Insight's "Emerald City Knights" - Prelude - The Silver Storm


Jacie watched Jocelyn get to work and kept having to stop herself from spouting medical trivia at her.
'Damnit J, she's a nurse, she ACTUALLY knows what she's doing, don't bother her' She shook her head as she silently berated herself, then turned to Kyle to distract herself "Thanks for your help, most people round here seem to have lost their heads. I'm Jacie, and I'm pretty sure that loud guy that just took off was John Sears, local small time actor. Probably trying to get noticed when the media shows up."

Jocelyn - now with the light post out of the way - is able to quickly stop the thoracic bleeding. The man in fatigues was actually punctured in two places: one in the left side / ribs area and one in the abdomen. To Jacie and the others present, Jocelyn seems like a miracle worker.

"That will do it - for now", Jocelyn says, getting to her feet. "The bleeding is stopped. I should see if anyone else around here needs medical attention." She looks around. "I don't hear any sirens. At least not any close by. This situation must be more serious than it seems. I would have at least expected an ambulance by now."

She looks in the direction of the "REDSHIFT ENERGIES" van. "I didn't notice all those unconscious. I should go assist."

Jocelyn begins heading in that direction.

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Jacie looks over at the van Jocelyn is heading towards in time to see John stagger and collapse "Wait!" She calls after Jocelyn as she stands up "That's three people now I've seen approach the van and collapse, that's no coincidence. There's probably a gas leak or something.."

She grabs a piece of the tattered shirt from the man in fatigues and places it over her face. "We'll go pull them to safety, you should stay away in case.. No sense our medic dropping if there is something bad over there." She turns to Kyle and offers him a makeshift 'face mask' "At least, It's probably gas.. only other thing I can think of that could make people pass out like that is radiation..." She looks at him and shrugs "Probly not though.." She wonders if he may be aprehensive now, and continues quickly "Don't worry, I promise you wont start glowing in the dark. Just try not to breath in whatever the gas is."

With that, she rushes off towards the van, giving Jocelyn a reassuring smile and waving Kyle to keep up. "Keep an eye on him til we get them back here!" Jacie calls to Jocelyn as she runs past. 'Hmm, Redshift Energies? Where've I heard that before?' The thought drifts through her mind as she approaches.

Was pondering delaying my super-power aquisition for a while longer, but I've lost my excuse. :p So now the fearless know-it-all is off to the next crisis she thinks she knows how to solve.
Also not sure if you'll allow an Expertise check with my Eclectic knowledge to know anything about Redshift Energies but figured I'd roll it either way and let you decide. I'll be doing that a lot, apologies just tell me if it gets annoying. :p
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Jacie looks over at the van Jocelyn is heading towards in time to see John stagger and collapse "Wait!" She calls after Jocelyn as she stands up "That's three people now I've seen approach the van and collapse, that's no coincidence. There's probably a gas leak or something.."

She grabs a piece of the tattered shirt from the man in fatigues and places it over her face. "We'll go pull them to safety, you should stay away in case.. No sense our medic dropping if there is something bad over there."

Jocelyn stops in her tracks. "I... I guess so," she says. The nurse turns back towards Jacie and Kyle. "I can keep an eye on the man I just stitched up." Jocelyn returns to the side of the man in fatigues.

OOC: Jocelyn is safe for now.

She turns to Kyle and offers him a makeshift 'face mask' "At least, It's probably gas.. only other thing I can think of that could make people pass out like that is radiation..." She looks at him and shrugs "Probly not though.." She wonders if he may be aprehensive now, and continues quickly "Don't worry, I promise you wont start glowing in the dark. Just try not to breath in whatever the gas is."

With that, she rushes off towards the van, giving Jocelyn a reassuring smile and waving Kyle to keep up. "Keep an eye on him til we get them back here!" Jacie calls to Jocelyn as she runs past. 'Hmm, Redshift Energies? Where've I heard that before?' The thought drifts through her mind as she approaches.

Jacie seems to recall something about Redshift Energies...
[sblock=Redshift Energies]That's a pretty good roll, so Jacie recalls quite a bit.

Redshift Energies is a major player in the field of emerging alternative energy resource development and management. They are headquartered in Emerald City and have offices in several American cities, as well as a few cities overseas. Redshift is basically the Exxon/Mobil of the alternative energy industry.

Redshift has three main industrial products. The first is advanced solar panels. Their solar panels are the most efficient and expensive in the world. The US military has considered purchasing this product for deployment on naval ships. The second major product is a combination desalinization and water turbine plant. This is meant to replace electrical power plants and has yet to be deployed anywhere. They have several cities and nations interested, though. Their third major product line is an advanced car and truck batttery that can be deployed in hybrid and electric vehicles. Again, this product is top of the line, very efficient, but also very expensive.

Redshift Energies also provides consulting services to companies and organizations that rely on industrial levels of energy consumption. They are a known US defense contractor and also lobby the US government on behalf of emerging alternative energy resources.

As far as Jacie knows, Redshift Energies is all above-the-board and has not been cited for any major regulatory violations or ethics violations.[/sblock]

When Jacie gets close enough to the van (and Kyle as well, if he follows)...

She feels woozy and light-headed. She sees the people lying on the ground - nine of them, now. As she moves forward, she realizes that the cloth she's using to cover her mouth isn't doing much... not enough to keep her from joining the ranks of the unconscious.

Just as she falls, Jacie notices one of the fallen, a middle-aged man, starting to get up.


Realizing the mask isn't helping at all, Jacie turns to warn Kyle off, but the wooziness causes her to just spin around and fall flat on her back, loosing consciousness. Her last, delirious word before the world slips away is "continue.."



Kyle takes the strip of cloth from the woman he just met and wraps it around his mouth as best as he can. Glancing towards the van and the people on the ground around it, he guesses that it might be a gas leak or something.

He follows the woman towards the van and notices several people lying all around. Fortunately they all seem to be breathing.

"At least they are all still alive." he comments.

Suddenly the woman in front of him starts to fall. He reaches out in an effort to grab her before she hit the ground but his sudden dizziness threw him off. He tries to move away from the gas leak but doesn't get very far before he is overcome. Like the others before him, he blacks out and falls hard to the ground.


Thy wounds are healed!
Marcus helps Katie with moving the people to the far plaza. He tries to steer them away from the odd van and what it seems to be doing to people.

But Katie sees someone she knows and rushes over. And not thinking Marcus rushes to stop her. Soon they both are unconscious along with everyone else.


Michelle awakens...

The scene is mostly the same. She is about 3ft from the Redshift Energies van. The side door is still laid open. The metal cannisters inside no longer hiss.

Bodies are still lying on the concrete. But... they are different bodies.

As Michelle tries to move, lights flicker around her. She is at first confused. Thinks maybe the lights are the product of a concussion of some kind. But, as Michelle tries to interact with the flickering lights, she finds that she can will them to move around, form patterns, dance in place.

A female voice from nearby, "Can you believe this? I can totally rip this dude to shreds."

Michelle turns to see the Asian woman she saw lying near the van. The Asian woman is now standing, about 20ft away. CLAWS on her hands. With one hand, the Asian woman picks up an unconscious man lying in the street and with the other, she GASHES the man across the neck. BLOOD spraying out. She laughs.

The "goth" guy, whom Michelle also saw lying next to the van, is next to the Asian woman. He seems completely unphased by the vicious claw attack. "That's nothing," he says. The "goth" raises his arm and points his open hand at a mail truck about 15ft away. A BEAM OF SILVERY LIGHT shoots forth and DESTROYS the mail truck. "Power. True power. Is mine!"


First Post
Michelle's eyes widen in shock and horror, and she scoots away from the clawed lady and her victim...and the blood that threatens to spatter on her. The lights twittering around her flash yellow and orange and form sharp, jagged edges. Their orbits around her speed up and turn erratic.

"Are you crazy?" Michelle blurts. "You just KILLED that man!" She looks at the other guy, the one with laser hands, and shakes her head as if trying to deny what she's seeing.

"This isn't real," she murmurs. "It can't be. I smelled gas or something, I'm...I'm hallucinating."

...hallucinating... echoes a silvery, breathy voice. Coming not from her, but from the wildly swarming lights around her.

It was insane. More so than any dream, any hallucination. It was as if she'd died beside that van, and slipped into Hell itself!


"Are you crazy?" Michelle blurts. "You just KILLED that man!" She looks at the other guy, the one with laser hands, and shakes her head as if trying to deny what she's seeing.

"This isn't real," she murmurs. "It can't be. I smelled gas or something, I'm...I'm hallucinating."

...hallucinating... echoes a silvery, breathy voice. Coming not from her, but from the wildly swarming lights around her.

It was insane. More so than any dream, any hallucination. It was as if she'd died beside that van, and slipped into Hell itself!

"I'll show you what's real, sweet thing!" the "goth" says. He points his open palm at Michelle and a torrent of corsucating blue and white rays shoots forth!

OOC: This is an area attack. Michelle should make a Dodge check (DC 18) to halve the damage.

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