Insight's "Isle of Dread" Conversion - OOC

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That reminds me; since the online character builder's interface is terrible for buying ritual components, Cassi doesn't have any listed on the PDF sheet I've posted in the RG thread or the .dnd4e file. But I will be editing the plain text to indicate some on-hand.


First Post
Dave - I was looking over your PC and we have a lot of similarities, I was going to select the Summoning Staff as well, grabbing very similar feats (Staff Expertise, Hafted Defense, and Improved Defenses) to you also...

I posted up my mini-stat block for combat posts in the RG, but my inlaws computer doesn't have software to convert a print to PDF to upload the full sheet. I'll do that tomorrow and get fluff done ASAP.
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First Post
Dave - I was looking over your PC and we have a lot of similarities, I was going to select the Summoning Staff as well, grabbing very similar feats (Staff Expertise, Hafted Defense, and Improved Defenses) to you also...

Eh. As an artificer, if you don't go staff, you need to avoid weapon powers (which, admintedly, I mostly did; Cassi has only one weapon power, and I don't expect to use it much) or spend a feat to learn to use another weapon as an implement (swordmage multiclass, arcane implement prof feat, or something else along those lines) or juggle weapons and implements (and pay for both). And staffs have the only Essentials Expertise feat that works for both weapon and implement powers.

On the other hand, Sentinels don't seem to have any implement powers in HotFK, so unless you grabbed some powers designed for the PH2 druid, you really don't need a wepliment.
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First Post
Yeah, artificers have been hosed since their of the forgotten classes of 4e (along with Runepriests, Str-Clerics, Seekers, and Assassins).

The staff as weapon/implement is the same for the Sentinel least the increased reach will let me hide behind my bear protector (who has lower defenses and hp than my PC ;))


First Post
Yeah, artificers have been hosed since their of the forgotten classes of 4e (along with Runepriests, Str-Clerics, Seekers, and Assassins).

The staff as weapon/implement is the same for the Sentinel least the increased reach will let me hide behind my bear protector (who has lower defenses and hp than my PC ;))

If you only take sentinel powers, it's a non-issue, because there aren't any implement powers in HotFK. You only run into problems if you want to grab older druid powers. Though given Sentinel weapon profs, you can't really do a lot better than a staff without spending a feat anyway.

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