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Introduced new player to 4e. Have you? Let's hear about it.

Wisdom Penalty

First Post
What is up, my brothers?

The Dealer
Let's get this out in the open: For me, 4e hearkens to 1e, and 1e was - is - my favorite edition of the game. I am happy to say I enjoy the new game and I don't feel I'm "betraying" anyone who still likes 3e. I played 3e since it came out, enjoyed the hell out of it, and am now ready to move on.

The Victim
Now, let's talk about..."Bill". Bill has been gaming as long as I have - 1978 or 1979. Bill has, however, had more of a connection with the real world than myself, and therefore has taken breaks (consisting of 3-6 years) from time to time. Nonetheless, he's a gamer. Always has been since we were in the basement back when Soul Train was still on television.

Bill quit 1e in the mid-80s for real life distractions.

He came back to play 2e. He quit again about 2 years later.

He came back to play 3e. He quit again about 1 year later.

He came back to play 4e. Who knows how long it will last?


We were going to use a pre-gen from KotS for our first session (with Bill running one PC and me running a bunch of (N)PCs in his party). Bill didn't want to muck with our gaming group unless he found he liked the game, so a solo adventure with some helpful NPC party members was the best I could do. Not the besy way to showcase an edition that has as one of its finest features a team-oriented, dynamic approach to combat. I digress.

Let's look in on the conversation:


Bill: (flipping through print-outs of the KotS pre-gens) "Who the hell names their dwarf Kathra?"

Me: "Um. Bill, that's not important. She's just-"

Bill: "Wha?" (squints) "That's a she?"

Me: "Yes, Bill. Anyway, you can make her a him if you want."

Bill: "Whatever. I like the old art."

Me: "I know. Me too. Can you just pick one? What do you want to be - fighter, magic user, thief, etc?" (I find I still use 1e terms with Bill; it's easiest.)

Bill: "I don't know. I guess a fighter. Probably the easiest."

Me: "Uh, not really. They're all similarly easy - or similarly difficult."

Bill: (looks at me as if I have sprouted horns)

Me: "A fighter has powers now - called exploits. He can do some cool stuff in combat, other than just swing his sword."

Bill: "I remember - bull rush, trip, disarm. Right?"

Me: "No, not really. They are almost like spells, but instead they are combat maneuvers."

Bill: (nearly reaches out to touch my head to ensure horns aren't merely invisible) "A fighter casts spells? My lord. This is WoW."

Me: (faints)

Bill: "...wake up, wake up."

Me: (rubs eyes) "Don't ever say that again, please. It causes a physical reaction. Now, then, have you chosen you character?"

Bill: "I'll be...Kathro. Male dwarf. Fighter and, er, spellcaster."

Me: "Fine, fine. I'll be a cleric and a wizard so you have a leader-"

Bill: "I'll be the leader. I'm the only one playing. You're just running NPCs."

Me: "Leader is a role, now. Each character fills a role. A cleric fills the leader role, along with a warlord."

Bill: "So it's like a second class? Like dual classing?"

Me: (thinks 'No' but says: ) "Yes."

Bill: "Ok. I'll be the cleric then. You take the dwarf and the magic user."


(After twenty minutes, wherein the party is TPKed by the kobolds outside Winterhaven.)

Bill: (sits back) "Wow. Um...that was kinda arbitrary."

Me: (nervous) "Well, to be fair, you have two fewer PCs than you should have, and I only took one creature out. That made it hard, especially since you're new to 4e."

Bill: "...and I do mean arbitrary. Like that section in Tsojcanth that, if you enter the area through the caves, the module says you can never return or whatever. Remember that?"

Me: "Um. Yes, I do. 4E is harder, I think. But it may just be because we're both new-"

Bill: "Or that demon's mouth in Tomb of Horrors. If you went in there, you're dead. That was awesome when-"

Me: "Bill, dammit. This isn't the 80s. Do you like the new edition or not?"

Bill: (frowns) "I like parts of it. Too early to tell, I think. I like that we all got killed by a bunch of kobolds, to be honest with you."

Me: (nodding) "Sure, sure - I can do that again and again if you like."

Bill: (smiling) "That was fun. I liked the powers. I didn't like you don't provoke AOs from standing. Not sure I like monsters being able to shift around so much."

Me: "Yeah, well, those are kobolds. They can do that. Each monster has a different 'schtick'. That's theirs."

Bill: "Alright. What now? How 'bout I try out that warlock class. He's a...striker, right? Always liked doing damage."

Me: (grins) "Sure thing, man. We need to get you with the rest of the guys. Lots of fun in those combats with the whole group."

Bill: "How many players are there?"

Me: "Six."

Bill: (ughs) "Man, that will take too long. My turn comes up once an hour."

Me: "No, seriously, there's some stuff I don't like about this new edition but the speed of combat turns is undeniable. Your turn will come up a lot more quickly that what you were used to. Plus, we were mid-level when you stopped 3e; higher level play takes longer, and probably will take long in 4e too."

Bill: "Fine. Feels sorta good to roll a 20-sider again. I've tried all the other editions, why not this one?"


And thus ends our story. Bill is, shall we say, guardedly optimistic on 4e. That may be too strong. Perhaps a better way to say it is that he's willing to give it a try.

As for me, I'm happy that we have a new edition if, for no other reason, it lets me get back some of the guys I used to play with years and years ago.

Bill was first. Next is...Tom.


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Penguin Herder
Nicely done!

We got a new player in our group, but he's a veteran of other editions, and never played 1e.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
The one nice thing about the board gamey feel to 4th DnD is that new players pick it up very fast. I've had three new people play and all of them picked it up quite fast. Old veterans looked at the system like it was like walking. Truly a great new system.


First Post
I'll be introducing 4e to my 3e group (consisting of my wife -- only played 3e --, a childhood friend -- we've been gaming together since 2e -- and his wife -- played 3e, Shadowrun and some Harn). I've also invited a newer friend who has played lots of 3e (and 2e before that), but only twice with me and my wife.

I'll also try to introduce this newer friend's girlfriend -- who never gamed, never seen a game and isn't entire warm towards fantasy -- and see how 4e fares against that. I'll claim it's a "project".


First Post
Playing in Central London means I've ended up with three people from Australasia in my group (can't remember off the top of my head if two or them are Ozzies or Kiwis...)

Out of seven players, I'm gamed with 4 before, 1 is a friend-of-a-friend and two are entirely new to me. It's everyone's first experience of 4e in play, and I just hope I can make it work for them.

I may also be getting my much old brother back into D&D via D&DI, but that's going to take a while as his life is kind of complicated right now.


Hmmm, I have a buddy how has been out of it since 2.0, maybe he played 3.0.

Maybe I should run something for him...

We need some good solo stuff I think. Maybe the dwarf fighter with a bunch of healing potions...

The encounters would have to be very custom though. A good ould dungron crawl with a plot twist. <scratchs head>


First Post
Wisdom Penalty said:
Me: "No, not really. They are almost like spells, but instead they are combat maneuvers."

Bill: (nearly reaches out to touch my head to ensure horns aren't merely invisible) "A fighter casts spells? My lord. This is WoW."

It was a mistake to liken powers to spells, that just triggers the misconception your friend jumped to. Instead, try explaining that all class powers use a unified mechanic*, making any class easy to use, while still maintaining its own niche and flavor.

Gone are the days when playing a wizard was a nerd pride badge. IMHO that's a good thing**.

* Other games have done this too. See GURPS Powers.

** In my experience, new players have been turned off by spellcasters because they appear more difficult to play than other classes. Probably due to the spell system being an additional set of rules to learn.


Into the West
I'll be starting KotS next Friday with my girlfriend (who has played 3E before but not for a couple years), and another couple (neither of which have played D&D and the wife has never played an RPG). Looking forward to it!

Voidrunner's Codex

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