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Insight's "The Isle of Dread" - Chapter One

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Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6

Somewhat discouraged, Questor continues to sulk, "I feel useless, Vrashek, do you suppose that there is anything that I can do to further help our cause?"

OOC: The situation in Boloum's Books seems tailor-made for Questor's charisma-based skills, but I'm afraid he's just not there to be aware of it. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them. If Questor could spend an action point to just 'happen' to overhear the exchange between Skaros and Boloum, then he gladly would do so. And I'm also probably about due to get a truly sorry roll on a skill check, anyway.

[sblock=Questor's sheet]
Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6
Alignment: Good

XP: 7,500+1,000[finding R. Barbarosa]=8,500+300[Ogre battle]=8,800+500[rescuing Barbarosa]=9,300

S 14 +2
D 16 +3
C 14 +2
I 11 +0
W 9 -1
C 18 +4

HP: 51/51 -- Bloodied: 25
Surges/Day: 7, Surge Value: 12

[DEFAULT MELEE ATTACK: +2DAGGER, +10 att, 1d4+4 damage, crit damage=8+2d6]
+9=+3(1/2 Level)+2(magic dagger - Sorcerer Implement)+4(cha mod)]

Defenses [+2 AC versus AoO - Halfling Racial Feature]
AC: 17= 10+3(one-half level)+1(magic cloth Bloodthread Armor)+3(dex mod)
[AC: 19 when bloodied because of his Bloodthread Armor]
Fort: 15=10+3(one-half level)+2(con/str mod)
Ref: 16=10+3(one-half level)+3(dex mod)
Will: 17=10+3(one-half level)+4(cha mod)

Skills: [+2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Thievery]
Arcana +8 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+0(int)
Bluff +12 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)
Intimidate +14 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)+2(item)
Diplomacy +14 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)+2(item)

Halfling Agility (attacker takes -2 on second chance reroll)
Arcane Spellfury (+1 to attack rolls after hitting with at-will attack)
Ritual Caster (master and perform rituals)
[Questor's Possible Next Feat -- Disciplined Wild Soul (roll twice to
determine Wild Soul damage type)]

Racial Features:
Bold - +5 racial bonus to saves vs. fear
Nimble Reaction - +2 racial bonus to AC vs. opportunity attacks
Second Chance [*Encounter* - also see below|- Immediate Interrupt
[When hit, force opp to re-roll the att & use second roll, even if it's lower (or higher)]

Class Features:
Wild Magic
-Chaos Burst - First attack roll in every battle determines special benefit:
even roll = +1 AC, odd = Questor may make a saving throw
-Chaos Power - Bonus to damage with arcane powers=Dex mod (+3)
-Unfettered Power - On natural 20 with arcane attack, slide target 1
square and knock it prone after all other effects | AND When roll
natural 1, must Push each creature w/in 5 squares of Questor 1 square
-Wild Soul - After Extended Rest, Roll 1d10 to determine Resistance (5)
until next extended rest -- [Questor's Current Wild Soul Resistance= 5/Cold]

At-Will Powers:
-L1 Chaos Bolt [+9 att, cha vs. will, 1d10+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
psy dam secondary attack for 1d6 (+9[cha, dagger, chaos power])
dam if roll even number for primary att]
-L1 Storm Walk [+9 att, cha vs. fort, 1d8+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
thunder dam and shift 1 sq before or after att]

Encounter Powers:
-Racial Power: Second Chance - immediate interrupt [When an attack hits Questor,
he may force the enemy to roll the attack again [at -2 due to to Questor's Halfling
Agility Feat] and the enemy uses the second roll even if it's lower (or higher)]
-L1 Bedeviling Burst [+9 att, cha vs. will, 1d10+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chs pwr)]
psy dam + push target 3 sq]
-L3 Poisonous Exhalation [+9 att, cha vs. fort, 2d8+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chs pwr)]
poison dam + target is -2 fort until end of my next turn]

Daily Powers:
-L1 Dazzling Ray [+9 att, cha vs. will, 6d6+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos power)]
radiant dam and target is -3 to att if I roll an even number (save ends) miss 1/2 dam]
-L5 Reeling Torment [+9 att, cha vs. will, 3d8+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
psy dam +slide target 3 sq at start of each of its turns (save ends), miss 1/2 dam
and only slide 1 sq]

Utility Powers:
-L2 Elemental Shift [MINOR ACTION] [Daily] - change resistance granted by wild soul to
another type for rest of encounter + one ally w/in 5 sq gains resist 5 to that
damage type for rest of encounter, too
-L6 Swift Escape [IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT] [Encounter] : if hit by close or area att Questor
teleports 5 sq (2+dex mod)

Equipment, Including Magic:
Bloodthread Armor +1 (L5, cloth) +1 and gain +2 more to AC and saves when bloodied
Dagger +2 (L6) [+3(prof bonus)+3(1/2 Lvl)+2(Str)+2(Item)=+10 Att]
(crit - +2d6 damage) (it also adds +2 to att and dam of Sorcerer Powers)
Circlet of Authority (L7) +2 item bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks
Standard Adventurers' Kit (15 gp)
Everburning Torch (30gp)
Ritual Book (50 gp)
***Animal Messenger (10gp comp cost)
***Brew Potion (component cost = price of elixir created)
***Travellers' Feast (35 gp comp)
***Make Whole (20% of item cost for com)
***Knock (35 gp comp)
***Comprehend Language (10gp comp)
***Detect Secret Doors (25gp comp)
Ritual Components for Animal Messenger, Animal Messenger, Travellers' Feast,
Travellers' Feast, Knock, Knock, Knock, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors

Questor stands 4'1" tall and weighs 77 pounds. He is slender with piercing
bright blue eyes that shine out from his dark face. His hair is raven black
and most days he sports two days worth of stubble on his face. His long
hair is kept in check by his gleaming silver Circlet (of authority). His
dagger has a long, slender, wavy blade and its hilt is set with rhinestones.

Questor (at least he claims that's is his real name but he never
offeres a surname to go with it), was born and raised in the
halfling communities not too far from Karameikos and
Specularum. Upon coming of age, he moved to Specularum
intending to ply his arcane talents for fun and profit. He was
making a decent living using his talents to redecorate homes,
repair pots and pans, rid houses of rodents, etc. when he
heard about the Swords of Darokin looking for talent. He
immediately applied and was accepted. [Stolen from Rhun's
post] "And immediately had to flee for his life with the
half-orc Vrashek, after pissing off the Veiled Society!

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Somewhat discouraged, Questor continues to sulk, "I feel useless, Vrashek, do you suppose that there is anything that I can do to further help our cause?"

OOC: The situation in Boloum's Books seems tailor-made for Questor's charisma-based skills, but I'm afraid he's just not there to be aware of it. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them. If Questor could spend an action point to just 'happen' to overhear the exchange between Skaros and Boloum, then he gladly would do so. And I'm also probably about due to get a truly sorry roll on a skill check, anyway.

If Questor is not at Boloum's Books, where is he? For that matter, where is everyone else? I kinda assumed you would all go to Boloum's Books unless you had something else to do while Skaros went there and Astra went sewer-hopping.


Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6

OOC: I thought that Questor had just made his report to his comrades in the street. Being in Boloum's Books is much better. :)

IC: Questor attempts to dissipate the tension of the situation with humor, "Say, did I tell you the one about the constipated Tiefling? Oh, wait, that one's not suitable for Halfling's ears, and I am a Halfling!"

OOC: We just can't BUY a good roll, but there's the truly sorry roll that I said I was due!

[sblock=Questor's sheet]
Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6
Alignment: Good

XP: 7,500+1,000[finding R. Barbarosa]=8,500+300[Ogre battle]=8,800+500[rescuing Barbarosa]=9,300

S 14 +2
D 16 +3
C 14 +2
I 11 +0
W 9 -1
C 18 +4

HP: 51/51 -- Bloodied: 25
Surges/Day: 7, Surge Value: 12

[DEFAULT MELEE ATTACK: +2DAGGER, +10 att, 1d4+4 damage, crit damage=8+2d6]
+9=+3(1/2 Level)+2(magic dagger - Sorcerer Implement)+4(cha mod)]

Defenses [+2 AC versus AoO - Halfling Racial Feature]
AC: 17= 10+3(one-half level)+1(magic cloth Bloodthread Armor)+3(dex mod)
[AC: 19 when bloodied because of his Bloodthread Armor]
Fort: 15=10+3(one-half level)+2(con/str mod)
Ref: 16=10+3(one-half level)+3(dex mod)
Will: 17=10+3(one-half level)+4(cha mod)

Skills: [+2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Thievery]
Arcana +8 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+0(int)
Bluff +12 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)
Intimidate +14 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)+2(item)
Diplomacy +14 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)+2(item)

Halfling Agility (attacker takes -2 on second chance reroll)
Arcane Spellfury (+1 to attack rolls after hitting with at-will attack)
Ritual Caster (master and perform rituals)
[Questor's Possible Next Feat -- Disciplined Wild Soul (roll twice to
determine Wild Soul damage type)]

Racial Features:
Bold - +5 racial bonus to saves vs. fear
Nimble Reaction - +2 racial bonus to AC vs. opportunity attacks
Second Chance [*Encounter* - also see below|- Immediate Interrupt
[When hit, force opp to re-roll the att & use second roll, even if it's lower (or higher)]

Class Features:
Wild Magic
-Chaos Burst - First attack roll in every battle determines special benefit:
even roll = +1 AC, odd = Questor may make a saving throw
-Chaos Power - Bonus to damage with arcane powers=Dex mod (+3)
-Unfettered Power - On natural 20 with arcane attack, slide target 1
square and knock it prone after all other effects | AND When roll
natural 1, must Push each creature w/in 5 squares of Questor 1 square
-Wild Soul - After Extended Rest, Roll 1d10 to determine Resistance (5)
until next extended rest -- [Questor's Current Wild Soul Resistance= 5/Cold]

At-Will Powers:
-L1 Chaos Bolt [+9 att, cha vs. will, 1d10+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
psy dam secondary attack for 1d6 (+9[cha, dagger, chaos power])
dam if roll even number for primary att]
-L1 Storm Walk [+9 att, cha vs. fort, 1d8+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
thunder dam and shift 1 sq before or after att]

Encounter Powers:
-Racial Power: Second Chance - immediate interrupt [When an attack hits Questor,
he may force the enemy to roll the attack again [at -2 due to to Questor's Halfling
Agility Feat] and the enemy uses the second roll even if it's lower (or higher)]
-L1 Bedeviling Burst [+9 att, cha vs. will, 1d10+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chs pwr)]
psy dam + push target 3 sq]
-L3 Poisonous Exhalation [+9 att, cha vs. fort, 2d8+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chs pwr)]
poison dam + target is -2 fort until end of my next turn]

Daily Powers:
-L1 Dazzling Ray [+9 att, cha vs. will, 6d6+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos power)]
radiant dam and target is -3 to att if I roll an even number (save ends) miss 1/2 dam]
-L5 Reeling Torment [+9 att, cha vs. will, 3d8+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
psy dam +slide target 3 sq at start of each of its turns (save ends), miss 1/2 dam
and only slide 1 sq]

Utility Powers:
-L2 Elemental Shift [MINOR ACTION] [Daily] - change resistance granted by wild soul to
another type for rest of encounter + one ally w/in 5 sq gains resist 5 to that
damage type for rest of encounter, too
-L6 Swift Escape [IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT] [Encounter] : if hit by close or area att Questor
teleports 5 sq (2+dex mod)

Equipment, Including Magic:
Bloodthread Armor +1 (L5, cloth) +1 and gain +2 more to AC and saves when bloodied
Dagger +2 (L6) [+3(prof bonus)+3(1/2 Lvl)+2(Str)+2(Item)=+10 Att]
(crit - +2d6 damage) (it also adds +2 to att and dam of Sorcerer Powers)
Circlet of Authority (L7) +2 item bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks
Standard Adventurers' Kit (15 gp)
Everburning Torch (30gp)
Ritual Book (50 gp)
***Animal Messenger (10gp comp cost)
***Brew Potion (component cost = price of elixir created)
***Travellers' Feast (35 gp comp)
***Make Whole (20% of item cost for com)
***Knock (35 gp comp)
***Comprehend Language (10gp comp)
***Detect Secret Doors (25gp comp)
Ritual Components for Animal Messenger, Animal Messenger, Travellers' Feast,
Travellers' Feast, Knock, Knock, Knock, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors

Questor stands 4'1" tall and weighs 77 pounds. He is slender with piercing
bright blue eyes that shine out from his dark face. His hair is raven black
and most days he sports two days worth of stubble on his face. His long
hair is kept in check by his gleaming silver Circlet (of authority). His
dagger has a long, slender, wavy blade and its hilt is set with rhinestones.

Questor (at least he claims that's is his real name but he never
offeres a surname to go with it), was born and raised in the
halfling communities not too far from Karameikos and
Specularum. Upon coming of age, he moved to Specularum
intending to ply his arcane talents for fun and profit. He was
making a decent living using his talents to redecorate homes,
repair pots and pans, rid houses of rodents, etc. when he
heard about the Swords of Darokin looking for talent. He
immediately applied and was accepted. [Stolen from Rhun's
post] "And immediately had to flee for his life with the
half-orc Vrashek, after pissing off the Veiled Society!

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First Post
If Questor is not at Boloum's Books, where is he? For that matter, where is everyone else? I kinda assumed you would all go to Boloum's Books unless you had something else to do while Skaros went there and Astra went sewer-hopping.

OOC: Sounds like we all tag along to the bookstore unless something else comes up. This works for Vrashek.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Skaros holds his hands wide in a conciliatory gesture. Anything you can give us will allow us to leave not only hear but elsewhere with a little harm to ourselves as possible. If the Veiled Society cannot find us, none shall be targeted we are sure.
OOC: So, lets do that AP and Diplomacy to smooth things over (w/ the Halfing "assisting" I guess :)): 24
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To Sea!
The final sequence of Chapter One continues as the heroes attempt to find the map and a ship to take them to the Isle of Dread.

Questor attempts to dissipate the tension of the situation with humor, "Say, did I tell you the one about the constipated Tiefling? Oh, wait, that one's not suitable for Halfling's ears, and I am a Halfling!"

OOC: We just can't BUY a good roll!

OOC: Luckily, Questor is aiding another (see below).

Raef Boloum chuckles to himself. "Ahh, the mirth of the half-folk. You know, long ago, I traveled to the Shires. It has been too long."

Skaros holds his hands wide in a conciliatory gesture. Anything you can give us will allow us to leave not only hear but elsewhere with a little harm to ourselves as possible. If the Veiled Society cannot find us, none shall be targeted we are sure.
OOC: So, lets do that AP and Diplomacy to smooth things over (w/ the Halfing "assisting" I guess :)): 24

"I suppose that works for everyone," Boloum replies. "I'll put on some tea and then we will find my decade-old record of that transaction. Let me think... I sold it to... hmm, I can't recall. I'm sure it will come to me right when we find my old documents."

The half-elf proprietor wanders off into the small kitchen in the back offices of his book shop.

After everyone has had a spot of tea (or those who wanted a spot of tea, anyway), Boloum directs the adventurers in the search of his shop and his records for his transaction involving the map to the Isle of Dread.

OOC: This awards the group a SUCCESS in the skill challenge!

NEXT STEP: Everyone who wants to help with this effort (finding Boloum's records) make a Perception check. Someone will be the lead and everyone else will be aiding (need DC 10 or better to give the lead character a +2 to his check).

If this is successful, the group earns another success towards the challenge.

Success Point: The heroes have acquired some map to the Isle of Dread and have hired a ship to sail there.
Failure Point: The Veiled Society catches up to the heroes before they can set sail.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The human assists Vrashek as best he could.
OOC: Assuming Vrashek is the lead as he has the highest perception. Perception 20


Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6

Questor will, likewise, assist Vrashek, hopefully. (Perception is not exactly his strongest skill, and his aid another attempt fails. Hopefully, he does not distract the others TOO much from their search?) "Hey fellows, look over here at this book! What fantastic and vivid illuminations these are! Wherever did you come across such a volume, Boloum? Are there more like this one from whence it came?"

[sblock=Questor's sheet]
Questor, Halfling Chaos Sorcerer 6
Alignment: Good

XP: 7,500+1,000[finding R. Barbarosa]=8,500+300[Ogre battle]=8,800+500[rescuing Barbarosa]=9,300

S 14 +2
D 16 +3
C 14 +2
I 11 +0
W 9 -1
C 18 +4

HP: 51/51 -- Bloodied: 25
Surges/Day: 7, Surge Value: 12

[DEFAULT MELEE ATTACK: +2DAGGER, +10 att, 1d4+4 damage, crit damage=8+2d6]
+9=+3(1/2 Level)+2(magic dagger - Sorcerer Implement)+4(cha mod)]

Defenses [+2 AC versus AoO - Halfling Racial Feature]
AC: 17= 10+3(one-half level)+1(magic cloth Bloodthread Armor)+3(dex mod)
[AC: 19 when bloodied because of his Bloodthread Armor]
Fort: 15=10+3(one-half level)+2(con/str mod)
Ref: 16=10+3(one-half level)+3(dex mod)
Will: 17=10+3(one-half level)+4(cha mod)

Skills: [+2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Thievery]
Arcana +8 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+0(int)
Bluff +12 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)
Intimidate +14 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)+2(item)
Diplomacy +14 = +5(trained)+3(1/2 Level)+4(cha)+2(item)

Halfling Agility (attacker takes -2 on second chance reroll)
Arcane Spellfury (+1 to attack rolls after hitting with at-will attack)
Ritual Caster (master and perform rituals)
[Questor's Possible Next Feat -- Disciplined Wild Soul (roll twice to
determine Wild Soul damage type)]

Racial Features:
Bold - +5 racial bonus to saves vs. fear
Nimble Reaction - +2 racial bonus to AC vs. opportunity attacks
Second Chance [*Encounter* - also see below|- Immediate Interrupt
[When hit, force opp to re-roll the att & use second roll, even if it's lower (or higher)]

Class Features:
Wild Magic
-Chaos Burst - First attack roll in every battle determines special benefit:
even roll = +1 AC, odd = Questor may make a saving throw
-Chaos Power - Bonus to damage with arcane powers=Dex mod (+3)
-Unfettered Power - On natural 20 with arcane attack, slide target 1
square and knock it prone after all other effects | AND When roll
natural 1, must Push each creature w/in 5 squares of Questor 1 square
-Wild Soul - After Extended Rest, Roll 1d10 to determine Resistance (5)
until next extended rest -- [Questor's Current Wild Soul Resistance= 5/Cold]

At-Will Powers:
-L1 Chaos Bolt [+9 att, cha vs. will, 1d10+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
psy dam secondary attack for 1d6 (+9[cha, dagger, chaos power])
dam if roll even number for primary att]
-L1 Storm Walk [+9 att, cha vs. fort, 1d8+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
thunder dam and shift 1 sq before or after att]

Encounter Powers:
-Racial Power: Second Chance - immediate interrupt [When an attack hits Questor,
he may force the enemy to roll the attack again [at -2 due to to Questor's Halfling
Agility Feat] and the enemy uses the second roll even if it's lower (or higher)]
-L1 Bedeviling Burst [+9 att, cha vs. will, 1d10+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chs pwr)]
psy dam + push target 3 sq]
-L3 Poisonous Exhalation [+9 att, cha vs. fort, 2d8+9[+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chs pwr)]
poison dam + target is -2 fort until end of my next turn]

Daily Powers:
-L1 Dazzling Ray [+9 att, cha vs. will, 6d6+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos power)]
radiant dam and target is -3 to att if I roll an even number (save ends) miss 1/2 dam]
-L5 Reeling Torment [+9 att, cha vs. will, 3d8+9 [+4(cha)+2(dagger)+3(chaos pwr)]
psy dam +slide target 3 sq at start of each of its turns (save ends), miss 1/2 dam
and only slide 1 sq]

Utility Powers:
-L2 Elemental Shift [MINOR ACTION] [Daily] - change resistance granted by wild soul to
another type for rest of encounter + one ally w/in 5 sq gains resist 5 to that
damage type for rest of encounter, too
-L6 Swift Escape [IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT] [Encounter] : if hit by close or area att Questor
teleports 5 sq (2+dex mod)

Equipment, Including Magic:
Bloodthread Armor +1 (L5, cloth) +1 and gain +2 more to AC and saves when bloodied
Dagger +2 (L6) [+3(prof bonus)+3(1/2 Lvl)+2(Str)+2(Item)=+10 Att]
(crit - +2d6 damage) (it also adds +2 to att and dam of Sorcerer Powers)
Circlet of Authority (L7) +2 item bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate Checks
Standard Adventurers' Kit (15 gp)
Everburning Torch (30gp)
Ritual Book (50 gp)
***Animal Messenger (10gp comp cost)
***Brew Potion (component cost = price of elixir created)
***Travellers' Feast (35 gp comp)
***Make Whole (20% of item cost for com)
***Knock (35 gp comp)
***Comprehend Language (10gp comp)
***Detect Secret Doors (25gp comp)
Ritual Components for Animal Messenger, Animal Messenger, Travellers' Feast,
Travellers' Feast, Knock, Knock, Knock, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors

Questor stands 4'1" tall and weighs 77 pounds. He is slender with piercing
bright blue eyes that shine out from his dark face. His hair is raven black
and most days he sports two days worth of stubble on his face. His long
hair is kept in check by his gleaming silver Circlet (of authority). His
dagger has a long, slender, wavy blade and its hilt is set with rhinestones.

Questor (at least he claims that's is his real name but he never
offeres a surname to go with it), was born and raised in the
halfling communities not too far from Karameikos and
Specularum. Upon coming of age, he moved to Specularum
intending to ply his arcane talents for fun and profit. He was
making a decent living using his talents to redecorate homes,
repair pots and pans, rid houses of rodents, etc. when he
heard about the Swords of Darokin looking for talent. He
immediately applied and was accepted. [Stolen from Rhun's
post] "And immediately had to flee for his life with the
half-orc Vrashek, after pissing off the Veiled Society!

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