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(Inactive) Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors (ORG)



Gembomb looks fine. If interested, I can hunt up an alternate trade domain.


Kenku looks fine.

Illumine Soul would be an excellent choice for this game (the ghostbreaker from hyperconscious would be even better, BID.)
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Thanks for looking up gembomb. I will stick with the Trade domain. Easier that way, plus it fits the PC.

I have no beef at all with how you want to do your active/alternate/wait list. About the only thing I could say is that it being Christmas and me having four small children and their dad/my husband being deployed for the season, I'll be around the site but sporadically for the next bit. I can meet the posting requirements but probably not with excess posts until after the holiday.



Updated the recommended books list. There are a few spells/items/etc. in those books that may be very beneficial...

Without the Gem of Seeing, I suddenly have 75,000 gp to spend for Peja's gear. :eek: I'm considering buying material components to cover the cost of multiple castings of raise dead or resurrection but wanted to check you first, Psion. I don't mind paying for these spells out of Peja's pocket, but you might mind (or the alternates might mind) it if I have my cleric raise PCs who die. Just want to get folks' take on this before I allocate the extra 75k I have.


CanadienneBacon said:
Without the Gem of Seeing, I suddenly have 75,000 gp to spend for Peja's gear. :eek: I'm considering buying material components to cover the cost of multiple castings of raise dead or resurrection but wanted to check you first, Psion. I don't mind paying for these spells out of Peja's pocket, but you might mind (or the alternates might mind) it if I have my cleric raise PCs who die. Just want to get folks' take on this before I allocate the extra 75k I have.

That's a party decision, but my thought is that it's going to be pretty darn tough this adventure, and I think it'd be good to be as well equipped as possible.

I notice your character is missing the standard clerical must-buy: periapt of wisdom. You could easily afford a +6 wisdom item (36k)

Other items you might consider:
- adding undead bane to the staff.
- partially or fully charged wand of death ward (10500 or 21000) (unfortunately a short duration spell, so this might seem a bit expensive.)
- pearls of power for 4th or higher level spells (16k for 4th, 25 k for 5th, 36k for 6th, 49k for 7th). You can also lend these to a wizard in the party in a pinch. A bit expensive, which is why you ought to hit the wisdom periapt first.
- anything that raises your saves (e.g., cloak of resistance)
- unfortunately, if you buy the periapt, you can't also wear an amulet of natural armor, but you might consider boosting your armor.
- tome of understanding

Edit: So long as you have relics & rituals, I should note, I use the ritual rules (but don't require a special ritual casting skill). If you run into situations that might require you to boost caster level or use metamagic, it might be worth having a few ritual components on hand.
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Psion said:
I notice your character is missing the standard clerical must-buy: periapt of wisdom. You could easily afford a +6 wisdom item (36k)

I considered it but ditched the idea for two reasons. One, it's an item that is easily negated. Two, I thought it was a little too obvious a purchase and wanted to try something novel. I might have to rethink that approach to equipping the PC, though. The old standbys are old standbys for a darn good reason, usually.

Other items you might consider:
- adding undead bane to the staff.

I looked at both undead bane and disruption and went with disruption. Both are pretty good vs. undead. I also bought the phylactery for Peja. Incidentally, I'm kinda considering ditching Power Attack and Improved Sunder in favor of Disciple of the Sun from CD (lets you destroy instead of turn undead). Is Disciple of the Sun acceptable?

- pearls of power for 4th or higher level spells (16k for 4th, 25 k for 5th, 36k for 6th, 49k for 7th). You can also lend these to a wizard in the party in a pinch. A bit expensive, which is why you ought to hit the wisdom periapt first.

What's your take on the pearls that grant two spells? Is that two spells total or two spells of every spellcasting level? It's wacky, I know, but I've seen the pearls played a myriad of ways. Wanting to keep the PC as simple and streamlined as possible, I avoided buying a pearl of power. But since you mentioned them specifically... :D

- anything that raises your saves (e.g., cloak of resistance) - unfortunately, if you buy the periapt, you can't also wear an amulet of natural armor, but you might consider boosting your armor.

I have enough gp now to do the cloak. While I was happy with the Gem, it really did eat up his funds. Without it, there's room to play. Thanks for the tips re: defenses, though. Those get me thinking in the right direction.

So long as you have relics & rituals, I should note, I use the ritual rules (but don't require a special ritual casting skill). If you run into situations that might require you to boost caster level or use metamagic, it might be worth having a few ritual components on hand.

It's been a while since I last looked at that, I'll have to revisit it this week. Thanks for the idea.


CanadienneBacon said:
I considered it but ditched the idea for two reasons. One, it's an item that is easily negated. Two, I thought it was a little too obvious a purchase and wanted to try something novel.

If it were me, I'd buy the periapt and spend my other 34k on being unique. ;) It's going to boost your spell DCs and will saves, and probably give you 3 more spell slots.

I looked at both undead bane and disruption and went with disruption. Both are pretty good vs. undead.

Tipping my hand a lot here, but hopefully other players will take some cues here: Undead bane is going to prove a better deal. Disruption is great at lower levels. But at the levels you are at, creatures can have very high save bonuses. The undead that you affect with disruption are the undead you wouldn't have a hard time with anyways.

If you do find yourself needing to disrupt undead, you can cast disrupting weapon (which uses your save DC, vice a paltry 14). But undead bane is good against any undead, and with greater magic weapon, the undead bane will put the weapon in range to hit creatures with epic DR with the additional bonus vs. undead.

Or, you have enough cash for both enchantments. But if you only have cash for one, I'd hit undead bane.

Is Disciple of the Sun acceptable?


What's your take on the pearls that grant two spells? Is that two spells total or two spells of every spellcasting level?

Um, two spells, each of those 2 spells being 6th level or lower.
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Psion, I am still here but I've been a little busy with getting ready for Christmas, work and paving around our house. I'll try to get my character up as soon as I can. :eek:

If I can't do it tomorrow I should definitely be able to do it the day after Christmas. Sorry if I'm holding things up but I think you said that I was going to meet the party in the first town that they get to anyway. :heh:

Olaf the Stout


Olaf the Stout said:
If I can't do it tomorrow I should definitely be able to do it the day after Christmas. Sorry if I'm holding things up but I think you said that I was going to meet the party in the first town that they get to anyway. :heh:

As I mention above, the whole party is going to meet in Blackston. The plan is that once we have 3 players ready, we'll proceed with the part of the adventure that occurs in Blackston.

I won't run the post-Blackston stuff until after we have a fully staffed (6-PC) party.


First Post
I'm almost done with Ari. I think I'm going to rejig her spells known, though, because I fear I've done something I fall into all too often -- try to build a character who does many things poorly, rather than one or two things well. I'll see if I can spot any gaps in the party that need filling and focus on those.

Edit: Looks like an offensive spellcaster might be the way to go. Revised spell list forthcoming.
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