Insight's Emerald City Knights - OOC

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huh, i thought Michelle was a light bender.

OK after going over the characters, it seems John and michelle are both better speakers, but they're also the two strong ones. Jacie can try to handle the crowd, and she's also got some good senses for finding people. Meanwhile Frosty puts out the fires, and Greyhound can use his speed, perception, and wall-phasing to find people.
Unfortunately none of us have any medical training, but there are things we could do to help on that front too.. Dante could search up proper procedures for things and tell people what to do, and we could all 'help' when we're done other stuff.

If it's a strict 'one hero one crisis thing', then that changes things a bit.. Definitely still need Kyle on fire duty, and Michelle/John on lifting, leaving Jacie and James for the other jobs.
My suggestions if we have to split the jobs one to one:
-Michelle on "The Weight" and John on "Emergency". Her powers are more all-around versatile for the saving work, and He seems to be more of a 'face' for our group, so having him clearing the path (And possibly using extra effort or something to try and get that 'lifting the truck' feature) will be great publicity.

- Jacie on "Comfortable Words"; she's good in front of a crowd, and feels like showing off right now.

-James on "YOU MAKE ME FEEL BRAND NEW"; He may not have any medical training himself, but his speed and mobility could prove useful, and if HM allows it, he could find an actual doctor doing something, watch him, and then repeat the task 1000 times faster, or allow Dante to 'talk him through it' with information (Thought Dante doesn't have 'treatment', he is a walking database).
Alternately, he could use his powers to transport people to where they're needed.

- And last but not least, Kyle on "Fire" b/c.. duh.. ;)

BTW, While i was looking over the RG I noticed two things.
First, [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]
I checked out your TK array, it doesn't work quite right unless I'm missing something:
Telekinetic Array 14pp
Telekinesis (Perception, PF Subtle, PF Precise) +3 11pp
PF: Enhanced Str (Psychic) +10, 1pp
PF: Protection (Only against physical attacks, Impervious, Sustained, Subtle) +6, 1pp
PF: Leap (Psychic) +3, Speed (Psychic) +2, Super Movement: Wallcrawling +2, Safe Fall +1, 1pp
Enhanced str is 2 pts per rank, so +10 would cost 20 points, but your array only allows for 11 max. Unless you've got an unwritten limit in there.

Second, [MENTION=21705]Graybeard[/MENTION]
You still have Kyle at his PL 5 version in the RG


First Post's equally possible I'm just silly.

More likely in fact.

And really, +5 strength seems much more in line with the power level of her TK that I envision. hee...embarrassing. Thanks for the catch, Jemal.

Michelle's primary mode is 'lightbender' yes. Illusions and so on. Her TK is a secondary thing, based on manipulations of electromagnetic energy.

So with that in mind, she's probably better off either speaking, or using lasers to clear debris.


Damn, shouldn't have mentioned it! Lol..
Ok, so thoughts on who does what then?
We'd have to switch John to weight, you want to talk or clear?

Also btw, if you dropped the tk's range to ranged, and took off enhanced str, you could have your tk at str 5 instead of channeling it through you.


First Post
Arr, but her TK isn't meant to be super strong. It's meant to supplement her illusions, in fact. She can use it at the same time as an illusion, to make a fake person appear to interact with the world.

It also gives her a bit more athletic versatility than her background would suggest.


So HM, was just wondering, your post says one hero per crisis, but the descriptions seem to imply heroes working together, and one even mentions team checks. So what's the verdict?

@ Team : Any objections to the following revised division of labour? (Assuming HM says 1 to 1)

-John on "The Weight" : With 10 perception 10 strength he can easily save a lot of people.

-James on "YOU MAKE ME FEEL BRAND NEW"; He may not have any medical training himself, but his speed and mobility could prove useful, and if HM allows it, he could find an actual doctor doing something, watch him, and then repeat the task 1000 times faster, or allow Dante to 'talk him through it' with information (Thought Dante doesn't have 'treatment', he is a walking database).
Alternately, he could use his powers to transport people to where they're needed.

- Kyle on "Fire" b/c.. duh..

-That leaves Jacie and Michelle.. Michelle's slightly better(+9 vs +8 Persuassion), but Jacie has an extra rank in Attractive(If it comes into play)..
Either of them should be able to handle the crowd, and they both have attacks that could clear a path, so it's really up to personal choice.. Shayuri, would you rather write a speech to the public, or write about clearing the debris for the rescue vehicles? Personally I'd prefer the talking, but I'm not set on it.


Also, on a related note, [MENTION=84167]HolyMan[/MENTION] :
I always end up wanting to change a couple things on a character after the first 'session'.. I see how the character plays, and realize what I forgot to add, or stuff I did wrong.
Would you mind if I made a couple changes? (After the current stuff is resolved of course)

Changes below :
First off, I would like to change Charge Shot and Beam Saber slightly, as follows:
Charge shot: Drop homing & extended range. Add Improved Aim and Ultimate Aim (Charging.. charging.. BOOM headshot!)
*I'll likely add a 'homing' attack later, but it doesn't make sense for the charged shot, I'm seeing it as a blast of energy, not something that could loop around for another attack.
Beam Saber: Drop damage (I'm thinking of it as a more finesseful weapon), add Takedown, and either Weapon bind/Improved disarm, or Weapon Break/Improved smash. I think the smash makes more sense for a 'beam saber' (Cutting things apart), but if you'd rather have me diarming people than destroying their weapons i'll go with that instead.

I'd also like to modify some of her skill ranks a bit. Lowering her Investigation from 6 ranks to 1 (Not sure why I put so much into that, it doesn't really suit her), and putting 2 more into persuasion(To make it an even +10), 1 into athletics, and the remaining 2 removing to reduce cost of skills.

I'd like to add the All-Out Attack advantage.

Now, it makes sense to me that Dante, being a database, should be able to help people with things like treatment, but he can't actually do it himself..
so I have two ideas regarding this :
A) Ranks of treatment with the "Affects others" modifier applied.. he would essentially be able to 'talk others through it'. Same could be applied to Technology.
B) Alternately I could give him ranks of Treatment with the limit "Only useable for diagnosis and Team Checks"? Basically he can diagnose people very well, and can tell others how to treat them, but can't perform the treatment himself.
**And yes, I know treatment scenarios like this aren't likely to come up very often, the current situation just made me realize it and think about it.**

I also wanted to talk to you about a unique feature.
Jacie the Power Gamer is fairly confident and aggressive, I'd like to take an 'aggessive' feature that lowers her Defensive PLs(dodge/parry/toughness) by 1 and raises her offensive(attack bonus/effect rank) by 1.
I could theoretically get the same effect by using all-out attack, but I'd like to have it as her 'base' that she's more focused offensively than defensively.
If you said OK to that, I'd have to do some minor rearanging on her numbers to account for it, but it shouldn't be hard.

*EDIT: FYI, if you were to say yes to everything, here's what my sheet would look like:
[sblock=Jacie the Power Gamer 2.0]
Gamer Girl Jacie - PL 10 (150 PP)
AKA Power Gamer

Abilities: 24pp
STA 1 (2pp)
AGI 2 (4pp)
FGT 1 (2pp)
INT 4 (8pp)
AWE 2 (4pp)
PRE 2 (4pp)

Speed: 30; W/Boots: 120 (Ground & jump)
Initiative: +2 (2 agi) W/Boots: +6
Melee Attack: +1 (1 fgt)
Ranged Attack: +0 (0 dex)
Specific Attacks:
Beam saber: +13, Toughness DC 24, Crit 16-20, Range: Melee
Rapid Fire: +14, Toughness DC 23, Multi-attack, Range: 200/400/800
Charged Shot: +10, Toughness DC 27, Crit 18-20, Homing. Range: 600/1200/2400
Charged Stream: Dodge dc 21, Toughness 26, area: Line 5'wide X 60' Long.
*Add later* Electro-Magnetic Pulse: +12, Toughness DC 24, Nullify 10, Range: 90/225/450

Defenses: (8 pp)
Dodge: +10 (2 base + 2 agi + 6 Enhanced)
Parry: +10 (1 base + 1 fgt + 8 Enhanced)
Toughness: +8 (1 sta + 7 Protection)
Fort +8 (2 base + 1 sta + 5 Enhanced)
Will +12 (3 base + 2 awe + 7 Enhanced)

Skills: (56 ranks= 28pp)
Acrobatics(+5/3), Athletics (+3/3), Deception(+12/10), Insight(+12/10), Investigation(+5/1), Perception(+10/8), Persuassion(+10/8), Technology(+5/1), Expertise: Eclectic Knowledge (+10/6), Expertise: Gaming (+10/6)

Advantages: 16 pp
Attractive(Rank 2 w/suit), All-Out Attack, Taunt, Skill Mastery: Deception & Insight, Fearless *See Complications*, Minion 5, Luck 2 *3 w/Medalion, + Showoff Feature*
Benefit: Status & Wealth 1 (Pro Gamer) *Quirk/Limitation: Jacie's status and wealth are both dependant on her attending (and doing well in) Gaming tournaments a few times a year. Also her status is only useful with geeks and e-sports fans.*
Benefit: Eclectic Knowledge *Jacie does a lot of studying and reading and has gathered a lot of information on a wide array of subjects: Make in place of expertise checks, but ONLY to know things, not do things*
VISOR: Accurate Attack/PowerAttack,
BOOTS: Instant Up, Improved Initiative, Move by Action
BEAM SABER: Improved Defense, Weapon Break, Improved Smash, Takedown

Powers: 74 pp
Feature: Special Effect (Music) (1pp) - There always tends to be a fitting song on whenever something important/interesting is happening in Jacie's life.
Feature: Aggresive (1pp) - PL -1 for defenses, +1 for offense
Quickness 1 - 1pp
Senses : Communication Link(AI) - 1pp

Lucky Medallion: (9-2 Removable)=7pp
Enhanced Advantage: Luck - 1pp
Enhanced Will +7 - 7pp
Feature: Showoff (One use of Extra Effort that doesn't cause Fatigue) - 1pp
*based off the Luck advantage*

*Jacie can now summon her 'True Self' to the surface, Combining her Inner Gamer with her Athletic Desires. She creates from her mind a super-powered suit (Complete with helmet, boots, and power glove) to channel her power through. When she is not 'transformed', the power is 'stored' in the form of her Lucky medallion - A silver D-pad.*

Gamer Girl Transformation: 63 pp
(Sexy Super-Suit) [Removable, Activation 1(move)] - 63 pp
*6+10+14+34-1(Activation) = 63
Helmet: (8 pp)=6
Enhanced Advantages: Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Second Chance:Vision (Sight Dependent attacks/Visual Illusions), - 3pp
Super Senses: Counters Concealment(All) - 5pp
Suit: (13 pp)=10
Protection 7 - 7pp
Enhanced Fort 5 - 5pp
Revealing: (Enhanced Advantage: Attractive) - 1pp
Dash Boots: (18 pp)=14
Speed 2, Leaping 4, Quickness 2(Limited: Physical) - 7pp
Movement 2: Slow Fall, Wall Crawling(Jumping) 2(Limited: Not ceilings, uses jumping*wall jump*) - 2pp
Enhanced Defenses: +6 Dodge - 6pp
Enhanced Advantages: Instant Up, Improved Initiative, Move by Action - 3pp
Power Glove: (8+36-1 = 43pp)=34
*Quirk: Glove takes up entire arm, preventing her from using that hand for anything else.* (-1)
Enhanced Defenses: +8 Parry - 8pp
Damage Array: (33 point pool + 3 Alternate = 36 pp)
-Beam Saber (33)
Damage 9 (Penetrating+1, AccurateX6, Improved CritX4, Improved Defense, Improved Smash, Weapon Bind, TakedownX2) *2/rank+15=33*
-Rapid fire(31) *Alt Effect +1pp*
Damage 8 (Ranged+1, Multi-attack+1, AccurateX7) *3/rank+7=31*
-Charged Shot (33) *Alt Effect +1pp*
Damage 12 (Ranged+1, AccurateX5, Improved Aim, Ultimate Aim, Improved Critx2) *2/rank+9=33*
-Charged Stream (33) *Alt Effect +1pp*
Damage 11 (Area: Line+2) *3/rank=33*
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (32) *Alt Effect +1pp*
-Damage 9(AccurateX6, Ranged+1, Diminished Rangex1): *2/rank+5=23
-Linked: Nullify 10(Electro/Magnetic, Diminished RangeX1): 9 pts.

COST: 24 Abilities + 28 Skills + 16 Advantages + 74 Powers + 8 Defenses = 150/150

Motivation: The Challenge/Proving herself - Jacie is always looking for the next challenging thing to conquer.
Arachnaphobic - Jacie is fairly jaded, and not much tends to phase her.. except spiders.. *shudder*
Caffeine Addiction - As a long-time Pro Gamer, Jacie practically lives off Caffeine, and doesn't do so well without it.
Showoff/Overconfident - Exactly what it says.

Jacie was a highschool athlete, loving the thrill and adrenaline rush. She wasn't bad at it, but never quite the best, either, having always been more mentally gifted than physically. She has tried her hand at several sports - Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Soccer, and then some more extreme sports, including Parkour, Snowboarding, Sky diving, and Base Jumping.
Her boyfriend in college introduced her to the gaming circuit, and she found that the rush of a good game was very similar, but that there was one major difference - In this, her intellect was a great advantage.
After about a year of gaming, Jacie had made it into the pro circuit, and has been playing in professional tournaments for over a year now.

The 24 year old red-head still tries to keep in shape and occasionally enjoys her less cerebral activities when she has a chance.

(Rank 5 minion) - Dante (Dantai=Defenive Advisory Neurolink Artificial Intelligence.
Abilities: -20pp
NO STR, STA, AGI, DEX, FGT : (-50)
INT 10 (20pp)
AWE 5 (10pp)
PRE 0 (0pp)

Defenses: (5 pp)
Toughness: As Suit *See habitation, below*
Will +10 (5 base + 5 awe)

Skills: (40 ranks = 20 pp)
Insight(+15/10), Investigation(+15/5), Perception (+15/10), Technology (+20/10),
Treatment(+15/5)*Depending on limit/additions*
Eidetic Memory: Expertise knowledge (+10)

Advantages: 8pp
Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Well Informed
Skill mastery: Insight/Investigation/Perception/Technology*I took skill mastery with all the skills he has trained to replicate him always 'taking his time' as a computer entity.

Powers: 61
Habitation : The AI 'inhabits' the various parts of Jacie's suit (Or her pendant when she's not tansformed), and takes damage whenever any of those parts are damaged. He has no other corporeal form, though due do his immortality, will 'return' to Jacie even if destroyed. - 1pp?

Immortality 16: Limited(Jacie's death OR destruction of all suit parts) - 8pp
*Since he's actually a part of her, The AI can be knocked offline, but he'll just 'reboot' so long as Jacie survives along with at least one piece of her 'suit'. Takes 1 minute to reboot*
Immunity : Fortitude - 30pp
Senses 14 - 14pp
-GPS (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense, Tracking)
-Advanced Sensors (Extended Analytical Radius Counters Concealment Sight, Extended Analytical Radio, Extended Analytical Hearing)
Feature: Record (Can record what he sees/hears and play it back on devices he connects to) - 1pp
Communication: Radio & Wi-fi 2 - 4pp
Quickness 10 (Limited: Mental) - 5pp *over 1000 times faster than human*

COST: -20 Abilities + 20 Skills + 8 Advantages + 62 Powers + 5 Defenses = 75/75
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First Post
Michelle, by background and temprament, would be more likely to be social and try to address the people standing around. Clad in the appropriate illusionary disguise of course. :)

I'm open to Jacie beating her to the punch though, perhaps creating a bit of a rivalry between them. :)


Shay, sounds good - would work other way too (Jacie getting angered by Michelle beating her to it). Either way, could lead to a nice rivalry between the ladies, hopefully to be eventually turned into friendship.

How bout whichever of uscomes up with a good speech and posts it first? Lol.

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