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Instant IE 6.0 shutdowns


Something changed on the boards today, and whatever it was is annoying the heck out of me.

I use IE 6.0 (thank you, E-tools) and the latest version of the Java Runtime Engine. Yesterday, when I browsed the boards, the JRE never popped up, and I had no problems whatsoever.

Today, every time I click to view a thread, the JRE pops up (as if to run a Java app) and a few seconds later, IE 6.0 shuts down. I can't even get to the point where I'm actually reading a message.

I finally disabled Java and Active-X, and I can read the forums again, but every time I open a thread to read it, up comes "Your security settings do not permit Active-X controls to run. This page may not display properly."

Could you please undo whatever it was you did, oh master of the boards, so that I may read these boards without having to disable Active-X and Java?


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First Post
Don't know about the Active-x, but I get asked to be able to put a cookie on my machine between 2 and 5 times on each page of ENworld. I know at least one is to help keep track of which threads you have read, but 5??

I too have noticed that when I visit the forums, the little Java icon pops up in my system tray. I've also had a problem all day today about white "blotches" appearing all over my browser window and the pages scroll up or down one line at a time at their own accord it seems. I've only had these problems today while viewing these forums and only these forums.

Does the news ticker use Java and possibly contain a bug?
Last edited:


Active-X warnings

You know, that might be it. Apart from the Java feed, whose IE 6.0 shutdowns were logged as "external call out of reference range" (i.e. completely unsafe), I noticed that the active-x warnings were only popping up once the page has almost completely loaded. It's the second to last item to load that's causing the warning messages.

I re-enabled active-x, and the warnings are still popping up, which tells me

a> the scripts are unsigned
b> the scripts are not marked as safe
c> the scripts are Java scripts
d> the scripts are trying to perform a "paste" action.

Pick one or more of the above.



Switch to Netscape? It's free, version 7 is wonderful, and the mail client won't open its arms to all viruses in the world. Oh, and it doesn't crash on the enboards. :D


WotC's bitch
I'm using IE 6 SP1, on Win XP Pro SP1, and haven't had any problems.

Well, except for the expiring cookie problem, but that's been around for a while.

Zappo said:
Switch to Netscape? It's free, version 7 is wonderful, and the mail client won't open its arms to all viruses in the world. Oh, and it doesn't crash on the enboards. :D

I have already switched to Netscape 7.0 and am experiencing the troubles I listed above with it, and IE 6.0.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
You can now select to have the news ticker at the top, the bottom or off alogether in your User CP. Go to "Options" and select one of the three themes available:

  • News Ticker At Top
  • News Ticker At Bottom
  • No News Ticker

The ticker has also been widened to make it a little more readable.


Khan the Warlord said:
I have already switched to Netscape 7.0 and am experiencing the troubles I listed above with it, and IE 6.0.

Then, switch to the Sun Java VM! More reliable, faster, more compatible, and it doesn't crash on the enboards! :D

If that's not it, I have no clue. The MS Java VM that you get with IE is kinda sucky. I am using NS7 and the latest Sun Java VM, and it doesn't crash.

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