Insight's "Emerald City Knights" - Prelude - The Silver Storm

Walking Dad

First Post
James Marks

Jim sees the efforts already taken. While his hands may help, there seem to be already enough people helping the kids and lifting the lightpole. Instead he surveys the scene for people wandering aimlessly in shock, directing them to the nurse area. They could easily collapse or run onto a street or anything.

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As Kyle looked around, he saw the fallen lightpost with a military man trapped underneath. Some people were trying to lift it off of him but were clearly struggling. The man looked like he was in bad shape.

Kyle rushed over and grabbed the lightpost.

"Let me help you with this."


"Part of it's inside him, we need a medic or something, and we have to leave that part in till they can fix him or the bleeding'll get worse.." She looks at the wound trying to see if whats in him is still attached, or if they can break it off then lift the pole off without hurting him more.
"Maybe we can just wedge something under it to take the pressure off him a bit?"
Hmm, seems Graybeard also chose red for his color...


First Post
John rushes to the man who is bleeding, while trying to find something on his body clean. His handkerchief that had been in his front pocket seemed pretty clean. "Oh my, here" he inspects the wound hoping that there is little to no dirt on it, and then applies pressure to the wound with the handkerchief. "Apply pressure, medic! We have someone bleeding over here, and won't stop! MEDIC!" John tries to apply pressure, but bleeding is too profusely "Need medic quick, it's still bleeding pretty bad"

OOC: Guessing an 8 treatment check isn't enough :.-(
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Thy wounds are healed!
Marcus heads over to the where the nurses are setting up a treatment area. "Ladies are one of you trained as an EMT? Back there," he says pointing towards where he say the the man in fatigues. "There's some hurt really bad back there and needs help fast."

Looking at their confused faces he adds. "I'll help one of you if the other wants to go and see to that poor guy."


Wails of sirens in the distance. Emergency responders coming.

Steady she thought. Think this through.

Maybe she could use this. The worst seemed to be past, and it wouldn't do her rep any harm to be hero of the hour. No indeed.

Carefully, she picked her cellphone out of its little sheathe at her belt, and started dialing, as she worked her way towards where the emergency people would be heading...and the TV crews as well.

Michelle sees the same as the others who have surveyed the scene -

* A group of school-age kids being retrieved from under a fallen awning.
* A man in camo fatigues trapped under a fallen lightpost.
* A pair of women who appear to be nurses, helping those with minor injuries.

Michelle also sees, as the "mist" begins to clear a bit, a silver panel van crashed into a baby furniture store. The sign on the side of the truck reads, "REDSHIFT ENERGIES". Michelle notices several injured people on the ground near the van.

OOC: The rest of you also see this truck, again, as the mist begins to clear.


Jim sees the efforts already taken. While his hands may help, there seem to be already enough people helping the kids and lifting the lightpole. Instead he surveys the scene for people wandering aimlessly in shock, directing them to the nurse area. They could easily collapse or run onto a street or anything.

Jim sees a silver panel van with the logo, "REDSHIFT ENERGIES", crashed into "TEATIME TODDLERS", a childrens' furniture store. There are several people on the ground near the van. Jim notices that the van's side door is open.

He also finds several people wandering around. Most of them are just disoriented.

It appears that the pair of nurses has gathered most of the non-critically wounded folks on a small parcel of grass in the middle of this area.



As Kyle looked around, he saw the fallen lightpost with a military man trapped underneath. Some people were trying to lift it off of him but were clearly struggling. The man looked like he was in bad shape.

Kyle rushed over and grabbed the lightpost.

"Let me help you with this."

"Part of it's inside him, we need a medic or something, and we have to leave that part in till they can fix him or the bleeding'll get worse.." She looks at the wound trying to see if whats in him is still attached, or if they can break it off then lift the pole off without hurting him more.
"Maybe we can just wedge something under it to take the pressure off him a bit?"

Once the lightpost is lifted off the ground enough, you can see that the thing that's punctured the man's torso is a piece of a sign that was attached to the post. It can be fairly easily removed from the post without seriously injuring the man any further.

The thing that's probably the most urgent is that the man is bleeding out. Swift action will be necessary to save his life.

There are six people here (other than the three PCs) who can hold up the lightpost long enough for the three of you to do something.

Walking Dad

First Post
James Marks

Jim shoves the people gently into the direction of the nurses on the grass field: "There is help in that direction!"
He tries to remember if he ever heard something about "REDSHIFT ENERGIES" before and checks the unconscious people around the vans for life signs.

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