Insight's "The Silent Partner" RG


This is the "Rogues Gallery" thread for Insight's Call of Cthulhu game, "The Silent Partner". We will collect the current versions of the characters here, as well as any information pertaining to character development or changes.

OOC Thread
IC Thread
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Walking Dad

First Post

STR 14
CON 14
POW 13

SIZ 13
INT 13

EDU 12
SAN 40

Characteristic Rolls
Idea (INT x5) 65%
Luck (POW x5) 65%
Know (EDU x5) 60%

Damage Bonus +1d4

Max Sanity 99

Derived Characteristics
Hit Points 14
Magic Points 13
Current Sanity 65


o Accounting (10%) ______     o Law (05%) ______
o Anthropology (01%) ______   o Library Use (25%) ______
o Archaeology (01%) ______    o Listen (25%) ______
Art (05%):                    o Locksmith (01%) ______
o ________________ ______     o Martial Arts (01%) ______
o ________________ ______     o Mech. Repair (20%) ______
o Astronomy (01%) ______      o Medicine (05%) ______
o Bargain (05%) ______        o Natural History (10%) ______
o Biology (01%) ______        o Navigate (10%) ______
o Chemistry (01%) ______      o Occult (05%) ______
o Climb (40%) ______          o Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%) ______ o Sneak (10%) ______
o Conceal (15%) ______        o Other Language (01%):       o Spot Hidden (25%) ______
Craft (05%):                  o _______________ ______      o Swim (25%) ______
o ________________ ______     o _______________ ______      o Throw (25%) ______
o ________________ ______     o _______________ ______      o Track (10%) ______
o Credit Rating (15%) ______  o Own Language (60%):         o ________________ ______
Cthulhu Mythos (00) ______    o _______________ ______      o ________________ ______
o Disguise (01%) ______       o Persuade (15%) ______       o ________________ ______
o Dodge (18%) ______          o Pharmacy (01%) ______       o ________________ ______
o Drive Auto (20%) ______     o Photography (10%) ______    o ________________ ______
o Electr. Repair (10%) ______ o Physics (01%) ______        o ________________ ______
o Fast Talk (05%) ______      o Pilot (01%): Firearms
o First Aid (30%) ______      o _______________ ______      o Handgun (20%) ______
o Geology (01%) ______        o _______________ ______      o Machine Gun (15%) ______
o Hide (10%) ______           o Psychoanalysis (01%) ______ o Rifle (25%) ______
o History (20%) ______        o Psychology (05%) ______     o Shotgun (30%) ______
o Jump (25%) ______           o Ride (05%) ______           o SMG (15%)
Edward 'Face' Pierson came (like so many young men and women) to Los Angeles. Other than most, he had everything that was needed. He wasn't dumb, was tall, but not freakish so, had a great physique and (his greatest asset) a really handsome face.
All he lacked were contacts. To get one leg into the industry, he started to take jobs as a stunt man, hoping to be 'discovered' by someone important. Just as it looked liked his plan begin to bear fruits, the accident happened. He doesn't like to talk about it, but he now got a face that could stop a bullet... almost literally, as steel plates were used in the reconstruction of it.
Succumbing some time to the bottle, he heard of the project of an eccentric European film maker.
Edward (still called 'Face', but now for a different reason) got his things together and applied to the film. He is now back in business, at least as stunt man. Perhaps for more...

Edu 12 x 20 = 240
ATHLETE: Climb, Dodge, Jump, Martial Arts, Ride, Swim, Throw, and any one other skill as a personal or era specialty.

Climb +20 (60%)
Dodge +62 (80%)
Jump +35 (60%)
martial Arts / Fist +25 (75%)
Ride +25 (30%)
Swim +25 (50%)
Throw +3 (28%)
Personal interest (Fast Talk) +45 (50%)

0 unspent

Int 13 x 10 = 130

Drive Auto +10 (30%)
Falling +35 (45%)
First Aid +10 (40%)
Listen +25 (50%)
Rifle +25 (50%)
Spot Hidden +25 (50%)

0 unspent

Allan Coleman - Entertainer

Investigator Name: Allan Coleman
Occupation: Entertainer
Colleges, Degrees: None
Birthplace: York, UK.
Mental Disorders: Methyphobia - Fear of alcohol.
Sex: Male
Age: 20

Characteristics & Rolls
STR:10 DEX:8 INT:13 Idea:65
CON:5 APP:11 POW:14 Luck:70
SIZ:10 SAN:70 EDU:12 Know:60
99-Cthulhu Mythos
Damage Bonus: +0
Max SAN: 99 Current SAN: 70 HP: 8 MP: 14

Investigator Skills
o Accounting (10%) 10%
o Art (05%): Film actor 40%
o Bargain (05%) 05%
o Climb (40%) 40%
o Conceal (15%) 15%
o Credit Rating (15%) 41%
o Cthulhu Mythos (00)
o Disguise (01%) 36%
o Dodge (DEX x2) 16%
o Drive Auto (20%) 20%
o Electr. Repair (10%) 10%
o Fast Talk (05%) 75%
o First Aid (30%) 30%
o Hide (10%) 35%
o History (20%) 20%
o Jump (25%) 25%
o Law (05%) 05%
o Library Use (25%) 25%
o Listen (25%) 38%
o Mech. Repair (20%) 20%
o Medicine (05%) 05%
o Natural History (10%) 10%
o Navigate (10%) 10%
o Occult (05%) 05%
o Own Language (EDUx5%): English 66%
o Persuade (15%) 70%
o Photography (10%) 10%
o Psychology (05%) 05%
o Ride (05%) 25%
o Sneak (10%) 30%
o Spot Hidden (25%) 50%
o Swim (25%) 25%
o Throw (25%) 25%
o Track (10%) 30%

o Handgun (20%) 20%
o Machine Gun (15%) 15%
o Rifle (25%) 55%
o Shotgun (30%) 30%
o SMG (15%) 15%

Total personal property: 15000$
In bank: 1500$
Investment & stocks: 1500$
Available cash: 12000$

Allan is a young poor British that moved to America to try his luck in the American film industry. This is his final chance to do something with himself. If he will not succeed their, there is a good chance he will put an end to his life or will go to be a male prostitute.
Allan is a chubby man, with a nice mustache decoratig his face to preserve an adult look. Not so strong, not too agile, he relies on his poor life experience. He dropped elementry school when he was young and received almost no education. His mother died when he was 10 y'o and his father was a drunken hunter, hunting birds, dear and boars outside in the country side of York, UK.
Allan helped his father to hunt when his father was sober. When his father was drunk and not home, Allen took his father's rifle and horse and went hunting alone. When his father was drunk and home he imagined to be in a fantasy world and played with imaginary friends - that gave him a good experience with playing fictional characters and led him to try his chance in the film industry.
After his father's death by a wild boar (never go hunting while you are drunk) Allen sold the old shack they lived in, gathered his equipment and left to try his luck in America.
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First Post
Jack Thompson
Age: 35
Occupation: Head of Security at CBC Production

STR 14
CON 14
POW 11

SIZ 16
INT 12

EDU 15
SAN 55

Characteristic Rolls
Idea (INT x5) 60%
Luck (POW x5) 55%
Know (EDU x5) 75%

Damage Bonus +1d4

Max Sanity 99

Derived Characteristics
Hit Points 15
Magic Points 11
Current Sanity 51


o Accounting (10%) ______     o Law (05%) ______
o Anthropology (01%) ______   o Library Use (25%) ______
o Archaeology (01%) ______    o Listen (25%) ______
Art (05%):                    o Locksmith (01%) ______
o ________________ ______     o Martial Arts (01%) ______
o ________________ ______     o Mech. Repair (20%) ______
o Astronomy (01%) ______      o Medicine (05%) ______
o Bargain (05%) ______        o Natural History (10%) ______
o Biology (01%) ______        o Navigate (10%) ______
o Chemistry (01%) ______      o Occult (05%) ______
o Climb (40%) ______          o Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%) ______ o Sneak (10%) ______
o Conceal (15%) ______        o Other Language (01%):       o Spot Hidden (25%) ______
Craft (05%):                  o _______________ ______      o Swim (25%) ______
o ________________ ______     o _______________ ______      o Throw (25%) ______
o ________________ ______     o _______________ ______      o Track (10%) ______
o Credit Rating (15%) ______  o Own Language (75%):         o ________________ ______
Cthulhu Mythos (00) ______    o _______________ ______      o ________________ ______
o Disguise (01%) ______       o Persuade (15%) ______       o ________________ ______
o Dodge (14%) ______          o Pharmacy (01%) ______       o ________________ ______
o Drive Auto (20%) ______     o Photography (10%) ______    o ________________ ______
o Electr. Repair (10%) ______ o Physics (01%) ______        o ________________ ______
o Fast Talk (05%) ______      o Pilot (01%):                 Firearms
o First Aid (30%) ______      o _______________ ______      o Handgun (20%) ______
o Geology (01%) ______        o _______________ ______      o Machine Gun (15%) ______
o Hide (10%) ______           o Psychoanalysis (01%) ______ o Rifle (25%) ______
o History (20%) ______        o Psychology (05%) ______     o Shotgun (30%) ______
o Jump (25%) ______           o Ride (05%) ______           o SMG (15%)
Occupation: 300
Dodge(14) + 55: 69
Fast Talk(5) + 55: 60
First Aid(30) + 20: 50
Grapple(25) + 20: 45
Law(5) + 60: 65;
Psychology(5) + 45: 50
Punch(50) + 20: 70
Spot Hidden(25) + 25: 50

Personal: 120
Credit Rating (15) + 50: 65
Library use (25) + 40: 65
Handgun(20) + 30: 50

Money: $3,500($17,500):
Savings: $3,000
Investments: $3,000
House: $4,000
Car: Jack is an avid walker, and lives close enough to CBC to walk there (if he goes home). He would try to find a ride, or take a taxi if something is not within walking distance.

After being kicked out of college for starting a fight, Jack moved to Hollywood in order to find a better life. He was able to find a job working security at Selig-Polyscope Company in 1915, and stayed with them for 7 years. However, the zoo that Selig had become was too much for Jack, and he left. He was able to find employment at CBC in late December 1921.
He was promoted to the head of security in 1925 for his excellent service.
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First Post
Name: Renate "Renna" Plumpe

CON 10
POW 12
DEX 10
APP 11

SIZ 11
INT 15

EDU 14
SAN 60

Characteristic Rolls
Idea (INT x5) 75%
Luck (POW x5) 60%
Know (EDU x5) 70%

Max Sanity 99

Derived Characteristics
Hit Points 10
Magic Points 12
Current Sanity 60

Skills (280 + 150)
Occupation: Author
History 20 (40%)
Library Use 40 (65%)
Occult 30 (35%)
Own Language (German) 20 (90%)
Other Language (English) 70 (71%)
Other Language (Arabic) 20 (21%)
Persuade 40 (55%)
Archaeology 40 (41%)

Anthropology 25 (26%)
Bargain 60 (65%)
First Aid 35 (65%)
Drive Auto 30 (50%)

Annual Income: 4500
Total Cash: 22500
Savings: 2250
Investments: 2250
House/Tuition: 4500

Money: 13500 (still haven't done her equipment. :))

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