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(Inactive) Psion's Return to the Tomb of Horrors (ORG)

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First Post

If you could shrink down the character picture linked to in one of my previous posts, that'd be keen. I don't trust the software on this computer.


Kafkonia said:
If you could shrink down the character picture linked to in one of my previous posts, that'd be keen. I don't trust the software on this computer.



Rino said:
i'm almost done with my first PC
Question: if i have a longbow, does fire enchanted arrows the +1d6 dmg and the same with the other abilities?

Huh? Not quite sure what you are asking, but abilities do stack as long as they are not the same (e.g., a flaming bow and flaming arrow does not add 2d6 fire damage, but a flaming bow and shocking arrow would be fine.)


Skills and Abilities added. I'll keep the blunt weapon in mind if I have some leftover gold. Please note that I am going away until the New Year so I won't be able to post until then.


Olaf the Stout


Character Generation

This post is the new home for Character Generation guidelines.

There are a variety of Chargen guidelines and house rules:
  • Each player is requested to conceive 2 characters. The adventure is potentially very deadly, and there is a good chance you will be called on to pull in a second character. The first character should be fully statted. The second should outline classes, levels, and feat choices.
  • Characters start at 14th level, XP = 102,000.
  • Stats: Characters may choose the heroic array - 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 or use the Invisible Castle Grid Method. Randomly generated characters whose stat modifiers are odd may raise their scores until the total is +9, then make the 2nd, 4th, and 6th highest scores odd; all others even. Randomly generated characters whose scores over +12 must reduce their scores until the modifier total is +12 or less, with no score less than 10, then subtract 1 from all odd scores. This is before modifiers, players may distribute 3 ability points after base stats are determined as is normal for their level.
  • Classes: See classes post for recommended and banned classes. All classes not on the list must be approved by the GM.
  • Races: Core, XPH races, UA environmental variants, Goliath, Illumian. Other races are possible and will be considered.
  • Alignment: No evil. CN characters only allowed by my approval. This will require you to come up with a satisfactory motivation for your character to be with the party.
  • Magic items: the first character will have standard per level (150,000). Charged items 50% cost (charges randomized). No more than half on a single item. Characters with item creation feats pay 70% (but this includes XP), or 35% for wands or staves. No charged item or per day use item is allowed that allows multiple creatures to fly, teleport, or true seeing and single use items (e.g., scrolls) of such spells are limited to 1 per character. No custom items; all items must be approved. Characters may choose to purchase/make fully charged items at the normal cost (100/70%).
  • Some of the character's starting items will be Nemurani items. Nemurani items are powerful items with awakened spirits linked to the character. The good news is that if a character is slain and then raised, if the item was broken/sundered, it is restored. The bad news is that if the character is permanently slain or lost, the item is inert.
  • Books: See the book list below.
  • Background/Personality: I don't expect pages of background for these characters, but a paragraph or two about your role in life and background would be nice. Something like an archetype and trait as described in PHB2 for each character is about right.
  • The adventure has many traps, combat challenges, undead, and obstacles that can only be overcome by magic. Having one of each of the four classic roles is recommended.


Conduct of Game

This post is the new home of the conduct of game guidelines (including character replacement.)

Conduct of Game:
  • I expect to shoot for 3 days of postings a week. Sorry, my work schedule will soon only permit me to post at night (EST).
  • I will consider the fist month a "trial period". I don't know how my schedule is going to work out, and if it's not gelling within a month, I don't want to waste everyone's time. I will make a determination after a month about how well the game is going rather than drag it on if it's not working.
  • I will be accepting 6 initial players; all others will be wait-listed. I'll give those who have already expressed interest priority, but get those submissions in!
  • I'd like to keep things flowing. Players who don't post for a week will be moved to the wait list, and the first player on the wait list moved up.
  • I know this is not likely, but I have the week from Christmas to New Years at home. If all players are ready, I would like to kick off the game then.
  • In addition to character creation details, players may list "automatic actions", to help me speed up the game if you are not around to post a response. These can be conditional, as well as set up as "immediate" or "after 24 hours".
  • Invisible castle will be used for all rolls; put your character name in, roll you are attempting, and link to the result. The DM will make initiative rolls as well as rolls that are "hidden" as described in the DMG.
  • (This is mildly a house rule, but we'll stick it here). When conducting actions in combat, all PCs who act before an NPC's initiative may act in the order they post. This should keep the flow of combat moving and help us work around people's schedules.

Character Death and Replacement:
  • If an active player's active PC is slain, if they are not raised, the player moves to the standby list.
  • An active player may switch their PC at any interlude. Generally, take an interlude to be any time the players are not in an adventure site.
  • If a PC is slain and not raised (either because they can't be or they elect not to), the remaining members of the party weigh in on what type of character they want to see replace it -- primary arcane/psion, primary divine, primary rogue, primary warrior, or mixed. I will then decide who responds to your call for help to fill in your ranks (generally, based on who is higher on the wait list.) A standby player has 24 hours to respond or I will move down the wait list.
  • An active player who does not post for a week or cannot keep up 3 posts/week may be waitlisted at my option. A currently waitlised player will be promoted to the active list as above.
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House Rules and Rulings

This post is the new home of house rules and rulings. See the Classes post for rulings on classes.

House Rules:
(This section is "under construction"; there will be more)

  • Threatening injuries: Any event reducing a character's HP by one half in one event is considered a threatening injury, and may have a possible deleterious effect, requiring a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 damage dealt). Failure can result in side effects, such as con loss, penalties to rolls, etc. Other specific effect may trigger this roll without meeting the half-hp criteria. This is in addition to massive damage effects.
  • Traps: In addition to the changes to trapfinding above, the rules for traps will be a little different and more detailed, with more possible results. This will make player choice more significant and give more possibilities for outcomes of rolls.
  • 3.0 Holdouts: I use D&D 3.0 face/reach and cover/concealment rules.
  • XP: Standard XP rules will not apply. Characters will advance according to the needs of the campaign, with bonuses for clever play, good roleplaying, or otherwise entertaining me. :)

  • Dodge: You do not need to select a target for your dodge feat. Please calculate the dodge bonus into your AC.
  • Power Attack: Bonus damage from power attack is governed the same way bonus damage from strength is, e.g., 1.5x damage for two-handed, x.5 for off hand.
  • All metamagic feats: In addition to all listed prerequisites, all such feats have the prerequisite to be able to cast spells of a level equal to the level modifier to use the feat. Sorry, I don't think its right to take a feat just so you can use it with divine metamagic.
  • Divine Metamagic (Complete Divine): This is official errata, but just for clarity: In addition to the listed prerequisites, Divine Metamagic requires you already have the metamagic feat you wish to apply it to. (Combined with the above nerf, this means that most characters won't be able to take Divine Metamagic (Persistent Spell) until 15th level.)
  • Practiced Manifester (Complete Psionic): Consider the "example" text to be rules. Regardless of other effects of manifester level boosts, this feat DOES NOT give you access to higher level powers than you could manifest without it.

  • Magic Limitations: I'm not one to simply nullify magic as a means to solving problems but there could be... complications. ;)
  • Divine spells from non-core sources: To limit the tracking and approval pain for divine spells not in the PHB, prepared divine casters (clerics, druids, etc.) are limited to a number of non-core spells each spell level equal to their casting stat modifier (normally wisdom).
  • Identify is altered. Instead of granting one item/level, it identifies one property per level. Each casting of identify automatically reveals the weakest property of a given item. A spellcraft roll is allowed to discern more properties.
  • Raise Dead - Effects that severely mutilate a body may be treated as death effects for the purpose of this spell. Borderline cases may require a level check to recover the spirit.

[sblock=Magic Items]
  • No floaty shields.
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Psion, I have updated my equipment and added an appearance and background. Apart from personality I think that I am pretty much ready to go. Do you want to have a look over it to see if I have missed anything?

Olaf the Stout

Voidrunner's Codex

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