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Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

K_S_Snyder said:
Yowsa... some update. Makes me wonder if there comes a time when the GM WANTS to fill off a couple of PC's.

Looks like there are some seats to fill on the nobility end of things... do you envision running a campaign of counts and princes and suchnot? How dreary would that be?

That staff - - a little scary. ;)

Typing from work

Well, it wasn't me intentionally trying to kill off PCs, it was more that they were facing the Countess in person, and she was going to be a very nasty matchup. She had three molydeus demons (lightning bolt as 20th level sorcerer 1/day, in addition to vorpal greataxes... CR 17 each), a marilith, as well as herself: 15th level sorceress/10th level demonologist, with some extra abilities I threw in. Basically a 25th level spellcaster. Yowza.

My intentions for the Countess to have her do the classic bad guy tactic of letting her pet demons whittle the party down, while she took measures to defend herself (incendiary cloud, the fire wall, insane spell protection bonuses). Should the party survive, they would have been weakend and had to face her full bore (with meteor storm and all).

So far the party hadn't faced an encounter where retreat might be a real necessity, and my plot intentions were to either A) nudge the party to do the unthinkable, and run, or B) Have the Countess, while the party was busy, activate the teleportation chamber and skeddadle to the Abyss. My final goal was to have the last session be a showdown between the party (miffed that she had escaped them) and the Countess in Graz'zt's palace over the staff.

The players proved VERY resourceful, and a some miserable luck (from my perspective... good luck from the players :) ) later I found my BBEG taken out two sessions ahead of schedule. All this did was force me to be creative... which the players found amusing. :)

The party did have some rolls go their way... most obviously the Countess rolling miserable on her fort save.

As for campaigning around with noble titles... most of the PCs, save Siabrey (who was kinda forced by events), declined further titles. And yes, they kept going... previous sessions had made all of them paranoid enough they didn't trust anyone to take that staff back to where it belonged other than themselves. It proved interesting when an Empress, Baroness, Lord and a Knight (Orion's title after the Holstean debacle) started planehopping. :)

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Well, we have half of eight ;)

This session was a fairly short one, with yet another one-shot character. Drag n fly’s sister, another D&D first timer, wanted to have a shot, and so we created the following character for her to fill the major party hole: archer.

Vynystra Sampson Rgr 16 - Vynystra is a half-elf, blessed with unusual abilities with not only the bow but with dual longsword and shortsword. She is quite deadly in combat, be it with bow, or close with her blades.

Vynystra, however, has a few... um.. quirks. She’s not mentally unhinged, but her massive exposure to demonic combat, coupled with the loss of numerous friends and family in the past two weeks has taken a toll on her psyche. She is vulnerable to fits of tears at the mentioning of friends or loves.

Vynystra rides a large fox named Andar, who serves as her mount, companion, and guardian.

A Guard Fit for an Empress

Vynystra Sampson gazed over the ruins of Holstean, and her tired form shuddered. Not at the bodies of the various unholies that lay crumpled on the ground; indeed, her crack archery had felled many of them. Instead, it was for those of her friends, those comrades whose blood now also soaked the streets of the city, and whose bones lay among the dead.

She leaned upon her longsword, tears streaming down her worn face. Among the dead lay her own brother, her father, and the love of her life. She watched her husband culled by a vrock just seconds before she could load the shot that felled the creature... and spent the remaining terrifying five hours of battle holding his shattered form, wishing with all of her might that he might come back.

It had been her still living comrades that had pulled her away from his form that night, and she still desperately wanted to find him, and stroke the bloodied hair on his head, till it was perfect... if he had to meet his maker, she wanted him to be as impeccable as he was in life.

“Sampson,” a quiet, familiar voice said from behind her. The voice was worn as well, gravelly with age. She turned slowly, and found herself facing none other than the commanding officer of her unit, General Diogenes. The wizened man seemed to have gained three shades of white to his gray hair, and his reddened eyes bespoke of a father who had lost many of his children in battle.

“Sir,” she said quietly, her first rising to her chest in a rather slow, worn salute. Diogenes’ hand waved quickly, and she promptly reverted to standing to attention.

“At ease, at ease,” he continued to wave. “I... I understand you lost someone special yesterday, Sampson.”

“Yes, sir,” she said even more slowly, fighting hard to keep her voice steady and normal. “Yes... I lost many close ones in the fight.” The last word came out slightly twisted by terror, but she managed to fight until her voice was even. Part of her smiled at that sad fact.

“We all did, Vynystra,” Diogenes said quietly, motioning for her to have a seat on a ruined pillar... a seat which he soon joined beside her. The archer raised an eyebrow, despite her tiredness and despair, at his comment. Diogenes was normally a stickler for protocol... normally he never used first names... especially the first names of those whose ranks were far below his.

Vynystra Sampson might have been an officer, true, but a mere Captain, especially one who was not from a high noble background, was literally miles below someone of such proportions as Diogenes. She’d trained with the composite longbow while young, and had attracted the attention of the elite Imperial Casalad Rangers archery unit. Her skill with the weapon was unmatched, and yesterday she’d been assigned a role that in future years would have been called a ‘sniper.’ With her enormous range and great accuracy, she was assigned to pick off and slay demons from w distance... and it also helped she had a personal grudge against the Abyss...

...a grudge that had now grown, due to her loss.

“Vynystra, I would understand if you would like leave to go to your home, and be away from war and the like for a few months, or even years,” Diogenes began. Immediately, Vynystra could detect the next word.

“...but, we still have need of you. For a very special and very important mission.”

Shin greaves clanked against each other as Siabrey Sipner-Caladron, now Empress Siabrey, walked through the midst of the Imperial throne room. Siabrey was thankful there weren’t many petitioners in the throne room at Irulas this day. If she had seen any true ones, she would have wrung there neck. Instead, there was a loose gaggle, that as soon as she entered the room, knelt at her approach, all offering condolences instead of requests, prayers instead of demands.

She’d agreed to see them all here, despite her longing to be with Luke. When they’d returned, she could tell the poor boy was still in shock from the dual hammerblows of the day... and while he recovered, and Empire still needed running.

“I regret to inform any of you that were wishing for petitions that His Majesty is ill-disposed at this time, and cannot take petitions until further notice,” she said in her strongest voice. To her amazement and relief, the few petitioners in the room nodded understandingly. A few still approached, mostly with very minor matters of needing advice more than judgement. As Siabrey listened and spoke, she caught a glimpse of Xanadu coming into the throne room, Tess and Shaun in tow.

“How is he?” she broke off her recommendation to a minor knight from the northlands. Her eyes were filled with worry... Luke had been in his room all day, only Xanny and Hidalas by his side.

“As well as can be expected, considering the circumstances,” Xanadu said quietly. “It is unfortunate that a state funeral must be planned, and the staff must still be dealt with... he is still broken,” Xanadu sighed. The dragon’s eyes looked up at Siabrey plaintively. “Go talk to him... the three of us can keep the petitioners at bay here.”

“You sure? I know how much they annoy you,” Siabrey said quietly, even as she wanted to leap off of the throne and dash to his room. Xanadu waved his hand dismissively.

“I have had to put up with far more annoying things than a mere gaggle of petitioners, Majesty,” the dragon gave a thin smile. Siabrey gave an empty smile back, the final word he said still ringing in her ears.

Majesty... I am Empress... arbiter of an Empire? The familiar quaking started again, but Kelir’s voice quickly cut it off with reassurances. She steeled herself, and took off the guise of Empress, and as she strode out of the hall with a nod, she put on her real guise.

That of a worried wife.

The walk to the Imperial Bedchambers was brisk... all the more so when Siabrey broke into a jog as soon as she was out of earshot of the others. Servants through the hallways gaped slightly at seeing the Empress dashing through them at breakneck pace. With nary a trumpet salute, flourish or other notification, she burst into Lucius’ chambers, just as Hidalas was in mid-sentence, still talking to him.

“-and Alexander,” the cleric spoke, before the noise registered as another person present. When he first turned around, his face looked initially annoyed... but as his eyes beheld who it was that had entered the room, he smiled.

“Ah... My Empress,” he said with a formal, warm bow. Siabrey gave a brief smile in return, before her face fell at seeing her husband. Lucius was normally a rather cheerful, if thoughtful man... but now he was standing rigid, arms clasped behind his back, his gaze firmly rooted at some unseen point off in the distance.

Hidalas edged over towards Siabrey, and gently put a hand on her shoulder. “He is still not well... perhaps what he needs is some words of wisdom from his love,” the cleric suggested. The man then turned, and left the chambers, quietly closing the door behind him.

“Luke?” she said gently, quietly, and she saw a slight stir in him as he shifted his weight. “Luke, whatcha thinking about?” She slid up behind him and gently began to knead his shoulders, a soothing, relaxing motion.

“My life... and how screwed up it is,” he said, his voice a mere whisper. “I don’t want to be Emperor. Being Crown Prince taught me enough that I know why Alexander hated being Emperor. I’m only 17! I’m not fit to rule! Only a week or so ago I was evil, and trying to kill you!”

Now its my turn to play Kelir, she thought, gently turning him around to face her. “Luke... your life isn’t screwed up. You didn’t screw up with your choice of wife!” she gave a wry grin, hoping humor would help ease his pain. She was rewarded with a smile, though she could see by his eyes that it was distant... a mere reflection of happiness, not happiness itself.

Well then, its time to break out the big swords, then, she thought, and she rubbed his shoulders slightly deeper, more sensually. “Luke... even when you were evil, I still loved you,” she purred into the back of his shoulder, as she kept kneading. “As for Shaun and the others, I think they’re love might have changed to concern... until you felt better. Then it went back,” she grinned, hoping her nuzzling would get him to turn around. If he just turns around, I can look him in the eyes... and then I’ll cheer him up.

She got her wish, as he turned, and she could see his face was now a split of emotions... fear, worry, and now a touch of a very tiny grin forming on his face.

“And if ruling the Empire becomes hard, I’ll always be by your side,” she said before giving him a kiss that broke into a smile. The smile quickly turned wicked. “And if that proves too much... we’ll just need to make some heirs,” she purred, and this time, a genuine, if small grin came to his lips. He gave a sigh.

“Well, I suppose it would be un-gentlemanly to refuse a lady’s requests,” he said, “though right now...”

“Sh,” she put a finger on his lips and nodded. “I know. I was thinking tonight, perhaps?” she raised an eyebrow. “You need something to look forward to, Luke. And... tell you what. The better job you do in there handling those petitioners and running things, I’ll make it up to you.” She gave him a wink, and a full blown grin blew across his face.

“Alright! You’ve persuaded me! On one condition though,” he added quickly, and she frowned, confused.

“You’ve got to help me when you can. I know there’s the staff to deal with... but I want you ruling by my side, Siabrey,” he gave her a large hug. “You’re smart, and you’ve got good instincts... and I trust you, love,” he ended his statement with a deep, long kiss... one she reluctantly had to pull away from.

“Ah ah ah,” she waved her finger and teased. “Not until after paperworks have been finished,” she said, pushing him towards the door, “and the petitioners and orders have been dealt with.”

“But that’ll take hours!”

“The faster you work, the sooner you’ll get to see me in this bedroom again,” she smirked.

In the minds of the party, Lucius must have set a new standard for efficiency over the course of that day. A rapid clip stream of petitioners came and left, some happy, some not. It wasn’t until later afternoon when a man clad in the armor of a officer of the Imperial Guard stepped forward, handing Lucius a scroll. The Emperor read it, and gave a slight huff, before handing it to Siabrey.

“Hmmm,” Luke said, “it seems Diogenes has decided its time you had a bodyguard... and I agree.”

“A bodyguar? I don’t need a bodyguard!” Siabrey groaned, remembering how Anias turned out guarding Lucius. A pain in the ass is what they’ll be! “Kelir is sharp, he is my bodyguard!” she grumbled.

A Mystery of Planar Proportions

“Considering what we’ve been doing to demons, and what is currently in your possession,” Luke said quietly, “I do think it would be best... look here! She’s even specialized in slaying demons.”

Siabrey still huffed. “Despite what you or Diogenes may think, I am perfectly capable of defending myself,” she complained, before Kelir’s voice came into her head.

Another blade might not be bad, Siabrey... as long as I stay in your hands of course, the sword jokingly added. Reluctantly, she put her pride aside, and gave a grudging nod.

“Nonetheless, another blade by our side might be useful,” she said, “though I want to meet this person first, get to know their traits, what they are skilled with first!” They may have passed a general’s muster... they now need to pass mine!

“I am sure that can be arranged,” Luke grinned, and summarily a request was sent out demanding the bodyguard’s appearance before the Imperial throne. Thereafter, Luke’s eyes got a rather eager look when he noticed the line for petitioners had decreased drastically... perhaps only two or three hours of work left, judging from the number of eagerly waiting bodies.

Siabrey gave him a smile at the hungry look his eyes gave, but inwardly she was a little perturbed. Someone had seen fit to order her to take on a bodyguard... on top of all of her previous worries about the staff, rogue demon’s, and Luke’s health. At the forefront was a nagging thought that had now grown.

She realized Luke would not come with them to the Abyss.

She guessed he would probably try, but as nice as his company would be, she refused to let him expose himself to such danger... especially if the staff kept talking to people. He’d probably then insist that she not go... and she would refuse.

That piece of black metal has caused so much harm... I don’t trust its...’neutralization’ or whatnot in any hands other than those I trust!

She had no idea how big the Abyss was... and the journey could easily take months... or even years so far as she knew... months and years away from her Luke... THAT is what she inwardly worried over. Demons could be slain, evil could be banished... but love, the most insidious of powers, once found, would stay, clawing and biting....

Vynystra focused her attentions on her longsword. The blade, strong with magic and possessing a slightly bluish hue, was a gift from her father. Sharpening the blade kept her occupied, even as her heart still wandered from the rough camps the army now made outside the ruined city to the desolation within.

She had heard from somewhere that tears falling on a blade as it was sharpened would give it an extra edge, and extra keeness when seeking the blood of those that had caused the pain. BY her logic... her longsword and shortsword combined should be sharp enough to cleave through half of all the demons in the Abyss now.

“Captain Sampson?” Diogenes’ voice drifted to her ears. She turned, and found the general standing behind her, a piece of paper in one of his hands. “I have your new orders. You need to get away from this place of death.”

Numbly, she nodded and took the orders, scanning them quickly before looking back up at the general.

“How long do I have here?” she asked.

“You leave immediately, gather as much of your stuff as possible. You’re teleporting to Irulas within the next ten minutes.”

Shaun looked at the line of petitioners still waiting for adjudication, and he gave a sigh of relief that he was not royalty. One of the more involved cases required Luke to hear evidence presented privately from both parties... and he’d insisted that Siabrey come as well to help him review the matters involved. Through his unusual amount of focus, he’d pushed through almost two weeks of backlogged matters... it was unfortunate that were were another two weeks of matters to go through.

As Shaun looked around, he noticed one of the newest petitioners near the end looked odd compared to the rest. While most of the petitioners wore their most outstanding finery in the Emperor’s presence, this young woman was clad in a grimy chain shirt, and the trappings and breeches of a soldier. Her only distinguishing mark was he eagle’s feather emblem of one of the Imperial Guard regiments on a tunic she wore over her armor.

While the others had undoubtedly bathed themselves in fifteen or more scented perfumes and flowers before coming to the throne room, she looked positively grimy, sweat, dust, and something else seeming to form a separate, light layer over her skin. Finally, what caught his attention most of all were the two swords, bluish in color, that were strapped to her sides, and the snow white composite longbow strapped on her back.

As the line of petitioners moved, he was able to see more as she stepped further into the room. In her far hand was a strap... as one would have to lead a horse. The petitioners in front of her were all looking back nervously, and finally Shaun’s interest was piqued. He pushed forward, and stopped suddenly when he caught a glimpse of what she was leading.

It was easily the largest red fox he’d ever seen... fully the size of a horse! It had a saddle on its back, and had full riggings, reins and straps one would need to mount it. Now he understood why the chamberlains were staring uncertainly at her.

“Miss?” he dashed up, offering his hand. “I am Lord Shaun Dice, an assistant to His Majesty. I am not certain, but-“ he started to motion towards the fox, before the young woman gave a shy smile and cut him off.

“It’s okay. I have the permission of General Diogenes,” she said distantly, stroking the fox’s snout. “He and I work as a team... and likely Her Majesty will need both of us if she wishes for an effective bodyguard.”

“You’re the new bodyguard?” Shaun asked, slightly surprised. From the way Diogenes’ letter had talked, he’d been expecting a gigantic, strapping tall man... the super-man type hero of fairytales. Instead there was a small... even petite, young woman in front of him. “Ah...” he pulled out the orders, and tried to pronounce her name. “Vinestera?”

“Vin,” she smiled, and held her hand out. As he shook hands with her, the fox lurched forward eagerly, and gave the side of his face an enormous, friendly lick. Shaun recoiled in horror, fox spit now covering half his face and in his hair. Vin briefly had a mortified look, before she finally broke out in laughter at his face.

“Lord Dice! Don’t worry about that! Andar is just friendly! Isn’t that right, boy!” she started cooing and talking to the fox as one talked to a favored hunting dog. The fox’s tongue hung out of its mouth, and its eyes beamed expectant joy at hearing its master’s voice.

“They say,” Shaun started, wiping the side of his face with an ornate shirtsleeve, “you are a good shot with a bow.” Vin gave an affirmative nod, causing Shaun to laugh. No one has bested me with a bow yet! “Well... then I think a friendly competition between archers might be in order.”

Vin looked at Shaun thoughtfully for a second, before blurting out, “If you can clear out all of these people in here, I can give a demonstration.”

Shaun gave a grin, as this was all the excuse he needed to do an act he’d been hoping to do for a long time... and he knew Luke and Siabrey wouldn’t mind having their work day end a few hours early. First, he called for someone to fetch his bow. At his second call, the chamberlains began ushering petitioners out, advising them to return the next day. Once the great hall was cleared, he turned back to the young woman.

“Alright,” he grinned. “What shall you do?”

Vin whistled for Andar to come over, and pulled from her backpack an unripe apple. With a few clicks and proper command words, the fox had the apple balanced on its back, and was dashing around the outside of the room. Carefully Vin drew an arrow, notched and pulled. As the fox finished its third run around the room at breakneck speed, she let go. Andar continued onward, his tongue hanging out eagerly. The apple remained behind, transfixed in the wall by her still quivering arrow.

“Damn impressive!” Shaun allowed himself to say after a few minutes of gawking. Then his own pride took over. “Here... let me get some more apples... and we’ll have a true contest!”

“In here?” Vin said uncertainly, to which Shaun nodded eagerly. After a few more apples were fetched, he explained the new contest... the apple would be tossed into the air, and one should try to hit it. Vin went first... and her arrow not only hit the apple, she split it in twain, and caught both pieces. With a self satisfied grin, she handed one to Shaun, who refused. His own shot went wide, striking a tapestry on the wall, the flaming arrow setting the artifact on fire. Servants rushed around hurriedly, and had it put out quickly.

Shaun knew he was in trouble when a few minutes later he heard a feminine throat clearing behind his back. He didn’t have to turn to know the Empress was behind him, likely with an immense frown on her face.

“Lord Shaun Dice,” Siabrey’s voice came through the air rather sweetly and serenely, “please... come here.” Shaun, against his instincts, turned around, and was promptly greeted by a banshee screech of demands to know why he was shooting flaming arrows in the flammable throne room. When he shrugged and uttered, “Pride?” Siabrey’s anger went away from him, and she turned sweetly to the young woman she didn’t know.

“I apologize Majesty,” Vin bowed, before Siabrey caught her arm, and hauled her back to standing.

“There’s nothing to apologize about. One cannot apologize for the idiots one is sometimes around,” she said in an acidic voice, her gaze directed at Shaun. “And you are correct, I am Empress Siabrey. You are?”

“Vynystra Sampson,” the young bowed again, “lately of service in the Imperial Casalad Rangers, and special archer to General Pietrus Diogenes of the Imperial Guard.”

If she was with Diogenes... she saw service at Holstean... Siabrey’s interest was piqued.

“So you saw service at Holstean?” she said. She hoped that it might prove a conversation topic, and that she could gauge things about the woman. From the servant’s descriptions of her shooting antics with the large fox of hers (which Siabrey was still looking at nervously), she was undoubtedly an unmatched archer.

“Yes,” Siabrey was surprised to hear just a bare crack in the woman’s voice when she acknowledged. Something happened there, Siabrey’s mind thought, as their conversation about the battle continued. The woman talked of being a long range attacker, using her bow and uncanny accuracy to take down many demons, but she spoke as if she had suffered immense loss... not just of comrades, but losses much closer to home.

“-and then they assigned me to the northern wall... and that’s where I saw my brother get cut down by a hezrou,” Vin said suddenly, and Siabrey watched as the woman’s hard exterior completely broke, and tears began running down her face. “The beast just grabbed him, and...” she choked up, though her hands made a motion of shredding before she collapsed into paroxysms of tears.

Poor girl, part of Siabrey’s mind said worriedly as she did the only thing she could think that would be appropriate; she reached out and gave the woman a hug. “It’ll be alright.. it’ll be okay,” she reassured, as the practical side of her mind wondered, THIS is my BODYGUARD? A shell-shocked, frightened person?

“Um...” Siabrey struggled to say anything more. Finally, in desperation, she decided to try to use humor. “If you want, we could have a proper archery contest outside... where I have no doubt that you’ll beat my friend Lord Dice yet again.” To her relief, the young woman’s cries faded, and she pulled back with a distant smile.

“I would like that,” Vin said, before Andar added his opinion to the situation, coming up and licking Siabrey on the face. That finally brought laughter once again to Vynystra’s tear streaked face.

The impromptu archery contest was no contest at all. Vynystra easily bested Shaun, Siabrey and Tess at archery. The only contest ended up seeing who could diplomatically avoid getting licked by Andar... which Tess easily won. Luke, after the last petitioners had been dealt with, even came out and found himself trounced at archery as well. The festivities ended only when Xanadu came out in the growing gloom of twilight, advising that there was no news as of yet from the mages. Realizing it was late, Siabrey and Luke decided to escort the young woman to her quarters, which were in an annex of the Imperial apartments.

“Well, here’s your room,” Siabrey finally offered after they arrived, and the fighter had to beam when Vin’s (she’d told everyone by this point to just refer to her by that name) face took on the glow of a small children recieving a new toy. With a squeal, Vin dashed over to the bed, and began jumping up and down on it, as Andar dashed into the room and sat at the foot of the bed, yipping in excited approval.

Siabrey started to open her mouth, before realizing the first time she’d stayed in apartments like these, that was her first instinct as well... of course she’d managed to keep it under control. Nonetheless, Vin saw Siabrey looking at her, and suddenly stopped, before growing red-faced.

“I...I’m sorry, Majesty,” Vin stammered in apology. “My father never let me jump on the bed when I was little... I was just... doing it for the first time... in honor... *sniff* of him now that he’s...g...gone...” the stammering turned into a tearful story of how she’d seen him get cut into six pieces by a marilith. Siabrey once again comforted her for a few minutes, before taking her leave once the young woman had collapsed into an exhausted sleep. The Empress then moaned in despair.

Great... a shell-shocked bodyguard who has mental issues from childhood, Siabrey’s mind groaned as she softly closed the door to the woman’s chambers. Is she going to even be able to fight? Am I going to have to give her a pick-me-up hug everytime a orc even shows up and says boo? Augh... Siabrey looked up the hall, and saw Luke was leaning against the wall up the hall, looking thoughtful.

My mind is hurting from being around her too much! I know only one thing that can clear my mind from this mess! The Empress’ annoyance, tiredness, and fears now reached their boiling point, and Siabrey marched up beside him, and grabbed him.

“Huh?” he asked as she kissed him hungrily.

“Luke! Sex! Now!” she said in response to his question, her voice unquestionably the voice of command.

“Um,” she could see a battle in Luke’s head going on. One part of him was eager to obey her command, here and now. Another was the Emperor’s mind... concerned with decorum, and the three servants in the hall that were busy with their duties. On the surface they weren’t looking, but he knew they were sorely tempted. “Perhaps we should go to the-"

“Bedroom!” Siabrey pointed, now dragging him behind her. “Now!”

Unwelcome News from Sigil

“Aww!” Siabrey complained late the next morning. A short sleep after last evening’s ‘activities’ had led to more ‘activities’ in the morning that had been rudely interrupted by a note being slid under the door to their chambers. “But why?” She rolled over to sit up on an elbow, giving Luke a stare that was simultaneously inviting and commanding. Get back here!

“Because,” Luke gave her a kiss on the forehead, “they wouldn’t have slipped a meeting request under the door of the Imperial Bedroom chambers unless it was something important. Especially with the way you were singing my praises a while ago,” he winked. He rolled away from her and out of the bed, walked towards the door and bent over to pick up the small piece of parchment that now lay just inside the door.

While Siabrey appreciated the view she now had, she was still miffed. The first time I get to spend some alone time with him since the Holstean mess... barely a few days in, and the government wants to snatch him again!

“Hon, I’ll make it worth your while...” she turned her head to the side, and flitted her eyes enticingly when he turned around... she expected him to have a hungry grin upon seeing her, but instead his face was filled with concern. “What’s wrong?” Luke was already looking around the room hurriedly.

“Hon... where are my trousers?”

“I ate them,” she said mockingly, “Now, what’s going on? For you to take such a serious face to soon after the fun faces you had earlier...”

“Mages’ Council,” he proffed the paper towards her, while rummaging through the covers with his free hand. As she took it, he gave a grin of relief, and a badly wrinkled pair of trousers was soon finding their way onto him. Siabrey scanned the note, and her own face fell.

The messenger from Sigil had returned.

Tess, like the other members of the party, had hurriedly assembled on hearing that the messengers had returned. When she arrived in the Throne Room, she noticed that the room was conspicuously empty, save for Xanny... whom Shaun, the first to arrive, had taken liberty inviting. Elenya was not there... she had gone to the Temple of Pelor to have the one ‘not right’ child looked at by the priests there.

Most obviously absent were Luke and Siabrey... both of whom arrived fashionably late, Luke still donning a shirt. Behind them, still clad in jerkins and combat breeches, came Siabrey’s new bodyguard. The image of the two of them running into the room still getting dressed made her not just chuckle... she laughed out loud. Siabrey stopped just short of the throne, and delivered a death glare.

“Shuddup, Tess,” she snapped, which only caused Tess to laugh more.

She doesn’t know I’m just as nervous as all of the rest of them likely, Tess reasoned. The humor was a vague attempt at making herself feel better... inwardly, she worried. What if he found the staff cannot be destroyed? What if the staff has focused its power and taken his mind? What if another person like the Countess took him, and pumped him for information... or what if the Countess returned as a ghost? The final two made her mind shudder, a reaction that only stopped when the great bronze doors at the front of the Throne Room creaked open.

In strode only two people... Aeron and the Chief Court Mage. And neither of their faces bore any measure of happiness... or even scholarly seriousness. Instead, they reflected horror and....

Fear? Tess raised an eyebrow. This isn’t right. This isn’t right at all...

“M’lords, M’ladies,” the Chief Mage bowed hurriedly, his long white beard brushing against the floor, “I am sorry to have called you here this early in the morning on such short notice, but I bring very important news.”

A quick glance at Luke and Siabrey, as well as Shaun, confirmed that none of the couples had been sleeping when the messages had been slipped under their doors. Indeed, Siabrey in particular still wore a very sour expression. Then again, that might be due a little to the smirk that briefly showed in Tess’ eyes when she looked at them. Her face was anything but mirthful, though, and she was the first to motion for the mage to continue.

“Our messenger returned this morning,” the mage began, but something in his voice raised the alarm bells in Tess’ head to enormous levels. The mage stopped suddenly, and began to stammer. “A...a...and... h...he...”

“He returned in pieces,” Aeron finished the old man’s sentence. “Someone cut his arms, legs, and head off, and sent them back to us wrapped up in his cloak.”

Tess’ jaw hit the floor, as the party sat stunned. Shaun was the first to ask, requesting whether any kind of note was left behind... any kind of warning or threat. Aeron shook his head no.

“Sadly, no. That would have at least given us an idea of who, or what did this.”

“Who would do something like this?” Siabrey asked impatiently. Someone who would murder a Court Mage of the Empire must have a lot of gall... which means chances are that they are either very dangerous or very powerful... not good...

“Perhaps devils... perhaps yugoloths... perhaps other demons from the Abyss...” the Chief Mage began, only to be interrupted by a very confused Shaun.

“Um... pardon me for being evil-ignorant... but what are yugoloths? And devils? Why would devils be after this? And why would demons be after their own kind?”

“Simple,” Aeron laughed sadly. “Power, good man. The Dark Staff of Graz’zt is filled with the power of one of the greatest demon lords of the Abyss... one of the most powerful beings living! Who would not want that power?”

“The yugoloths are mercenaries... they serve whatever evil pays them the most... in their self-service, there are more than a few that have heard of the fate of Graz’zt’s staff, and desire it for themselves, for their own petty means. The devils, enemies of the demons for all eternity, would want the staff to strike a blow against their mortal foes.”

“Why would other demons want the staff? Rescue Graz’zt?” Siabrey asked.

“No! No no no,” the Chief Mage almost laughed. “Demons have no concept of loyalty or the like! There are many demon princes other than Graz’zt, only two approach him in power... Demogorgon and Orcus, god of the undead. Both would love to get their hands on their old archenemy Graz’zt, and either misuse him for their purposes, or simply destroy him... and likely they are more than willing to destroy anyone that gets in their way!”

“Great,” Tess rolled her eyes. “Sounds like we are getting into an interpolitical mess between evil factions. Hooray for complications,” she mockingly swung her finger around in the air. “Has someone been sent to Sigil or wherever the messenger came from?”

“Um... not yet. We were going to ask you, m’lords, as you represent the most powerful fighting force that we are capable of transporting on this short of notice,” the Chief Mage began, “to teleport to Sigil to find what exactly happened... and if possible, get the locations of where the staff needs to be placed to be neutralized. Our man was supposed to get it... sadly his soul was destroyed as well... we cannot find out what happened to him.”

“His soul was destroyed?” Tess raised another eyebrow. Someone really didn’t want someone with magical abilities to find out what happened... REALLY not good... “Do we have any contacts on Sigil we can talk to about this?”

“Not as of yet. We shall keep trolling for as much information as we can.”

“Why don’t several of you teleport to Sigil to hunt up information?” Siabrey offered, and both Aeron and the Chief Mage shuddered.

“None of us want to go up there, no offense, Majesties,” the Chief Mage finally said. “We don’t feel safe... not without an exceedingly powerful escort.”

“And may I remind your Majesties that Alexander yet needs to be buried in two days,” Xanadu, unofficially a ‘chief advisor’ to the party in matters of government, spoke up. “Perhaps it would be best if we gave the Mages time to discover what additional information we can, while we take care of this admittedly painful business.”

Siabrey saw Luke seem to suck in a huge breath of air suddenly. It’s still a raw topic for him, she thought, as her husband nodded slowly. “Luke? I’ll take care of it, ok?” she whispered silently to him... and while there was no verbal reply, and his face did not betray his interior emotions, his hand snaked from the throne and grabbed hers tightly.

“Alright. Aeron, Your Eminence, we thank you for your work,” Siabrey said, drawing a nod from the two. “For right now, can you guys just keep looking up as much information as you can? We’ll decide what to do about Sigil after we handle the state funeral.”

The two mages gave sighs of relief and both bowed at their dismissal. Before Siabrey could turn, Tess had already asked Xanadu the question of the day:

“How do we run a state funeral?”

The dragon shrugged. When the last ones he was witness to were done, it was six centuries prior... and he was not involved with any of the planning. None in power had been present at the last official state funeral, when the father of the former Emperor Alexius had fell in battle some six decades prior.

“In all honesty,” one of the chamberlains offered, “your best chance to find an answer to that question would be to go to Iskeldrun itself?”

“Iskeldrun?” Siabrey hissed quietly to Luke.

“The capital... about ten times the size of Irulas,” Luke said wearily. “Over a million souls inside its massive walls. Its walls have never been breached in their three millenia of existence. The seat of the Emperors is there... as is likely the Dowager Empress.”


“Alexander’s wife... the ex-Empress,” Luke explained. “Likely we’ll have to talk to her...” his voice trailed off.

“Oh no,” Siabrey said silently. I don’t want to talk to her... from what Alexander said of her, he loved her deeply and she the same... poor woman... the last person I want to talk to is the wife of the deceased...

“Well,” Tess turned, addressing the party. While Luke and Siabrey might have the crowns, in their group, Tess still made most of the calls. “I’d vote we teleport out to Iskeldrun as soon as possible then. And Luke, in all honesty, it would do you well to get out of the Valley, and away from this horror and death.”

The Emperor and Empress merely nodded in agreement with the Baroness.

“Where are we going later today?” Vin asked Siabrey as the latter was packing items into her trunk in the Imperial Bedchambers. “Iselron?”

“Iskeldrun, the capital,” Siabrey explained, though without the same lecturing tone that Luke had said to her earlier in the day. “We have to plan the deceased Emperor’s funeral... what’s wrong?”

Vin... or Vinny, as Siabrey had taken to calling her, had stopped in seeming mid movement, her form starting to shudder as another bad memory flooded the girl’s mind.

“M... my fath...father was from near there!” her voice wobbled, and she then tumbled into more tears. Siabrey ran over, and repeated a familiar step... taking her bodyguard’s head onto her shoulder and rocking the girl back and forth, quietly shushing her.

“I...I c...can’t g...g...go t...to the...the capital!” Vinny sobbed. “I h... have...n...no p...proper... clothes! M... my father...s...said that I...I should never g...go t...there i..if I d...didn’t... have the c...clothes!” she stammered out.

“Don’t worry about that, don’t worry,” Siabrey whispered quietly to her. An idea sprang into the Empress’ head. “Here...” she lead Vinny over towards one of the massive closets in her room. Siabrey had no use for two-thirds of those dresses, and saw no reason for Vinny to not grab some. “Take some of these.... they should fit,” the Empress said hurriedly. Vinny didn’t stop crying, but did sputter out a thank you.

It was near mid-afternoon by the time the entire party, including Grumki (who had been breaking chains with a female cleric at the Kord Temple) were in the teleportation chamber, and whirling towards the heart of the Empire, a city none of them had ever seen....


First Post
Excellent post EV. It s great to see you inviting new players in for these one shots, and it s also cool to see a new take on a ranger. I ve always loved them, but I ve gotten kinda tired of the tough-and-anti-social-woodsman-with-a-mysterious-past-strong-and-silent-types. Vin is a cool change. I hope the player enjoyed playing her.

And if not, could I have Andar? I promise I ll treat him real nice!! :D

Seriously, reading your SH makes a Monday bearable.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Yeah. Vin's player went more than a little nuts with the shell-shocked vetran... but she was still quite the combatant. I know, because I made her character (I have the longest experience in D&D and I'm probably the fastest character creator, even for a 17th level character, and EV was pressed for time). But EV did make a neat magical item for her. When he gets around to posting her in the RG, you'll see.

Parlan said:
Excellent post EV. It s great to see you inviting new players in for these one shots, and it s also cool to see a new take on a ranger. I ve always loved them, but I ve gotten kinda tired of the tough-and-anti-social-woodsman-with-a-mysterious-past-strong-and-silent-types. Vin is a cool change. I hope the player enjoyed playing her.

And if not, could I have Andar? I promise I ll treat him real nice!! :D

Seriously, reading your SH makes a Monday bearable.

I'm glad my posts are having that effect :)

I have to say I liked Vin's character... it was an excellent contrast to the rest of the party, which tended towards battle-hardened and/or battle-seeking. (the "c'mon! I'll take on ALL of them!" type :) )

As for the new players, from what I've been told, the creator of Anias (drag n fly's boyfriend) and Vin (drag n fly's sister) have both loved the game. I was TOLD (not asked, but told) that I must visit them this summer before the fall schoolyear starts and run a one-shot campaign with them. Perhaps we have two more bodies to join our addicted ranks? ;)

Each time I knew there wouldn't be time to have them create a character, so by talking with them over IM or phone, I got an idea of what they'd like, and crafted someone for them that was still vague enough they could tweak them. Anias' player was what turned him into such a paranoid angel, and Vin's player was the one that added the shell-shocked value. I've kept both on file as NPCs for future use in one-shots, etc. because I liked their characters sooo much. :)

Grumki was special... he went from a full PC to a NPC to a half-PC (Isida did a far better job doing the "Strength of Kord" statements than I did, so by popular demand, she got to play Grumki :) )


A Funeral in Iskeldrun

When the swirling of the teleportation stopped, even Luke was forced to gawk slightly. The teleportation chambers in Irulas had been massive... enough that in theory one hundred men at arms could be sent at once (though due to the size of the transport, the chamber would be down for several hours thereafter). The chamber they arrived in at Iskeldrun was at least ten times that.

Where the chamber in Irulas had been ornately but tastefully decorated, the one they now found themselves in was positively decadent. The room rose into a massive dome that towered nearly fifty feet above. Along the rim where the walls connected with the start of the sloping ceiling were rows of gemstones... massive rubies, sapphires and emeralds. Seemingly suspended from the top of the dome was a massive dragon, nearly 10 feet across, made out of a single piece of crystal.

Tess was the first to recover, and she quickly said before the mages in the room could come over, “Alright... we’re nobles now. Let’s not gawk like country bumpkins.”

The ten mages that approached were all mages from not the Irulas Court, but the Iskeldrun Court. While the Irulas mages had been decorated in colorful and highly expensive robes, Siabrey saw more jewels on these ten mages than she was sure many mid-sized baronies were worth in total. Their robes, and even caps seemed to have been trimmed in woven gold and perhaps even platinum. The party had grabbed some of the best clothes they could before travelling out here... and still they were outdone by the mages.

“You Majesties, m’lords and ladies,” the lead one, a suprisingly younger man who only had salt-and-pepper in his beard, not the usual bevy of gray and white, “may I welcome you to your home at Iskeldrun.”

“Um... thanks?” Siabrey said uncertainly, and winced. If she’d committed some kind of formality faux pas none of the mages’ faces changed, so she would never know. Tess gave a bow and a more polite greeting.

“If you would be so kind, m’lords, could you conduct us to the quarters of Dowager Empress?” Tess said quietly but commandingly. Siabrey breathed yet another sigh of relief that her friend was quick to adjust to ostentatious situations.

With a nod, the mages led them on.

As the party was led through the corridors and hallways of not the Irulas Imperial Palace, but THE Imperial Palace, their eyes could not believe the sights they beheld. Colonnades corridors whose columns were completely covered with platinum with golden gilt added on top to form reliefs depicting the actions of ancient and modern Emperors. Tapestries and coats of arms that included things such as roc feathers, hippogriff claws, and other exceedingly rare items. As they passed by one of the Imperial chapels to Tarantor, one of the mages commented dryly that the torches inside were lit with pieces of the Elemental Plane of Fire; the flames never needed to be stoked.

As they neared the Imperial Apartments (the size of which they could easily see dwarfed the Irulas Palace), they passed by immense shimmering glass windows, surrounded by ornate carvings of dragons, griffins and other magical beasts. This artwork, however, wasn’t what stunned them.

Through the windows they could only see the city... as far as the eye could see. Not only that, but they saw how high up they were... by Siabrey’s stuttering estimate, at least three hundred feet up... a far cry from the five story Irulas palace!

Finally, the mages drew the party nigh to a massive set of double doors, covered in gold and platinum work. Two guards, their armor gilt as well, stood outside with wicked looking gilt halberds.

“What a waste,” Siabrey muttered under her breath. Think of how much of the damage in the Valley could be repaired, with the money that instead was used to make this... door!

“That door was built by Emperor Valerian II, founder of the old Paleologus line some five hundred years ago,” one of the older mages commented. “A happier time. The Empress’ Quarters lie beyond.”

“Empress’ quarters?” Siabrey asked nervously. “Is that separate from the Emperor’s quarters?” The mage nodded, and Siabrey looked at him with an appalled look.

“Siabrey,” Tess leaned over, “you’ve seen the nobles, even Zoe’s plans for Lucius. Most marriages this high up are not as... um... happy as yours.”

“I hope they don’t expect me to sleep here if Luke is in the Emperor’s quarters,” she huffed. “If so, I’m going to make ‘em build a little hallway or staircase or whatnot between here and the Emperor’s Quarters!” Her commanding tone made none doubt her intentions, though her statement made Luke laugh.

“Don’t worry,” he grinned as the doors were opened, leading towards another corridor, “you forget. You’re the Empress... so if you want to sleep in my quarters, you can!”

The hallway led to a bevy of doors along either side, and another gilt set of double doors at the far end.. which the mages pointed out as the Empress’ chambers. With a bow, they then left the party... which walked up with some trepidation towards the door on the end, and what they knew laid beyond.

Gingerly, Siabrey pushed the doors open (she’d instructed the servants to go away, so the party and the Dowager Empress could have some privacy), and was greeted with a room whose opulence made the Irulas Palace once again pale in comparison. However, what caught her eye more was the stacks of crates and packed baggage that laid about the room... all with the old Imperial family seal... a white shield with a golden dragon.

Sitting on the edge of the massive bed was a woman clad in all black, looking out of the massive glass window in the palace towards the city beyond.

“I was told you had come,” a small voice, weak and cracking said. “Do not worry, I shall be moved out shortly.”

“No! No, you don’t need to move out so fast!” Siabrey interjected quickly. “We merely wanted to come and offer our condolences,” she added, walking up beside the woman.

The woman turned, and for the first time, the party saw her face. She was still fairly pretty, easily in her early thirties. Her hair too was raven black, and her eyes, as her skin, as a deep, rich brown. Around the edges of her eyes were red... and there were still traces of tears on her cheeks.

Without thinking, Siabrey leaned over, and in a completely un-royal manner, grabbed her and gave her a hug. The woman bore a look of surprised shock for a second or two, before relaxing and genuinely accepting the expression of sorrow.

“I... I did not have the priviledge of knowing your husband as these others did,” Vin said quietly, “but I did serve under his command in his final battle. He died doing what he loved... leading the charge against evil,” the archer said plainly. “There are thousands of men and woman that fought beside him that share my pride in having had him be their commander.”

“We knew your husband, Majesty,” Shaun tossed out, “He was a fine warrior... and a fine man. Damn fine man... one of the few truly honest men I’ve met.”

“He was a true friend to all of us,” Tess added, “we can only imagine what kind of loss his death was to you. He always spoke highly of you... and that you were his only love.”

“Luke only takes his place because he refused concubines... he loved you too much,” Siabrey added, as she finally pulled back from her hug. “If he trusted and loved you that much, it also speaks for your qualities.” The fighter gave a sad smile, as she saw the Dowager Empress was now crying again.

“Thank you,” the woman sputtered out between tears. “Thank you for your kind words.” They could see the woman give a visible shudder, before taking in a deep breath. The tears stopped, though her eyes still shimmered. They then realized that for all that she wanted to keep crying, she was preventing herself... there was work to be done.

“Alexander was indeed a kind and generous man... the reasons I fell in love with him, before I even knew his station. But nonetheless, you, Siabrey, are the Empress now. These are now your quarters. I shall move on,” the Dowager Empress said. “As the old dragon dies, it must be replaced by the new.”

“Please don’t!” Siabrey complained. “Your Majesty,” she said, not caring if it was proper protocol or not, “Luke and I, for all our lineage, have no experience ruling an Empire! You, Majesty, at least have had some experience as a longtime Princess and Crown Princess... much longer than myself or Luke!”

It was the Dowager Empress’ turn to give a sad smile. “However,” she added, tears running new down her face, “the old dragon can sometimes impart wisdom on the new. Where would I stay, though? These are your apartments now!”

“Somewhere in the palace, we’ll make room! And chances are, I won’t be using these apartments... stay here!” Siabrey said finally. The Empress shook her head.

“There are also too many memories here for me. I shall live elsewhere in the palace, should Your Majesties let me.”

“Of course!” Siabrey gave her another hug. “We need so much help! We’re supposed to plan a state funeral, but we have no idea where to even start!”

Two days later, Siabrey found herself beside Luke, mounted on a resplendent white charger. Both had what Siabrey termed, “obscenely heavy” crowns on their heads; metal conical helms, covered with giltwork and platinum. Rising from the front of the helm was a massive dragon’s neck, culminating in a roaring head, the beast’s forepaws forming the helm’s noseguard. From the each side of the helm rose a massive dragon’s wing, also gilt, some two and a half feet tall. From the rear of the helm rose the dragon’s tail, its tip ending in a massive diamond. The wings, head and tail combined formed a massive, imposing crown.

She found herself clad in the thick, white robes of state, trimmed in ermine and butterfly wings. Underneath this she wore her breastplate, which had been shined and polished to perfection. Kelir was upraised in her right hand... from what the Dowager Empress said, it was a salute to the fallen.

Tess had changed her armor into similarly appropriate robes and clothes, while Shaun and Orion had proper robes and the like made for them on Luke’s orders. While too bulky and hot to be practical, they did lend a gravity to the normally jovial rogue’s appearance. Hidalas et al fell behind, followed by several Imperial Guard regiments, nary a dry eye among them. Alexander, prior to becoming Crown Prince, had commanded the guards regiments in the city as the city’s Governor.

To the party’s front were two images that brought tears to their eyes. One was the Dowager Empress, clad in immense black robes that billowed in the stiff southern wind this day. She bore no crown on her head, nor ermine trims on her robes. She looked not the part of a former Empress of the largest realm in existence in this world... but a grieving wife.

To her front was the coffin itself. Ornately carved from ebony, its cover was made of white ash, two gilt dragons rising from either end, as if promising that Alexander would arise, cursing and swearing to deliver them all again... someday. It was drawn by six black horses, which wore the plumes of black roc feathers on their heads.

The somber calvacade made its way through the city, preceded by a bevy of priests from all of the recognized religions of the Empire, their censers swinging, giving their air a strangely sweet aroma for such a somber ceremony. Between them and the coffin itself was a choir made from two hundred acolytes from the temples of the city, their music high and sweet, in a tongue none in the party could understand. From behind the party, the drummers for the Imperial Guard tapped out a somber beat... a march dedicated to their fallen commander.

On all sides of the broad avenues and ways the procession streamed through, the commoners of the city turned out in throngs. Unlike the carnival atmosphere Siabrey ahd seen when Zoe had come into Irulas, almost all of the people, from the richest of merchants to the poorest of paupers, was silent, with caps removed. Some remembered Alexander from his time as the city’s Governor, and were openly crying.

It took three agonizing hours for the processional to finally leave the last of the four great walls ringing the city, and another hour to get out of the settlements and the like that had sprung up outside the last wall. Finally, nearing mid-afternoon, the party, guards, and priests drew up alongside a sheer cliff, its sides brilliant white. One of the priests, clad in the robes of the Most High Adjudicator of the Church of Tarantor, moved up to the solid cliff, and uttered a few divine phrases... a prayer. A section of the cliff seemed to shimmer, and fade away, leaving a hole. The Dowager Empress, the party, and the priests carried Alexander’s coffin inside.

The hall had several massive sets of double doors, and the priests instructed them to carry the coffin to a set of iron double doors, which had massive, angry dragons carved out of stone on either side. The priest said some more prayers, and the doors opened, revealing a massive sepulchre, with literally hundreds of pillars inside. With a few more prayers, the coffin floated to the top of one of the pillars.

“These halls are protected by Tarantor himself, now he shall watch their souls through the afterlife,” the Tarantor High Priest said softly. “Should you have any last words for the departed... please, say them at this time.”

The Dowager Empress spoke first. For the entire rest of the day, she had not shed a single tear, but now her reserves broke. Shaking, she spoke aloud of her love for him, and her wish that he hadn’t been taken so soon from her. Had he been a deity, or the poorest pauper in the universe, she still would’ve loved him. When she finished, she found that Siabrey was supporting her, helping her stand.

Tess went next. The bard had to clear her throat several times, before being able to speak... and even when she did, her voice shook a few times. “Alexander... I... I have to say, you were the first monarch that let me refer to them by a nickname,” she smiled, a tear going down her cheek. “You were a man among men... a true hero for all of us. Many times us bards need to find men worthy of song... now, I must find songs worthy of you. May you travel well in your next life, Captain of Men,” she said, her own voice breaking.

“Alex,” Shaun began, “I have to say... you... you were a character. You were the only decent noble I met, apart from Lucius. And that says something. You cared for others... and, above all, I’ll miss you... your wit, your intellect, your cursing out foolish nobles. Take care.”

“Alexander,” Siabrey smiled, “how can I begin? You did not want to be Emperor, yet you rose to the challenge, and were in my mind the best Emperor I have seen. There is much Luke and I can learn from you. You were commanding, yet caring. Strong, yet mindful of what your people needed. And above all... you helped us in our time of need. Please... rest in peace, Alex... and know that you carry with you our prayers and blessings.”

Luke, the only other one present, spoke briefly to his godfather, the man who was the uncle in absentia he never had. After only a few seconds, Luke’s voice broke, and he began to cry, shuddering on Siabrey’s shoulder. The fighter gently held him, and drew him along as the others all left the cliffside.

After the last one was out, the Tarantor priest spoke more prayers, and the cliff-face closed, once again a solid wall of rock. Even to Siabrey’s magical sight, it appeared as natural as before. A final chorus of prayers arose from the priests, their somber tenors rising in an beautiful chorus of calls to the soul that had long since departed, speeding it on its journey...


I hadn't expected the players to come up with tributes to Alexander... that they did on their own. In the actual game they were the ones to say the first tributes, and I had to scramble to put in Luke's and the Dowager Empress'. It switched those around purely for literary reasons. I guess it showed how much they liked Alexander's character :)

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