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Into The Future


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Rain Cloud said:
Well my idea for it is it would be set in a nice big clearing off road to the main northern entrance to Ford's Keep. Three seperate fires set near each other to allow more people to have fun around them. Hopefully we can get a few of the bards or possilbly people from the Cat to join and play music for everynoe. If not, then we can leave it up to random NPC's.

Mmmm ... bards ... :cool:

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Rain Cloud

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well i dont know what time zones everyone is in around here but we could possibly make this be a all day saturday and sunday event for what ever week we pick it to be in to make it easier on everyone.


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I'm interested.
As far as time zones, there's a wonderful site called the World Clock (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/). Course, you have to know where everyone is.
Having it last more than one night would probably be best. I'm in the Central time zone, myself, but, I miss out on a lot of the scheduled events because of my schedule. I'll probably miss this one too (*sigh* - and I've already figured out what's going to happen to Catriona. . .) 'cause weekend evenings may be best for everyone else, but, they're bad for me. But, we'll see. . .
I'm willing to toss out ideas and help however, anyway.


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Love this idea. I could... mmm... bring in Jeana? Or Mortisha in fifteen years time, what would that be like? Oh... the possibilities!

Rain Cloud

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Alright, so since this plan looks like it is a go ahead from the quick response I got...All we need to do now is pick a date. What ever date we pick its gotta be a Saturday and Sunday event. After I have that information of what days is best for people I'll write up a room setting description and a better veiw of the timeline for everyone and post it on this thread for people to read so they know what they need to do.


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Note: Not to be a downer, but just a reminder..

Carpe DM and Ahoy Adventure are set up like the game setting rooms like we had back on the old site.

A room that runs an adventure, with at least 3 people. 2 players and 1 GM/Storyteller/DM

Now the DM personage can play too, but someone is supposed to be "in charge" of the structure and adventures that take place there.

The "years in the future" idea should fit nicely, so long as one person seems to be giving the group direction and focus. But..

You might want a Magi to make that clairification for you, I'm just the devil's advocate :)


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I'm not sure if Ariel would/will survive another 15 years XD...lol.
On the other hand I would love you to bits if you put an event on a day I could show up! (without taking a day off work that is)...hehehe. I'd molest you with hugs for the next 15 years if you managed that!

Rain Cloud

First Post
Ill try to put it on, on a day that everyone can try and make an apperance. Even if you do not think your character will be alive in 15 years it doesnt mean you cant show up. Time streams are funky people and who knows what will happen in five minutes to you or your character for that matter. Have some fun with it! I'm gonna go off the aussmotion that many of these people havent seen each other in some time in many circumstances if they didnt keep in contact. It makes the scene more fun and worth while that way. Imagine that say "X" hasnt seen "Y" in all theses years...the stories to be told, laughs and tears to be shared. Im thinking to preadvance set this up, im gonna aim for the 14th and 15th of April. If there is a change in this ill let everyone know ahead of time. Im doing it that late so eveyone has a chance to see what they want to do, come up with stories or make the proper dessy changes they want to do.

So, April 14th and 15th (Second weekend of April) Times set for it are still in the air but i would like to make it a two day event if possible.

Alright everyone, so start posting your ideas of what you would like served, better times for everyone or what they want to have happen like maybe contests or something of the like.


First Post
Ahhh see, that's perfect. The afternoon and evening of the 13th for most is...the 14th for me...and the 14th the 15th...hehehe I'm ahead. Today is gonna be like...XD

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