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INTERCEPT Mission Two: Garden work


Monday, April 17, 2012
New York City
4:46 PM, Eastern Standard Time

A little more than a day has passed since the last mission, and you've once again been gathered in the briefing room for another assignment. Colonel Ilushenko is seated at the end of the table, with Dr Diana ‘Santa’ Morris, the blonde, British scientist who heads up the research division seated near her. As well, a female f

"First, let me introduce Allanna Getheart,"
the Colonel stated. "She's a new field agent, just transferred in from the CIA, and she'll be working with you from here on out."

"Now, down to business. The case we recovered, unfortunately, has raised more questions than answers," he nodded at Dr. Morris.

"The boobytrap on the lock was rather sophisticated," Diana said. "But it would only be triggered by a failed attempt to open the lock, so we looked outside the box. The case was reinforced, but we managed to cut it open with an industrial laser. Inside, we found a number of genetic samples. We've determined that they're human, but we don't know who they're from, or what Black's employers were doing with them. We're still trying to track down where they originally came from, but that's going to take time."

"We did, however, recover Black's laptop from his room," added the Colonel. "Encrypted, of course, but we've managed to decode some of his files, in praticular, his e-mail. From what we've determined from the last few messages, Black was supposed to take the case to a meeting of his employers in a private garden area near Tokyo two days from now, at nine PM local time."

"Agents, this is your mission. You are to travel to Tokyo, and infiltrate the gardens before this meeting, and plant audio and video bugs in the meeting room. Dr Morris has crafted a special bug that can avoid most forms of bug detection. You are not, under any circumstances, to give yourselves away before the meeting, or to attempt to apprehend the people participating in the meeting. We just need their identies right now, there will be time enough later to take them into custody."
He punched a few buttons, and called up the plans of the garden area on the holographic display.

"Unfortunately, being a prototype," Diana added. "The bug has an extremely limited range. Fifty to a hundred feet at most. You'll have to remain on site to record the meeting, or retrieve the bug after the meeting to retrieve the recording."

"Any questions? Your gear will be shipped ahead and be waiting for you at our office in Tokyo. The is a caliber III operation."


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  • Gardens-Main Building Interior.JPG
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"Could we have a receiver that retransmits? Could we use a ground line?" Allanna will ask.

Common: Raincoat/Business Cards(at least 3) (for gadget), Double sided tape, Sunglasses, Grease, Duct Tape
Gear: G/T(II): Knockout Business cards(miniature gear pick(basic knock out poison))
Gear (with prep): G(IV): Raincoat O Disappearance (invisibility 5min) T(III): Cover Identity(PR 4, Gardner(preferably with the gardening company used by the compound)

OCC: Is this dead? I was going to wait to see if I got a gear prep Bonus but oh well.
P.S. How do you do the color?
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First Post
"The transmitter maybe a bloody good idea." Campbell will pass on to Allanna.

Common items: RC Car, Luggage, Vices, MP3 Player
Item Picks: 1 Caliber III Improved Posion: Fear, 1 Caliber III Improved Posion: Nuerotoxin, and 1 Caliber IV EMP Gadget in MP3 Player/

OOC: mOoEyThEcOw you can have one of my gear prep bonuses.

OOC: The easiest way to do color is to type it out then left click and select your text. Then while highlighted select a color from the drop down box.


"Hmm, if I rewire circuit C into A, and readjust the internal transmitter," Diana muttered, pulling out a PDA, and calling up some files. "Yes. I should be able to create a repeater that can pick up the single and retransmit it. I'll have it waiting for you in Tokyo, along with the rest of your mission gear."


"Unfortunately, Agent Sparrow won't be joining us for the foreseeable future, due to an unexpected promotion and transfer to our office in London," the Colonel stated. "Your flight leaves in forty-five minutes, so unless there are any more questions?"

OOC: I'm begining to think that fate wants this game just to have two players.


First Post
"No, I'm ready to leave immediately" Allanna will state.

OCC: lets get this ball rolling, rolling a rolling, rolling *starts singing*


First Post
"I am ready to go. I will make sure my gear gets to supply so they can ship it to Japan. No questions on my end. I am looking forward to a little sleep on the plane." Campbell will state.


"Well then, good luck agents," the Colonel said, standing up.

Wendesday, April 19
Tokyo, Japan
1:02 PM, local time

After a long flight across the continental United States, and then the Pacific Ocean, you eventually arrived in Japan. Your INTERCEPT ID and clearance got you past cutoms fairly quickly, and you eventually made your way to the Tokyo office, where you met with the regional director, a Japanese gentleman by the name of Mr. Takamoto. Short, with black hair, the files you've read indicated that he was a former detective in the Tokyo police

"Agents, it's good to see you," he said, in slightly accented English. "Your equipment is awaiting you in the storage area. Here are the details of your cover identity, it should hold up for the night, our computer specialists got you on the list of people allowed inside," and then he handed a folder to Allanna.

The cover identity that Allanna was being given said she was Meghan Byrd, an American garden expert working as a consultant for the Green Valley Garden Corporation, located in Tokyo. She was ostensibly going to the target area to study the area and make recomendations to the corporation. The access pass would allow her access to the grounds, but no garden personnel were allowed to go inside the main building, which was restricted by both security guards and palmprint access locks at the doors.

"I do have a problem I was hoping you could help me with relating to your assignment,"
Mr. Takamoto conitnued. "I sent one of my field agents, on temporary duty station here, to make an external survey of security at the garden, but I've lost contact with her. Her name is Eliza Hill," he set a photograph of a young, Caucasian woman with brown hair and blue eyes down on the table. "I'm adding a secondary objective to your mission. Locate Agent Hill, and determine her status. If she can be rescued without jepordizing your primary objective, do so."
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First Post
Campbell will bow to Mr. Takamoto "It is an honor to meet you."

Campbell will listen to what Takamoto has to say and then think for a little bit, he will but his hand to his mouth and then speak. "Mr. Takamoto it sounds as if things have turned bad for your associate. I have a few questions. How long has Agent Hill worked in Tokyo? Is there anything that can link her back to INTERCEPT?"

After speaking with Takamoto Campbell will gather his gear.

"Well mates it looks like Allanna has the intial mission of getting into the garden. While she is looking that over I say we start looking for Hill. What do you think?" Campbell will state.

Voidrunner's Codex

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