erratic and sudden change. “Um…well no. That was it.” Motega’s hand grasped a little tighter, his look dark and then he released his hold and walked away.


Tobias had again taken the third shift of watch. The graveyard shift it was called. The eerie shadows of the abandoned castle only enhanced that definition. He struggled to keep his eyes open and his mind active. The late hours were always the worse, yet he always accepted the shift as if he was paying penance for some past wrong.

As his lids drifted again, a sharp scratching sound punctuated the air. He stood and withdrew his greatsword. Quickly he darted around the well, waking the other members. As they wiped the sleep from their eyes, the thousand-pound door exploded into fragments of wood.

Clambering out of the defiled well was a large beast, stone gray in color. It appeared to be carved from stone, its reptile-like scales a granite color and texture. Black beady eyes burned in its sockets, eyeing the party viciously, hungrily. The beast let out a shrill roar as it stepped toward the Heroes.

Behind it, two of the naked tribal warriors climbed up, stone blades in hand. Wicked grins of malevolence split their blind countenances. The beast paused, sensing moving behind itself. With a quick spin, its claws tore through the tribal warriors with ease. Their malevolent grins turned to agony.

Tobias took the brief respite to charge the beast, slamming his sword across its great scales. His blade dug in barely and then skidded off the beast. A very thin line of dark blood bubbled from within its body and it growled again.

As the drake lurched toward Tobias, Motega released a few futile arrows. One arrow thudded dully before falling useless and shattered to the ground. The other flew wide, but it was enough of a distraction that the beast only had one attack at Tobias. The beast missed and Fitz wadded in with his scythes.

The silver crescent blades of the Goddess Ceria had little effect against the stone hide of the creature. Magnus’ crossbow bolts also, for the most part, bounced harmlessly off the hide. Motega dropped his bow and drew his longsword, charging the beast and attempting to flank it with Tobias.

Motega’s attack pierced the rough hide and the beast shrieked, loosing an idle swipe at the Rorn. As the beast pivoted Tobias greatsword danced in a long arc, driven onward by his feral cry. The blade slipped through the posterior and downward, nearly severing the beast’s rear leg. It uttered another cry as it spun and slammed Tobias with its great claws.

The beast tried to close its salivating maw over Tobias’ face but Motega’s blade elongated the gash on its rear. Magnus’ bolts now found entry through the arterial gash as well and the beast had to keep spinning to protect itself. As it spun, Tobias’ sword lurched downward again and again finding its target over and over.

The beast roared and turned, slamming into Tobias and knocking the sword from his hand. Tobias stumbled back as the beast leapt, its powerful jaws open wide and targeting his throat.

Motega’s sword slammed downward and a sharp crack drove the beast into the ground. Dirt sprayed upward from the force of the beast. When the air cleared, the beast lay growling inches from Tobias, it’s spine severed.

Tobias stood and drove his retrieved blade through the drake’s thick skull. For the remaining five hours of darkness, not one of the Heroes slept.


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Well everybody, I just wanted to alert you to the fact that I probably won't be updating for the rest of the week. I'm going to take the time to spend with my girlfriend and my first son (he arrives tomorrow). So do me a favor guys & gals, keep bumping this so I can get more readers. Well bump it if you enjoy it. I hope you do.

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