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Into The Future

Rain Cloud

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Alright, so as i stated in another thread i think it would be really fun and different atleast for one night in the DM room to run a '16 years in the future' RP. Everyone alters there discriptions to what they would look like and think about where they would be, who they would know ect...ect. If they had children, then maybe think of having them instead. Those with infants now what would they be like? Will couples still be together? Did anyone die or maybe have a change of heart from evil ways or reversed?

I think we could run this in the Carpe DM and have it set to be a bonfire setting near greyhawk, just outside the city for this little reunion. If anyone else wants to help me with this event then post some ideas here on the thread of what foods would be served, and what day we could do this.

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Mmmm.....Me like Rainy my friend! My only request is that we try to set it on a day so that our other friends from across the sea (Ariel....Liadan......Tyrian....ect...) Have a chance to join too! Nine times outta ten they miss out because we have it on days they can't join us..and thats no fun! I'll help you set it up Rainy my main woman. You know I will! WHo else wants to hope on the band wagon?
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First Post
Oooh ... That would be fun. Heh, it would also require a healthy amount of creativity and foresight, too, methinks. Or maybe that's just academia brain-dead me ... don't let those smiling professors trick you - they're really mind flayers! :eek:

I'm for this kind of event. :)


First Post
I like the idea, but I am skeptical. I am all for strengthing the bonds of this ISRP community, because it seems that we as players are very divided. I would like to see more details about this kumbaya moment.

Rain Cloud

First Post
Well my idea for it is it would be set in a nice big clearing off road to the main northern entrance to Ford's Keep. Three seperate fires set near each other to allow more people to have fun around them. Hopefully we can get a few of the bards or possilbly people from the Cat to join and play music for everynoe. If not, then we can leave it up to random NPC's. For foods im thinking something nice like potatoes, steaks, and yummy fruits. For drinks id go with something simple like mead, water, and cider since all those can more easly be brough in kegs and barrels then wines and brandys.

I wanna try and keep this friendly meaning if your coming into start fights with people your character doesnt like or to try harming someone dont bring in that character. Its supose to be a reunion of old freinds, compainions and lost contacts. I would like to keep it to a light hearted event. Sure, if its a friendly spar of old battle buddies or fighters i could see it happening to show off what people have learned in the years pass; other then this lets advoid confrontation.

Next point i saw brought up is those in the different and later time zones i agree wholeheartedly. Infact what about doing two nights of it? This way we can have one for those who are only around during those times and a second day for those who may have missed it.


First Post
Of course! It could be a character you made now and what they will look like in the future...or even the child of a character you have right now! The possibilities could be endless here! I like the idea

Rain Cloud

First Post
New new characters, bad idea since it is set in the future. But...new as in played now is ok. It is ment to be fun, not bland and boring :)

Ruthia said:
Mmmm.....Me like Rainy my friend! My only request is that we try to set it on a day so that our other friends from across the sea (Ariel....Lieden......Tyrian....ect...) Have a chance to join too! Nine times outta ten they miss out because we have it on days they can't join us..and thats no fun! I'll help you set it up Rainy my man woman. You know I will! WHo else wants to hope on the band wagon?

We miss out on all the fun :(

I can't speak for everyone else over seas, but a saturday lateish night (american time) works well, usually because over here its afternoon on the sunday.
At least thats on this side of the world, not sure about anywhere else. Just a suggestion of course though.


First Post
This sounds like a load of fun. I sense that I will go bonkers aging my characters!

Better shape up a cane for Azrael. :p

I agree with the weekend for our oversea comrades...Hmm...a wonder if we actually have a Russian among us...

Anyway...Time to figure all these things out. Prioritize!

Voidrunner's Codex

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