Infinite Crisis #2 SPOILERS


Ok, so Earth2 Superman relays the history of the pre-Crisis Earths and the original Crisis to Power Girl. He calls his little "pocket dimension" watch-room he has spent the last 20 years with only Lois, Alexander Lthor and Superboy-Prime "sort of like heaven" but is sorta upset that Earth1 has become so dark and gloomy and joyless. Because heroes killing and being mean and not getting along is bad. Or something.

So he declares that they "saved the wrong Earth!"

Yes, that's right, Golden Age Superman wants to wipe out existence to bring back HIS world. Super heroic!!!!

(There are already multiple conversatons going on about just what is going on. Is this really Superman? Has he been infected with the supposed "darkness", is he just misguided and will sacrifice everything again at the end, is he just going to try to teach the good guys how to be heroes?)


the OMACs are trying to destroy Themyscira (prediction: they suceed)

Booster Gold is back from the future with a plan! (YAY BOOSTER! prediction: the surviving JLI guys will wind up COOL and IMPORTANT)

Batman is fighting with Brother-Eye, (predicition: still think he's gonna die)

the Joker kills off the Royal Flush Gang and seems to have it out for the society of villains,
(prediction: making the Joker an anti-hero is a mistake)

the news confirms the deaths from last issue,
(thats Black Condor, Phantom Lady, Human Bomb and Doctor Polaris)

one of the two Lex Luthors is going crazy,
(prediciton: nope, still no idea from me on why there's two of them. can't be good though)

the other Luthor (with the society) is making a mind-wipe machine
(prediction: UH OH)

final result: all this and beautiful art too. THIS is the series that everyone is talking about. And the outlook continues to look bright (with a slight chance of absolute suckage) for One Year Later.

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First Post

Didn't they do something similar to One Year Later with Superman that was written and drawn by Jim Lee? I really didn't like it since I had zero clue what was going on. Sure, the point is that they slowly reveal "what's going on" (well, what _went_ on the previous year). It doesn't change the feeling of disconnect, which makes me want to just drop stuff until a trade paperback comes out. Maybe.

Take care,


yes, they did an awful superman storyline that was disconnected from the goings on of the DCU and so they tried to explain that it happened one year later... but the whole story sucked, was badly written, and should never be talked about.

near the end of this Crisis... EVERY dc title is going to jump "one year later" (unless you think this is a cover for a universe reboot)

The universe is being well planned out by editors and writers, to not fall into the same traps that DC had immediately following the original Crisis.


stevelabny said:
Ok, so Earth2 Superman relays the history of the pre-Crisis Earths and the original Crisis to Power Girl. He calls his little "pocket dimension" watch-room he has spent the last 20 years with only Lois, Alexander Lthor and Superboy-Prime "sort of like heaven" but is sorta upset that Earth1 has become so dark and gloomy and joyless. Because heroes killing and being mean and not getting along is bad. Or something.

So he declares that they "saved the wrong Earth!"

Yes, that's right, Golden Age Superman wants to wipe out existence to bring back HIS world. Super heroic!!!!

...and it was this that made me put the book back on the shelf. I've gone from being a big fan of Geoff Johns to not, because of GL:REBRITH and now IC. I Like the idea that these Superheroes arent perfect, I like the idea that there are consequences for thier actions even when those actions while "bad" might have been nessesary to preserve the greater good. Instead it looks like (if GL:Rebirth is any indication) that Johns is looking to wipe the slate clean with a universal reboot and start everything anew.

Which for me, would absolutely suck. If people are enjoying this then great more power to you. I'm a big fan of four-color superheroes too, but I also like drama and a good conflict resulting from the actions that our favored protagonists take (or in Superman's case lack therof). I hope that I'm wrong about John's intentions, I really do.


First Post
Thanks, stevelabny! I was hoping for some spoilerage, 'cause comics ain't easy to get down here.

IMO, Superman of Earth-2 is pulling a King Arthur and returning in the hour of greatest need. I don't think he'll want to erase current Earth and bring his back. After all, his JSA is here too.

Viking Bastard

Hurk. Themyscera has really become the Genosha of the DCU. :D Heck, they're even being
attacked by Sentinels now.

stevelabny said:
yes, they did an awful superman storyline that was disconnected from the goings on of the DCU and so they tried to explain that it happened one year later... but the whole story sucked, was badly written, and should never be talked about.
It's been semi-officially retconned.

Basically, the whole thing happened inside Superman's head. It's a Maxwell Lord induced
illusion, preparing Supes's mind for Max's eventual takeover in Sacrifice. After all, a lot of
the seeds for both Sacrifice and OMAC were in that Azzarello/Lee arc.

I like this theory myself.

Must be said, though, that the story, like all of Azzarello's stuff, reads much better in trade.


I don't think Supes-2 intends to destroy earth and replace it with earth-2, but rather wants to "cure the infection" and reinvent earth as a happier place.

I could be wrong.

Insane Luthor as stalker could be interesting.

I think that the memory wipe machine will work too well, and everyone will forget everyone else's secret identity. Well, I can hope. I for one am glad there will be a "lighter" comic (heroes don't kill, and even villains are not so vile as to force nasty decisions on heroes (like Dr. LIght as rapist of Elongated Man's wife, etc.). I like my escapism *from* reality, thank you very much. :)

Truth Seeker

As much as it is Geoff writing the book, please keep in mind, this is also editoral move, and maybe Time Warner on trying to recapture the market.

The idea can be pitched, but nothing goes on, without the higher ups' okay.

In the end, as Marvel and DC are is just streamlining the product to make it more manageable, sounds terrible to say.

But that is the plain truth.

For me, what I care about, is the punch of the story. And the chain of people that are involved, know all too well, their reps are on the line.

I started on my first book, the original of Captain Britian, followed by X-Men #109.

After this run, I will have to decide, if I want to continue or not. I am running out space.

ShinHakkaider said:
...and it was this that made me put the book back on the shelf. I've gone from being a big fan of Geoff Johns to not, because of GL:REBRITH and now IC. I Like the idea that these Superheroes arent perfect, I like the idea that there are consequences for thier actions even when those actions while "bad" might have been nessesary to preserve the greater good. Instead it looks like (if GL:Rebirth is any indication) that Johns is looking to wipe the slate clean with a universal reboot and start everything anew.

Which for me, would absolutely suck. If people are enjoying this then great more power to you. I'm a big fan of four-color superheroes too, but I also like drama and a good conflict resulting from the actions that our favored protagonists take (or in Superman's case lack therof). I hope that I'm wrong about John's intentions, I really do.

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