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D&D 5E In Which We Build A 5E Followers Chart, Part One: Clerics


Being that a unicorn is a legendary creature I would put it in either its own category or give a percentage chane of getting one in the category.


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Totally Awesome Pirate Brain
Well, using the table I god a total of 90 acolytes (one of whom is actually evil), 40 men-at-arms, and 80 pilgrims. That's a very odd kind of stronghold and probably something more akin to a monastery.

Second round was 110 acolytes (1 evil) and 4 paladins and the leader is 4 levels lower than the cleric.

Third round is 10 acolytes, 50 men-at-arms, 100 pilgrims and 20 stoutfolk.

This is pretty fun.
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Steeliest of the dragons
Is there couatl a legendary creature? I would think it should be...

Anyway, since as soon as I posted this I realized I'd forgotten something I really wanted on there [to apply to any class, actually].

Take three.

Special Individuals Table
1: Skilled Craftsman: An individual of masterful skill in 1 type of Artisan's Tools (mason, blacksmith, brewer, etc...) or Expert Kit (healer, alchemist, scribe, etc...) offers his devoted service to the cleric and their stronghold's needs. This individual can produce superior quality products, work and craft, and sell their goods and/or services for top dollar. They insist on no payment from the cleric, as they view the exercise of their craft as for the cleric's deity [i.e. "Doing God's work"].
2: Elfin Emissary: An elf [high or wood, DM's choice and discretion as to which would fit better with domains of the cleric's deity] comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. The elf commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The elf is half the cleric's level [DM's choice or roll d10]: 1-5: Eldritch Knight or Ranger, 6-10: Mage or Druid.
3: Magical Beast: An intelligent giant variety of animal of the cleric's alignment offers its services as regional guard, companion, sentry and mount [if needed]. DM's choice for the type of animal (creatures sacred to or associated with the deity make the most sense) or as follows: Eagle [LG], Lion [NG] or Owl [CG].
4: Legendary Beast: A Unicorn of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric's territory and offers its services as guard, sentry, adviser and/or mount [if needed]. The unicorn may reveal itself to the cleric only, the stronghold as a whole, or remain in a special/consecrated location somewhere in the cleric's wilderness/territory, as the DM needs/DM's discretion.
5: Chronicler: A Bard comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance in a desire to travel with, observe, and chronicle the cleric's great deeds in tale and song. The bard commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The bard is no more than half the cleric's level.
6: Faerie's Favor: A goodly fae of the cleric's alignment offers its services as companion, servant, sentry and/or protector, as needed: Brownie [LG], Sprite [NG] or Satyr [CG].
7: Magical Beast: A magical beast of the cleric's alignment offers its services as regional guard, companion, sentry and mount [if needed], as follows: Couatl[LG], Griffon [NG] or Pegasus [CG].
8: Legendary Beast: A Sphinx of suitable disposition and alignment comes [is sent?] to the cleric's territory and offers its services as guardian/adviser. The sphinx will remain in a special/consecrated location somewhere in the cleric's territory.
9: Sacred Servant: A devout follower of the cleric's deity comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. The follower commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The follower is half the cleric's level [DM's choice or roll d10]: 1-5: Cleric, 6-10: Paladin.
10: Giant Friend: A giant of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric's territory, regularly if not establishing a permanent lair of its own. It enjoys visiting, conversing, debating philosophy, etc... with the enlightened/wise lord of the region. The DM may choose a giant type appropriate for the campaign setting or use the following: Titan [LG], Stone Giant [NG or CG], Storm Giant [any Good].
11: Legendary Beast: A Dragon of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric's territory and offers its services as guard, sentry, adviser and/or mount [if needed]. The dragon may reveal itself to the cleric only, the stronghold as a whole or no one (maintaining human form in some unassuming counselor, craftsman or shopkeeper to keep a secretive watch over the stronghold's goings-on), or remain in its natural form somewhere in the cleric's wilderness/territory, as the DM needs/DM's discretion. The DM may select a dragon type suitable for the campaign/alignment/deity or use the following: Silver [LG], Bronze [LG or NG] or Copper [NG or CG].
12: Angelic Ally: A celestial servant of the deity makes themselves a fixture of the cleric's stronghold. This being is the exact alignment as the cleric's deity and answers to the needs of the cleric and/or good of the stronghold as a whole. The angel commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The type of angelic being is DM's choice or roll d10: 1-5: Hound Archon, 6-9: Deva, 10: Trumpet Archon.
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Steeliest of the dragons
Druid Followers

Stronghold Territory Table. d%

1-25: Aspirants: 6 low level druids come to serve the stronghold, tend needs of the surrounding community, and generally "free up" the druid to pursue "the great mysteries" of their beloved deity. The highest of these should be no more than half the druid's level and 2 subordinates 1/4 the druid's level. The remainder are 1st level.
26-27: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.
28-35: Pilgrims [Pagans]: d10 x 10 rural folk (farmers, herders, etc...) and other followers of druidic religion/beliefs. These numbers can be counted on to fight to the death in defense of the druid's lands, stronghold or any of the "special creatures" who follow the PC.
36: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.
37-45: Horse-Guard: 50 well-trained Centaurs with a religious fervor and conviction to match their lord. The leader of these is a Fighter half the druid's level with 2 subordinates [each] Fighters 1/4 the druid's level. The remainder are 1st level Fighters or, optionally, "normal" centaur stats/CR.
46-60: Sylvan Folk Settlers: d4 x 10 folk move in, recognizing the druid's authority, can supply whatever cultural goods/services and aid in defense as normally attributed to them. DM's choice or roll d6: Pixies, [Forest] Gnomes, Satyrs, Brownies, Sprites, or [Wood] Elves.
61-65: Dryad: A dryad creates a home/portal to faerie in the territory and will tend the trees and plants, acknowledge the druid as the territory's authority and do what she can to assist in the stronghold's defense.
66-70: Tree Shepherds: d4 Treants move to the area. They will react favorably and recognize the authority of the druid, providing what assistance they can to the territory's general defense and well-being.
71: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.
72-80: Wondrous Waters: One of the following types of water-based creatures makes a home in the waters of the druid's territory (a lake, stream/river system, spring, waterfall, etc...). They will acknowledge the druid as the authority of the territory and offer what services they can in the territory's defense. DM's choice or roll d6: 1-2: Water Weird, 3-5: d6 Nixies, 6: Naiad [Fresh water Nymph].
81-85: Legendary Herd/Flock/Pride: A group [2d6] of magical beasts comes to the druid's territory. They will react favorably to the druid, accepting them as the authority of the territory and provide whatever services they can (defense, travel, act as sentries, etc...). DM's choice or roll d10: 1-3: Hippogriff, 4-6: Pegusus, 7-9: Griffon, 10: Unicorn
86: Magi: d4 Mages who shares the druid's philosophic outlook [or any Good] comes to serve the magical needs of the stronghold. The first of these is of comparable level to the druid [d4 levels lower] and acts as the stronghold's [unofficial] Magus. Any results higher than 1 on the d4 indicates additional "apprentice/student followers" of the master, 1/4 level of the druid each.
87-99: Rangers: d6 Rangers come to the area and pledge their service and defense of the territory and local community[-ies]. The first of these is of comparable level to the druid [d4 levels lower]. Results higher than 1 on the d6 indicates additional rangers no higher than half the druid's level. These rangers may be any range of levels desired by the DM, and serve any number of different deities -so long as their alignment falls somewhere [L/N/C] Good.
00: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.

Special Individuals Table. d12
1: Skilled Craftsman: An individual of masterful skill in 1 type of Artisan's Tools (mason, blacksmith, brewer, etc...) or Expert Kit (healer, alchemist, scribe, etc...) offers his devoted service to the cleric and their stronghold's needs. This individual can produce superior quality products, work and craft, and sell their goods and/or services for top dollar. They accept no payment from the druid, as the druid defends and fosters their region.
2: Elfin Emissary: An elf [high or wood, DM's choice and discretion for what makes sense] comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. The elf commits the full range of their abilities to the druid's well-being and service. The elf is half the druid's level [DM's choice or roll d10]: 1-5: Eldritch Knight or Ranger, 6-10: Mage or Druid.
3: Unusual Fauna: A shapeshifter moves into your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. They commit the full range of their abilities to the druid's service and well-being. DM's choice or d6 as follows: 1: Werefox, 2-4: Werecat, 5-6: Werebear
4: Awakened Beast: A normal "awakened" animal, whether directly awakened by the druid or some other means, finds the druid and will follow/serve them as a companion and protector, as possible. DM's choice or d10: 1: Otter, 2: Fox, 3: Raven, 4: Wolf, 5: Panther, 6: Owl, Black Bear, 7: Hawk, 8: Stag, 9: Eagle, 10: Brown Bear.
5: Chronicler: A Bard comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance in a desire to travel with, observe, and chronicle the druid's great deeds in tale and song. The bard commits the full range of their abilities to the druid's well-being and service. The bard is no more than half the druid's level.
6: Faerie's Favor: A goodly fae offers its services as companion, servant, sentry and/or protector, as needed: Brownie [LG], Sprite [NG] or Satyr [CG].
7: Unusual Fauna: A type of magical beast comes to the druid's territory and offers its services as regional guard, companion, sentry and mount [if needed], d4 as follows: 1: Giant intelligent Owl, 2: 2d4 Blink Dogs, 3: Giant intelligent Lynx, 4: Owlbear.
8: Awakened Beast: As above.
9: Sacred Servant: A devout follower of a nature deity comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. The follower commits the full range of their abilities to the druid's well-being and service. The follower is half the cleric's level [DM's choice or roll d10]: 1-5: Cleric [of suitable nature-based/-related deity], 6-10: Paladin [of suitable nature-based deity/oath].
10: Giant Friend: A giant of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the druid's territory, regularly if not establishing a permanent lair of its own. It enjoys visiting, conversing, debating philosophy, etc... with the enlightened/wise lord of the region. The DM may choose a giant type appropriate for the campaign setting or use the following d6: 1: Stone Giant, 2-5: Firbolg, 6: Titan.
11: Legendary Beast: A Dragon of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the druid's territory and offers its services as guard, sentry, adviser and/or mount [if needed]. The dragon may reveal itself to the cleric only, the stronghold as a whole or no one (maintaining human form in some unassuming counselor, craftsman or shopkeeper to keep a secretive watch over the stronghold's goings-on), or remain in its natural form somewhere in the cleric's wilderness/territory, as the DM needs/DM's discretion. The DM may select a dragon type suitable for the campaign/terrain or use the following, roll d6: 1: Copper, 2-5: Green, 6: Bronze.
12: Elemental Ally: A creature of the elemental planes makes themselves a fixture of the druid's stronghold (and may travel with them). This being answers to the needs of the druid and/or good of the stronghold as a whole. The elemental commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The type of elemental being is DM's choice or roll d10: 1-3: Sylph, 4-6: Earth Elemental [CR= half druid level], 7-9: Air Elemental [CR= half druid level], 10: Earth Elemental CR comparable to [d4 lower than] the druid.

Voidrunner's Codex

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