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Interview with Scott Rouse, Chris Perkins & Bill Slavicsek


Eternal Optimist
r_jk said:
"Our creative team features the top talent in the industry, including Rich Baker, Logan Bonner, Bart Carroll, Michele Carter, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Andy Collins, Bruce Cordell, Rob Heinsoo, Gwen Kestrel, Mike Mearls, Kim Mohan, Dave Noonan, Steve Schubert, Matt Sernett, Chris Sims, Chris Thomasson, Rodney Thompson, Rob Watkins, Steve Winter, and James Wyatt."

I don't recognise Logan Bonner. All the rest are names I'm familiar with. I can't tell you what every one of them does, but there are some really good names in there.

As a note, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, Mike Mearls, Steve Schubert and Rob Watkins tend to have more of an internet presence. Well, enough for me to know they're great people through that. (Some of the others may be posting, but they don't cross my path much).

I really miss Mike Donais and Rob Heinsoo's posts from the early days of DDM.

It's a long line-up of names, though. Not many gaming companies have so many people involved in R&D.


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Eternal Optimist
OStephens said:
When Wotc says it's going to include something or even suggest it's looking at including something in a product, and then doesn't include it, people get upset. Not "you killed my childhood" upset, but unhappy enough to talk about how WotC "lied" to them and suggest the product is not worthy buying.


If people want WotC to have not said anything until they were ready to give us details, they're likely wishing WotC had made life very difficult for Paizo. I, for one, am glad they didn't.

Well said, Owen. Very, very true.

*points at the product that became e-Tools*

It's very dangerous to announce something too soon.



Eternal Optimist
My wishlist:

* A way to subscribe that doesn't involve a credit card.
* If subscription *does* need a credit card, being able to do so as a bulk deposit, rather than a "by month" charge.

Apart from that, I'm going to wait and see. More articles from R&D on what goes into to design and development would be nice, though.



The EN World kitten
Assuming WotC really is reading this to find out what we want from the Digital Initiative, here's what I'd like to see.

Have it be cheap. Seriously, an issue of Dragon and Dungeon each cost about $12 newsstand price, and less to subscribers. For something that won't be a physical copy, I'm expecting something no more expensive than that, and less would make me more likely to subscribe.

Have it as (or at least give us the option of) downloadable PDFs. Also, please go light on the DRM. Watermarking is something I can live with, but anything heavier than that is something of a hassle. Also, pay-only areas of a website suck, especially if there's no option to download the page as a nice, clean PDF.

Please put a lot in whatever hard copy compilations you make. I'm fine with buying those separately, but less is not more where those are concerned.


Eternal Optimist
Scott_Rouse said:
Logan is a newer member ofthe R&D team. He has worked on a few of the recent releases including the tables in the back of Magic Item Compendium

Thanks, Scott!

Given I've been using those tables a lot recently, and I find them really useful, I think he's off to a great start! :)



First Post
Thank you Morrus.

That did nothing to make me feel better.

What WotC doesn't get is that I will not tolerate getting screwed so they can make more money.

I paid $35 for Demonweb Pits because (i) Wolfgang wrote it and it's dang good, and (ii) unless I get robbed or my house burns down I have it in my possession.

I utterly refuse to pay $X dollars for their bright idea (even if Wolfgang writes in it) because I do not trust that they have my interests in mind.

It's been a week and I'm still unreasonably upset...but I'm done with them and their "I know better" attitude.


First Post
Well, to all WotC people reading this (and Morrus), thank you for this interview. I, at least, found it to be interesting and informative.

My suggestions for the Digital Initiative:

I know I am going against what other people are sking about on this one, but PDFs are the last thing I want to see for this Digital Initiative. I honestly don't care if I can't download it or "own" it (I used to play MMORPGs, I'm used to that kind of thing), my main concern is how readable and useable it is. Normal website-style content is a lot more functional and comfortable to read than PDFs have ever been. So, even a simple website-style interface for reading through articles would be good.

I would prefer to have the content as all-or-nothing. I don't like the idea of "issues" for web content, and would prefer a constantly updated mass of information. Certainly, having access to all previous content from before I subscribe would be essential.

I never bought a single issue of Dragon or Dungeon, so I don't particularly care much if content from those publications continue as-is into the Digital Initiative, but I would appreciate more tips on running non-traditional campaigns (that is actually something I could use a whole sourcebook on, but web articles might be more efficient).

My biggest request is for a real solid set of tools for playing D&D across the internet with friends. I am about to graduate from college right now, and I am facing the real possibility of having to leave an ongoing campaign (my first long D&D campaign) in the middle of a major plot arc, with years left to go before the campaign'c conclusion. If WotC can put out a product to make playing across the internet easier, it would help me out a lot.

And this may be a strange request, but I would also like to possibly see a new campaign setting soon. I never got into the Forgotten Realms, and I am already in the midst of a long Eberron campaign and am seeing less need for more books in that setting, so I would appreciate something new.

I think that about covers it... Oh... I also want to say that I don't think WotC is as mistaken in this move as so many people are making them out to be. I really think this is a good idea... as long as the DI is a good product.

Edit: I forgot... Please make sure I can use this content while using the Opera browser on my Mac.
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First Post
Scott_Rouse said:
First Post. :)

I just want to say thanks for all the responses so far. I am only at about 50 into the thread and so far but so far it's been a great read. I appreciate the comments and suggestions.

Scott. A couple days I was very irate about the Dungeon/Dragon cancellation. I said some things that were clearly below the belt, but should have realized that these were real people I was talking about and not some corporate behemoth. I want to apologize to you and any other WOTC staffers I offended. I'm sure you guys are very passionate and care a great deal about what you do. My attitude about the decision weekend was pretty immature and not very constructive.

I also wanted to say thanks for answering people's questions, as I'm sure it will pay real dividends in the long run. Although I still have a bit of adjusting to do to the decision, I'll keep an open mind as to DI.


Scott_Rouse said:
I also want to thank Russ for combining all those questions from the thread into categories, placing them into a single document, and taking the time to work with us.

Thanks again for dropping by :) Please pass along a thanks to Bill and Chris too. I appreciate, as many of us do, the opportunity to be heard by WotC.

P.S. Oh, please remember two words regarding the DI -- character generator :)

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