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Insight's "The Shadow of Set" - IC Thread


First Post
With the scent of blood now thick in the air, G'Sharn finally loses his tenuous grip upon his composure. A scream of rage, a leap, and a flash of fangs....

This time for sure, damnit! Die, thug, die!

I mean...go beserk, attack again, and take the bastard down.

+7 to-hit, 1d4+5 damage.


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First Post
Dirk swings wildly as he watches one of the others defending this beggar fall. He wonders what is so special about this "beggar" that people are willing to die to kill and defend him.

[Sblock=OOC] Attack same thug. Attack +2, Damage 2d4+1[/sblock]


Avardis: 21
Dirk: 19
G'Sharn: 18
Asad: 15
Droban: 11

The group remains 10ft north of the merchant T'Shara's cart. A new combatant, the axe-swinging bad guy, has entered the fray. Droban is in melee with the axe wielder. The rest of our heroes are within 10ft of the new bad guy.

Note: I don't think a few of you noticed that the last swordsman fell. The only bad guy left is the new one with the axe. For those of you stating attack actions against the swordsman, I'm going to have you attack the axe guy instead.

Seeing Isphet fall, Avardis shouts, "NO!". With a roar, he charges at the merchant's attacker.
Avardis' lunge flies wide of the axe-wielding menace.
[sblock=21-Avardis]Avardis charges the axe guy.

1. Charge Attack (Bastard Sword): bastard sword (1d20+3=5) - MISS![/sblock]
Dirk swings wildly as he watches one of the others defending this beggar fall. He wonders what is so special about this "beggar" that people are willing to die to kill and defend him.
Moving to his left, Dirk faces down the axe-wielding newcomer. The large thugs proves too nimble for Dirk's errant attack.
[sblock=19-Dirk]Dirk takes a move action 10ft to the axe-wielder, then attacks.

1. Melee Attack (Falchion): falchion (1d20+2=10) - MISS![/sblock]
With the scent of blood now thick in the air, G'Sharn finally loses his tenuous grip upon his composure. A scream of rage, a leap, and a flash of fangs....
Using his massive axe, the thug bats the sandcat's attack away.
[sblock=18-G'Sharn]G'Sharn charges the axe-wielder.

1. Charge Attack (Bite): bite (1d20+5=19) - ALLLLLLMOST![/sblock]
"Come to me, dogs," the axe-wielding maniac declares. "Much easier to catch you this way."
Settling his defense, the thug strikes at the dwarf, virtually ignoring his new attackers. This proves to be his downfall, as adjusting to the new attacks throws off the thug's attention on Droban. He swings too high.
[sblock=16-THUGS]Aze guy attacks Droban.

1. Melee Attack (Battle Axe): 16 - MISS![/sblock]
Asad revells in the physical outlet of the frustration, confusion and pain that the last few days have held. His razor-thin smile exuded confidence as he moved in on the newest threat.
Somersaulting around and dodging the axeman, Asad kicks at the thug, but fails to strike true.
[sblock=15-Asad]Asad tumbles through the axeman's threatened squares and into a flank with Droban.

1. Tumble Check: 1d20+6=22 - SUCCESS!
2. Melee Attack + Flank (Unarmed): unarmed (1d20+4=11) - MISS![/sblock]
Note: I am NPC-ing Droban for the time being.
"Ye don't frighten me," Droban exclaims, gripping his axe and swinging it at the new villain, but, like his allies, fails to hit.
[sblock=11-Droban]Droban power attacks the axe guy.

1. Melee Attack + PA 1 (Dw. Waraxe): dw waraxe (1d20+6=14) - MISS![/sblock]
The beggar, slowly making his way to G'Sharn, touches the sandcat and, discharging his yellow glow, heals the druid.
[sblock=6-NPCs]The beggar discharges his held spell.

1. Touch Attack: 16 - HITS!
2. Healing: 6[/sblock]

[sblock=HP STATUS]
Avardis = 9/9
Dirk = 10/10
G'Sharn = 10/10
Asad = 9/9
Isphet = DEAD (-10)
Droban = 13/13[/sblock]


First Post
Asad, Monk 1, 9 HP, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+4

Stoic and determined despite missing on his first attack, Asad launches an intricate combination of strikes to the body and head of the axe-wielding murderer, hoping that he won't be able to defend against both.
[sblock=ooc] flurry of blows, +0/+0 for 1d6+2 subdual damage. If he's not flanking, he'll try to take a 5' step to fix that.
He'll also continue to use his dodge bonus against the axe-wielder, making his AC 17.[/sblock]


First Post
Now that they have him surrounded, Avardis says, "Don't kill the jackal! I want answers." He swings his blade at the thug's axe, trying to create an opening for Droban
[SBLOCK=Combat Actions]Aid Another to help Droban hit. +1 attack[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Dirk turns his focus to the axe-wielding newcomer and attacks

[sblock=OOC]Dirk attacks the axe guy. +2 attack, 2d4+1. man, i wish i had precise shot...[/sblock]


First Post
With a growl of what must have been thanks to the beggar, G'Sharn launches himself at this new foe.

Attack the axeman, flanking is possible. Base +7 to-hit, 1d4+6 damage.


First Post
Droban Ironthane, 13/13 hp, AC 18

Droban emits a low, animalistic growl from the back of his throat as he takes the measure of the axe-wielding fanatic. "You murdering bastard! This is for ISPHET!" Heedless of Avardis' plea, the dwarven warrior swings Marakul with deadly intent.

[sblock=Combat Actions]Droban attacks the enemy warrior, NO power attack this time. Dwarven Waraxe, +5 melee (1d10+3/20/x3). Hopefully, with some attack bonus from flanking and/or aid another.[/sblock]


Avardis: 21
Dirk: 19
G'Sharn: 18
Asad: 15
Droban: 11

The group remains 10ft north of the merchant T'Shara's cart. A new combatant, the axe-swinging bad guy, has entered the fray. Our heroes are all in melee with the new guy. Asad is providing a flank to Droban and vice versa (+2 to hit).

Now that they have him surrounded, Avardis says, "Don't kill the jackal! I want answers." He swings his blade at the thug's axe, trying to create an opening for Droban.
Avardis' distraction proves enough to get the axe-wielder's attention.
[sblock=21-Avardis]Avardis attempts an aid/harry action against the axe wielder.

1. Melee Attack (Bastard Sword) vs AC 10: 1d20+1=21 - SUCCESS!

Too bad you can't crit on those ;) [/sblock]
Dirk turns his focus to the axe-wielding newcomer and attacks!
The big guy steps aside just enough to throw off Dirk's focus and the attack sails wide.
[sblock=19-Dirk]You and G'Sharn can each 5ft and get into flanks with each other, so I'm going to have you guys do that (I assume you would given the opportunity). You'll get +2 to hit from the flank starting after G'Sharn's action.

1. Melee Attack (Falchion): falchion (1d20+2=6) - MISS![/sblock]
With a growl of what must have been thanks to the beggar, G'Sharn launches himself at this new foe.
The axeman proves too elusive for the druidic sandcat!
[sblock=18-G'Sharn]As above, you can 5ft and get into a flank with Dirk, so from here on (unless the bad guy moves away), you each get a +2 to hit.

Note: You have +7 to hit listed in your action, but I'm only seeing +4 in your predator form. Even if you were raging, it'd only be +6. If you want to rage, let me know. For now, You'll be getting +6 total due to the flank with Dirk.

1. Melee Attack (bite): bite (1d20+6=10) - MISS![/sblock]
"Ha! I see I have attracted much attention this afternoon," the axe wielding thug declares. "Make your escape now, priest, while you still can. These fools won't keep me busy for long." He bears his axe down on Droban.
The axe strikes true, splitting the dwarf's helmet and cutting into Droban's forehead. The blow stuns Droban momentarily, but the dwarf immediately regains his focus and resolve.
[sblock=16-THUGS]Axe guy attacks Droban.

1. Melee Attack (Battle Axe): 19 - HITS!
2. Damage Roll: 6[/sblock]
Stoic and determined despite missing on his first attack, Asad launches an intricate combination of strikes to the body and head of the axe-wielding murderer, hoping that he won't be able to defend against both.
Both attacks strike armor and are ineffective.
[sblock=15-Asad]Asad attacks the axe wielder with a flurry of blows.

Note: Asad is getting a +2 to hit from the flank with Droban.

1. Flurry of Blows (unarmed): unarmed (1d20+2=3, 1d20+2=6) - BOTH MISS![/sblock]
Droban emits a low, animalistic growl from the back of his throat as he takes the measure of the axe-wielding fanatic. "You murdering bastard! This is for ISPHET!" Heedless of Avardis' plea, the dwarven warrior swings Marakul with deadly intent.
The dwarf's rage proves to bolster his attack, and Marakul finds its mark, slicing a gash across the thug's torso!
[sblock=11-Droban]Droban attacks the axe guy.

Note: Droban gains a +2 to hit from the flank and +2 from Avardis' aid action.

1. Melee Attack (Dw Waraxe): dw waraxe (1d20+9=26) - HITS!
2. Damage Roll: 1d10+3=10[/sblock]
The beggar shambles around the scene of battle, muttering to himself. Beyond, shouting in the far reaches of the market seems to indicate that someone has taken notice of the pitched battle.
[sblock=6-NPCs]The beggar takes no action at this time.[/sblock]

[sblock=HP STATUS]
Avardis = 9/9
Dirk = 10/10
G'Sharn = 10/10
Asad = 9/9
Isphet = DEAD (-10)
Droban = 7/13[/sblock]


First Post
Asad, Monk 1, 9 HP, AC 16, F+3 R+4 W+4

Asad continues his assault, making sure that he stays in a flanking position.
[sblock=ooc] flurry of blows, +0/+0 for 1d6+2. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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