• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

In the following section, the party just got silly. :) Sometimes its better that way. :)

Sandhogs, Confusion, and Why Lucius Pouted One Night

Later that night, the party made camp on the low side of a ridge. Much relieved that the danger from the ring had passed and their quarrels had been settled, the party was in the mood for a small dose of merriment.

As Siabrey took a seat beside Lucius near the campfire with her meal, a distant idea popped into her head; she’d seen Shaun pranking Elenya often, and as she saw him spout off another tall tale to her (which resulted in punchings, and later rough-housing in the sand) she got an idea herself...

“Hey Lucius? Hon?” she sidled up to him, “I’ve come to a decision on something.” She made sure her voice was singsong, and watched as he jumped to facing her expectantly. She leaned close, but didn’t let her lips touch.

“Um, what is it?” he asked, a grin spreading over his face. He’s assuming he knows what it is... he’s in for a surprise! her mind laughed. Of course, after we’ve had a laugh at it... I really wouldn’t mind...

”You know, Luke,” she said, her voice changing to matter-of-fact tone, “when your emotions get pumping, thats when the bad magic tended to happen, right?”

“Um... yeah,” Lucius said warily, unsure of where she was going. Siabrey tried hard not to let a giggle sneak through, and managed to stifle her urge to laugh.

“Well, I was thinking, that in order to protect you, we should no longer engage in any... um... escapades?” a small smile broke through despite her efforts, and it took an internal kick to get it to slip away.

“What... what do you mean?” Lucius asked quietly, his eyes growing wider in fear.

“Well, we shouldn’t be, um... trying new spells anymore, at least until this mess with your mother is settled,” Siabrey twisted the knot of her joke further. “No more. We can’t have your emotions getting out of hand in the middle of activity, no can we?”

Despite the fact that a small giggle did finally escape from her lips, Lucius apparently didn’t catch the joke. His lower lip trembled, and finally broke free and his face took on a pout.

“Ok,” he said huffily, “Fine. I can accept that.” For a second, she thought she saw a tear in his eye.

Despite the fact she lost all urge to laugh seeing him upset, she forced herself to... at the very least, to try to get him to see the humor and stop pouting.

“Luke, c’mon!” she giggled, “it was a joke!” Her giggles died away when he folded his own arms, and was now in full pout.

“It was a very very mean joke!” he said, turning away from her.

Aww... I hurt his feelings!

”Luke... Luke, c’mon,” she said, not laughing any longer. She touched a hand on his shoulder, kneading it slowly. “Don’t be mad... please?” His head didn’t turn, and she decided to pull out her last resort. She trailed a finger along the side of his face, and whispered into his ear, “I’ll make it up to you.... I promise... when no one else is around...”

He turned around, and instead of a pout was an enormous smile that broke into a laugh... and Siabrey realized it was she that had been getting pranked.

“You... augh!” she slugged him in the shoulder, and he laughed, squirming. “I was worried!” I thought you were genuinely mad at me...

“You should have been,” Shaun said from across the campfire, “nothing scares a man more than being told he’s getting put on rations.” Everyone shared a laugh at the comment.

“That comment was worthy of Grumki,” Tess said finally after she recovered from laughter.

Several hours later, the party slumbered away through the night, as Siabrey manned the second watch, while Shaun lightly dozed. She looked at him, gave a sigh, and tossed some bits of dried wood into the fire. The flames cast an orange glow, which lit up the face of Elenya, who was snuggling her erstwhile watch-mate’s pillow. Further away, the light licking her sleeping face was Tess, snoring softly with her harp nestled by her side. Then off to the left, she saw a pile of blankets that until a half hour before had held two, and the soft firelight danced on Lucius’ sleeping face as he had wrapped his arm around a pillow that was now in Siabrey’s stead.

Siabrey Sipner... you did a good job, her mind finally allowed itself to say. You protected all of them... all your charges are here... safe.

But we haven’t left the desert yet, another part added quietly. They’ve survived a Temple to Demons, and Rogar himself... keep an eye on them, and you’ll soon be in Irulas...

Her mind slowly started drifting back to the warm, deep beds in their former rooms... and the food, the gala, the bathhouse....

Her pleasant dream was interrupted by a noise. Her mind initially wasn’t sure what it was, but some instinct in her head shouted it was dangerous. She was instantly up from the log where she had been sitting at, and she heard it again...

Snorting... like hogs.

Sandhogs, her mind realized quietly as she spotted two shapes off in the distance, carefully edging their way closer. Carefully she pulled out her bow, and edged over toward Shaun’s light snores.

“Shaun!” she hissed, and the rogue shook and rapidly jumped up.

“Huh! What? What... what is it?”

“Over there... rose the party. Two sandhogs.” Siabrey drew back her bow as other party members quietly arose. The snorts became louder, as Siabrey recited one of the things her mother repeated to her constantly in the days before she was allowed to leave.

A sandhog’s weakness lies around its neck and shoulder... the thick skin and strong hairs form a natural glancing armor, but here the skin is thinner, the hairs smaller. An arrow here can cripple or kill it before it has a chance to...

She loosed her arrow, and for a second she thought it had flown true. To her chagrin, it didn’t hit at hte junction between the next and the shoulder, where it could have easy drove straight into the creature’s heart from this angle, but deep into its shoulder. The sandhog bellowed, and charged.

His mate, hearing his growl, then launched one of the sandhog’s most infamous attacks, and a searing ray of heat lashed at Siabrey. It forced her to drop her bow... which ironically she didn’t mind, as Kelir was well gifted in the art of sandhog slaying.

Ah... a grunting one, her sword told her in her head, It keeps my hilt warm... maybe you can add another layer, this one properly tanned, to increase my hilts... beauty? Siabrey didn’t notice the phrase as her mind locked into combat mode.

Tess was the first of the party to respond, and with her voice lashed out three sonic darts at the sandhog that had held back to burn Siabrey. All three hit with massive power, and the entire sandhogs body exploded, the sonic energy intense enough that its meat was cooked to the point of being edible.

The creature at Siabrey’s front snarled, and with one of its four heads it tried to rip her leg off. It managed to grab and sink its vile teeth in, but a swift kick from her threw it off of her. Her adrenaline was pumping so fast that the poison it tried to inject in her veins did not faze her, and as the creature flew off of her leg, she lazily spung Kelir in the air, slicing its throat open. Before she could come in with the killing strike, Grumki’s warhammer shattered the creature’s skull.

The smell of cooked ribs wafted over the desert, and instead of getting her bite checked out, Siabrey wandered over towards the still sizzling remains of the further sandhog. She also remembered another item her mother, who fought them frequently before meeting her father, had told her...

The sandhog’s poison glands are to the front, just behind the head. As long as you leave the head alone, the body is edible. The ribs are delicious... and after cooking tend to keep for several weeks.

She’d never had a chance to try some herself (during her mercenary days when she ridded a village of the creature bothering it she was usually too busy being dragged to the tavern for celebratory rounds of drinks), and she was determined to give it a shot. As the others marveled over the crushed head of hte first creature, she ripped off a large section of rib, and tasted the meat... and found it tender, succulent, and delicious. She immediately started tearing off more, and breaking them into pieces that could fit in her travel pack. Of course, a few pieces found their way to her mouth as well.

She was about a quarter done with the cleaning the sandhog when a panicked voice shouted, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” A hand reached out and grabbed the section of rib in her hand. She looked up, a little annoyed, to see Lucius’ panicked face.

“It’s owkay hon,” she spoke around the piece in her mouth, “I naw where da poisin bland ith.”

“If its poisonous, you should eat it at all, love!” Lucius cried, his voice even more panicky. He slapped her on the back, but instead of getting the meat out of her mouth, he merely annoyed her.

“Da poisin glanths arenth near tha ribth, hon,” she said, letting a little annoyance in her voice. “Mah mutha ath them all tha thime.” She took the rib back, and started pulling off more pieces. As fast as she put them in, Lucius was taking them back out.

“Fine... fine,” she said, after swallowing the delicious piece in her mouth, “I won’t eat any.” Quietly she crossed her fingers behind her, and a few minutes after he and the others began gently snoring, she packed the rib meat from the rest of the cooked hog, and buried the animal under the sands.

I’m set for WEEKS on rations! her mind giggled when she returned to by the fire only minutes before Grumki and Tess awoke to take final watch. As she slid in beside Lucius under the blankets, she felt him stir.

“You smell like cooked pork still,” he said without opening his eyes.

“Smells delicious doesn’t it?” she said quietly with a smile he couldn’t see before giving him a goodnight kiss. “Go back to sleep.”

She resolved that she wouldn’t eat any of the ribs while he was looking... but would feast when he wasn’t, and possibly slip one into his rations to convince him it wasn’t poisonous.

Her urge to be ornery over came that.

Midday the next day, as the party continued to ride along slowly, Siabrey impishly decided to ride alongside Luke. As she drew near, she threw him a raised eyebrow, and a devilish grin. He smiled in return.

“What’s running through your head, hon?” he said quietly, his eyes perfectly showing what his young brain thought it was.

“Oh nothing...” she said, reaching into her pack, and pulling out one of the ribs. “Just thinking about how good my sandhog ribs are!”

Before he could respond, she’d spurred her horse ahead, waving the rib just out of his reach. He charged after, though her smaller and faster horse easily dodged around his larger charger. Finally he nabbed the piece she held in front of him, and she drew out two more. Once she was far enough ahead, she jumped off of her horse, and ran on foot... Lucius jumped off his as well, the chase now changed from a one of sanitation to one of merriment.

“I’ve got you!” Luke finally shouted as he managed to catch her and pull her to the ground. The two immediately began rough-housing over the soft clay and sand.

“They’re just like bunnies,” Tess growled as she rode by the two now disheveled revelers, still wrestling over the piece of meat. “Day in, day out... don’t you ever get bored?”

Pellaron rode up alongside as well, joining in the tsking. “I would hate to do that... the sand would get in the joints of my armor!”

“He’s not wearing armor!” Siabrey shouted derisively, “When you’re about to engage in...”

“OK! I’m moving this way,” Tess shouted over the rest of Siabrey’s answer, and spurred her horse ahead. Pellaron followed... partially to get away from Siabrey’s lewd comment, but also to stay close to Tess...

The two engaged in mutual tsking for a while, slowing down at a distance to wait for the two lovebirds. A few minutes after they had rode by, they watched as the two, their rambuctiousness evidentally spent, get back on their horses and start trotting forward.

“I swear... they’re like children!” Tess said with exasperation, “I have to keep them focused from their toys and on things at hand!”

“Indeed, they are,” Pellaron said, adding in a slightly more quiet voice, “and your lovely voice is the perfect one to correct them.” He saw Tess’ face go confused, and her horse slid a little ahead of his. He kicked himself for even blurting it out.

Siabrey’s right... he is indeed attracted to me, Tess sighed finally. I’m going to have to have a talk with him... it’ll take some word phrasing... for all his skill with a sword, our paladin is a softie. Don’t want to hurt his feelings when I tell him unequivocably... no.

Within the moment, Siabrey, with a sly looking smile, was beside the two. From her smirk, it was clear she heard his comment as well, and both Tess and Pellaron kicked themselves for riding this close even.

“So... Tess? Our paladin friend here has the Sune book, if you are interested!” she said slowly, with mocking seductiveness in her voice. Tess swung a foot out to kick her, but missed, while Pellaron’s face went a deep crimson. Indeed he had the book... he’d never read it since Siabrey had foisted it on him.

“She’s just like an annoying little sister!” Tess said, annoyed.
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And when things returned to more serious matters...

Of Ghosts and Their Ilk

It was with some apprehension later that night that Siabrey saw Lucius and Pellaron sitting on the far end of the camp, wrapped up in an intense discussion.

Oh no... they’re plotting, part of her giggled. The idea of Pellaron involved in a prank intrigued her mind to no end... So the paladin isn’t as straight laced as well thought... She walked towards the two, and to her chagrin, saw that ten books from Lucius’ bags were scattered about their squatting forms.

No... they’re trying to find something, she sighed. I thought I had that paladin broken in... I guess not... Part of her was still amazed that despite what had happened through the preceding months, Lucius still had the collection of history books they had originally set out with from Holstean... in the same saddlebag even.

“Whatcha looking up?” she asked, giving Luke a kiss on the cheek. He smiled quickly before leaning back down and pouring over the book in front of him, his voice muffled as he spoke away from her.

“We’re trying to find the location of a battlefield. Kardatic, to be exact. The battle where the Hextor followers were driven back to the Temple some five centuries ago.”

“You mean the one on the tapestry?” Siabrey asked, remembering the crude drawings. Lucius nodded.

“We can’t decide where it is,” Pellaron began, “the official records offer more information about the derry-do and heroic deeds instead of where it happened. Its quite confusing.” Tess by this point had wandered over as well.

“Why is the location of the battlefield important?” Siabrey asked, then she casted a look towards Shaun and Elenya, who were cuddling close like they had been for the previous week since the Hextor incident. Her mind came up with a plot, and she decided to bluntly ask. “Does the rogue want to see if there’s any valuables there?”

“Um...no,” Pellaron tossed out with a voice sounded offended that the fighter would think he’d ever think of doing such a thing. “I’m concerned because above such a large battlefield, there will be residual magic for years... centuries... not to mention the spirits that haven’t found a home yet...”

“Oh,” Siabrye recoiled at the last part, “We definitely want to keep away from any ghosts that would want to steal our souls or something like that...”

“Oh... not all of these ghosts would be bad,” Pellaron hurriedly corrected, “many good warriors fell that day, just as many thralls of demons did. Indeed, the souls of the good that fell that day might prove allies... but there were many more dead evil beings at the end of that day. That and the boneworms...”

“Boneworms?” Tess asked. For once, there was a monster she had not hear or sung about, and she was curious.

“Boneworms are...” Pellaron paused, shuddering, “they’re the remnants of clerics... good and bad, affected by the bone fire disease. The worms can be a hundred feet long, made entirely of the cleric’s bones. In addition to that,” he leaned close to the others, his voice falling to a hush, “they say the clerics still chant... calling in vain on their gods for deliverance from the torture of being in the worm. If one is struck by the bone worm, one can get the bone fire disease. When you die, your bones join the boneworm...”

Tess shuddered, and Siabrey’s eyes were wide.

“The travellers reports I’ve seen say there’s at least two boneworms in the battlefield, though considering the size of the field, there could easily more,” Lucius said quietly. “But no one can remember exactly where they were when they saw the worm... they were to busy fleeing for their lives...”

“Um, where’s this battlefield? Lets stay as FAR from it as possible,” Tess said quickly.

“That’s the problem,” Lucius interjected, gesturing towards the books. “We can’t find where it is! And it was a huge battle, so we could concievably be in the middle of the battlefield right now!”

Siabrey shivered noticeably at that thought, and looked around warily. Tess did so as well, and then looked up into the night sky.

“Do the descriptions give any evidence of stars... constellations, anything?” she asked, hoping for one certain answer.

“No,” Pellaron said, his voice ringing in annoyance, “because stupid bards...” he stopped suddenly in mid-sentence, his face going beet red. “Um... no offense to present company intended,” he added quickly, “tended to focus on the more sellable points of the ‘blood angry sun’ and other things that are stupidly inane.”

Tess nodded to Pellaron, “No offense taken. Can you two get even a guesstimate of where the battlefield is though?”

“No...” Lucius said, quietly, turning back to his book again, “we’ll keep looking though.”

The party obtained little sleep that night, and rode into the next day on adrenaline, all eyes searching for a long line of white on the horizon, ears straining to hear distant chants. The day went by at an agonizing crawl, and by nightfall, the party was rather hopeful that the battlefield, indeed if it was around, may be behind them.

As the party went to sleep, Tess sat on a small rock nearby and stared into the flames, trying to figure out how to properly and gently dissuade the paladin... and how to keep the meddlesome Siabrey out of it.

I need to talk to him alone... perhaps while the other are mounting up? Or maybe talk to Lucius... have him try and keep her out of this...

Her mind was suddenly brought back to the present as the fire flared up, rising nearly 20 feet into the air, before dying back down to normal size.

“Holy s**t!” was the first thing that escaped her mouth. She’d already been tense after the “battlefield” stories of yesterday, and finally, her nerves began to frizz. Her yell, coupled with the bright flash of the flames, woke the party. Confusion reigned for several minutes, until it was collectively decided that the party should ride as far as possible.

A full hour later, Tess noticed she was feeling drained, and that Elenya and Lucius especially were lolling in their saddles. She realized that Grumki, as well was looking worn. All the spellcasters would need their rest. Reluctantly, she called halt, and the party made camp again some miles away. Within 20 minutes, the fire flared up again, and then died down.

The party responded by putting the non-spellcasters on watch, while those sleeping moved their beds far enough away from the fire that they wouldn’t be hurt should it flame three or four times as big as it had been.

Two hours into the second watch, Siabrey was staring into the flames with a concerned look. She’d spent the first hour staring at them in fear, waiting for them to flare and turn into some kind of fiery demon. After they disappointed her expectations, she began staring into them, lost in thought.... about the happenings of the last two months, her actually finding a love, of fighting demons instead of sandhogs...

A brilliant flash echoed in her eyes, as the campfire grew into a thirty foot pillar of flame, a loud roar issuing from its nascent core. It did not widen, but as the pyre slowly lowered back to the ground, in the center of it floated the form of a man.

He had a slightly bluish glow, and seemed to be partially transparent. His body was elderly, but fit, most notably he lacked hands on either arm. He was clad in what appeared to be finely wrought platemail, inscribed with runes, which shimmered and danced in the light as his form did. As she looked up, she finally saw his face; a kindly face, surrounded by a mane of greyish white hair, and deep gray eyes... eyes she was quite familiar with.

“Dingalas?” she asked, a mixture of wonder and fear coloring her voice. The figure nodded slowly, a smile crossing its lips.

“Yes... its me!” the voice of an old man echoed in her head. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other party members slowly standing, trying to come to terms with this as well...

”What... what are you doing here?” Shaun asked. He did not know the old man as well as the girls did, thoguh from the short time he knew him he liked the codger. Siabrey and Tess both seemed to regard him as a grandfather or old uncle, and he’d seen the terrible pain on their faces when they’d found out he was dead... and now, their faces were painted with wonder, and fear...

“Oh, you... you were the new guy. The handsome one... yes! I remember you!” the voice said in his head as well. “I’m here on a mission from... from... Hieroneous... yes. You see, Hieroneous and Tarantor share the same plane, and sometimes they swap messengers in important situations. I was busy minding my own business two of your days ago when...”

“What’s your message?” Siabrey asked, gently cutting Dingalas off. She remembered how in life he could get easily sidetracked, and it appeared as if the trait had followed him in death. The ghost mouthed an “Oh!” and nodded quickly.

”Yes... yes yes... my message! Well I was sent here to remind you that the gods are watching! And I know...” he pointed at Shaun and Elenya, “you two went through a particularly hard time. Hieroneous has taken special interest in this... um... what was the word the archon told me to use? Hmmm,” the ghost paused for several seconds, before holding his hand up in rememberence, “ah, yes... matter. In this matter. And he has taken personal affront to Graz’zt’s attempts to manipulate the Church of Hieroneous, as well as those of his allies Tarantor and Pelor. So... he has declared a vendetta against Graz’zt until the matter is settled.”

“Um... a what? Huh... how?” Pellaron managed to sputter out, as the party collectively looked at each other. This extends far beyond ourselves and Lucius’ mother...

”Oh... you might wonder why I was sent instead of a trumpet archon or someone as puffed up. Well, I know you all... and He thought you would be less afraid and more listening if a dead old man gave the message, instead of a 20 foot pillar of fire or a giant angel of doom.”

The party nodded blankly, the concepts that had been spoken slowly sinking into their heads. Dingalas happily continued uninterrupted.

“How did you become a... um... ghost?” Tess asked slowly.

“I died,” Dingalas said with a smile, then chuckled weakly at his own weak humor. “No, really I did. Then they deemed my soul useful for this purpose so I was sent back. I had trouble opening the gate to come here... if my failed flareups scared you I do apologize. My dear wife was trying to tell me something at the same time as...”


“Oh yes yes,” the old ghost nodded with a smile, “I didn’t know, but just two days after we marched out, she died in Irulas of a heart attack of some sort. To think of it! She was the first person I greeted up here! But anyway, I died when the orcs overran the army... I was stubborn when alive, and I stayed with the rearguard... about half of the army got away... I tried standing toe to toe with a bugbear... it didn’t quite work,” he lowered his armor, and his pale flesh showed a massive rent from shoulder to hip, shattered ribs, lascerated lungs, and a heart rent in two clearly visible.

“Gahh!” Siabrey said instinctively, shielding her face. “Put the armor back on Dingalas!”

“Oh... I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I forgot you might be touchy about such things... being alive still and all. I think its rather neat. I can put my hand in and feel my heart inside my body...”

“Um, Dingalas?” Tess interrupted to the relief of the entire party, “these orcs and bugbears... where are they now?”

“By Obash!” he said cheerfully. “They tried to march into the desert after you, but they didn’t bother with proper clothing.. so half of them died! They now rest on the edge near Obash, bartering for goods to be sent in.”

“Obash, but thats where...” her voice began to crack. Quin!

”Your brother?” Dingalas asked softly, before turning his head and looking gently into her eyes. “He’s fine. Quite a strange thing happened with him. They said his soul was attacked by some weak yugoloths or something on its way to the Strength Fields of Kord. The Ferryman easily beat them away... but no sooner had he arrived at the Strength Fields than he was carried back to this life. Hieroneous priests had recalled him!”

“Really?!” Tess jumped up, her face filled with joy as tears began to streak. Quin! He’s alive! He’s safe! “Please, Dingalas, tell me this is true!”

“By the rent across my chest its true,” the ghost smiled. “Well, that was all the messages I was supposed to tell you, and my time here is short. I’m not as well trained at plane hopping as some of the other, more experienced messengers... so pardon my... uh...um... brevity. Yes yes.. thats the word. I must bid you goodbye and godspeed... and remember, no matter how dark things become... you are not alone...” As the last words left his lips, his form seemed to melt, flowing and cascading back into the heat of hte fire, until finally the party was left with the crackling of flames, and their memories reflected in its orange glow...

In this next section, a friend from the old game I played in joined our game with his new character... so allow me to introduce:

Orion – Mnk 11
Orion is a devotee of the Order of the Mantis, a congregation that seeks peace and tranquility in the heart of the desert. Recently, the order has heard rumors that a force of orcs is threatening their home, and other rumors of a noble crossing the desert for unknown reasons.

Orion has been dispatched as one of many agents to discern what is happening, and determine which side good falls upon and report to the order so they can commit their resources...

A Lizard, A Village, and a New Face

Orion looked across the horizon, and growled to himself.

It’s still moving.... faster now I think. His legs pumped faster, and quickly he was moving at a pace so fast that most humans could have scarely gone half as fast. Suddenly, his quarry, far far ahead, stopped, and Orion skidded to a halt as well.

Has he smelled me? Orion’s mind raced as he stared at the beast across the desert sands. He watched as the creature’s snout suddenly shifted, turning to and fro... finally settling on something ahead and to the left.

No... he’s settled on something else... not good, Orion thought, stalking ever closer to the creature as it reoriented itself. Then it too began to slink forwards, trying to hide its bulk low across the desert.

Hunting mode, Orioin observed, swiftly and silently drawing closer. Before I strike, I should wait till its attention is fully focused on that quarry...

“I can’t believe Dingalas came back... or how big this mess has become,” Siabrey said, shaking her head. Yet another event to add to her list of unbelievables. She looked over at Lucius, commenting, “after this is done, you and I are definitely taking a vacation, Luke!”

“And I’ll look forward to that with every moment,” he crooned back, causing her to blush... and Tess to roll her eyes. It didn’t irritate her as much as it used to... she was growing to accept it as the norm. Still, sometimes those two were sickly.

Part of her lack of anger was also attributed to the fact that she had been watching a red spot on the horizon, rise and fall slowly over the last hour, as if something large was moving over the ground. Every time she looked, she would think it was nothing more than some red sandstone... then it would look like it moved again.

“Pell,” she asked the paladin riding next to her, “what do you see over there?” she pointed towards the spot, reining up her horse.

“Hm?” he asked, before shielding his eyes and looking off into the distance as well. His brow furrowed, and he was silent for a few minutes before finally prouncing, “hmm... I don’t know. Its a creature all right, but not a boneworm at least...”

“Anything else out here that could be dangerous?” Tess asked him, and Pellaron shrugged. By this point Siabrey and Lucius were riding back, engrossed in each other, and Tess blurted the question out to them.

“Did Xanny or Kelir say anything about dangerous creatures out here?”

“Um... he mentioned braxats like those that attacked us before we reached Obash... and bandits... not much more,” Siabrey said as Pellaron pointed out the red spot, growing larger by the minute. It was Shaun’s eyes that narrowed when he approached, and made out a distinctive snout, along with large horns above the crimson, lizard-like face of the beast.

“DRAGON!” he shouted, pointing furiously. “Red Dragon!” His panicked shouting was starting to scare his horse, as Tess craned closer, and her eyes went wide. It wasn’t a red dragon, to be sure, but something that could be equally as dangerous...

“Fire Drake!” she screamed, as her mind recited what she knew of the from her limited knowledge of desert songs... Very territorial... breathes fire... crap... thats all I have!

AS the party watched, the beast evidently heard their shouts, and deducing its prey now knew its location, it lunged forward at full speed...

Travellers? This far out into the desert? Orion’s mind asked briefly, before he realized why the fire drake had sped up. Its going to attack them!

Putting all of his power into his legs, Orion dashed forward at full speed, and began channeling his body’s inner strength, leaping in the air...

”What the?” Shaun was the first to ask, his bow already notched, as a man seemed to leap half again the length of the beast, and slam a foot into the creature’s jaw. That is definately a madman Shaun decided as he loosed his first arrow of the day. It ran true, only to glance off the thick scales of the creature...

Tess watched in wonderment as well as the unknown man leapt skyward and pummelled the face of the false dragon. After this momentary lapse, her voice rose in the air in song, and three sonic darts slammed into the creature’s skull, moments after their erstwhile ally had landed on the ground. The drake shook, and became enraged, charging at hte party even faster.

Siabrey loosed two arrows in rapid succession at it, with more success. As it was closer now, she was able to barely see the dark lines that marked the edges of scales, and she purposefully aimed for the gaps. Unfortunately, her attacks seemed to only drive it into more of a frenzy. As she reloaded, bolts of light shot from Lucius’ hands, as magic missiles slammed home on the beast. To her surprise, two more bolts flew from high up in the air, slamming into the creature’s back. As she looked up, she heard Shaun’s voice drift over the desert...

“That’s my girl! Dayum, thats my girl!” he shouted, pointing at the enormous raven aloft over the creature.

Orion looked on in desperation. The travellers had been more heavily armed than he expected, and he had to dodge several near hits from arrows. He didn’t fault them; he knew they weren’t aiming for him, it was just he was in the fire zone. He decided to remedy that.

Leaping skyward, the monk landed another furious kick to the side of hte beast, away from its head, where all the other firepower seemed to be landing. As his foot crashed home, he was rewarded with a sickening crack, as two ribs in the side of the massive beast snapped.

Run at them now! his mind called towards the beast mockingly. Turn and face me!

Tess saw the man leap up and slam another vicious assault into the side of the creature... and watched amazingly as the 40 foot monster slowed down. He must be a monk... they are the only ones with that kind of power in their own body...

She quickly prepared another blast of sonic energy, which she unleashed at the creature’s head. AS her voice rang out, its tone high and screeching about the desert plain, the beasts head began to shake, and the noise of its teeth clicking into each other reached the party’s ears moments before the monster fell on its side. It laid there, forever still, as blood trickled from its ears and eyes.

“Good job Tess,” Siabrey said as he lowered her bow from the dead beast, “You didn’t get that man out there all covered in blood! Try and do that for us some too!” The fighter’s face had an ornery half grin.

“Next time you use this harp to manifest some sonic darts!” Tess grinned back. Siabrey’s only joking... and I suppose that ther eare times for humor to relieve tension...

The party walked down towards where the prone beast lay, more curious about the man surveying its corpse than the beast itself. He stood tall, and was clad in the rather simple robes of a desert monk.

“You fought well, sir!” Siabrey called as they approached. He turned from the kill, and looked thoughtfully at the party.

The young man in armor, his heart stopped. He is the nobleman I seek... Graciously, Orion gave a large bow.

“Greetings, my lords,” he said, his voice a deep tenor that rustled over the desert like the endless sands. “I am pleased you have helped me in my search to destroy this foul beast. My most gracious thanks.”

We should be thanking you, with that powerful unarmed strike of yours. “And thank you, um...” Tess began before realizing she did not know his name.

“Orion,” the monk said, “of the Order of the Mantis. I believe you are Lord Lucius Caladron,” he said, gesturing to the young noble.

How does he know Lucius’ name? Siabrey’s protective side immediately asked. How does he...

”I was asked by my order to find you, and ask you why you were moving across the desert so quickly... and why our enemies the orcs are massing on the deserts edge,” the monk calmly asked, sitting down on a prone arm of the dead drake.

“Um...” Lucius began uncertainly, before Siabrey cut him off.

“You said you were hunting this beast?” she asked, and Orion nodded. “Do you hunt all dragons?” I’ll be damned if I allow a dragon hunter to come with us... on the other hand, his fists were quite strong...

“No,” Orion laughed, “there are many dragons whom we are proud to consider allies and friends! Why do you ask such a question?”

Orion’s eyes grew wide over the next hour as the party explained the nature of their quest, the demons they’d fought, and the forces marshalling in the south against humanity...

A Village and a Tower

Two days later, the party drew towards the destination, the spine of the Balarac Mountains that seperated the Obashi Desert from the rest of the Valley.

It had taken some time to get used to Orion, and his method of moving with the party. He did not ride a horse... he did not need one. Even when the party was at a lope, nearing gallop, the monk effortlessly kept up while running on foot. Needless to say Shaun’s idea of challenging him to a foot race died before it could even be verbalized.

The party arrived at the small village (perhaps 350 people) at dusk. Most of hte buildings were made of adobe or brick masonry, though a large, eight story tower between the village and the slopes of the mountains seemed to be made of black and grey stone, likely carted from far off.

Wizard... definitely a wizard, Tess muttered as she saw the tower. Only a spellcaster has that kind of ego. Perhaps its the tower of the wizard Xanadu referred to?

”Hey, Shaun, Siabrey? Can you guys go find us a place to stay for the night... preferably all of us in one inn? I’m going to go around town and check for some information... see if there’s been any sign of Xanadu about...”

“I’ll ask around too,” Siabrey said, and Tess groaned inwardly as the fighter and the rest of the party headed towards a ramshackle (at least compared to what they were used to) inn.

There goes our cover, she thought, turning her horse to head towards what appeared to be the small market in the center of town. Nearing the stalls which were closing for the evening, she dismounted, and led her horse in. Spotting one man whose wares were not yet packed for the night, she went over.

“Hello sir,” her brilliant teeth went on display. To her chagrin, a breath fouler than a black dragon’s wafted through her nose as the man displayed his own yellow, crooked teeth.

“Hello... pretty miss,” he rasped. “May... may I introduce you to some of my wares?”

Ugh! the cultured and refined mind of Tess screamed. For the sake of the gods, take a bath! The rest of her bottled this revulsion up, and she put on an act, in her opinion, worthy of a thespian.

“Maybe... perhaps,” she said quietly, trying to keep her eyes averted from him (which was altogether easy), and looking as if she was biting on her nails. “I’m new here... I don’t know my way around!” she said, leaning over the table. “Perhaps you could help me?”

A predatory look came into the man’s eyes, and Tess had to resist the twin urges to throw up and slap him.

“Sweet miss, of course I can help you,” his crooked teeth turned to a grin.

“Who... who lives in that tower? Is it the lord of this land?” she asked, and the man nodded. She now noticed how greasy his hair was... and she thought she saw a louse on him. She quickly leaned back, acting as if her cloak needed adjusting, hoping he wouldn’t volunteer to ‘help.’

“Yes... the wizard Alustair Destare lives there... he has ruled this village wisely and kindly for many many years,” the man smiled. “Of course, I can take you to meet him if you like... for a price,” his eyes now had the same predatory glint, and Tess decided to move on with her questioning.

“Has anything strange been happening with him?” Tess asked. “I’ve heard many rumors...”

“He hasn’t been in the tower much recently,” the man said thoughtfully. “Come to think of it, it seems every other day he’s gone... ever since the roaring in the mountains.”

Tess gave a false gasp. “Roaring in the mountains? Oh my.... I shan’t want to think of what is causing that noise!” Roaring? Our dragon friends?

”Oh there there, sweet thing,” the man crooned, though his voice sounded more like an adder wrapped in sandpaper, “I’m sure whatever it is, Alustair is holding it off to keep you,” she didn’t like the accent he placed on that last word, “safe. And if he fails...”

Tess blocked his voice from her mind for that moment, thinking on what she heard. This person respects him... something to check on with the others. And he’s gone whenever there is roaring... hmm...

“Dear sir,” she interrupted his male bravado, “I... I want to meet this wizard. You see... I’m a travelling bard, and I am desperately in need of work. Who would I talk to to gain proper entrance into the tower?” With the last sentence, she turned her head sideways. On the surface, this move was meant to glean pity from the person facing her... it also doubled as a check of his body from a different angle to check for weapons. She knew his eyes were too busy to notice her making sure no daggers were nestled near his hands.

“Well,” he leaned close to her, “I could get you private entrance, of course...” he let the offer hang in the air for a few minutes. While in her mind she wanted to kick him for even thinking of the lewd thoughts she was sure were running through his head, he focused all her energy on keeping her face in a blank smile.

He groaned, assuming she didn’t understand his offer. “Well, his wife and daughter sometimes come down into the village to purchase foodstuffs and supplies... they’re nice people as well. The daughter is young, a blonde with green hair named Renee. If I see her, I’ll tell her that... what is your name? And where are you staying, so I may no where to find you once I talk to her?”

His last sentence was spoken to her back, as Tess had already turned around and was heading back towards the inn...

“Hey Tess!” Siabrey called when she saw her friend approaching the inn door. Siabrey pulled her lightly aside, and quietly said, “I asked bluntly if anyone around here had seen a half elf yea high, but no one had seen him.”

“Siabrey, could you have been any more blunt?” Tess asked her quietly.

“At least I didn’t announce that I was the lover of Lucius Caladron here to free...”

“Sssh!” Tess grinned. “Point taken,” she said, thinking, By her method, at least she didn’t have to deal with slimy people... “Gather people up, I have some information I need to tell everyone. We need to plan how to get into that tower...”

“So they all regard him well?” the monk said thoughtfully, around 15 minutes later. “Hmm... that could pose problems.”

“Problems? Maybe it means he’s not who we’re looking for... I’d think they’d know if he was locking up dragons...” Siabrey interrupted quietly.

“Maybe not,” Tess said, lost in thought herself. “They said he’s gone whenever there’s roaring in the mountains... maybe he traps them up there, not in his tower...”

“But either way,” Shaun jumped in, back from fetching two pints of ale, “we need to get a look around that tower... maybe the components for the spells that are binding the dragons are there.”

“Luke, can’t you or Elenya tell what spells are being used by the components?” Siabrey asked. Elenya shook her head no, while Luke gave a careful nod.

“Maybe... depends on the spell. I’d much prefer having someone more experienced like Xanny do it though.”

“So... we need to get into that tower... I say we move quietly. I can jump up to one of hte windows, and climb in...” Orion proposed quietly.
“You can’t jump that high!” Shauny spat out some of his ale. “I saw you jump sixty feet laterally, but I know you can’t jump sixty feet straight up in the air!”

“Yes I can,” the monk replied.

“How about we use my way?” Siabrey said with a grin. “I’m sure that Grumki would enjoy crushing a few doors, and before you know it, BAM we’re in the tower and rummaging!” An elbow from Lucius reminded her to be quiet,,, as Tess shakes her head.

“No... we need something simpler. If we sneak, some of us will get caught. If we slam in there like a tidal wave, some of us will get caught... we need a more legitimate means. Maybe.. um... asking him about the fire drakes, the false dragons? See if he slips up?”

“Brilliant.” Shaun smiled, pointing at Tess. “Sheer brilliance. Tesseron has my vote,” he shouted, the alcohol starting to get to him, “for best bard! She gets the honor of sleeping with Pellaron tonight!”

“What!?” both Tess and Pellaron snapped at him. If looks could kill, two death rays were focused on the rogue.

“Well,” Siabrey said, cocking an eyebrow slyly, “We were able to only get four rooms for eight people... two to a room. Naturally me and Lucius have a room, as do Elenya and Shaun. You’ve worked hard Tess, so we thought you could stay with Pellaron, while Grumki, Aristophle, and Orion share the last room.” Siabrey’s smile was sweet, but she giddiness at the embarassment her two targets were suffering shone through her eyes.

“Siabrey... you little... grr!” Tess scowled, as Siabrey broke out laughing. Pellaron looked around worriedly, as Elenya tossed in another comment that, “Perhaps, dear bard, you will get a chance to learn what me and Shaun wrote in the Sune book!”

It was easily apparent that Pellaron was embarassed at the conversation, and he cleared his throat. In his proper, Temple accent, he looked towards Tess, and said, “I have much higher calling that mere physical activity, Tess... do not worry!”

Thank you Pell, even though I don’t like you like that, you seem to be the only one in this madhouse at times that seems to have his head on his shoulders. She gave him a weak smile, which resulted in some more jeers.

“Wait wait wait wait,” Shaun quieted everyone down, “I have.. I have a question, for Pellaron,” he slurred out. “Dear paladin,” he leaned awkwardly across the table, grabbing Pellaron’s hand, “What... I beg you... what... is a higher calling that satisfying a beautiful woman?” Shaun then stuck his tongue out, and fell back into he seat, as the laughter and jeers continued. Tess rolled her eyes, and Pellaron merely stared ahead, blankly.

“Pell... c’mon. Lets get away from the cretins,” Tess said, pulling him away from the table before his paladin honor caused him to feel bound to lose his temper again. Immediately cheers rose from the rest of the party (save Aris, who chose to take this time to take his leave to visit a small Hieroneous shrine).

After she got him back into the third room assigned to them, she noticed Pellaron, without being asked, was already placing his blankets on the floor.

“Um.. sure you don’t want...”

“I’m sure. Tess?” he turned, his eyes a little frightened. “If you feel uncomfortable, I would understand if you left. But on my honor, and on my sword... I won’t do anything that...”

“I know,” she said, setting herself up on the bed proper. “My one request though... when I change...”

“I’ll leave the room. Do not worry Tesseron,” he said quietly.

“I’m not,” she smiled. “You are a good man, Pellaron... just not my type. I hope you understand?” Maybe I shouldn’t have blurted it out like that... but... “I trust you as a friend... you are a dear friend... but, nothing... um... beyond that. Please don’t be angry?”

”I understand, Tess,” he said with a sad smile. “We elves are much wiser than you humans... we can get over things like that quickly.” He tried to make a wink, but the joke clearly fizzled, and his eyes betrayed sadness.

I hope he doesn’t go all depressed on us, Tess worried. She decided for the sake of ease she just wouldn’t change into her normal nightgown this night.

After the two targets of their pranks left, the party was still in good humor for a bit. Shaun bought himself another ale, but when Elenya tried to order one he took it away and promptly gave it to Grumki. The tavern of the inn was crowded, so the group was free to carouse as they wanted for at least a little while... after all, in the morning they were headed into a wizards tower... a wizard who bound dragons...

“Mmm,” Siabrey pulled back from a kiss from Lucius. “Um, hon? You remember that prank I made in the desert?” His eyebrow was raised suggestively.

“Yes.... I do...” he slid close to her with a grin, and then noticed she was slowly getting up to leave the table.

“Well, you want to cash in on my promise?” she grinned, walking away slowly.

“Shaun, Elenya... been a fun night, but I should be heading out!” Lucius said with a laugh as Siabrey grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the second room in the party’s bracket. It was only a few minutes later when Elenya finally persuaded a fairly lit up Shaun it was time to go to bed... except sleep did not occur...

”Dammit!” Tess snapped, throwing a pillow over heard to keep the noises of the couples on both sides of her out. A groan of distate from the floor at the foot of her bed let her know at least her roomate for the night was with her on this one.

An Invitation...

Tess growled as the morning light began to press through her closed eyelids. For several minutes she fought it, pulling blankets and covers over herself, but only succeeded in making herself uncomfortable. With a grumble, she finally rose.

Gah.... its eight at least! her mind complained as she looked outside at the sun rising in the sky. At the foot of her bed, the elf paladin was still fast asleep, despite the light in the room.

He looks adorable sleeping like that, she thought, too bad I have to wake him up... nah... I can be quiet enough.

With one eye on her mirror, the other on the sleeping elf, she quickly changed into her glammered armor, setting it to a dress different that the one she wore to bed... to keep up appearances. Then, she slipped out of the room.

I need to track down this Renee... ask her if we can speak with her father, her mind planned going up the hallway, before she stopped suddenly as she entered the tavern.

Standing before her was a young girl, barely 15, with long blonde tresses reaching to her waist. She was well dressed, andher face was young and innocent, though her green eyes cast a mix of hope and was it... fear?

“Hello Tesseron Keldare,” the girl gave a bow, as Tess tried to form words.

How do you know my name? This has to be Renee, but sti...

“My name is Renee Destare,” she gestured towards herself. “My father has learned of your group’s presence in the village, and he desires to dine with such varied travellers as yourself, Lady Siabrey, Lord Lucius, and Sir Shaun...”

“Um... uh,” Tess tried to form words, desperately caught off guard. Her confusion increased further only a second later.

”Can I come in?” a voice asked softly in her head. Tess spun her head around, looking for the source of the voice.

Who are you!? What are you doing!? her mind panicked.

“I am still Renee.” the voice said softly in her mind, ”I merely ask permission to talk to you mentally as well as verbally. I know full well someone’s mind is their personal sanctum... I want to have your favor before I enter it.”

”You can... read minds, and talk to people’s minds?” Tess asked in wonder. She’d heard of people like this before, though they were exceedingly rare... psions.

”Yes,” the psionic voice of Renee seemed to smile, ”I can. I have things I need to tell you that are too dangerous to say aloud. In the meantime, I shall talk aloud to keep appearances. Listen through your head though, not your ears.” Tess nodded slowly, and the young girl spouted off something about dresses aloud as her mind voice spoke.

”My father has been acting strangely lately. He leaves suddenly when there is roaring in the mountains... he never did that before.” He has done something to my mother as well, he’s controlling her mind it seems. He has not been able to use arcane magic to do that to me yet... he knows not that I have a powerful mind.”

Roaring in the mountains? Tess thought back, nodding at Renee’s verbal statements on fashion, We are here looking for a friend... and your father might have something to do with his disappearance. IS there a way we could meet with your father?

”I fear he might not be my father in mind anymore,” Renee’s inner voice said sadly, even as her outer voice laughed out loud at a quip. ”I need your help to find out what has happened to him. I have only a little experience with magic... you have two experienced spellcasters with you. And by helping me, I can do my best to ensure your safety. My father has taken an unnatural interest in your stay here... I must go however.” she quickly broke off the mental conversation. ”We can continue this after dinner.”

”Dinner will be at eight, Lady Tesseron,” Renee said aloud, her voice still and formal. “Please don’t be late... my father is a very punctual man.”

”Please help me, Tesseron Keldare! Please come!”

“We will be there promptly,” Tess said aloud, nodding to the girl. I need to talk to the others first.

”Understood. If you do not show up, however, father will be very wrathful...”

“Goodbye, Lady Keldare,” Renee said, and she turned and left the inn.

Siabrey’s eyes flitted open as the noise flooded her ears again. Her groggy mind couldn’t pick out what it was... save that it happened right when she was about to slay a balor in the mists of a dreamworld. It came again... loud insistent, and she finally recognized the knocking from the door.

“Hold on!” she shouted, taking in her tactical situation. Hmm... step one... extricate arm from under Lucius, her mind smiled, remembering how the arm ended up there, Step two... find some clothes...

“C’mon, Siabrey, I haven’t got all day!” she faintly heard Tess’ voice say from behind the door. Siabrey also recognized the ‘very annoyed’ tone in Tess’ voice.

Ok, she thought, slipping her arm free without waking her love, Scrap Step Two Plan A... replace with Step Two Plan B... She walked over to the door, and carefully opened it a crack, only letting her head stick through.

“Yes?” she said, blinking. She had no idea how her hair was smashed to one side, frizzed out, and how utterly disheveled she looked.

“Siabrey, is Luke up to? I need to talk to the two of your, along with the rest of the party. I can’t raise either Shaun or Elenya, and...”

“Um... Luke’s not awake,” Siabrey said. She then paused, and got a sly half grin on her face. “Yet,” she purred.

“Siabrey,” Tess groaned, “We don’t have time for this! A very important... GAH!” Tess spun away and covered her eyes after Siabrey ducked over and she caught a full view of the sleeping and unclothed Lucius, laying on the bed. “I’ll come back! I’ll come back!” she pulled the door shut hurriedly.

Xanadu, when we find him, needs to give those two bunny ears, and bunny tails, she fumed, storming back to her room. I need to buy both of them a massive bunch of carrots it seems! Seeing Pellaron rolling up the last of his blanket, she began venting aloud to him.

“I swear! Lucius and Siabrey! They’re like bunnies! Gigantic, rabid, bunnies! I’m not surprised they haven’t starting sprouting up new ones yet!”

“The world wouldn’t be ready for something like that,” Pellaron smirked, causing Tess to laugh. The elf looked like he was feeling better today than last night, which relieved her. “Did you find anything out, Tess?”

“Well... I found out that the wizard Alustair already knows we’re all here,” she said, sitting down on her bed. “He’s invited all of us to dinner, as a matter of fact.”

Tess was not surprised when nearly an hour past before a Siabrey clad in nightclothes and a Lucius clad only in trousers showed up outside her room. It took another half hour of waiting before Elenya was the first to stumble from her room (she was promptly sent back to fetch the worse half of the duo). Annoyed, Tess managed to keep her tongue in check once everyone was gathered in her room and she explained how Renee had just appeared with the offer, and how the girl spoke in her head.

“...in short,” Tess concluded, “I think this offers us an excellent excuse to get in the wizard’s tower.”

“So someone is doing enchanting up in there,” Shaun said thoughtfully, his brain surprisingly awake considering his body looked like it had been through a marathon and a gladiatorial match, “Do we know whether it is Alustair, his wife, or even this Renee? What if she is the one doing in the dragons? Anyone considered that?”

“No offense, Lucius,” Siabrey said, looking at him for a little reassurance before turning back to Shaun, “I seriously don’t think anyone that young is capable of capturing and locking up dragons!”

Orion coughed. “Don’t doubt the power of the young,” he said quietly. “I have seen them do many strange and wonderous things in my day. Though I must state that regardless of who is hurting the dragons of the desert, this does present an opportunity to enter the tower...”

“Maybe if we say something like we’re going to be leaving early in the morning, we can get him to let us bring our equipment with...” Shaun thought aloud. “And of course, if he turns out to be evil as we suspect, I can raid his treasury, and...”

”Does everything have a pile of gold coins inside it for you?” Tess asked, slightly annoyed.

“No,” Shaun said, “some things have silver, others have platinum!” Tess rolled her eyes, while Siabrey and Elenya chuckled at his quip.

“Regardless... we have a day to waste before heading off at dusk. I am going to their little market here to see whats available...” Tess started, before Siabrey eagerly interrupted.

“I want to go too!” the fighter almost jumped off the side of the bed into the air. Everyone, especially Tess, looked on in shock.

Something’s wrong... Siabrey NEVER liked going to the market or store for ANYTHING over the past two months...

”Who are you, and what did you do to my Siabrey?!” Tess asked mockingly as she crossed her arms. Siabrey giggled, and smiled at Luke.

“I’m in a good mood. You should ask Luke what we...”

“Thats quite enough information, dearie!” Tess said far louder than the last part of Siabrey’s statement. “If you seriously want to go shopping, we should head out now. Those that aren’t shopping can scout for information... anything you can find thats unusual or odd, or related to our wizard friend, the better!”

The party spent the rest of the day looking through the market of the village. While Tess found a few magic trinkets (None she was interested in... she had no use for a seed that grew into ten corn plants and the like), Siabrey found curious brown looking knives. After looking them over (and having part of one crumble in her hand) she determined they were adobe knives. The very concept almost made her retch.

Yeah... Tess was being teased a lot by the other PCs... though in the next couple sessions, things between the PCs changed rahter rapidly... (I know I'm going to keep writing! I'll get caught up soon! :) )

The Tower of Alustair

As dusk drew nigh, the party approached the large tower, its sides blazing crimson in the setting sun. They came dressed in their armor, with the excuse that they were ready travel the next day, if a reason was asked.

When they reached the base of the structure, they saw a large, ornate wooden door open, and Renee’s head came out and called a greeting.

“Thats the girl,” Tess whispered to Siabrey, Shaun and Orion.

“Hallo, Renee!” Tess called back. She expected to felt the young girl’s presence enter her mind again, but nothing happened... save Renee gave a great smile.

“Hello, brave travellers! Come, I shall lead you upstairs to the banquet hall! My mother and father are waiting!”

The party followed the young girl inside the tower, and began climbing a set of circular stairs in the towers heart. After going up several floors, they emerged into a small, discreet hall, tastefully decorated and warmly lit with torches.

Not the standard ‘evil wizard’s lair’ from all the stories, Tess’ mind thought hopefully. The party then laid eyes on their hosts, Lord and Lady Destare.

The wizard known as Alustair appeared to be a man nearing the end of middle age, perhaps 55 years old, his face framed with long dark locks with streaks of gray. His face appeared kindly, save neither Tess nor anyone else in the party could deduce his mood from his eyes; they were a blank, steel gray.

Seated next to him at the head of the table was a woman, perhaps ten or fifteen years younger than her husband, her long brown tresses only starting to gain some grey. She looked alright, save when the party looked into her eyes, the stared back somewhat blankly.

Enchantment, Tess thought as she bowed with others as they were introduced, But what kind?

“Greetings, noble travellers. I am Alustair Destare, lord of these surrounding lands. This is my wife, Brynhilda.” He gave a short courteous bow, before motioning towards the dinner table. The party was able to feast their eyes on plum puddings, sweetened fruit, and varieties of nuts and berries that they hadn’t seen before. “An appetizer,” Alustair noted with a smile, “You are guests of importance, and we get few noble visitors here. A gesture of my thanks for the company,” he delivered a charming smile.

Sllliiimmmeeeyyy! Tess mind railed. She could tell from the faces of the other two females that Siabrey and Elenya had much the same feeling. With more than a little trepidation, they took their seats, and began sampling some of the dishes set before them with their host’s excellent dinnerware set. A few minutes later, they looked on in confusion as they found their plates cleaning themselves off automatically, and napkins dabbing their mouths unbidden as they finished pieces of the appetizers.

“Luke!” Siabrey hissed, “How... what?” she motioned quickly to the napkins and forks moving by themselves.

“Unseen Servants... its a spell that if we were in peaceful times, I might have learned,” he said quietly to her. The talking, however, drew the attention of Alustair, and he turned to Lucius and Siabrey with a smile.

“Ah, so... Lord Lucius Caladron! What brings you to the desert, along with your consort?”

How the hell does he know Luke’s name? And that I’m his consort? Siabrey’s mind rang with alarm. I should just interject here...

”We are... travelling! To see the ends of his future domains,” Siabrey smiled thinly, managing to hide her discomfort. “Lucius wants to know his realm intimately before he takes over!” she hooked her arm around his elbow. Play it cool, Siabrey! Play it cool!

“And I understand, Lord Lucius... that you have powers of magic running in your blood,” Alustair said again, a napkin dabbling at the corner of his mouth to remove an errant piece of strawberry. “I would certainly enjoy sometime having a small contest between ourselves... a wizard versus a mighty sorcerer, hm?” A smile crossed the wizard’s lips as he brought his goblet to his mouth and supped.

”Um... well, I would hardly call myself a mighty sorcerer,” Lucius chuckled nervously. “I have some magic in my veins, yes,” he started, before calmly bluffing that most of his training was with the sword, not his magic. Siabrey smiled.

Thats my noble born boy... don’t tempt a noble to bluff!

Tess meanwhile continued to take surreptitious looks towards Renee and Brynhilda... checking out the latter’s eyes as she talked to the former.

Her eyes are glazed, but her talking and responses seem genuine... and they are not all favorable of Alustair. Yet it seems she always does what he even thinks... not a charm person... maybe she’s under a domination spell?

”May I come in?” Tess heard again in her head. She knew the same voice had entered six other heads around the table also... and she knew they all agreed just as she did. She’d told them of Renee... and her unique powers.

Tess was about to respond, when she strangely felt another presence in her head. Unlike Renee’s, which seemed to settle quickly in a corner of her mind, this one wandered loosely for a few seconds. Instinctively Tess stiffened, fearing Alustair was revealing a trap, until a voice she was very familiar with spoke.

”Hello? Tess? Its Luke? Can you understand me?”

”Luke... what? How are....”

“Wait wait wait wait.... I heard Luke in my head, now I hear Tess,”
she heard Shaun’s confused voice in her head as well. ”What’s up with this?


Honey, did you understa...”

”Perfectly well, though kinda loud,”
Elenya’s voice spoke through the mind as well. ”Luke... did you use magic for this, or are you hiding something else from us?”

”This is nothing but magic... a guy named Rary came up with it many years ago... Rary’s Telepathic Bond. It’ll last for about four hours, and its set to us six... Renee can’t listen in, because of its magical, not psionic, origin.”

”Brilliant!” Shaun’s voice called. ”I bet Sir Slimey at the end of the table wish he knew this spell!”

”Tess! Shaun! All of you! Pay attention!” she heard Renee call, not knowing the reason why she had suddenly lost their focus. ”I have information I want to tell you about my father... I want to tell all of you!”

”For an evil wizard, this guy can make good food... or is the food done by his servants too?” Shaun’s voice continued as he sampled part of the main entree: roasted pork with peppers and onions.

”Shaun!” Lucius’ voice rang out, silencing the rogue. The aloud conversation had changed to Imperial politics, with the wizard and Lucius verbally dueling over the merits of a new law from Iskeldrun, with Lucius losing due to his frequent long pauses.

My father a month ago changed suddenly. He had been researching dragons, trying to build links with their community to get to know them better and dispel the myths that dragons are all evil. Suddenly, he has started capturing and trapping dragons up in the mountains... in caves...”

”Trapping dragons? How?” Elenya’s mind burned through.

“He’ll use walls of ice or fire, depending on the dragon type, to hold it up there.”

”That’s starting to sound far-fetched,” Siabrey’s thoughts burned into the others, ”I’m not entirely sure he’s the one we should fear. He seems sleazy, but thats it.”

” Then again, you getting hooked up with anyone seemed far fetched, but none of us...” Shaun’s voice started to quip, before a mental shout came from Lucius to be quiet.

”Most recently my father returned from the mountains very elated... he had captured a large dragon, the largest he’d seen so far he told me. A silver one named Brightcold. Have you heard of him?”

”XANADU!” Siabrey’s voice screamed in their minds, and she visibly coughed hard on her food. There was a sudden long pause in the verbal conversation as the party digested the news, with Shaun offering that they had a mental blank... it had been a long day.

”Damn no good lousy...” Tess heard Elenya start to rant. Some mental shushings went through the air as Renee unknowningly continued.

”I can see by Tess’ mind you do.”

”Is there anyway you can get us up to your father’s laboratory, Renee?” Tess asked. ”If we could take a look around, we might be able to find what spells your father is using, and free the dragons... in addition to finding out whats wrong with him.” Tess hoped that this could defuse the growing tempers of hte party. She hoped Alustair had not noticed their collective halts, stops, and seeming staring off into space during regular conversation.

”Well... I...” Renee started mentally, her real mouth busily chewing on a piece of the peppered pork.

”I’d like to talk to you in person about it... is there anywhere in this tower where we cannot be scried upon?”

”My room,” Renee offered. ”Scrying is one of the few spells I do know. I check for it constantly, and so far father has not set any scrying there.”

”Very well, then Renee... I’m going to trust you.” Tess told the girl. Meanwhile, she told the party, ”If I am not back down in thirty minutes, assume the worst. I will try to maintain mental contact and relay what I discover.”

After Tess had excused herself from the table, offering to tune her harp to play for the wizard and the party, Renee had quickly followed, asking, nay begging, to go watch and learn how a harp was tuned. Alustair plainly got annoyed with her whining, and let her go. A few minutes later, they safely heard from Tess that she was upstairs, talking with Renee.

Desserts were brought out in the meantime, including sweet cakes, some creamed rolls, and cream pie. Elenya eagerly dug into the first, Shaun into the second, and Siabrey into the third.

”Mmm... delicious,” Siabrey’s mind thought aloud. “You want some cream pie?” she offered Lucius. He shook his head, and pressed onward in his newest discussion with the wizard; the morality of metaphysical versus metamagic enhancements to the body.

”He ain’t interested in your cream pie! He got all his desserts last night!” Shaun’s mind quipped into hers. She stared over at the rogue, who wore a pleasant, happy smile on his face.

”Oh... you think you’re smart... able to insult people in their heads? At least I know Lucius was happy after I was done!” She was too focused on her insult to notice Pellaron and Aristophle squeezing their eyes shut in distaste.

”Hmm... at least I don’t mess with Elenya by threatening to cut her off!” Shaun rejoined, his voice quickly followed by Elenya’s.

”If you don’t stop mentally picking fights, I will cut you off!”

”Siabrey, stop abusing magic. Not everyone wants to hear that,” Lucius’ mental voice came through sounding stern, even as outwardly he laughed at a rather dull joke made by Alustair.

”Oh... don’t abuse magic? What was that you did in the desert two weeks ago, when we celebrated your birthday? Hmm?” Involuntarily she raised an eyebrow at him, and he finally broke off his conversation with Alustair to give her an airy, condescending look.

”I don’t know what you are talking about,” he said calmly.

”Oh, I think you do!” she laughed mentally, and then thought up a rather embarassing image of the two of them in her head and tried to send it to him.

”No! No no no no no!” Pellaron and Aris’ voices both shouted mentally, as Pell banged his head against the table. ”I didn’t want to see that! I didn’t need to know that! Gah!”

”Hmmm... cheeky. It would have worked better if you had held...” came from Elenya.

”Sir paladin, is there something wrong?” Alustair asked nervously. Pellaron nodded, his face twisted in anxiety as Aris poured his compatriot another bumper of wine to try and calm him.

“Headache, sir. A very very bad headache,” Pellaron said, downing his goblet.

Confirmations... and One Messed up Laboratory

“Tess... may I call you that?” Renee asked after they had closed the door to her room full of books on the arcane. Tess nodded.
“Tess, then,” Renee said, looking down at the ground, “I must thank you for trusting me so far. I know at times you have doubted my story... and I will do what I must to help persuade you that what I say is true!” She looked up imploringly at Tess’ eyes, and the bard immediately felt tugs on her heart.

I think I truly believe her, Tess thought, as she watched the girl’s eyes start to tear up.

“I think my father is doing bad things, Tess? He’s locking up dragons! He spends all the time in his lab! He’s using some kind of mind control on my mother! The only reason he hasn’t brainwashed me is because I’m a psion!” tears begin to streak down Renee’s cheeks, and Tess reaches out and holds her close.

The poor girl has been trapped for a month with something she knows isn’t her father... and she has been able to talk to no one about it! Poor thing!

“Renee,” the bard said quietly, “ssshhh. You are being very brave... you are confronting something even many of the bravest fighters would shy from... an evil in your own household.” Tess held the girl out at arms length. “We need to see his lab, Renee. If you can get us there, we can find out about our friends, and also what is causing your father to act this way.” She nodded, and sniffled, as Tess took out a small hankerchief and wiped her eyes.

“Ok Renee. Now, my harp does actually need tuning. Here... hold your hand like this, you’re going to help me. Have you ever played the harp?”

“Once,” the girl sniffed, slowly regaining her composure, “before all this happened. Father last month threw the harp away... I miss it,” she sighed.

“Very well then. You can help me with mine,” Tess smiled and rubbed a hand on the girl’s head. “It’ll be alright. We’ll find a way.”

“I... I... can sneak you down there tonight... late at night. Father is leaving again I think, likely to go to the mountains to catch more dragons. I know the guards, they’ll let me in. I want to be safe, I want mama to be safe!” Tess put a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder.

“They will be. Just follow my lead,” Tess said quietly, showing her how to loop the harpstrings after they’d been tightened. Both understood the secondary meaning; don’t tip off her father, and play things by ear.

”I think she’s telling the truth guys,” Tess thought into their telepathic bond. ”She’s agreed to take us to her father’s laboratory later on tonight.”

”You sure we can trust her?” Siabrey’s voice came through quietly. ”I mean, whatever affected her father could have affected her too.”

”I don’t think so, Tess’ mind replied. ”I’m on my way back down,” she thought as Renee wrapped the last harpstring up properly, and Tess gave her a smile of thanks and pride.

A few minutes later Tess and a happy looking Renee strode back into the small banquet chamber, backs high and elegant in grace and walk. As Renee sat down beside her father, Tess cleared her throat.

”First, I would like to thank Renee Destare, for assisting me in arranging my harp,” she smiled and nodded. Her heart melted a little when Renee clapped her hands together. Maybe the girl now has a bright spot after this dark mess is finished with, her mind thought.

“What would my audience desire in terms of song?” Tess asked. Meeting us tonight when he is gone... hmm. Rather late. I need to make sure to tell lovebirds they should sleep isntead of horsing around...

”A song of daring,” Alustair’s tenor rumbled, and he leaned back into his chair as Tess slowly began the song of Smashing Skulls. Siabrey blushed at bit as Grumki banged his fist on the table in tune to the beat, and most present, save Alustair, picked up ont he chorus quickly. When the rousing song had finished, the wizard rose, and smiled.

“Tesseron, that was a wonderful piece! I do hope you should like to hear more music, as I play as well!”

”My real father played music well... this is not my real father... observe,” Renee’s voice echoed in the party’s mind.

As the party watched, the wizard made a few arcane motions in the air, and before them materialized an instrument that only Tess had seen before; It looked something like a large harp, turned horizontal, with keys like an accordion in the front that struck the harp strings. Tess recognized it as a clavichord.

With gusto Alustair lit into the piece... and unfortunately horrific racket came out. The music was so horrible that even Tess’ delicate musical ears could not discern what the original tune was supposed to be. Indeed, it took all of her willpower to not cover her ears, and she thanked Lucius repeatedly for the opportunity his spell gave to vent mentally with all the others. Shaun summed it up best with his statement, ”That sounded like fifty cats dying, being reincarnated into sheep, dying again, and being beaten with a shrill stick!”

As the last of the convoluted chords rose in the air, the party knew for sure that the wizard that stood before them was not Alustair... or Alustair warped beyond imagination...

“Thank you,” Alustair bowed to the polite claps of the party, and all too eager clapping of his wife. “It is getting late, my dear guests, and I fear it is time for rest. Should you desire, there are guest rooms in the tower that are far better furnished than any inn in the village below...”

”Say yes to that,” Renee’s voice rose in their minds, ”It’ll be easier for me to fetch you when he leaves.”

”We’ll gladly accept your kind offer, fair Alustair,” Shaun said with a grin.

The party headed upstairs, and to Tess’ surprise, everyone actually went to sleep for a while, trying to gain some rest. Shaun wasn’t sure what time it was when the knocking woke him up, but he arose to find everyone else ready to go, led by a wide awake, and somewhat frightened Renee.

“We’re headin’ out?” he asked quietly as Elenya readied her items as well. The telepathy spell had worn off during their sleep... they were now forced to speak verbally.

“Yes,” Tess whispered. “Make sure you have your lock-picking tools, in case we need them.”

“Got ‘em right here,” Shaun raised them up, and then slipped them into his pocket.

Renee led the party down many flights of stairs... easily three further lower than the ground floor at least. When they couldn’t go down any more, she exited the stairwell, and after a few twists and turns, the party found themselves outside a metal door, guarded by two large, strong women clad in scale mail. Each had two scimitars on their belts that glistened; their left scimitars glistened with a dull reddish glow, their right scimitars with a chilly blue.

“Ah,” the guard on the left leaned down from her easily 6’3” height, “little Renee. How can we help you, little mistress?”

“These are my friends. Father said I could take them to see his lab,” she looked, and the party watched as she focused hard on the first guard. The woman’s mouth initially formed a no, then twisted into a slightly confused look, before a, “Sure. Open the door,” came from her mouth.

Psionics probably, Shaun thought. I’d be cool to have powers like that... and tell people to give me money.... He had to try hard not to chuckle.

As the great steel door was opened, air hissed out of the lab. Once the party stepped in, they were in a wonderland, a world seemingly far different than the one outside.

Firstly, the room glowed with a green effervescence that came from floating globes that at present seemed too far and few in between. This unusual light glinted off of many items that the party didn’t particular want to look at: The head of a massive bird-like creature, feathers dotted about that still had dried blood on the ends of the quills. Most unusually, the party also found what appeared to be a child’s doll on a shelf.

Pellaron attempted to detect evil within the room once the door was closed. While he was expecting a large amount of evil to emenate from this place, he did not expect the tidal wave of energy that flooded into him, and he almost fell over onto a nearby table.

“Pell, is this place...”

“Very evil. Very very evil,” he said, holding his head. “Most everything has at least been touched by a powerful evil, if not gives off evil itself.” He shook his head and refocused. “Everyone, be careful what you touch.”

“Um, I’m in a freaking wizards tower, of course I’m going to be careful of what I touch?” Shaun hissed at Pellaron. “I might have been a thief, but I am no fool. What’s this?” he headed towards a box on one empty table. A careful look made him think there were no traps, but when he popped it open he barely dodged flames that leapt from hte edges.

“Wow... uh close one there,” he said aloud with a small laugh, before reaching his fingers inside. “Ouch! Dammit!” he pulled htem back quickly, looking in dismay at the burn marks on his finger tips. Pellaron walked over and leaned over the box, and rapidly covered his eyes.

“Don’t even bother with that... its so evil I don’t want to know what it does,” the paladin groaned.

As their eyes became acclimated to the gloom, the party began to notice many of the same thing lying around. Gathered, sometimes on piles on some of the tables, other times in boxes on the shelf, were pieces of quartz... long, single pieces of crystal, most at least a hand long in length and at least as thick as one’s thumb.

“This man either likes cheap jewelry,” Shaun noted aloud as he found another box of the stuff hidden away, “or these have something to do with spells.” He then looked over to Lucius, who fidgeted with one crystal in his hand while he was deep in thought. After a few minutes, the sorcerer’s eyes went wide in realization.

“Um... these are a component in a wall of ice spell... excellent for holding in fire based creatures...” his voice died away, and he dropped the crystal he held, and began tearing open other boxes. “Destroy these crystals!”

“What? They’re material components?” Siabrey asked as she picked one up and smashed it into the ground. Lucius nodded, pulling out a piece of brownish rock, and sniffing it. “Phosphorus... component for a wall of fire spell... something that could trap a cold based creature... a dragon... like Xanadu...”

“Grumki?” Tess was about to gesture, until she noticed the half orc already had a box in each hand, which he momentarily threw to the ground with a resounding crash. Two seconds later, the combined efforts of Shaun and Aristophle knocked down a large shelf containing the quartz crystals, and hundreds of htem cracked and shattered upon the hard stone floor.

“Hey!” came a muffled voice from outside, “whats going on in there!?”

“Renee! We’re trying to get rid of spells that are helping your father stay bad. Go hold off the guards till we’re done!” Tess implored in a whisper. The young girl nodded, as Grumki shoved a phosphorous shelf into a quartz shelf, and both came crashing down like dominoes.

“Um... we just had a mixup in here! Nothing big! The big oaf accidentally knocked over a table!” She gave a nervous laugh afterwards, just as she tried to quietly slide the inside lock on the door into place. Unfortunately, it made a loud click just at a moment where everything was quiet.

“Hey!” there was now banging on the door, “Open up! IF you father sees this mess we let you make, he’ll beat us! Open up! Hey!” Renee backed from the door nervously.

“Well, finish destroying it... I think we’re going to have to fight out way out,” Tess grumbled.

Laboratory Battle...

“Open up! Renee! Open the door!” the shouting grew louder, and the door handle jiggled vigorously. Renee, her face clad with a look of panic, dashed over quickly.

“I’m coming, hold on! Let us get this cleaned up some!” she called, looking back at the party as she unlocked the door. “Its a mess in here! I’ll warn you!”

”If we did not open it, they would have brought it down.” her voice echoed in their heads as she saw the looks of betrayal that started forming on their faces.

Tess nodded as the door flew open, and the two burly females strode in, followed by two guards with long swords, two with bastard swords, and two men clad in robes. Apprentices? Tess’ mind asked. Think Tess, think!

“What the hell happened in here!” the lead guardsman, a woman with long black hair bellowed. Her two scimitars glistened rose and ice blue in the air as she unsheathed them menacingly, their pale light reflecting off of her armored breastplate. “This place is a wreck!

”Um... we had an accident,” Tess said quickly, walking forward. She veered to the left, cocking an eyebrow of interest at one of the male longswordmen. In reality, she had a plan, and watched with glee as Grumki followed behind closely. “My half orc friend took a spill... he’s rather large, and sadly many things spilled with him... how are you?” she sidled up to her target with a grin, all the while leaning closer and closer to the door, and more importantly, the lock...

What is Tess doing? I know she’s not hitting on that guardsman, but she’s getting herself isolated over there... I’d better get closer too... “Yeah, Grumki is a klutz,” Siabrey blurted out, taking a position in front of the two towering women with their scimitars. To an outsider the view might have been comedic... the short and petite Siabrey staring right into the eyes of the two massive women in front of her (6’4” and 6’6” each). Her katana was not drawn, but her hands were in front, in their position to be able to reach down quickly and slash upwards as she drew her blade...

Luke, what are you doing? Siabrey’s mind started to gripe, as she saw her love slide up beside her, silent. Part of her realized what he was doing... He’s trying to protect me... but I’m supposed to be protecting HIM! her mind protested, remembering all too easily the fate that nearly befell him a week earlier. If the situation hadn’t been as tense, she likely would have chastised him for getting so close to the frontline.

Orion uneasily took a position on the other side beside Siabrey, his hands idly by his sides. While he was confident he was drawing the least notice of the group, he did not like how the guards were thumbing their weapons... or how the two apparent spell casters were making arcane movements over the scimitar women in front...

Tess saw the sorcerer’s movements as well, and her mind wondered. What are they doing? She sidled even closer to the door... now only inches from her quarry as she made eyes at the second male longswordman as well. The two guards seemed to be slightly distracted by her attentions... they let her get closer.

That’s right... keep smiling... she thought quietly as she drew up beside the lock on the door. She leaned back against it with a sultry smile, and the door edged back slightly. Good, there’s no one in the doorway trying to get in... which means there’s no one in the doorway to block the door when I do THIS!

With a heave, Tess leaned back with all of her strength, and the door slammed shut with a loud thunder. Her hands were already right beside the locks, and several loud clicks echoed in the air. No sooner than this happened than Grumki grabbed both of the guardsmen before their looks of lust could be completely replaced by looks of confusion, and with the throat of one in each hand, he hefted them skyward with a roar.

The valkyrie guard that did not have her scimitars drawn snapped them out of their scabbards, and with deadly precision, spinning like a whirlwind of blade, striking Siabrey, Orion, and Tess with a blade that crackled with electricity, and another that burned of fiery flame. She moved with unearthly speed and grace (the sorcerer’s had put haste on both to speed up their attacks and improve their dodging ability, while putting cat’s grace on them to improve their reaction time... with deadly efficiency. Both fighters had whirlwind attacks, improved criticals, and a host of other nasty feats :) )

Her compatriot, who already had her blades out, focused with vicious fury upon Tess in an effort to get to the door and unlock it. Her blades also slashed through the air as a moving wall of steel, and Tess felt electricity jolt into the depths of her nerves and fire scald her skin as the blades cut deeply and viciously. Tess’ body cried out in pain as she stumbled away from her assailant.

No one in the party knew at that moment exactly what Renee did... later they deduced it had something to do with psionics. The girl stared intently at the scimitar woman who had harmed Tess, a flame of betrayal in her eyes. The scimitar woman was drawn to her gaze, and then suddenly froze in place (the equivalent of hold person).

As they saw what befell their friend Tess, Siabrey and Orion viciously assault the woman that had attacked all of them. Siabrey’s katana slashed laterally as she drew it from her scabbard, tearing a deep hole in her opponents belly armor, while a flurry of heavy blows from Orion’s fists and kicks sent the swordwoman reeling. Shaun jumped into the melee as well, his rapier however, not finding its intended target.

Seeing that his love and the monk were handling the scimitar woman well, Lucius focused his attentions on the two warriors in scale armor carrying bastard swords. They were still standing with looks of shock on their face, behind the now still scimitarwoman. Five missiles of light slashed through the air and slammed into one of them, leaving charred areas across his armor.

From Elenya, in the back of the laboratory, came a shout of fury, and a massive blue arc, even larger than the one’s they’d seen before, cascades through the room, striking the same swordman that Lucius struck. The man almost falls back on his rear as small arcs of electricity continue to jump over his armor and his body.

As these magical assaults occurred, Pellaron and Aristophle both drew their blades and charged towards the hapless bastardswordmen, seeing that their foes too were drawing theirs. Pellaron’s githanil blade spun through the air as meat cleaver slices through bone, and one of the bastardswordmen fell to the ground howling.

Grumki, given a couple seconds in the confusion to realize the ease with which he held his two quarry, decided it was time for him to enter the fray. Alas, he could not draw his warhammer... his hands were busy holding two screaming, struggling longswordmen. So Grumki did the next best thing...

With all his might, Grumki heaved both swordmen at one of the two sorcerers as the man started conjuring up a spell. As the two bodies slammed into the hapless mage, a series of sickening cracks echoed through the air when the pile landed on the ground, as three necks were broken by the impact. The crumpled bodies now blocked the door. (DM’s Note: Kudos to Grumki’s player for being creative :). Grumki in combat is played by Tess’ player, and she asked if she could throw the two longswordmen. I ruled it required a strength check and a ranged attack. Grumki passed both with flying colors, the strength check so high that I gave Grumki an extra d6 worth of damage the two inflicted on the hapless sorcerer and themselves... the total was 5d6 damage on the sorcerer, and 3d6 on each of the longswordmen... the longswordmen were not high level, and went squish, as did the sorcerer...)

Nearby, Siabrey, Orion, and the remaining moving scimitar woman had a lively duel going, as the woman’s scimitars leapt through the air, Orion dodged and Siabrey parried, both having their attacks parried or dodged in return. Their friends could barely see them as any more than a blur, all three swung, sidestepped, and dodged so quickly. Shaun’s blade was the only one of the party’s to find its target, and even then his thrust only grazed the woman’s shoulder.

Finally, a blow was connected, not by Siabrey or Orion, but by the scimitarwoman, whose tow blades sliced into Siabrey with vicious power. Her first swing with her flaming weapon broke off Siabrey’s shoulder armor, burning her skin. Her second blow with her electric scimitar slammed into Siabrey’s belly, sending jolts through her body, while her third and fourth blows, alternating between the two weapons, slammed into her chest and her thigh respectively. Siabrey reeled, and nearly fell over, blood pouring out of many wounds across her body.

Pellaron continued his whirling assault with his githanil blade, nearly ripping open the throat of one bastardswordman that had the nerve to try and swing at the paladin. Both he and Aris now face down the held scimitar woman, knowing their allies in the rear will hold off the other, electrocuted man with a bastard sword.

Lucius saw Siabrey reel back from the scimitar woman, blood streaming out of her stomach, thigh, and shoulder, and a fury took over him; In many ways, it was similar to the fury that had led him to do many of the horrible acts earlier... but this time, he was in full control of himself. He pointed a finger at the woman who hurt his love, and with a roar, shot forth five magical bolts, which hit her in the chest. Then, his sword came out, Ik-Mataar reveling in his first chance at real combat.

True to expectation, Elenya gives another shout, as magical bolts shoot from her hand into the wounded bastard sword guard, sending him to an early grave as his armor was shattered around him, the shrapnel burying itself in his heart.

The final living sorcerer, seeing the grisly fate of his compatriot, ran towards the door now blocked by bodies, and desperately began trying to open it, screaming for help. (DM’s Note: I ruled after seeing a giant half orc pick up two people and use them to crush his friend... he needed a morale check. He failed... miserably) As his screams of, “For the love of all that is holy! Open the door!” rang in the air, Grumki reached over and grabbed him, hefting skyward.

Orion, seeing Lucius’ assaults had pushed the scimitar woman to the edge, dashed over to Grumki. As the half orc held the sorcerer high in the air, Orion proceeded to deliver a series of precise, furious punches, two deliberately aimed at the man’s kidneys. The flurry of six blows came in the space of just as many seconds, and the man began vomiting blood. Deciding he was no threat anymore, Grumki dropped him on the ground next to his compatriots.

Siabrey, badly wounded, saw Lucius draw his blade, and instinctively her protectiveness came in. He shouldn’t run up into combat like that! her mind cried out. I must protect HIM! her mind snarled. As she readied herself, she saw Shaun duck in front of her, trying to keep himself between her and the massive guard.

With a roar, she hurled herself at hulking scimitar woman, dodging past the defending Shaun. The guard had turned momentarily with Orion’s dash over towards Grumki. With her back turned, Siabrey had too easy of a target. Her katana slashed down, and the guard found herself split open from the back of her head, down through her spine, to her tailbone. Siabrey then pulled back, and with a final thrust, skewered the woman through the liver. The fighter placed a foot on the woman’s back, and yanked her sword out as the massive guard fell dead to the ground.

Aris meanwhile was pummeling the held scimitarwoman, who continued to yell threats at the party. Siabrey joined him, though unlike Aris’ nonlethal strikes, Siabrey chops her head off before grasping her knees and breathing hard at the battle’s end.

Voidrunner's Codex

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