Into the Icy Darkness: The Great Demon War

By the seat of my pants. :)

At the time I only had the three core rulebooks, the Arms and Equipment Guide, and the DM's Toolbox, so I didn't have any set of rules on how to conduct one, so I used some info I know from medieval history and threw in some LotR for flavor.

I prepared ahead of time by writing down on blank sheets of paper each group of monsters and their stats, so I had as many of them as possible on the same sheet, and thus didn't have to flip... I also scribbled down what I wanted their tactics to be during the fight... the goblins were to be skittish, etc. It saved my behind many a time!

I used some dice to simulate most of the monsters (I also have a shortage of miniatures too), and tried to combine some of the weaker unit actions (such as the goblin arrow volleys) into a smaller number of rolls.

I ended up rolling a d20 attack roll for each set of four goblin archers, for example, and then used a percentile dice to figure out how many arrows hit the target (as volley fire isn't as accurate as aimed fire, 01-50 = 1 hit, 51- 75 = two hits, 76-95 = three hits, 96-100 = four hits). The system worked pretty well, at least for these purposes. Somewhere out there is likely a good ruleset for conducting these affairs, and I'll likely find it eventually. Other than this, the battle was conducted mostly according to standard D&D combat rules, with initiatives and everything. Once people got into a groove of rolling, things went rather smoothly, and my goal of getting the players to feel some panic was accomplished well... :)

The ice hobgoblins, etc. I applied the cold template from the Manual of the Planes which I borrowed from a friend of mine. The idea of using spiders, fireflies and the like as mounts came from teh Arms and Equipment Guide, and the idea for the specific ice spider in the siege was loosely based on a homebrewed monster I saw on the Wizards of the Coasts boards called the Tarantella (poison makes the victim dance until dead... I modified it til unconscious, and instead gave the creature 1d6 extra cold damage, making it an ice spider).

The next session won't be for a bit, so there's going to be a little lull. If everything goes well, there will be a minigame shortly (next week) tied in with this campaign that will get posted here as well... a roomate of mine wants to learn D&D so he'll have a little campaign that'll lead into him joining this one. :)

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First Post
Hmmmm, I think I may come back to this page (let's see, Page 1;)) if I get a chance to do something similar.


The small housecat that Siabrey found, that had previously been glowing blue, spoke, stating its name was Xanadu, and that he really was a half-elf wizard trapped in a cats body. The entire village was stunned, as the cat now walked up and down in front of the largest of the idols, recounting his tale.

HE had once been a powerful wizard, a guardian of these lands, when the “ice demon” the old man spoke of arrived and began gathering forces some time ago. Xanadu went to confront the monster, only to be felled, and cursed to have his intelligence trapped in the idol now recovered by the PCs, while his mind was trapped in the body of a cat. When pressed by Tess, he states he’s not sure if he can reverse the process… he would need to journey to his home further north, near Obash, to find out.

Naturally, there were questions as to how he ended up south, Xanadu promptly grumbled about “nice travelers saying, ‘ooo.. look at the kitty! Lets take him to Holstean!’” before stopping and remembering exactly what Siabrey had done for him.

Hearing that he’s met the ice demon before, Tess and the others (save Siabrey, who is still recovering from the poison) ask him about the ice demon’s origins. He replies, to the dismay of Lucius, that the ice demon is none other than Ananias himself.

Xanadu explained that Ananias, during his last days as king, had made war against the growing power of the nascent Empire. Priests of Tarantor in Holstean had given him access to darker powers, and in order to augment his forces, he’d sold his soul to a demon who would in return give him power over cold from the mountains above and the ability to call and command the darker creatures therein. This power was concentrated in a black iron staff, crowned with a large half diamond and a “fire stone.”

Ananias bound the demon somehow within the staff, a breach of their deal, and was thus burned into his present form; a gaunt, tall humanoid, snow white and winged, cursed to forever walk the earth looking for a way to finally rest. In the meantime, the creature would attempt to amass gemstones, hoping to find the proper gems to regain the staff.

The party immediately becomes frightened, and demands of Xanadu whether the black staff they gave to the Countess was the same staff the demon was bound to. Xanadu says that it sounds more and more like Ananias’ staff, but he can’t tell for sure. Tess and a slowly waking Siabrey ask Lucius if his mother’s s mages and the like could have detected the evil in the staff… a tearful Lucius replies that if his mother’s own magical ability could not detect it, none of the others likely could either. The boy starts to break down after this.

The broken Lucius receives a visitor later than night… an eagle, sky blue with crimson wingtips. Party members recognize it as a male blood eagle, native to the highest reaches of the mountain passes. It sits patiently at his feet, and the two watch each other into the night.

When the party awakes the next morning, there is a note from Lucius, that he “needed time to think about recent events, and my course in life,” and that he would be back by evening…

In the morning also, a contingent of riders arrives from Kulloden. It becomes apparent that the rider that the party saved rode to Kulloden instead of Holstean, and now 50 of the Baron of Kulloden's finest warriors ride into the city to bolster its defenses.
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And now, for something completely different!

While our main tale takes a brief hiatus, we shall examine the story of another individual, whose actions shall change events in Holstean as well…

Shaun Dice – Male human Bard/Rogue 3/2

Shaun Dice is a mysterious, handsome, well-spoken young man. His grin is bright, but so is his rapier’s edge. Intelligent with a taste for the show, Shaun can glib his way through situations easily, sneak his way through others, and meld in and out of most crowds with ease. His Hat of Disguise, Boots of Elven Kind and Cloak of elvenkind make him silent and potentially deadly, though Shaun prefers ruses and tricks to outright force it seems. The best way to describe him is something like the medieval James Bond…

[My roommate decided to play! :) And he rolled damn lucky for his abilities… 10 Strength, 18 Dex, 15 Con, 18 Intl, 15 Wis, and 18 Cha…]

A few days earlier, before the Battle of Mephys…

Dirty Dealings in Kulloden

Shaun Dice grinned, and checked his bearings again, as he looked around the city of Kulloden. It’d been a while since he had last been in genuine civilization as he saw it, and he intended to take in as much as possible. As it was still mid-morning, there was still plenty of time left for that.

After he found some work.

A few questions here and there got him the name of a good bar and in, the “Drunken Pony” (I was running out of ideas, sorry) owned by a dwarf and servicer of many of the miners of the surrounding hills. It supposedly had the best tankard in the city, so he went there, in hopes of finding some openings.

The bar was crowded, and Shaun went up to the barkeep, who looked a little surprised that a human was wandering in. After sitting at the rather low stool, Shaun quietly asked the keep how well he knew the city, and where, if any place, work for a human “with skills,” could be found. The keep motioned to a woman (the only other human in the bar) sitting in one of the corners, saying she was Ilia, and that according to rumor, she worked for a cousin of the Baron. She always had odd jobs that needed getting done. Shaun thanked the dwarf, and headed over to the table.

The woman sitting there had a tunic covering what looked to be a chain shirt, and her face, which would have otherwise been rather beautiful, was marred by a large scar that ran from above her right eye to below her right cheek. Her right eye was covered in a velvet eye patch.

A surprised Ilia quickly hid the items she had been perusing under the table, and rather testily asked the stranger what his business was. Shaun replied that he was told she had work available, and immediately began putting his golden tongue to work. After listening for a few moments, Ilia asked him to sit, and demanded to know what “abilities,” he had. Shaun began in glorious terms telling his qualities with people, his gifts with his tongue, etc. until she interrupted and asked if he was a thief.

Shaun stopped in mid sentence, a little stunned, before admitted he had pick-pocketed items in the past. Ilia immediately hired him.

She detailed that she had a minor job on the side that needed to be done, but she didn’t have time to see it through. Her employer (who she refused to name) had several items stolen from a trade caravan of his by a band of kobolds in the forest nearby. The man had evidently been breathing down her back to get the money back, but Ilia had, “bigger fish to fry.” In return for getting the stolen items, Ilia was ready to pay Shaun 250 gold, more if the mission was accomplished sooner, just to get the, ”joker off my back about this crap.”

Shaun then asked her where she got the eye patch after making some joking remarks to her. She dryly commented that the eye patch came from the last man that misjudged her; she won an eye patch, he won an early grave. A little troubled after that, Shaun weighed her offer.

After he agreed, Ilia sent him off, stating she would be here at the bar tomorrow and the next day for two hours, starting just after dusk. He was to bring all the stolen items to her, and if any were found to be expropriated by Shaun, she would kill him.

Shaun then walked back up to the bartender, and thanked him for his help. A plan was brewing in his head, and he asked for the largest container available filled with dwarven ale. The barkeep laughed, assuming that the man was being a fool, until Shaun asked again. The barkeep reached down and pulled out a large stein that even had a cover, about three times the size of a standard mug. He filled it with dwarven ale, and announced that if Shaun could drink the whole thing without getting drunk, it would be on the house.

Shaun quickly blurts out an excuse that he can only consume, “such fine spirits,” in privacy, and inquires about the rooms upstairs (bluff, which he easily beat the bartender). The bartender looks at him oddly, and agrees, asking him if he will pay on a nightly basis or if he wants to put up front now. Shaun pays the one gold for a night’s stay, and asks for the ale to be delivered to his room.

After arriving upstairs, he checked out his furnishings… a small room, but with a rather nice bed and dresser, and a small mirror in the corner… a true treat. He was busying himself with looking like setting things up, one of the human barmaids comes up with his stein, wishing him the best of luck with drinking it. He gives her a wink, grins, and closes the door.

Then his mischief begins. First, Shaun changes into his entertainer’s outfit (one of four he owns, the others being a traveling outfit, a noble’s outfit, and finally a royal outfit).

Second, he checks the window of his room, which overlooks a back alleyway. He tosses his pillow out the window, closes up the stein, and then tosses it onto the pillow. His toss is dead on, and the stein comes safely to rest on the earth. Shaun then attempts to climb out the window… and here his James Bond luck runs out. He falls, landing badly on his ankle, which is now sore (3 points damage). He gets his horse, and rides out the city, towards the forest in question.

Following the trail where the latest robbery took place, Shaun proceeds to sing outlandishly loudly, and plays his flute in, “the most obnoxious ways possible.” After about 20 minutes of this chaotic ruckus, he notices movement off to his left. A few seconds later, a crossbow bolt zings past his head while another glances off his arm. HE stops, as three kobolds come out of the woods, two armed with crossbows and the third with a half spear.

Shaun immediately puts on his full shtick, trying to tell him he is here to merely spread joy, all the while hoping for a gap to hand them the large stein of dwarven ale. The kobolds are rather dim witted, and don’t understand a word he is saying, and they continue to approach, crossbows trained on him. Running out of ideas, he finally holds out the stein to one of the kobolds, who greedily grabs it and runs with it over to the kobold with the half spear. The other kobold is barely five feet away, his crossbow still trained on Shaun, and he is still chittering angrily. Shaun tries to keep him occupied and quiet for a few minutes, while the ale does its work.

Shaun gingerly holds out a bag of gold coins for the would-be thief, who reaches to snatch them. Shaun tosses the bag over the kobolds head, and the enraged creature then fires his crossbow… amazingly missing Shaun from only six or seven feet away. Shaun’s rapier flashes through the air, and the kobold lands on the ground, blood gurgling from its severed throat.

His two comrades see his fall, and start to rush to his aid, dropping and shattering the stein. The kobold with the crossbow manages to start to run towards Shaun, but doesn’t reach him before Shaun has dropped his rapier and produced his composite longbow. An arrow flashes through the air, and hits the kobold in the chest. The husk of the dead creature bursts into flames as it hits the ground (yes, boys and girls, it’s a +1 flaming composite longbow :) ).

The other kobold tries to rise and stumbles, falling to the ground as the ale has already begun to take effect. Shaun takes his time, and places the next flaming arrow directly between this creatures eyes. A search of the bodies after the relevant flames have been doused reveal some 300 silver pieces.

Shaun then finds their trail, which leads to the northeast. After slinking along the trail for an hour, he comes across a large burrow in a low mound in the forest. Outside the mound sit two kobolds chattering quietly, while the noises of more come from inside. Shaun sets up his bow again, and one of the two kobolds drops dead in a flaming hulk in apparent mid sentence. His comrade, in shock, begins screeching in alarm, and three others run out from within the burrow. An arrow immediately finds the shrieker, and drops him as well.

Before they can organize themselves, Shaun pulls his next trick out of the bag… a few bardic incantations later, and two of the three remaining kobolds fall to the ground, sleeping as dead. Another arrow finds the third as Shaun’s voice continues its haunting song, and he walks to the two sleeping ones. A rapier stab ends one in his sleep, while Shaun’s blow glances off the seconds armor, and it begins to awake. A timely blow ensures that it never fully rouses.

Cautiously, Shaun waited outside the cave for several minutes, expecting more of the creatures to come out. He starts playing his flue obnoxiously again, hoping to lure more. After hearing and seeing nothing, he does spot something deep inside the burrow… the glint of gold perhaps? Remembering Ilias’ warning and knowing if he missed anything she would assume he’d pilfered it, Shaun ventured into the burrow boldly.

His boldness ended after an arrow trap wounded his shoulder.

Searching carefully, he managed to avoid a giant spear slicing into him, and finally noticed a discoloration in the ground in front of him as he walked. He felt around, and saw it was a trap door. As he attempted to find its arming device, he accidentally set it off, and fell some twenty feet down.

Fortunately, some rudimentary handholds existed, doubtlessly added by one of the more inept kobolds who probably fell in here. Shaun rather painfully climbs his way out, only to then barely dodge a jet of flame from some unseen device just a little deeper in the barrel.

His curiosity and pain are rewarded, though, as he finds over 1,000 silver pieces and 210 gold pieces in the main room of the burrow. Heading back out with little problem, a rather beat up Shaun returns to the city by dusk, and heads to the Drunken Pony.

A rather surprised Ilia was already there, and is quite impressed with the young man’s promptness. She sees that he has much possibility as a fighter, as she assumes he took on all ten kobolds at once.

She hands him 500 gold, doubling his payment due to the promptness of his actions. She confesses she’s losing money in the end, but the fact that her employer will be happy that these kobolds are no longer harassing his supplies will be worth it. She then offers him another proposition, this one a little more sinister… and personal.

A band of thieves, led by a red haired woman named Kamisystra, has been… annoying the powers that be for too long. The woman has a penchant for robbing the biggest targets she can find… including the Baron at one point. The local magistrates have basically issued a carte blanche for her “removal,” and the person that takes her down will get to keep whatever property he finds on the body.

Ilias intends to collect on this, but she is, at present, alone… while Kamisystra has a group of thugs in her gang that would undoubtedly be with her. So Ilias needs backup, and a fighting personality such as Shaun’s would help a lot in that regard. Ilia’s “prior engagement,” that day was attempting to locate Kamisystra’s base, and she plans to spend tomorrow casing it out. She offers Shaun half of Kamisystra’s loot in return for his assistance. He agrees, and she recommends he spend the day tonight and tomorrow getting prepared. Shaun then asks if she can send someone to show him the important places for a traveler to know in the city, so he can get acquainted. She agrees to send one of her… servants to check up on him late in the morning.

After Ilias leaves, Shaun heads over to the barmaid who brought up his ale earlier in the day, and begins to turn on the charm. Never wanting to lose a bet (and even less wanting the bartender to find out one of his big steins has been broken), he sweetly asks her to get him one of the dirty large steins from a nearby table of well-gone dwarves. She does, and takes it back to get it cleaned. She then comes back, and seeing his face at the clean mug (he wanted a dirty one as evidence of drinking), she winks and says she’ll tell the barkeep that she’d taken it from him and cleaned it for him. She also tells him not to worry about the broken stein… the particular band of dwarves she borrowed the stein from have been loud and rowdy, and already broken several.

His charming effects, however, went a little beyond what he intended, and the barmaid keeps staring dreamily into his eyes. A little perturbed, Shaun thanks her hurriedly, and begins to head upstairs before the barkeeps loud voice calls him back. True to her star struck word, the barmaid volunteers that she cleaned the mug and vouches that he drank it.

The barkeep looks surprised, and then bursts into laughter. He shouts that there needs to be a toast to the human that could hold down dwarven ale, and goes to fetch a set of mugs. Thoroughly concerned, Shaun shifts his position so he’s closer to the edge of the bar, and a set of dirty mugs he sees there. The barkeep comes back with full mugs for himself, Shaun, and the barmaid (whose told him her name is Elenya), and he loudly calls for Shaun to make the toast.

Shaun, ever quick thinking, begins a long and wordy toast to the barkeep, who happens to have the same name as an intelligent cousin, sparking a long soliloquy about the intelligence and industry of dwarves. As he speaks, he attracts everyone rapt attention to his face, and no one sees his sleight of hand as he switches his full mug for an empty one. The barkeep merely gruffs at the flowery words, and jokingly accuses Shaun of wanting a free drink. Bottoms go up, and while others chug fine dwarven ale into their bellies, a laughing Shaun only adds empty air to his. He then steals himself away from the affectations of Elenya and the shouts from the loud dwarven group for him to join them for sleep.

He awakes the next day to a knock… its Elenya, and she’s brought him breakfast. It turns out his “challenge” to dwarven-kind was accepted by the large, rowdy group, and their resultant drinking spree brought the house an extra 30-40 gold on the night. The barkeep sent the breakfast as thanks, though Elena’s rather red faced and giddy to be there. The meal consists of bacon and eggs, two foods that confuse Shaun, as he’s never had that kind of breakfast before (which confuses Elenya). Realizing that it’s still early in the morning and that he has plenty of time, Shaun spends some quality time to with Elenya before heading downstairs to find the messenger waiting.

The messenger, a small halfling about 40 years old, shows Shaun the important parts of the city, ranging from the Guild Street buildings, to the locations of the major temples, the money changers, several of the major marketplaces, and the brothel. Shaun does not know what a brothel is, and once its explained to him he angrily harangues the halfling in the street that he has, “no need of those services whatsoever!” His angry shouts cause a small crowd to form and watch, and the small halfling to cower. Shaun then apologizes to the poor creature, and tells him to go to the Drunken Pony and have a dwarven ale on him. The halfling scurries off, and Shaun wanders the city for the rest of the day until dusk, and his next meeting with Ilia.

HE arrives at the Drunken Pony, and Ilia is already waiting. She’s scouted out the place, and found that Kamisystra and her gang are using a house in the more rundown area of the city as their base of operations. She then looks at Shaun, and asks him if he has a plan.

Noticing the house in question was on a corner, Shaun’s mind quickly devised an idea. Shaun would don his royal robes, mount his horse, and be proceeded by the now quite besotted halfling, who would announce he was the “King of…”

There was a pause, until a general agreement was reached that the name of the place didn’t matter, so Shaun’s mythical kingdom become the “Kingdom of Um.” They would generally be loud and rude about it, as many drunken nobles are, and would hopefully attract Kamisystra’s attention (her house was along the way to one of the chief temples to Tarantor in the city), and the prospect of an easy hit on a noble in front of her house would prove too tempting for her to resist. Ilia would hide behind the corner of the house and wait.

Shaun would try and time his “less than sober” waves so that as Kamisystra emerged, his back would be turned, presenting her a tempting target. The drunken halfling would undoubtedly notice her, and likely run away screaming as she drew her blade… Ilia’s signal to step from the shadows, and with her large crossbow, end Kamisystra’s career once and for all.

Ilia found the plan brilliant, and commented that Shaun had some real guts presenting his back to an experienced thief. Shaun merely grinned, and added that if she didn’t get the fatal blow, he could always turn around and administer it himself. The slight bit of charm didn’t break the ice that was Ilia, who merely gave a small grin and shook her head.

An hour or so later, the drunken parade made its way towards the thieves den, the small halfling (whose name was Geoffrey) loudly announcing to all around that his majesty, “King Shaun of Um,” was, “rich and powerful,” and loudly cautioning all to, “make way for his royal pompishness, the man who breathes money up his nose!” Mothers quickly scuttled what few children were out inside to get away from the horror.

As expected, Kamisystra came out of her den, grinning and laughing at the poor fool she thought she was about to rob. However, neither Shaun nor Ilia had planned for her four thugs to be with her. As the halfling, true to their expectations, screamed and ran from the thugs, Ilia stepped out and took aim at the one nearest to Shaun.

Her crossbow bolt neatly found the back of his head, shattering it. And all hell broke loose.

The thug next to the victim sprung towards Ilia, a pick raised over his head, while his two comrades (armed with a club and dagger respectively) lunged with Kamisystra at the offending nobleman. All of their swings missed, though Shaun yanked out his rapier and slashed at Kamisystra, lightly wounding her.

As the thug armed with the pick charged Ilia, she dropped her crossbow, and pulled out her axe that had been hanging from her belt, delivering a fierce blow. Yet the thug remained standing, his own swing thrown off by her attack. Shaun, in desperation, began to call in song again. While Kamisystra resisted the influence of his singing, her two thugs attack Shaun failed, and fell fast asleep. Thinking she could take him on, Kamisystra slashed at him, and the two began a rapid duel.

Ilia in the meantime cut into her opponent’s chest, felling him, before charging towards Kamisystra herself. A ringing blow was delivered by Shaun to Kamisystra’s shoulder, and her arm began to hang limp. Desperate, Kamisystra attempted to jump onto Shaun’s horse to pull him to the ground, but she failed. Nonetheless, she dodged the following blows long enough to shake one of her thugs, who began to stir.

Shaun then stabbed Kamisystra through the shoulder, just before Ilia cut off her arm, and whipped her body around to bring her axe onto the thief’s neck if full force, sending her head flying. The awake thug, meanwhile, was waking his buddy as Shaun turned on them. Calling for aid, Shaun only saw Ilia stooping to begin rifling through Kamisystra’s pockets.

He called for her again, as a club barely missed him as the two thugs concentrated their attacks on him. HE managed to stab one through the chest before cursing at Ilia aloud. The other woman merely grinned as she held up ever increasing baubles from the body of her fallen foe.

Shaun then finished the last thug with a thrust through the neck, before dismounting and growling at his erstwhile partner. The two also search the house in question, and find a treasure trove hidden within. In addition to 100 platinum pieces, they also find a small carnite gem worth 40 gp, a piece of alexandrite worth 500 gp, and a large, perfect emerald worth 1,100 gp. They also found a small silver and moonstone comb worth 500 gp, an opal and gold necklace worth 1,300 gp, a gold circlet crown with sapphires worth 5,000 gp, and a platinum tiara worth an estimated 6,000 gp.

Shaun was giddy with excitement as Ilia continued to hand him items over his shoulder to appraise. He attempted to lie to her about their worth, but she promptly called him on it, commenting that she thought maybe it was just because he was a poor appraiser.

She finally handed him the emerald, commenting on its beauty and lines. As Shaun looked into it to see what she was talking about, he suddenly felt a great blow fall on the back of his head, along with a burning feeling there. He fell to the ground, and within a second, could not move.

Ilia’s face popped into his view, with a big grin. She told him not to worry, the special poison she’d used to paralyze him would wear off after a while… long enough that she’d be long gone. She’d had her use with him, and commented that she would appropriate his share of the earnings to herself. She then laughed, promised to see him in Hades, and walked off.

It was nearly two hours later before Shaun could move, and it was the dead of night. The scene of the dead thugs had kept other looters away… Kamisystra had been well known, and all knew whoever knocked her off was powerful. Once he rose, he saw the halfling sitting alone in the corner, holding his head. Filled with anger and vengeance, Shaun offered the halfling 300 gold if he would set up Ilia so that Shaun could get even.

The halfling commented that Ilia had no use for him anymore either, and had left him here in a drunken mess, laughing about his stupidity. She evidently didn’t know he was still conscious enough he could hear her whistle about leaving from the East Gate and going to Mephys, a town about a day and half’s ride east. Shaun once again brings out his persuasive abilities, and convinces Geoffrey that he should go with, and attempt to hook him up with any of her former servants in an attempt to get vengeance on her en masse.

Shaun promises to meet Geoffrey the next day, and stumbles back to the Drunken Pony. Elenya evidently wasn’t on duty this night, but nonetheless the other barmaids show him great interest, especially as his eyes aren’t fully back to normal from the poison (still slightly unfocused). They grab some local herbs and “medicines” and feed them to him… as they aren't healers most of these "patent medicines," most only taste bitter or foul and do little, though one leaf of a treatment given by one of the barmaids does seem to have some effect (3 HP healed). Very tired and still quite grumpy at being duped, Shaun heads up to bed to ride out on the morrow, looking for his rightful earnings.

The next day rises, and even as 50 of the Baron’s riders leave towards Mephys on a different mission, Shaun and Geoffrey head east on one of their own…
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EDIT: Fixed some grammer foibles and added a section I missed (the player was rather paranoid, can kept playing his flute outside the kobold burrow as he thought there were more inside).

Next section should be up sometime between tommorrow night and the weekend.

A Greater Cause

When we last left our fearless hero (who happens to be slightly clutzy, it appears), Shaun had stumbled up to bed after a night of battle and being double crossed.

When he awoke the next morning, he found something unusual sitting on the dresser in his bedroom; a small breakfast of bacon and eggs, two of the large steins of dwarven ale, three vials of liquid, several copper coins… and a note:

“My Dearest Shaun,

The other barmaids told me what happened last night. I’m so sorry! I know you are probably leaving soon to fall that dog of a woman (oh, how could she hurt you like that?), and I wish I could go too, but I cannot. I will worry so much about you!
I still can help though! People tend to tell many secrets while drunk… any information myself or any of my co-workers discover that might help you, we will be happy to send you word of! You must let us know where to send word, though, and please, PLEASE write me, so I know you’re safe! Otherwise, I will worry so much... so many adventurers never return!
I’ve left on yoru dresser what I could find that might help you. The three potions are healing potions I stole from my father’s store (don’t let him know!). I also set some extra trail rations, the 5 copper coins I managed to find, and two big steins of my uncle’s dwarven ale (so you can build up some tolerance!).
PLEASE please write to me once you reach Mephys, so I know you’re safe! And once this is over, I would love for you to come back to Kulloden for a nice, long… rest!

Yours always and forever, Elenya”

Shaun was deeply moved by the letter, and after dressing, went downstairs to talk to the barkeep. As the man had recommended that Ilia was offering work, he wanted to know if the barkeep knew anything about her tendencies for betrayal.

The barkeep was busy cleaning tables when Shaun found him. He stated that Ilia hadn’t been in town long before… maybe only three weeks total. When asked if who she worked for, the barkeep said that he didn’t know for sure, but rumor had it she did some jobs for various people “on the side” of whatever her major work in the city was… “side jobs” for such organizations as the Thieves and Mages’ Guilds, and also the cousin of the Baron.

He also mentioned that when she first showed up, she was with a “man dressed in black from head to toe… kinda unusual, to see humans here in the first place, and to see one dressed in all black.” The barkeep couldn’t remember his face that well, and apologized for not having a better description. He also stated he would never advise anyone to work for Ilia again, should she return.

Shaun, changing the subject to something happier, comments on what he finds and tells the barkeep he has a very kindhearted daughter. The barkeep laughs, and says that Elenya is his niece by marriage, not his daughter, though he agrees she is a very upstanding and kind girl. Shaun doesn’t mention what other things he finds attractive on her, as he’d prefer to keep the barkeep on his good side.

He had been scheduled to meet Geoffrey in the bar around late morning (11ish, by the town bell), and he saw that he still had an hour left to kill. He decides to make a quick trip to the Thieves’ Guild… if he can find it.

After many discreet questions, he is able to determine not only the location of the Thieves’ Guild (a small, unremarkable house in one of the poorer quarters of the city), but also the secret knock to get in as well. HE heads there, does the proper knock, and is quickly ushered in by a small halfling who asks him his name and how he can be helped. Shaun gives his name, and of course the halfling cannot find him among the “official” thieves in Kulloden (Shaun had never ‘registered’ or any such activity with any Thieves’ Guild before.

Shaun volunteers to ‘register’ and pay his dues (20 gp upfront), and then immediately asks if the halfling has ever heard of Ilia. The halfling smiles and simply replies that she, “did some work for them in the past,” but he wouldn’t say what or when… it was policy to not divulge certain information even to other thieves, to reduce the Guild’s chances of being put under pressure by the authorities.

Shaun then brings up the fact that she backstabbed him out of over 13,000 gp worth of items, none of which ever saw the Thieving Guild’s hands for its cut. This immediately raised the halfing’s eyebrows… the money strapped Guild had been swindled out of over 2,500 gold pieces in cash and items. He immediately called over a rider, and sent a message to the Guild in Mephys (should told them her likely destination) that Ilia was past payment in her “tithes.” Should she be found pickpocketing there and not have the cash ready, “retributive action,” was to be taken.

The halfling then smiled, and stopped the messenger. He then asked Shaun if he wanted first dibs on “removing” Ilia should the Guild find where she was. Shaun readily agreed, and the two made the bargain. Satisfied, Shaun took his leave and returned to the Drunken Pony.

He found Geoffrey there, and the halfling had remembered the name of another one of her former employees, a certain Andre in the hamlet of Ephisia, halfway between Kulloden and Mephys. He also says that according to Elenya, whose in the backroom, something fishy was going on out east, “something about ice monsters and the like.” Geoffrey tells Shaun to go back and ask her if he wants more specific details, as the halfling is going to order some wine.

Shaun heads into the kitchen, where he finds Elenya washing a few dishes. Upon seeing him, she almost drops the dish in her hands, runs over, and gives him a warm hug. Almost crying, she asks him not to go, saying that, “Something bad is happening there! A captain of the Baron’s guard was here this morning, and he said that the Baron was sending 50 cavalry to Mephys because of trouble! He said there were ice demons, ice goblins and the like about, burning the villages!” Shaun holds her close, and tells her he must go. She replied that adventuring was in his blood, and somehow she knew he would say something like that.

Hoping to cheer her up a little before he leaves, he reaches over to an almost ready plate of bacon, pulls out a piece, and hands it to her, telling her to keep the confusing meat and remember him by it. That provokes a sad grin from her, she laughs rather distantly, and pulls off the scarf (more of a rag) she was wearing on her head, handing it to him, saying, “you do the same, you silly man.” The two share a hug and a kiss before Shaun reluctantly says goodbye.

After leaving the kitchen, Shaun finds his erstwhile halfling companion is rather tipsy. HE angrily drags Geoffrey outside, threatening to take his now half empty wine bottle from him. The halfling replies that he’ll remember more tipsy, and spits out that Andre’s wife also worked for Ilia at one point, and that the two are still in Ephisia he thinks. HE remembers other workers vaguely, but he needs more wine to refill his memory. Shaun takes the wine from him.

Before leaving, Shaun also decides to visit the Mage’s Guild, hoping to find information there. Instead, he finds a pompous doormaster who literally looks down on him and says he does not know Ilia’s name. Disgruntled, Shaun goes outside only to find Geoffrey has drunk another quarter of the bottle. Shaun takes it away again, and the two set out eastwards.

The tipsy Geoffrey hums horribly out of tune part of the way, which prompts the musically inclined Shaun to anger. Growing fed up, he finally tells Geoffrey that if he sings and dances, the rest of the bottle will be before him. Geoffrey eagerly climbs off his small pony (imagine a halfling sized horse), and begins a loud, off key song and dance routine, which scares other travelers. Shaun then throws the wine bottle to the ground at Geoffrey’s feet, telling the now crying halfling, “the wine is now before you. I hold up to my promises. If I want to hear musical talent, I’ll listen to myself!”

As they approach late afternoon, the two see a pall of smoke up ahead. Alarmed, they advance slowly, until Geoffrey, to his horror, recognizes the skeletal forms of burnt out houses.

A heavy pall of death hands in the air as the two travelers ride through the remains of the hamet of Ephisia. Horrors abound everywhere… burnt bones, skulls, children’s toys lay strewn about. At one point the two see a sharp timber that has a ribcage surrounding it with a skull on top, as if someone had been impaled and their flesh burned away. The stench was overpowering. Both Shaun and Geoffrey barely overcame the urge to begin retching.

And then Shaun hears the cries.

It sounded like children, calling or crying. The two follow the noise, until they reach a house near the edge of the town, whose timbers have not completely collapsed. A large table remains inside the doorway, its frame somehow unburnt. Beneath it are the huddled forms of a young boy and girl. The boy cries out, “Are you the ones sent by mummy to take us to her?” The girl, younger than the boy by several years, begins to cry and waddles out to meet Shaun and Geoffrey, her arms outstretched.

Shaun picks her up, confused, his mind still reeling from the horror around him. He looks at the boy, and without thinking, says yes. The boy smiles, and begins to talk.

“Mummy and Papa said we should hide while they went to get help. The others wouldn’t go. Mummy said we should meet her in Mephys… Mephys is east of here. I know my directions!”

Shaun nodded, rocking the little girl till her tired frame fell asleep on his shoulder. HE asked the boy (obvious closer to 7 or 8) who did this to the town.

“The monsters did.”

“What monsters?”

“The monsters… but they’re not normal monsters.”

Shaun’s mind immediately flashed to Elenya’s warnings.

“Were these monsters white… or blue?”

“Blue like,” the boy said, “and they were cold. We hid, like mummy told us to, and they didn’t find us after we ran inside. They burned things. It smelled.” Shaun nodded, and then stooped down to the boy’s level.

“Listen… whats your name?”


“Ok, Jospre, I’m going to take you to safety.”

“Safety… is that a town near Mephys?” he asked. Shaun smiled sadly, and nodded yes, wondering what in the world he’d gotten himself into as he tried to keep the kids’ eyes away from the carnage in the town behind them.

The group made camp further up the road, with Geoffrey volunteering to take first watch. Nothing much happened, and the halfling stirred Shaun during the deep of the night for his turn. Shaun watched the halfling curl up, as he argued in his mind what to do. Finally, he walked over, and gently shook Geoffrey awake.

“What?” the halfling groaned, rolling over to see Shaun’s rather frightened face looking at him.

I… I don’t really know how to say this,” Shaun said slowly, trying to discover what words to say. Geoffrey’s tired eyes merely narrowed.

“I… well… I’m afraid of being alone in the dark, “ Shaun winced. It’d been quite a while since he’d had to take a watch by himself… he’d always tended to join caravans or other travelers when going between cities.

Geoffrey gave a wry grin. “So the great musician has a weak spot after all. Tell you what. You sit beside me, and if you get scared, you can wake me. But I need my sleep… I had watch before you, so I’ll rest while you sit.”

Shaun reluctantly nodded, before starting to talk again. It was a way to drive back the fear. “It goes back to my youth… when I had the rare chance to attend a grammar school for those far above my station… our tutor used to lock me in a dark room when I misbehaved, and leave me there…”

Geoffrey’s snores interrupt Shaun’s thoughts, and he settles in for a long, frightening night, punctured by the appearance of a badger near the edge of the forest halfway through the watch. Somehow he managed, and the next morning, the group set out again, with high hopes to be within Mephys on the morrow. Geoffrey was rather rested, while Shaun was relieved that his ordeal was over.

Around midday, Shaun heard strange noises coming from up ahead along the road. He dismounted, and strode a little further. It became apparent the noises were coming from the other side of a small rise in the road which Shaun couldn’t see over. HE could make out grunts and shouts, with at least one voice shouting in Common, “Back! Away foul beasts!”

HE motioned for Geoffrey, and the two listened as noises of battle began to waft over the ridge. Geoffrey takes the children into the woods, drawing his dagger and promising Shaun to defend them. Shaun cuts into the woods and sneaks ahead, coming quickly and quietly over the ridge.

He spots four large, ugly creatures, green with a slight bluish tint, swinging enormous axes at one man with shoulder length, red hair, and a fine cape under which peaked greenish half-plate. The man was raising his hands, making strange motions and speaking words Shaun didn’t understand. A fifth monster stood behind the other four, and was doing the same. Even as Shaun watched, one of the monsters hit the man, and he staggered backward. The man calls forth something, forming a white mass in his hand which he launches at the nearest creature, searing a massive burn in its chest. It remains standing, but runs to the rear.

Shaun reacted instantly, pulling out his bow, and aiming for the monster in the back. His shot was slightly off, striking the creature in the lower stomach, but it burst into flames, and to his surprise, began melting, dying a screaming, bloody death. The man, his opponents momentarily distracted, speaks more words and his face contorts into something vile, and horrible. The two creatures that were attacking him begin to run.

The fourth, far and away, spots Shaun in the woods, and reacting quickly, draws a javelin and throws it at the human. The javelin impacts hard on his arm, and he is momentarily stunned. The two others, meanwhile, begin to turn around, their fear overcome. One runs towards Shaun, who lifts his voice in song, putting it to sleep as it gets close to him.

The spellcaster to Shaun’s turns momentarily, and to Shaun’s shock, it is not the face of a veteran fighter, but a kid, maybe 16 or 17 at most. The young man grins, compliments Shaun’s shooting, before drawing his sword (one of the larger one’s Shaun has ever seen) and chasing after the monster to his right.

The left monster sees Shaun, and throws a javelin at him, missing terribly. Shaun replies with an arrow, which immolates the creature. HE readies another arrow to help the boy, only to see that the boy and the monster are in a desperate fight, and he has no clear shot. Instead, he runs into the melee with his rapier drawn, landing several blows before the boy’s sword sends the monster’s head flying. Drawing his bow again, Shaun shoots the still sleeping monster, who burns to death. (the monsters were ice orcs)

After the melee, Shaun first gives the boy some of his healing potions. After the young man recovers, he immediately asks the boy what his name is. The reply is weak and nervous… “Luke.” Shaun sees through the ruse immediately, and asks the boy to please tell him his “real name.” The boy sighs, and comments that since Shaun saved his life, he deserves the truth… though, once he sees Geoffrey and the children approaching, he asks that no one else be told.

“My name is Lucius Caladron II.”

The name immediately rings a bell with Shaun. The Caladrons are well known among the nobility as being among the strongest of the noble houses. According to public rumor, even the Emperor himself lended them an ear. Shaun also knew that the Countess Caladron that ruled further south, in Holstean, had a teenage son. His mind put things together in an instant, and he immediately asked Lucius what he was doing so far north, with no retainers, guards or servants. Lucius replies that he is on his way to Mephys, and if Shaun et al would accompany him, he would explain… under his assumed name, of course.

Upon seeing the children, Lucius asked where they came from, and Shaun described the destruction in Ephisia. Lucius let out a curse before remember little ones were present, and commented that he, “didn’t know how they got that far.” It turns out that the rumors Elenya heard were true, and truly terrible things were about. Lucius went on to explain his group’s quest, the battle with the ice monsters, and the fact that there were far more than ice goblins about. Shaun, Geoffrey, and the children repeatedly interrupted with questions, and the tale took several hours to complete.

He finally said he was out here, alone and away from his party, because he needed time to think, the weigh things. He was surprised at the power of the magic in his veins, but he was also scared his magic was tainted like his ancestor’s magic was. He was afraid for his mother, afraid for his friends, and for himself… and he needed time to sort things out. His familiar also flew back at this time (his eagle had been trying to find him help when he was attacked), and Lucius explained to Shaun that the eagle was his friend and companion.

Lucius then asks why Shaun and the children are on the road to Mephys. The children tell their story of hiding, with Renna, the girl, proudly showing a large burn on her arm where “the cold monster grabbed me, but I got away.” Shaun replies that the children are going for safety, while Shaun was looking for a certain person to “discuss business with.” Lucius pressed, asking what manner of business, to which Shaun replied that a certain “Ilia” had backstabbed him, nearly paralyzed him, and stolen over eight thousand in gold that was rightfully his. Lucius’ eyebrows rise, and upon hearing Shaun’s description, he confirms that she rode into Mephys that morning, “as I was leaving.” Greatly intrigued, Shaun now doubly wants to get to Mephys.

The party made camp for the night, with Lucius taking second watch and Shaun taking third. As Lucius woke up Shaun for his watch of the night, the same feeling of dread came over Shaun, and he once again confessed his hidden fear. Lucius smiled, and said that he’d stay up on the condition that Shaun took his horse’s bridle on the morrow while Lucius napped in the saddle. Shaun readily agreed, and the two quickly struck up conversation.

Topics ranged widely, till Shaun began reminiscing about Kulloden, and more specifically, about a certain girl living there. Shaun used several phrases Lucius did not understand (Common Slang… such as “stacked”), which Shaun then explained to him. Always eager to learn, Lucius made plans to start incorporating them in his vocabulary around the party.

Lucius grinned, and commented that he had a particular lady in his heart, but sadly nothing would come of it. Shaun asked why, and Lucius explained it was mostly due to politics; his family was powerful, and there was a competition among the Emperor’s grandchildren over who would be his successor. The youngest princess, Zoe, was intensely interested in a political marriage with the Caladron family to strengthen her claim… and Lucius was the only male heir left in the family. His mother was pushing the marriage as it gave her son a chance to sit on the Imperial Throne, while such a marriage would bolster Zoe’s support here in the Inerman Valley.

Lucius had seen pictures of Zoe… she was more than beautiful, but he did not like the idea of marrying someone he had yet to meet or even write to. His heart was set on another, and he knew sadly there was little he could do about it. Shaun gave him advice, basically saying that he should follow his heart, not his parent’s or political dictates, as “one can never truly be King until one is King of oneself.” Lucius grinned and nodded, saying that, “such obvious logic is sadly lacking in many nobles.”

About this time both heard a snapping of a twig near the campfire, and began searching. Lucius reached for sword, but Shaun motioned for him to put it down as he made out a shape… a female, hiding partially behind a tree. A very quiet voice barely reached them asking who was making a fire in her forest.

Shaun replied that the firewood had already been there (it had been lying around, he’d gathered it and then shown off his flaming longbow by igniting the blaze with a shot from 250 paces), and that the fire was being well tended. A slim, well proportioned female, her skin a mottle of light and dark brown, stepped out and began looking at the fire. She was fussing, commenting that her work of watching the forest was hard now that “ice devils,” were wandering about, “destroying her small creatures,” and “grotesquely mutiliating others.” It was hard enough to keep humans from cutting down too much of the forest or accidentally burning it all up.

Shaun once again showed her the fire, and that it was well tended, commenting they had no intention of making her job harder. She was about to ask them other probing questions when she noticed the two children sleeping off to the side. She saw immediately they had soot on their faces, and put together that they must have come from some of the burnt villages whose soot was harming some of her trees. It was very apparent that her heart almost broke.

She then promised to keep an eye on them in the woods, “for the little one’s sake,” and try to give them warning if they were about the run into anything. Out of the corner of his eye, Shaun saw Lucius was not really looking at her, more staring. The creature gave a sigh, and turned and walked into a tree, the dryad vanishing into the night. Shaun sat back down, and explained that that is what “stacked” was.

The next morning, and sleepy Lucius was led by Shaun to within site of the fortified village of Mephys. When the party was still an hour or so away from the ever closing village, Shaun heard more twigs snap to his right. He couldn’t see anything, though Lucius said he heard a very unusual owl hooting (yup, the dryad). All eyes trained to the right, where the group saw movement, and heard a faint moaning noise.

Shaun then decided to try and old trick, and used ghost sound to try and copy the moaning, placing it twenty feet away and inside the woods. The movement in the woods immediately stopped, and now Shaun saw two figures, one looking towards where his ghost sound originated, the other staring directly at him.

Shaun shuttled the kids to the rear, pulled out his bow, and let fire at the creature staring at him, missing. Both of the creatures then lunged out of the woods, and into the light. As they burst out, Shaun heard Lucius shout, “Ice Ghouls? What in Vermillion Hells?”

The creatures were clad in scale armor, as a warrior would wear when alive. Their frames were bent, their arms long and ending in bloody claws, their skin purplish blue. Their mouths were filled with sharp fangs, and dried blood coated around their lips. The screeched, and launched, one at Lucius, one at Shaun. The screams of the crying children echoed through the woods.

The creature attacking Lucius bit him, hard in the shoulder, and within a few seconds, Lucius’ muscles when rigid, beyond his control. His bastard sword fell from his hand, a look of confused terror struck on his face.

Shaun’s assailant slashed him with a claw, and Shaun felt something coursing in his veins, though he was able to resist it. He struck back with his rapier, hitting the creature in the shoulder and causing little harm.

Lucius’ assailant continued to rip upon his now helpless target, clawing and rending over Lucius’ muffled screams. Geoffrey valiant charged forward with his dagger, and slashed the creature hitting Shaun.

Seeing Lucius being mauled, and desperate to do something, Shaun decides to take a risk, and begins his high lilting song of sleep, despite the fact his friends are near him. Lucius, despite his paralysis, resists the magic, as does his assailant, while Shaun’s attack and Geoffrey both fall into a deep slumber.

Lucius’ assailant rips the young noble again, slashing open his shoulder and his belly. Shaun hits the creature hard in the upper chest, but this only attracts its ire. It slashes at Shaun and connects, and this time, a lesser poison successfully courses through his veins (2 Con damage). Shaun stumbles a bit, and the creature slashes Lucius again, before Shaun launches a vicious attack that rips open the creatures stomach. It stumbles backward nearly five feet, just enough for Shaun to grab his longbow, and place an arrow inside its howling lips.

As the burning pyre of the first creature reaches its peak, the young Jospre has snuck over to Geoffrey, and has shaken him awake. Shaun meanwhile attempts to finish off the prone ice ghoul, only to have his blow glance off the creatures armor and the creature begin to awake. Shaun calmly steps back, draws his bow, and as the creature begins to shake the cobwebs of sleep from its head, his arrow finds it heart and burns it to a crisp.

Shaun is now panicking over Lucius, whose frame is still frozen in paralysis as pieces of rent flesh hang from it. Geoffrey is immediately over by the children’s side, calming them. Desperate, Shaun finds his steins of dwarven ale, soaks Elenya’s scarf in then, and trys to feed the boy the liquor, hoping its strong effects might somehow counteract the poison.

Its six minutes after Lucius was hit when the paralysis wears off, and his tired and broken body collapses to the ground. Lucius groans, and then asks if he can try more of whatever drink it was that Shaun put into his mouth. Shaun shakes his head, and helps up the bloody boy, who stumbles to his horse. HE tries to get on, but nearly falls over, promptly Shaun to help heave him onto the animal. Lucius rests his body on the horse’s neck, gives a right grin, and apologizes that Shaun will, “have to lead my horse by the bridle a little longer.” Shaun, still worried, tells him not to worry, and the party heads with haste towards the walls of Mephys, as Lucius comments the situation has gotten much worse, and the rest of his party desperately needs to know…

[The next adventure will rejoin the main party, starting with their actions the morning Lucius first left to go evaluate his life… ]
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First Post
You just gave me a great idea for one of my NPC's background info. I'm going to take your upper class school thing and, after changing some things liberally, apply it to him. Explains a whole lot I haden't been able to settle on.



First Post
Emperor Valerian said:
Next update will be posted tommorrow night or the night after... the condensed, outline version right now is 10 pages long! :)
Holy obstreperous demon monkey!

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